Bu Jingyun clasped his fists in both hands, and said coolly: "Those ignorant people only dare to gossip behind their backs. If anyone dares to slander Master face to face, this disciple will crush his head on the spot!"

Hearing the loyal words of the three in 2.2, Su Chen was secretly satisfied in his heart, but on the surface he feigned anger and said: "What? What should I do, do you still need the consent of the three of you?"

"Disciple dare not!"

When Bu Jingyun and the others heard the words, they quickly knelt down together and spoke respectfully.

Su Chen waved his hand and said, "Okay, that's the decision, the three of you stay at the Tianxiahui, and don't let the Tianxiahui get into trouble."

"The disciple obeys the teacher's orders!"

Seeing that Su Chen had made up his mind, the three had no choice but to respectfully agree.

Su Chen casually explained some things about the Tianxiahui, and then let the three of them retreat.

After the three of them retreated, Su Chen didn't choose a date, he just got up and left Tianxiahui, heading towards Wushuang City...

Chapter 277 The Confident Dugu Party, Unparalleled Encounter Outside the City 【Full Order】

Peerless City, City Lord's Mansion.

"The hateful Tianxiahui has become more and more arrogant recently! When Xiongba was there before, Tianxiahui was always polite in front of my Wushuang City. What is this Su Chen called? I really don't know how high the sky is!"

Dugu Fang, the lord of Wushuang City, learned that several of the subsidiary forces of Wushuang City had been wiped out by the Tianxiahui recently, so he was furious and kicked over the desk in the room.

Seeing this, Dugu Ming, Dugu Fang's son, couldn't help persuading him: "Father, why are you angry about such a trivial matter?"

"Those so-called affiliated forces just want to hug our Wushuang City's thighs, and let our Wushuang City stand in front of them to withstand the pressure of the Tianxiahui for them. Clear the situation and join our Peerless City as soon as possible."

Dugu Fang couldn't help being startled when he heard the words, then nodded and said: "Ming'er, you are right. However, since the world was taken over by that Su Chen, relying on the support of Beiyin Kuangdao Nie Renwang and Nanlin Jianshou Duanshuai, Continually occupying the world in 08, the ambition is not small."

"Especially in recent years, the three disciples accepted by Su Chen are all extremely talented, and their growth rate is astonishing. Many famous people in the world are not their opponents. The world will deal with us in Wushuang City sooner or later, and we have to Guard!"

Du Guming said disdainfully: "Everyone in the world is saying that Su Chen, the leader of the Tianxiahui, is simply a ostentatious guy."

"In the past few years, he relied on the support of King Nie Ren and Duan Shuai, and in recent years, thanks to good luck, he has recruited three talented apprentices to conquer the world for him. He has no ability at all, so why should father worry? ?”

Dugu waved his hands when he heard the words, "Ming'er, don't be careless. At least, if Su Chen was able to defeat Xiongba and subdue Huo Qilin back then, he must not be underestimated!"

"However, there is no need to worry too much. Although Tianxiahui is not weak, our Wushuang City is not easy to mess with! If Tianxiahui dares to invade Wushuangcheng, I will definitely let them go home in a disastrous defeat!"

When Dugu Ming heard what Dugu Fang said, he flattered him, "Father is mighty, son admires him!"

Dugu Fang was not dazzled by Dugu Ming's flattery, he pondered for a while, and then said: "Although that is the case, we still have to make some preparations in advance."

Du Guming asked: "Father, how should I prepare for you to speak?"

Dugu Fang said: "Tomorrow! Tomorrow I will go to Ming's family to hire! Set an auspicious day, and marry Mingyue and Wushuangjian together! At that time, Minger, you and Mingyue will practice Allure Love together to prepare for the world's meeting Oncoming attack!"

"Father, you are so wise!"

When Duguming heard his father's words, he thought of Mingyue's beautiful face, and became very excited, and his mouth was excited!

"Father! With the love of Qingcheng, Su Chen and Tianxiahui will never have the idea of ​​fighting Wushuang City! I can also unite with Mingyue to defeat Tianxiahui! By then, Dad, you will be the supreme martial artist!"

Dugu Fang said: "After you and Mingyue get married, it depends on whether you have developed a real relationship. As long as the two are connected and love each other, you will be able to display this set of peerless swordsmanship!"

Duguming said confidently: "Father, don't worry, I will definitely be able to practice this peerless swordsmanship with Mingyue!"

Dugu Fang said a few more casual words to Duguming, and then asked Duguming to go down to defend himself, and at the same time prepare to marry Mingyue.

After Dugu Ming and Dugu Fang separated, they immediately began to spread the good news with pride.

Not long after, news spread that Du Guming was going to marry Mingyue in Wushuang City.

As one of the parties involved, Mingyue was not happy after hearing the news, on the contrary, she was very disgusted.

Dugu Ming is the young city lord of Wushuang City. Over the years in Wushuang City, it can be said that he has been rampant and domineering. Robbery of women is also a common thing.

Mingyue's impression of Dugu Ming can be said to be very bad.

It's a pity that Mingyue learned about their Ming family's mission from her grandma, Mingjing, and her grandma was also very persistent about her marriage with Duguming.

This made Mingyue even more depressed.

Distraught, Mingyue left Wushuang City alone, intending to go outside the city to relax.

At the same time, Su Chen, who left Tianxiahui, has also entered the sphere of influence of Wushuang City.

However, Su Chen hasn't shown his face in Jianghu for nearly ten years. Most people in Jianghu don't know Su Chen at all.

Because, even within the sphere of influence of Wushuang City, Su Chen still walked unimpeded, and no one stepped forward to stop him.

On this day, Su Chen also came outside Wushuang City.

When walking to a forest in the outskirts of the city, he suddenly found a young woman with a beautiful face but a sad face not far in front of her.

The woman looked seventeen or eighteen years old, wearing a moon-white long dress, with black hair draped over her shoulders, and she had a gentle and peaceful temperament on her body.

Under the influence of the god of luck, Su Chen easily recognized that this woman was Mingyue, one of the heroines in the original book.

At this moment, Mingyue was obviously a little distracted, and she didn't care about Su Chen who was walking towards her.


Suddenly, Su Chen discovered that behind Mingyue, there was a big and majestic black bear, which was rushing towards Mingyue's back.

And Mingyue, perhaps because she was too preoccupied, didn't notice the movement behind her, and still walked leisurely.

Chapter 278 Alluring Love, The Ming Family's Mission! 【Seek full order】

"call out!"

Seeing this, Su Chen unleashed a six-veined sword, and the terrifying sword energy instantly crossed the bright moon and pierced the big black bear's throat!

At the same time, seeing Su Chen make a move, Mingyue thought that Su Chen was dealing with her, so she subconsciously drew her sword and swung a sword at Su Chen!

Su Chen raised his brows slightly, and used Qiankun's great move, and casually led the sword energy from Mingyue to the nearby woods.


An innocent big tree was cut off by Mingyue's sword.


At the same time, behind Mingyue, the big black bear let out a cry of pain, and then fell to the ground with a "plop".

Su Chen looked at Mingyue and said with a light smile: "This girl, I saved you just now, it doesn't seem too good for you to avenge your kindness like this?"

Naturally, Mingyue also heard the movement behind her, and when she saw the dead black bear, she realized that the sword energy that Su Chen sent out just now was aimed at the big black bear, and it was to save her.

After discovering this fact, Mingyue suddenly felt guilty, and said to Su Chen: "I'm sorry, I misunderstood the young master, and I would like to thank the young master for saving me just now."

Su Chen shook his head and said: "It's okay, it's just a matter of raising your hands. However, since the girl has this skill, it stands to reason that she shouldn't be able to find it when the big black bear is so close. What was the girl thinking just now?" Things got distracted?"

When Mingyue heard Su Chen's words, she couldn't help but think of her grandmother asking her to marry Dugufang's son Duguming, and her heart was full of melancholy again.

However, thinking of meeting Su Chen for the first time, Mingyue didn't explain the reason. She took a deep breath, suppressed her thoughts, and shook her head slightly: "It's nothing, it's just some troubles at home. call?"

Su Chen said: "I'm Su Chen, what about the girl, what's your name?"

Su Chen's current appearance still looks like he is seventeen or eighteen years old, so after Mingyue heard his name, she didn't immediately think of the leader of the Tianxiahui.

Mingyue said softly: "So it's Mr. Su, my name is Mingyue."

"Mingyue, what a good name, she lives up to her name, the girl is as beautiful as the moon in the sky", Su Chen praised with a smile after hearing this.

Mingyue blushed slightly when she heard Su Chen's words, and said in a low voice: "Young Master Su is too famous."

Su Chen smiled, and did not continue this topic, but casually explained to Mingyue, "Life is alive, and some things seem to be troubles at this time, and they may not be worth mentioning in a few years. , Miss Mingyue doesn't need to worry too much, wouldn't it be better to think about happy things?"

"Thank you Mr. Su for your explanation," Mingyue thanked Su Chen again after hearing the words.

Su Chen smiled slightly and said: "You're welcome, we can meet here because of fate. As long as Miss Mingyue doesn't blame me for talking too much. I plan to go to Wushuang City, so I won't disturb Miss Mingyue. We will meet again by fate."

While speaking, Su Chen bowed to Mingyue, then turned slightly, as if he was about to leave.

Mingyue heard the words and said: "It's getting late now, and I'm preparing to go back to the city. If Mr. Su doesn't dislike it, let's go together together."

Su Chen said with a smile: "It's my honor to be able to walk with Miss Mingyue."

Next, the two walked slowly together towards Wushuang City.

While on the way, Mingyue also intentionally or unintentionally asked about Su Chen's background.

Su Chen said that he is a prodigal son who has traveled the world, he likes to appreciate the scenery of the world, and he also likes to meet the heroes of the world!

After entering Wushuang City, Su Chen didn't make too much effort, and said goodbye to Mingyue directly, and found an inn in the city to stay temporarily.

As for Mingyue, after watching Su Chen's back disappear from sight, she turned around and headed back towards Ming's house.

"` "Are you back?Where did you go? "

Mingyue's grandmother, Mingjing, saw Mingyue coming back, and asked with a blank expression.

Mingyue said softly: "I went outside the city to relax."

Ming Jing took a look at Ming Yue, and snorted coldly: "What? You are being wronged by asking you to marry the young city lord? It's really outrageous to leave alone without telling me!"

Mingyue said: "Grandma, I'm sorry, I know I was wrong, but do I have to marry Duguming?"

Ming Jing said in a deep voice: "This is your mission as the Ming family!"

Ming (ma Zhao) Yue shook her head and said, "I don't understand. Is the Ming family's mission to marry the son of the Lord of Wushuang City?"

"In this case, not all the women in our Ming family have married into the City Lord's Mansion? Why do I have to marry Dugu Ming?"

Ming Jing didn't directly answer Ming Yue's words, she took out a treasured sword from somewhere, and gently stroked the blade with her withered hands, and said leisurely:

"It's been 200 years, and this sword of love in the city, which is known as the most amazing in the world, will come out of the rivers and lakes along with these two unparalleled swords! It will fulfill its mission of defending the unparalleled city!"

Mingyue suppressed the discomfort in her heart, and asked doubtfully, "Grandma, there is only one sword here, where did you get two?".

Chapter 279 Mingyue's Sorrow, Friendship Gradually Growing

Ming Jing said: "Our Ming family's one is the Wushuang Yin sword, and the other is the Wushuang Yang sword from Dugu City Lord. If you want to defeat Su Chen, the lord of the Tianxiahui, you have to use the Allure Love sword technique."

"The Sword Art of Love in the Alluring City has neither tactic nor sword moves, and it relies entirely on thoughts and emotions to enlighten the sword art. Because there is no sword move, naturally there is no move to break, so let's look down!"

"If you want to practice this sword technique, you need to combine the unparalleled yin and yang swords together, and a pair of men and women who share their hearts will perform them together."

Speaking of this, Ming Jing looked at Ming Yue, "Since the Wushuangyang sword is in Dugu's house, of course you and the young city lord Dugu Ming will practice this peerless swordsmanship together, love in the city!"

"But grandma... I don't like that Dugu Ming!" Mingyue Liu raised her eyebrows and said in a low voice.

"That's up to you. The ancestors of my Ming family swore a solemn oath that generations of descendants must swear to defend Wushuang City to the death. Have you forgotten?"

Ming Jing's face turned cold when he heard the words, staring at Ming Yue with a pair of cloudy eyes, and sternly shouted.

"Mingyue dare not forget", Mingyue pinched the corner of her clothes with her fingers, her face full of reluctance, but she dared not go against her grandma 427's will.

Ming Jing said in a deep voice: "You'd better take care of me these few days and wait to get married honestly, otherwise, grandma won't forgive you even if she dies!"

After speaking, Ming Jing directly put away the Wushuang sword, turned around and returned to his room.

Mingyue looked at Mingjing's leaving back, there was both a look of struggle and deep confusion in her eyes, but she didn't know what to do.

The next day, Mingyue still didn't think of a way to crack it, so she walked out of Ming's house with some helplessness, and went to the street to heal the illnesses and injuries of the people in Wushuang City.

Mingyue has always practiced medicine in Wushuang City, and is deeply loved by many people in Wushuang City.

Although the current Mingyue is full of confusion about the future and wants to escape from Wushuang City very much, in the end she suppressed the impulse in her heart and continued to treat the people of Wushuang City with sadness in her heart.

Su Chen has read the original book and knows Mingyue quite well, so he naturally knows how to reach a sympathy with her.

Therefore, the next morning, Su Chen left the inn, pretending to accidentally meet a few sick people from Wushuang City, and helped them out.

Su Chen once won the "Poison Medicine Collection" in a lottery, and has reached a superb level in terms of poison and medical skills. It is naturally easy for him to treat a few ordinary people.

When Mingyue appeared, she happened to see the scene where Su Chen rescued the people of Wushuang City, her eyes couldn't help showing a burst of light, and she also had a good impression of Su Chen in her heart.

"Sister Mingyue!"

"Miss Mingyue!"

"Miss Mingyue!"


Some people in Wushuang City, when they saw Mingyue's arrival, immediately showed joyful expressions, and greeted Mingyue one after another.

"Hey, Miss Mingyue, what a coincidence, we meet again!"

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