Mingyue was puzzled when she heard the words: "What obstacle are you talking about?"

Su Chen said indifferently: "Dugu Fang has an elder brother named Dugu Jian, or he can be directly called Dugu Sword Master, he is a top swordsman."

"Now, Dugu Yifang and Dugu Ming's father and son are all dead. As the eldest brother of Dugu Yifang, Dugu Jian will definitely come forward to avenge him. Therefore, I plan to get rid of Dugu Jian (.) future trouble!"

Mingyue couldn't help showing worry in her eyes when she heard the words, "So you're talking about Sword Master Dugu. I've also heard it from my grandma. It is said that Sword Master Dugu has been a swordsman genius since he was a child. No one in the entire Wushuang City can In comparison, I heard that his strength is much stronger than that of Dugu Fang, wouldn't it be dangerous for you to go to him?"

Su Chen smiled when he heard the words, "Don't worry, although Dugu Sword Master is indeed much stronger than Dugu Yifang, he can't threaten me. I have already practiced his best swordsmanship, maybe it is better than Dugu Fang. He should be even more proficient in using it himself!"

"In addition to swordsmanship, when it comes to my own martial arts, I believe that Dugu Sword is also inferior to me. Under such circumstances, how can Dugu Sword bring me any danger?"

Mingyue relaxed a little when she heard Su Chen's words.

Next, Su Chen stayed with Mingyue for a few more days, and followed his breath directly to find the location of Dugu Sword in a secluded place outside Wushuang City.

At this time, Dugu Sword has reached the stage where his death is approaching, his whole head is covered with white hair, and his skin is also full of wrinkles.

If ordinary people see him, they will think that this is an ordinary old man who is dying.

But Su Chen could feel the strong sword intent from Dugu Jian's body.

It seems that Dugu Jian's whole person is a sharp long sword, which makes people dare not look at him easily!

"who are you?"

Dugu Jian lived in seclusion all year round and devoted himself to practicing swordsmanship, so he didn't know what happened in Wushuang City, and he didn't know Su Chen either.

But Dugu Jian felt a strong threat from Su Chen's body, and he couldn't help but become vigilant.

Su Chen smiled and said: "This seat will help Su Chen."

Dugu Jian frowned slightly when he heard the words, and asked in doubt: "Isn't the leader of the Tianxiahui, Xiongba?"

Su Chen said lightly: "That's old Huangli. Ten years ago, Xiongba died in my hands."

Dugu Jiandao: "Then why do you come to find this old man?"

Su Chen said: "Ten years ago I killed Xiongba, and not long ago I killed Dugu Fang, the lord of Wushuang City, and his son Dugu Ming. Now, do you understand my reason for coming?"

When Dugu Jian heard Su Chen's words, his eyes suddenly became sharp.

Although Dugu Jian loves the way of the sword, and seems to be following the ruthless way of the sword, in fact he has not achieved true ruthlessness.

Dugu Fang and Dugu Ming and his son still hold a certain weight in Dugu Jian's heart.

However, Dugu Jian did not feel sad because of this, but slowly drew out his own sword, pointed the tip of the sword at Su Chen, and said in a cold voice: "Draw your sword!"


Su Chen didn't say much, and with a slight shake of his right hand, the Lingshuang sword was unsheathed in an instant!

Dugu Jian glanced at the Lingshuang Sword in Su Chen's hand, and said in a deep voice, "Good sword! But I don't know the owner of the sword, how is the sword?"

Su Chen smiled and said, "You'll know if you try it?"


Dugu Jian didn't speak, and a powerful aura suddenly released from his body.

The face that looked old and wrinkled instantly returned to a rosy state, and the terrifying sword intent spread out from all over the body, as if it was about to pierce the sky!

A few miles away, Wushuang City.

Originally, because of Dugu Fang's father and son's death, people from all walks of life in Wushuang City indulged themselves one after another, attacked each other, and even competed for the treasure of the City Lord's Mansion.

At this moment, many people subconsciously raised their heads and looked at the place where Dugu Sword Master and Su Chen were located outside Wushuang City.

Chapter 285 The Sword Intent Clashes, and the Heroes Shock! 【Seek full order】

"Hiss! What a terrifying sword intent!"

"When did such a terrifying sword master come to Wushuang City?"

"There used to be rumors in the rivers and lakes that the Lord Dugu had an older brother who was an unborn swordsman. Could it be that that person is the elder brother of the Lord Dugu?"

"No way? If that's the case, how can he let us go when he knows what we did in Wushuang City?"


Sensing the terrifying sword intent, everyone in Wushuang City couldn't help but exclaimed.

Many people from the Jianghu who had done something to the city lord's mansion before couldn't help feeling panic in their hearts.

Immediately, someone had the idea of ​​fleeing from Peerless City.

Among the Ming family, Mingyue also sensed the terrifying sword intent, and couldn't help but look up to the outside of the city, with a look of worry in her eyes.

Mingyue had only heard about the power of Dugu Sword Master in the past, but this was the first time that she truly felt the terrifying sword intent released by Dugu Sword Master!

"Grandma, please be your spirit in the sky, bless Su Chen to defeat Dugu Sword Master!"

Worried in her heart, Mingyue clasped her hands together and prayed devoutly towards Mingjing's spiritual seat.

If there is knowledge under the mirror, I don't know what kind of expression it will be.

Su Chen naturally didn't know what happened in Wushuang City at this time.

However, even if he knew, Su Chen wouldn't take it to heart.

Sensing the terrifying sword intent on Dugu Jian, Su Chen couldn't help but slightly nodded, with a bit of appreciation in his eyes.

"It is worthy of the name of Sword Master, but this seat is not bad!"

When the voice fell, Su Chen also had a slight movement in his mind, releasing a terrifying sword intent from his body.

Moreover, that sword intent is quite similar to the sword intent released by Dugu Sword, but the power makes it much stronger!

In Wushuang City, many people in the Jianghu sensed the sword intent released from Su Chen's body, and their hearts couldn't help being shocked again.

"This is... unexpectedly there is a stronger sword intent!"

"Outside Wushuang City, there are actually two strong swordsmen. Besides Dugu Sword Master, who is the other?"

"I heard that 20 years ago, there was a martial arts myth named Wuming in the rivers and lakes. His swordsmanship was unparalleled in the world, and even the Dugu Sword Master was slightly inferior. Do you think the one who released the sword will be the martial arts myth named Wuming?"

"Maybe it's true. After all, it seems that the only one who can surpass Dugu Sword Master in terms of kendo attainments!"

"Wulin Myth Wuming and Dugu Sword Master will have another decisive battle after 20 years. This battle is absolutely amazing and we must not miss it!"

"That's right, let's go and see this great battle!"


When there was a lot of discussion, the martial artist who was interested in the way of the sword yelled, and quickly rushed to the outside of Wushuang City, where Su Chen and Dugu Jian were located!

At this time, the momentum of Su Chen and Dugu Jian also rose to the peak step by step!

Dugu Jian found that he was far behind Su Chen in terms of cultivation, aura, and sword will pressure!

No, if I continue like this, I'm afraid I won't be able to display my own swordsmanship at all, and I will be completely overwhelmed by the opponent's cultivation momentum and sword intent!

Dugu Jian secretly woke up in his heart, and immediately stopped hesitating, and instantly concentrated his energy and spirit into one body, holding the hilt of the sword with both hands, and suddenly stabbed the long sword in his hand towards Su Chen!

Almost at the same time, the terrifying sword intent on Dugu Jian's body was all gathered in one place, condensing into an illusory long sword, wrapped around his saber, and his whole body was in harmony with the long sword. Blending into one body, man and sword unite, with an indomitable momentum, he rushed straight to Su Chen!

Where the Dugu sword passed, the surrounding time and space were instantly frozen, as if turning into a static plan!

Obviously, Dugu Jian felt great pressure from Su Chen, so he immediately displayed the strongest sword 23!

"If you use other sword techniques, it's really hard to crack!"

0 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

When Su Chen saw the sword technique performed by Dugu Sword, his mind moved slightly, and his body rose directly from the original place, and instantly rose to a height of tens of meters!

Almost without any stagnation, Su Chen also held the hilt of Lingshuangjian with both hands, and his body and Lingshuangjian merged into one, instantly from top to bottom, stabbing down towards the top of Dugujian's head!

Following Su Chen's movements, the surroundings of his body were filled with infinite sword intent!

The whole person seemed to have turned into a peerless sword!

The terrifying sword light descended from the sky!

Wherever the sword light passed, time, space, and air flow all became absolutely still!

.... 0

Seeing Su Chen's actions, Dugu Jian couldn't help being extremely surprised!

He never thought that Su Chen could use the sword 23 he created not long ago, and it was obviously much more powerful!

But at this moment, it was too late to think about it!

Dugu Jian had no choice but to stop his forward movement in the middle, and turned around suddenly, forming a bottom-up situation. The long sword met Su Chen's attack without hesitation!


When the sword points collided, there was a crisp sound of gold and iron clashing.

In the next moment, the two of them are like two static sculptures!

Up and down, it stopped in place!

At this time, some people from the Jianghu who were faster had arrived here from Wushuang City.

When they saw the image of the two fighting against each other, they couldn't help but be surprised.

At first, they guessed that it was Wuming Wuming and Dugu Sword Master fighting against each other.

But at this moment, the age gap between the two people who are fighting is too big!

It would make sense to say that one of them is the Dugu Sword Master, but the other one doesn't look like Wuming, a martial arts myth?

Moreover, the state of the two of them at the moment is too weird.

The point of the sword is so quietly touching, without any fluctuation of true energy, the contrast with the previous sword intent is really too great!knife.

Chapter 286 Killing the Dugu Sword, shocking! 【Seek full order】

"What's the situation? Who is that young man who fought Dugu Juggernaut? Does any of you know him?"

"I don't know, I have never seen such a young and strong man in Jianghu!"

"Yes, if you want to say that the young masters in the Jianghu in the past few years, there is no doubt that they are Bu Jingyun, Duanlang and Nie Feng of the Tianxiahui, but I have seen them before, and these young people are not three. any of them!"

"The world is so big, there are really strong people coming out in large numbers, it seems that we need to keep a low profile!"

"But it's not right, is Dugu Juggernaut and that young man really fighting swords? Why does it look like they're posing!"

"This... I don't understand what's going on?"

"Forty Four Zero"


After discussing for a while, a group of people from all walks of life couldn't help feeling curious, and it was really hard to understand the actual way of Su Chen and Dugu Sword Master's sword fighting.

"Look, it's moving!"

Suddenly, someone noticed that there was a change in the scene, and hurriedly shouted to other people around.


At this moment, a series of crisp voices came.

Suddenly, Dugu Sword Master's body was covered with cracks like a mirror surface!

From the crack, everyone present felt their scalps go numb, and a chill suddenly rose in their hearts!


In the horrified eyes of everyone, not only was there a crack in the space around Dugu Sword Master, but also the long sword in his hand, and his body, there were bursts of crisp sounds.


At a certain moment, Dugu Sword Master's body exploded into countless fragments like a firecracker!

The sky was full of pieces of meat, instantly swallowed by that pitch-black crack, and then disappeared!

Then, like a wave of water, the position where Dugu Sword Master was just now instantly returned to normal.

And Su Chen's body also fell lightly to the ground.

"Hiss! It's scary!"

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