Seeing this scene, those heroes who had just arrived couldn't help but gasped and let out a panicked sound.

"Some people in Jianghu often say that a corpse is broken into thousands of pieces, but they are just talking harshly, but today I have seen the real corpse in pieces!"

"The Dugu Sword Master has shaken the world for decades, but he never expected to end up like this in the end, alas!"

"Tell me, what is the crack that appeared around Dugu Sword Saint's body just now, and it swallowed all the fragments of his body!"

"I have heard legends about space. Once the space we live in is broken, there will be space cracks. If the space cracks cannot be eliminated in time, it can even engulf the entire world!"

"Hiss, is the origin of that black crack so terrifying? No wonder I felt endless fear in the depths of my heart just now!"

"I also developed a sense of fear. After the crack disappeared, the fear naturally disappeared."


With the discussion of the crowd, the awe of the scene just now became stronger.

At the same time, the eyes they looked at Su Chen were filled with infinite awe.

Su Chen glanced around casually, pondered for a moment, put his sword back into its sheath, and walked up to the onlookers.

Seeing Su Chen approaching, everyone subconsciously took a few steps back and swallowed hard.

Seeing this, Su Chen smiled slightly, and said leisurely: "You don't have to be nervous, I will not kill people for no reason, and you are not worthy of me to do it myself."

When everyone heard Su Chen's words, not only did they not have any dissatisfaction, but they breathed a long sigh of relief.

Su Chen smiled, and continued: "I heard that you were all guessing my identity just now, so I simply came over and told you remember, this seat is the leader of the World Council Helper Su Chen!"


Hearing Su Chen's self-introduction, everyone's expressions changed suddenly.

However, considering that Su Chen taught three powerful apprentices, Bu Jingyun, Duanlang and Nie Feng, it is not surprising that he has such a strong strength.

"I've seen Lord Su!"

When everyone was stunned, they reacted organically and quickly bowed to Su Chen.

"I've seen Lord Su!"

Then, the others also reacted and saluted Su Chen respectfully.

Su Chen waved his hand and said, "You don't need to be too polite. The purpose of my visit to Wushuang City this time is to bring Wushuang City back to the Tianxiahui and unify the rivers and lakes of China!"

"The lord of Wushuang City, Dugu Fang, doesn't know good and bad, so I killed him! As for the one I killed just now, I think you all know that he is Dugu Fang's big brother, Dugu Sword Master!"

"Now, the Dugu family in Wushuang City has been destroyed by this seat. In addition, this seat has decided to change the name of Wushuang City to Mingyue City and appoint Miss Mingyue as the city lord of Mingyue City."

"I hope everyone can abide by the rules of Mingyue 2.2 City in the future, and don't act recklessly. Otherwise, without me taking action, my three incompetent apprentices will also clean up the world for me! Mingyue, come forward!"

Hearing Su Chen's words, the faces of all the heroes present were all fluctuating. No matter what they thought in their hearts, they didn't dare to stand up and express different opinions at this time.

And when they heard Su Chen's last words, everyone subconsciously looked in the direction of Su Chen's gaze.

At the back of the crowd, in a corner, there was a young woman with a beautiful face in a moon-white dress, walking slowly towards Su Chen's position with a little embarrassment.

Chapter 287 City Lord Mingyue, Farewell to Beauty

There is no doubt that this person is Ming Yue.

Originally, Mingyue was in Wushuang City, but after sensing the terrifying sword intent released by Dugu Sword, she couldn't help but feel a little worried for Su Chen.

So in the end, he quietly followed those spectators, left Wushuang City, and came here.

Su Chen's current cultivation base has reached the peak of the land gods, and his sensing power has reached an extremely powerful level. Naturally, he can easily sense the arrival of the bright moon.

"This is Miss Mingyue. Peerless City was originally guarded by the Ming family and Dugu's family, but Dugu's father and son did things against the law when they were in charge of Peerless City, and now I have cleaned it up."

"Peerless City naturally needs a qualified manager to succeed, and Miss Mingyue is naturally the most suitable choice. In addition, in order to eliminate the Dugu family's influence on Peerless City, so the name of Peerless City was changed to Mingyue City. The people who belonged to Peerless City, Pay homage to your new city lord!"


After finishing speaking, the terrifying aura on Su Chen's body suddenly moved towards the overwhelming oppression of all the people in the rivers and lakes present!

 08 Su Chen did this, naturally, to support Mingyue's platform, so that these people from all corners of the world would not dare to do anything wrong with Mingyue and the new Mingyue City!

Sure enough, after sensing the powerful aura released from Su Chen's body, the Jianghu people at the scene suddenly felt as if their whole bodies had fallen into a quagmire, and even the movement of true energy became extremely slow!

Everyone naturally understood that this was Su Chen's deterrent to them!

Although they knew it in their hearts, they didn't have any other choice at this time.

As a result, many people from the rivers and lakes who originally belonged to Wushuang City hurriedly bowed to Mingyue and said respectfully: "Greetings to Mingyue City Lord!"

Even some people from the rivers and lakes of other forces saluted and greeted Mingyue one after another at this time.

Seeing this scene, Mingyue was also very grateful to Su Chen in her heart, and couldn't help but look towards Su Chen.

Seeing Mingyue looking over, Su Chen nodded slightly to her with a smile.

Seeing this, Mingyue took a deep breath and said to everyone: "Mingyue, thank you for your support. In the future, Mingyue City will be affiliated with Tianxiahui to promote the unification of the entire rivers and lakes and reduce disputes in the Wulin. I hope everyone can work together to return the Wulin. A calm."

After hearing Mingyue's words, the Jianghu people present naturally echoed one after another.

At least on the surface, they seem to be very enthusiastic about it.

Su Chen said a few more casual words, and let these people go away, and he returned to Wushuang City with Mingyue. Perhaps it should be called Mingyue City now.

Next, Su Chen conveyed the order to Nie Feng, Duanlang, and Bu Jingyun of the Tianxiahui, and gave in to Bu Jingyun to lead the people to regain the forces that originally belonged to Wushuang City by force as soon as possible.

At the same time, he himself stayed in Wushuang City, accompanied Mingyue to live in the City Lord's Mansion, and carried out some renovations on Mingyue City.

With the joint efforts of the two, Mingyue City quickly restored a stable order, and the city was more prosperous and stable than it was during Dugu Fang's rule.

Especially those ordinary people, no longer have to live in fear.

In the hearts of these ordinary people, Su Chen and Mingyue are their gods of salvation!

During this period of time, the relationship between Su Chen and Mingyue also heated up rapidly, and the distance that was already very close directly turned into a negative distance.

Mingyue, the heroine who died tragically in the original book, also officially became one of Su Chen's women.

Time flows like water.

Another three months passed in a blink of an eye.

In the past three months, under Bu Jingyun's powerful means, all the forces originally belonging to Wushuang City have been conquered by the Tianxiahui!

Of course, here in Mingyue City, there is no need for Bu Jingyun to lead people to fight, and they can always enjoy the tranquility of a paradise.

Su Chen had nothing to do anyway, so he stayed in Mingyue City to accompany Mingyue for the past three months.

Of course, in addition to doing some pleasing double events, Su Chen also taught Mingyue a lot of martial arts, and let Mingyue take a blood bodhi, adding 50 years of skill to her!

Originally, Mingyue was already quite good among the younger generation. After 50 years of improving her skills, Mingyue's cultivation strength has improved linearly, directly reaching the level in front of Dugufang.

With Mingyue's current cultivation strength, even sitting alone in Mingyue City, it would be enough to frighten the ordinary Xiaoxiao people!

On this day, Su Chen received another message from Bu Jingyun that he had subdued the forces originally belonging to Wushuang City.

Today, Tianxiahui can be said to have unified the entire Jianghu in 440. He asked Su Chen whether to return directly to Tianxiahui, or to come to Mingyue City to meet Su Chen.

After Su Chen pondered for a while, he still gave in to Bu Jingyun and returned directly to the headquarters of the Tianxiahui, and he himself planned to go back to the Tianxiahui.

On this day, Su Chen went directly to Mingyue, explained his intentions, and invited Mingyue to the Tianxiahui together.

After Mingyue heard Su Chen's words, she thought for a while and said, "Brother Chen, I'd better not go to the headquarters of the Tianxiahui."

"On the one hand, I have lived in Mingyue City for nearly 20 years, and I can't let go of this city; on the other hand, Wushuang City has just recovered its stability, and I don't want it to fall into chaos again because of my departure."

Su Chen smiled when he heard the words, "Since that's the case, then I won't force you. You should stay in Mingyue City first, and I will come back to accompany you when I go back to the Tianxiahui headquarters to deal with some matters."

"Yeah," Mingyue smiled when she heard Su Chen's words, and nodded in response.

Afterwards, the two sides warmed up for a while, and under Mingyue's reluctant eyes, Su Chen left Wushuang City alone, and went back to Tianxiahui! .

Chapter 288 Grand welcome, spread martial arts again! 【Seek full order】

When Su Chen returned to Tianxiahui, at the gate of Tianxiahui, Bu Jingyun, Duanlang, Nie Feng, Wen Chouchou and others had already been waiting quietly.

"Oh, the leader of the gang is back, everyone, get ready, cheer up, and welcome the leader of the gang back!"

When Wen Chouchou saw Su Chen's figure appearing in his field of vision, he quickly waved his feather fan and yelled at the people beside him.

However, when he saw Bu Jingyun's cold face, he couldn't help subconsciously stopping the smile on his face.

Bu Jingyun didn't pay attention to Wen Chouchou or anyone else. With a scarlet cloak behind him, he took the initiative to step forward and walked towards Su Chen.

"Oh, Hall Master Bu still has filial piety, everyone quickly follow Hall Master Bu to greet the return of the Chief Clan Master!"

Seeing this, Wen Chouchou hurriedly yelled at everyone again.

"Are you saying that Nie Feng and I have no filial piety towards Master?"

When Duanlang heard Wen Chouchou's words, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and looked at Wen Chouchou with a bit of coldness in his eyes.

"Nie Feng, let's go meet Master too!"

The last half of the sentence was naturally addressed to Nie Feng.

After finishing speaking, Duanlang and Nie Feng also quickly walked towards Su Chen.

"Aiya, Hall Master Duan, I definitely don't mean that!"

Wen Chou Chou hurriedly explained in his mouth, while also quickly heading towards Su Chen's direction.

Maybe Bu Jingyun and Duanlang are already at odds with each other, even if there is no Xiongba's interference as in the original book, Bu Jingyun and Duanlang still don't like each other.

Over the years, Wen Chou Chou naturally knew this too.

He didn't want Duanlang to treat him as the object of his anger just because of a word.

Seeing a few people rushing towards Su Chen, a group of people from the Tianxia Society behind them also hurriedly followed.

The three brothers Bu Jingyun and Wen Chouchou, although they didn't start at the same time, they arrived in front of Su Chen almost at the same time.

"Guangzhu, you are back, Chou Chou misses you so much¨¨!"

Seeing Su Chen, Wen Chouchou immediately made an exaggerated expression, waved his feather fan, and approached Su Chen with a smile on his face.

"Stay away from me!"

Seeing Wen Chouchou's appearance, Su Chen couldn't help but glared at him.

"Uh, hehe..."

Wen Chouchou laughed awkwardly, and then stood about one meter away from Su Chen.

"Disciple pays respects to master!"

Then, Bu Jingyun, Duanlang and Nie Feng knelt down on one knee to Su Chen at the same time, speaking respectfully.

Su Chen smiled and said: "Okay, let's all get up, there is no need to talk too much about etiquette between us master and apprentice."

"Thank you Master!"

The three of them thanked Su Chen, then stood up and stood aside.

Wen Chouchou said with a smile at this time: "The master-student affection between the gang leader and the three hall masters is really enviable."

Su Chen has also gotten used to Wen Chou Chou's flattery over the years, he smiled and didn't say much, and walked directly towards the gate of Tianxiahui.

"The subordinates are waiting to welcome the guild master back! I wish the guild master prosperous martial arts and be the only one in the world!"

"The subordinates are waiting to welcome the guild master back! I wish the guild master prosperous martial arts and be the only one in the world!"

"The subordinates are waiting to welcome the guild master back! I wish the guild master prosperous martial arts and be the only one in the world!"


Just as Su Chen stepped into the Tianxiahui, there was a uniform voice in the Tianxiahui, and the voice shook the heavens!

Su Chen frowned slightly, and looked inside the Tianxiahui.

As far as the eye can see, there is a blood-red flag erected every one meter, and below the flag are groups of gang members of the Tianxia Society standing in rows.

At this time, those members of the Tianxia Society are all in high spirits, shouting with all their might!

Needless to say, all of this was arranged by Wen Chouchou, Bu Jingyun and his three brothers.

As for the person who came up with this idea, it must be Wen Chou Chou.

Although suspected of flattering, Su Chen still couldn't hide the pride in his heart when he saw this spectacular scene!

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