It's no wonder that most men in the world like to hold power and order the world!

After a while, Su Chen suppressed his thoughts and said to Wen Chou, "Chou Chou, let everyone go back."

"Ah? Leader, this..."



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When Wen Chouchou heard Su Chen's words, he thought that something had not been done well to offend Su Chen, and suddenly he hesitated to speak.

Su Chen glanced at him, and said lightly: "`"Although you often flatter me, I am satisfied with what you do, and there is nothing wrong with what happened this time.However, the world will rule the world, relying on force, these formal things, if not necessary, try to do as little as possible. "

"Yes, helper!"

Wen Chouchou relaxed when he heard that Su Chen didn't blame him, and quickly responded respectfully.

Su Chen pondered for a while and then said, "The Tianxiahui's achievements today are due to the efforts of Bu Jingyun, Duanlang and Nie Fengshi brothers, and the ordinary helpers of the Tianxiahui are also indispensable. Zodiac will give you a new martial arts secret book, and if you pass it on, it will be a reward for everyone."

"The gang master sympathizes with his subordinates, it is really a blessing for the whole world to help all the gang members! The subordinates must accurately convey the gang master's meaning to every (ma's) gang member!"

Wen Chou said that he once again paid respect to Su Chen, with sincere admiration in his voice.

Su Chen waved his hand, didn't say much, and returned to the Supreme Hall of the Tianxiahui directly under the respectful eyes of countless Tianxiahui helpers.

Bu Jingyun, Duanlang, Nie Feng, and Wen Chouchou naturally followed behind him.

After arriving at the Supreme Hall, Su Chen sat on the main seat, Bu Jingyun and the others stood below, and began to report to Su Chen the latest situation of the Tianxiahui.

Among them, Wen Chouchou, who is the chief executive, naturally had the most expressions to report.

After the four people finished reporting, Su Chen took out a cheat book from his pocket and threw it into Wen Chouchou's pocket.

When Bu Jingyun, Duanlang and Nie Feng saw the secret book that Su Chen threw to Wen Chouchou, their eyes could not help but stare.

Chapter 289 Su Chen's New Order, Faint Murderous Intent

On the cover of the cheat book, there were three big characters written: Tianshuang Fist!

Bu Jingyun, Duanlang, and Nie Feng remembered that when Su Chen gave them Paiyun Palm, Tiancan Foot, and Fengshen Leg respectively, he had shown them Tianshuang Fist.

Moreover, Tianshuang Boxing is still a series of martial arts with Paiyun Palm and Fengshen Leg, and there is a relationship of mutual generation and restraint between them. The power is on par with Paiyun Palm and Fengshen Leg.

However, the personalities of Bu Jingyun, Duanlang and Nie Feng were not very suitable for practicing this set of boxing techniques, so Su Chen didn't teach them.

At this moment, seeing that Su Chen actually took out this set of boxing techniques to pass on to the ordinary members of the Tianxiahui, he was immediately surprised.

"Master, you are too generous. If this kind of boxing is spread, it will definitely create a good master. You actually rewarded them directly to the ordinary members of the Tianxiahui?"

After a while, Duanlang couldn't help reminding Su Chen.

Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun also looked at Su Chen, but they didn't say anything.

Su Chen said lightly: "The same martial arts, in the hands of different people, the power displayed is also very different. Although this set of boxing skills is considered good in the world, it is nothing more than that to me. , and pass it on to the members of the Tianxiahui, why not? 440"

"As for the issue of martial arts restraint, I believe Jingyun, you won't worry about being restrained by someone using Tianshuang Fist, right?"

Bu Jingyun heard the words and said confidently: "As the master said, the power of martial arts still depends on the strength of the person who uses it. I believe that Paiyun Palm in my hands will not be weaker than Tianshuang Fist!"

Su Chen nodded in satisfaction when he heard Bu Jingyun's words, and then said: "Okay, this matter is settled, the three of you will also follow Wen Chouchou to spread this Tianshuang Fist all over the world. Disciple, let them all have the opportunity to advance to a higher level."

"Of course, during this period, you can study it yourself. If someone uses Tianshuang Fist to fight against you in the future, you can also know it."

"Yes, the disciple obeys!"

Bu Jingyun and the three of them looked at each other when they heard the words, and then responded respectfully to Su Chen at the same time.

"By the way, Wen Chouchou, remember to pass on my orders. Every three months, I will take time to teach everyone how to practice Tianshuang Fist."

After a pause, Su Chen suddenly added something to Wen Chouchou.

"In addition, those who think they have achieved success in cultivation can challenge the three hall masters Bu Jingyun, Duanlang, and Nie Feng. If they can fight any of them without defeat for an hour, they can establish the fourth hall of the Tianxiahui , as the new hall master."

Wen Chou said, he looked down at Bu Jingyun and the others, and then said with a smile on his face: "The help of the lord is really a blessing to all beings in the world!"

Su Chen waved his hand and said: "Okay, there is no need to talk nonsense, you go down and do it as soon as possible, I want to improve the overall strength of the Tianxiahui! In addition, Bu Jingyun, Duanlang, Nie Feng, your senior brothers The three of you must not neglect your own cultivation!"

"Subordinates obey!"

"Disciple obey!"

Hearing Su Chen's words, Wen Chouchou, Bu Jingyun, Duanlang, and Nie Feng responded respectfully at the same time, and then slowly backed out.

"Let me see the secret book!"

After leaving the Supreme Hall, Duanlang glared at Wen Chouchou, and directly reached out to ask for the secret book of Tianshuangquan.

Although Bu Jingyun didn't make a sound, he still looked at Wen Chouchou with a sharp expression, only Nie Feng remained gentle.

Wen Chouchou glanced back and forth between Bu Jingyun and Duanlang, and said cautiously: "Hall Master Bu, Hall Master Duan, you two, don't make things difficult for the villains!"

Bu Jingyun and Duanlang looked at Wen Chouchou's obedient behavior, but they didn't make a sound, they just looked at him quietly.

Seeing this, Wen Chouchou rolled his eyes quickly, and quickly handed the Tianshuangquan cheat book in his hand to Nie (.) Feng, and said flatteringly:

"Here, Hall Master Nie, I'd better give you the secret book of Tianshuang Fist. After the three of you brothers and sisters have finished comprehending it, I ask Hall Master Nie to take it out and pass it on to the ordinary members of the Tianxiahui. After all, it is The guild master entrusted us with the task, but we can't neglect it!"

After speaking, Wen Chouchou hid directly behind Nie Feng, looking cautious.

Seeing this, Nie Feng shook his head with a smile, and said to Bu Jingyun and Duanlang: "Senior Brother Yun, Duanlang, you better not embarrass Wen Chouchou, the three of us brothers and sisters should study this secret book together."

Although Bu Jingyun and Duanlang are somewhat at odds with each other, they have a good relationship with Nie Feng.

Hearing what Nie Feng said, Bu Jingyun said coolly: "You will keep the secret books, Junior Brother Feng, I will go back first."

After speaking, Bu Jingyun left without looking back.

Duan Lang also confessed to Nie Feng's side, then turned around and left.

"Thank you Hall Master Nie!"

After Bu Jingyun and Duanlang left, Wen Chouchou quickly walked out from behind Nie Feng and thanked Nie Feng.

Nie Feng smiled and said, "It's nothing, in fact, they just have some personality differences with each other, and it's not against you."

Wen Chouchou said with a bitter face: "The little one naturally knows that the two hall masters don't care about the young one, but this is caught in the middle, sometimes it is really difficult to do, fortunately, Hall Master Nie, you have a kind heart , rescued me many times.”

Nie Feng smiled gently, "I won't talk to you anymore, I'll go back and study Tianshuang Fist with my two senior brothers first, and I'll bring you the secret book in three days."

"Alright, hall master Nie, go slowly!"

Wen Chou said goodbye to Nie Feng after hearing the scandal.

Nie Feng nodded for a moment, then walked away quickly.

Wen Chouchou also went to the Tianxia Hui to convey Su Chen's new order.

In the Supreme Hall, Su Chen naturally sensed the scene that happened between Nie Feng and the others, couldn't help but shook his head with a smile, then withdrew his induction, and planned to return to his residence in Tianxiahui.

"Master, you drink tea." At this moment, a crisp voice came from the door.

When the voice fell, a graceful young woman dressed as a maid slowly walked into the Supreme Hall with a tea tray.

Although the woman had tried her best to hide it, Su Chen still sensed a faint murderous intent from her.

Seeing this, Su Chen couldn't help but raise his brows slightly, and cast his luck pupils on her...

Chapter 290 Teasing the Little Maid

Under the influence of the God of Luck, Su Chen easily recognized that this maid turned out to be Xiongba's daughter You Ruo!

After Su Chen killed Xiongba, he also searched for You Ruo's whereabouts, but he couldn't find her within the Tianxiahui.

Later, Su Chen himself even directly lived in the small lakeside building that Xiongba built for You Ruo.

Of course, Su Chen will definitely not be like You Ruo, trapped in the small building in the center of the lake and cannot come out at will. He can enter and exit the lake at any time~Xin Xiaozhu.

Su Chen did not expect that You Ruo would appear in front of him in such a way ten years later.

Although he recognized You Ruo, Su Chen didn't show it directly, and said casually, "Put the tea on the table."

When You Ruo heard Su Chen's words, she didn't dare to show her feet, and immediately put the tea on the table in front of Su Chen.

Su Chen casually took out a book to read, and directly left You Ruo aside, but didn't intend to drink tea, and seemed to ignore her existence.

You Ruo stood quietly in the empty hall of the Supreme Hall, her eyes were flickering, she looked nervously and expectantly at the teacup next to Su Chen several times, but unfortunately Su Chen never drank tea, her heart couldn't help Lifted it up again.

After a while, You Ruo saw that Su Chen still had no intention of drinking tea, so she couldn't help reminding: "Master, drink the tea while it's hot, it won't taste good when it's cold."

In fact, Su Chen has been paying attention to You Ruo's movements. Hearing her voice, he raised his head slightly, with a look of surprise, "Huh? Why haven't you got down yet?"

When You Ruo heard Su Chen's words, she couldn't help being nervous for a while, her mind turned around quickly, and then said: "Master, this servant wants to wait for you to finish drinking the tea, and then take down the tea tray and teacup to clean."

"Is that so?" Su Chen nodded slightly, then picked up the teacup on the table and put it to his mouth.

Seeing this, You Ruo's heart suddenly rose into his throat, he was both nervous and expectant, and secretly shouted in his heart: "Drink quickly!"

At this moment, Su Chen suddenly took the teacup to the side, and asked You Ruo: "By the way, what's your name, are you new here? Why don't I have any impression of you?"

You Ruo didn't expect Su Chen to ask a question suddenly, his expression froze slightly, and he was even more disappointed in his heart, adjusted his mood a little, You Ruo said: "If you go back to the leader, the slave girl is called Jian Wu, and she came to join the Tianxia Association half a year ago. "

"Is that so?" Su Chen nodded slightly when he heard the words, and picked up the teacup again, as if he was about to drink the tea in the cup.

When You Ruo saw this, she felt very excited in her heart, and the expression on her face showed a little bit.

Su Chen secretly observed You Ruo's performance, and couldn't help being amused. Anyway, it's good to tease beautiful women when he's idle, so he suddenly moved the teacup away from his mouth, looked at You Ruo and said, "Jian Wu, your face What a strange expression on the face, maybe there is something added to the tea, right?"

When You Ruo heard Su Chen's words, she was startled immediately, quickly restrained her expression, and said nervously: "No, this servant has just suffered from a disease since childhood, and occasionally can't control his expression. This servant did not poison the boss's tea. !"

Su Chen smiled and said: "I'm just joking, why are you so excited? However, I didn't say you were poisoned, how could you think of poisoning?"

"Ah... oh, the servant girl should die, the servant girl said the wrong thing!"

When You Ruo heard the words, his face changed again, and he quickly answered, but at the same time he cursed at Su Chen in his heart.

"It doesn't matter." Su Chen shook his head slightly, replied Youruo, then picked up the teacup, raised his neck and drank the tea in it.

Seeing that Su Chen drank the poisoned tea that he had prepared, You Ruo suddenly showed a smile on his face, and sneered at Su Chen: "Su Chen, you are still being fooled after all, you didn't expect it, right? In the tea, the highly poisonous Mixin Powder has been poured!"

"It won't be long before you will become my slave. You will do what I tell you to do! I will let you kill your three apprentices with your own hands, then destroy the Tianxiahui by yourself, and finally kill yourself Cut to death!"

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Su Chen pretended to be poisoned, and asked in shock, "You...why did you poison me? Who are you?"

Hearing this, You Ruo sneered, and said in a sinister voice: "Listen clearly, your grandma and I are You Ruo, the daughter of Xiongba, the true master of the Tianxiahui! Fortunately, I sneaked out of the Tianxiahui back then, so I survived , I'm afraid you didn't expect that I will come back to seek revenge on you!"

"It turned out to be the daughter of Xiongba, no wonder." Su Chen nodded slightly to express his understanding when he heard the words, and then said, "But, do you think your poison can really poison me?"

.... 0

When You Ruo heard Su Chen's words, she couldn't help becoming a little nervous again, "Hmph, stop putting on airs! If the poison doesn't poison you, will you still allow me to stand here?"

Su Chen suddenly smiled when he heard the words, "Oh? Really? Then what do you want me to do to you?"

When the voice fell, Su Chen's figure was also like a ghost, and he came to You Ruo's side in an instant, and stretched out his hand to support You Ruo's chin.


Seeing this, You Ruo turned pale with shock, screamed in disbelief, "Impossible, how could Mixin San be useless?"

Su Chen smiled and said: "I forgot to tell you, this seat is invulnerable to all poisons, and any poison is ineffective against me!"

"I don't believe it!" You Ruo's complexion changed drastically when he heard the words, and he replied forcefully, and then said to Su Chen, "Su Chen, kneel down for me!"

Su Chen shook his head lightly, "You're really obsessed. Since you like to kneel, then you should kneel down first."

When the sound fell, Su Chen casually sent out a burst of true energy, easily hitting You Ruo's knees.

In the next instant, You Ruo knelt down at Su Chen's feet with a "plop", but her body accidentally staggered, and she threw the knife at Su Chen's waist.

Chapter 291 Subdue You Ruo and set off to worship Sword Villa! 【Seek full order】

"This is poisoning. Are you planning to use a beauty trick on me again?"

Seeing this, Su Chen couldn't help laughing and teasing, and at the same time raised his toes slightly to catch You Ruo's chin, preventing her from falling to his feet.

"You, bastard! Grandma would rather die than use any beauty tricks on you, so stop dreaming!"

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