Feeling the humiliating gesture at this time, You Ruo immediately gritted her teeth and yelled at Su Chen when she heard Su Chen's words.

Seeing You Ruo's appearance, Su Chen knew that it was absolutely impossible to change You Ruo's attitude towards him by normal means.

After all, I am not the lucky son of Nie Feng, the daughter who can easily conquer the enemy.

After pondering "four four zero" for a while, Su Chen chose to use the Purdue Heart Sutra on You Ruo.

In the previous life, when Su Chen watched Fengyun, he still had a good impression of You Ruo, one of the heroines.

It seems a pity to kill such a beautiful woman directly like this.

You Ruo's strength is far from Su Chen's. Under Su Chen's Purdue Heart Sutra, she has almost no resistance, and is easily converted by Su Chen.

After the transition is completed, in You Ruo's eyes, Su Chen is no longer her father-killing enemy, but the only belief in her heart!

"Youruo sees the master!"

After a while, You Ruo took the initiative to kneel down towards Su Chen, and said respectfully.

Su Chen smiled and said: "Get up, from today on, you will be my personal maid and serve by my side."

"Yes, Master!"

When You Ruo heard the words, she immediately agreed to speak out without hesitation, and then stood up and stood beside Su Chen.

Su Chen thought for a while, and then asked, "How have you lived these years?"

You Ruo said: "After I sneaked out of the Tianxiahui, I came back and learned that the Tianxiahui had changed hands. When I was at a loss, I met a man who claimed to be a catcher. He raised me and taught me The one who taught me self-defense martial arts."

When Su Chen heard You Ruo's words, he couldn't help raising his brows slightly, but he didn't expect that this was the case.

It seems that although Catcher has turned against Xiongba, he still cares about family affection in his heart.

After learning that there was only one Catcher behind You Ruo, Su Chen didn't care too much, and he didn't pay attention to just Catcher.

Next, Su Chen went directly to Wen Chouchou and asked him to drop You Ruo to his side as his personal maid.

Wen Chouchou was shocked when he heard the name You Ruo, and carefully reminded Su Chen.

Naturally, Wen Chou Chou would not know that the current You Ruo would never have any unfavorable thoughts towards Su Chen anymore.

After dealing with You Ruo's matter, Su Chen's life became dull again.

Most of the days, he was practicing alone.

Of course, Su Chen didn't forget to tease the little maid You Ruo once in a while while practicing.

In addition, Su Chen will also guide the cultivation of Bu Jingyun, Duanlang and Nie Feng.

As for teaching Tianshuangquan to Tianxiahui, it is also in full swing.

Under Wen Chouchou's vigorous publicity, countless members of the Tianxiahui all knew the powerful power of Tianshuang Fist, and they were very grateful to Su Chen in their hearts.

And when they learned that they had the opportunity to become the fourth hall master of the Tianxiahui, the countless Tianxiahui's helpers became even more passionate, and it seemed that they worked extremely hard in cultivation!

All of a sudden, the entire Tianxiahui formed a frenzy of cultivation!

The entire Tianxiahui is also in a state of prosperity and development.

Ordinary time always seems to pass quickly.

Before I knew it, more than half a year had passed.

On this day, Su Chen had just finished instructing the Tianshuangquan practice of the Tianxiahui, Wen Chouchou waved his folding fan, moved towards Su Chen, and said respectfully:

"Master, a disciple came to report that after many years at the Sword Sword Villa, another sword was cast, and it was named the Peerless Sword!"

"I heard that once this peerless sword is born, there will be no sword in the world that can compare to it... Recently, Baijian Villa is spreading invitations, inviting heroes from all over the world to gather in Baijian Villa to witness the peerless beauty With the birth of the sword, should our Tianxiahui also take action?"

Hearing Wen Chouchou's words, Su Chen could not help but feel his heart move. He nodded slightly and said, "I have heard of Baijian Mountain Villa. It is said that it is a family that specializes in casting magical weapons. Their tone is quite loud. It just so happens that I If you come here to be idle and bored, let’s go to the Blessing Sword Villa in person!”

Wen Chou said, waving his feather fan and grinning, "It's a great honor for the Lord to come to Baijian Villa in person. If Baijian Villa knows that the Lord is here, I don't know how happy we should be!"

Su Chen was noncommittal when he heard the words, and said lightly: "Are you happy? Maybe."

When Wen Chouchou heard Su Chen's words, he felt a little confused, but he didn't dare to ask any more questions, and just kept smiling.

After making a decision, Su Chen didn't delay anything.

On the morning of 2.2 the next day, Su Chen directly called Bu Jingyun, Duanlang and Nie Feng, and told them about the peerless sword.

After confessing, Su Chen asked Nie Feng to stay and guard the headquarters of the Tianxiahui.

As for himself, he brought Bu Jingyun and Duanlang to Baijian Villa together.

By the way, apart from Bu Jingyun and Duanlang, Su Chen did not forget to bring the maid You Ruo with him.

At this time, not only the world will know the news that a peerless sword is about to be born in Baijian Villa, but also many people in the Jianghu in the entire Shenzhou Jianghu have got the news.

Moreover, I don't know how many people flocked to Baijian Villa one after another! .

Chapter 292 Arrogant Aotian, Mrs. Ao's Invitation

Baijian Villa.

Because the news of the imminent birth of the peerless sword spread in the Jianghu, at this time, the Sword Worship Villa has become the object of attention of all the forces in the Shenzhou Jianghu.

At this moment, in Baijian Villa, Aotian, the young master of Baijian Villa, is accepting the lecture from his mother, Mrs. Ao.

"Tian'er, this Peerless Sword is related to the future of my Blessing Sword Villa. You must do your best to make Peerless Sword recognize you as the master and make the Blessing Sword Villa flourish!"

Hearing this, Aotian said with a proud face: "Mother, don't worry, the peerless sword was originally forged by me at the Sword Villa, so I can't let it fall into the hands of outsiders. Only I, Aotian, can match such a sword." have!"

Mrs. Ao said: "It's a good thing that you have confidence, but don't underestimate the heroes of the world. Especially for the Tianxiahui, you must be cautious. Even if you have a peerless sword, you can't easily start a dispute with the Tianxiahui!"

When Aotian heard Aofu 08's words, there was a flash of disapproval in his eyes, and he said lightly: "Mother, don't worry, as long as people from the Tianxiahui don't come to provoke me, I won't do anything to them."

At this moment, a somewhat nervous reporting voice came from outside Madam Ao's room door.

"Ma'am, young master, Zhuang Ding has come to report that the leader of the Tianxiahui, Su Chen, brought the master of the Feiyun hall, Bu Jingyun, and the master of the Huolin hall, Duanlang, to visit the village!"

When Mrs. Ao heard the man's report, her face couldn't help but change slightly, and she said in a deep voice, "I'm going to meet the honored guest in person."

Then, Madam Ao turned to Aotian again and said: "Tian'er, you come with me!"

Although Aotian was reluctant, he still followed Mrs. Ao and walked towards the gate of Baijian Villa.

When the mother and son, accompanied by Zhuang Ding, walked to the gate of Baijian Villa, the first thing they saw was a majestic figure that was always covered in raging fire.

"Fire Qilin!"

Seeing that majestic figure, Mrs. Ao's and Aotian's expressions changed slightly, and Aotian couldn't help exclaiming.

From the body of the fire unicorn, Aotian felt a great sense of oppression, even a feeling of facing death.

He has no doubt that as long as Huo Qilin is willing, he can swallow him in one mouthful at any time!

Just when the mother and son were terrified, a gentle voice came from Huo Qilin's back, "Su Chen, the leader of the Tianxia Society, heard that there is a peerless sword that will be born in Baijian Villa, so I came here to have a look." , Mrs. Ao and the Young Master, they should not respond to my arrival, right?"

When Su Chen's voice fell, the flames all over Huo Qilin's body were instantly hidden in his body.

At this time, Mrs. Ao and Aotian mother and son could clearly see Su Chen sitting on the back of Huo Qilin and You Ruo in his arms.

And Bu Jingyun and Duanlang standing behind the Huo Qilin.

Hearing Su Chen's words, Mrs. Ao hurriedly said: "It's our honor to have Lord Su and the two hall masters come to Sword Sword Villa in person. There is no reason not to welcome them. Please come in quickly!"

While speaking, Mrs. Ao stretched out her hand to signal Zhuang Ding of Baijian Villa to get out of the way, and at the same time indicated the direction for Su Chen and the others.

At this time, Aotian also lowered his proud head, and no longer dared to have the slightest arrogance when facing Su Chen.

Su Chen nodded slightly, rode directly on the fire unicorn, hugged You Ruo, and headed towards the interior of Baijian Villa.

Bu Jingyun and Duanlang cast a glance at Mrs. Ao's mother and son, and then followed closely behind Huo Qilin and entered Baijian Villa.

"Tian'er, you must keep in mind that you must not offend the Tianxiahui, especially Su Gangzhu, otherwise, we are afraid that we will be wiped out in the blink of an eye at the Sword Villa!"

Madam Ao looked at the backs of Su Chen and the others, and warned Aotian in a low voice.

Aotian heard the words and quickly said: "Mother, the child understands."

"Let's go in too," Mrs. Ao nodded slightly, said to Aotian, and then quickly walked towards the interior of Baijian Villa.

After arriving at the Sword Sword Villa, Mrs. Ao and Aotian naturally entertained Su Chen, You Ruo, Bu Jingyun and Duanlang in a hurry.

Even Huo Qilin was given a jar of fine wine by Zhuang Ding from Baijian Villa.

After the two parties chatted politely for a while, Mrs. Ao's eyes flickered for a while, and she suddenly stood up and said to Su Chen: "Master Su, I have something to do with me, and I want to discuss it with Mr. Su alone. I wonder if Mr. Su can give me a chance?"

"Mother, why don't I even know about it?" Aotian couldn't help asking when he heard Mrs. Ao's words.

Bu Jingyun and Duanlang's eyes flickered, but they didn't say anything.

You Ruo just stood quietly behind Su Chen, holding Su Chen's shoulders with a pair of dexterous little hands.

Mrs. Ao said to Ao Tian: "You will naturally know in the future, you go down first!"

"This... yes, the boy will leave!"

Hearing Madam Ao's words, Aotian hesitated a little, glanced at Su Chen sitting on the top of 440, and finally retreated obediently.

Su Chen pondered for a while, waved his hands casually, and said lightly: "Bu Jingyun, Duanlang, Youruo, the three of you should also step back first!"

"Yes, Master!"

"Yes, Master!"

Hearing the words, the three of them respectfully agreed at the same time, glanced in Madam Ao's direction, and then backed out.

After several people had left, Su Chen looked at Mrs. Ao, and said indifferently: "What do you have to discuss with me alone?"

Mrs. Ao hesitated a little when she heard the words, then bit her lips lightly, and said: "Master Su, it's a bit inconvenient here, can you come with me to my room to discuss?"

"To your room... that's fine, then let's go!"

Hearing Madam Ao's words, Su Chen looked Madam Ao up and down several times, until Madam Ao's face turned red, and then she spoke leisurely.

When Mrs. Ao saw that Su Chen agreed to come down, she immediately blushed and said, "Master Su, please follow me."

While speaking, Mrs. Ao took small steps and led Su Chen in front.

Su Chen looked at the swaying Madam Ao, frowned slightly, and silently followed behind her.

Chapter 293 Self-recommended pillow seats, another lucky draw! 【Seek full order】

After a while, the two arrived at Mrs. Ao's room.

After entering the room, Mrs. Ao directly lifted the veil covering her face, and took off her loose clothing.

Suddenly, a mature and graceful body appeared in front of Su Chen.

Mrs. Ao is in her thirties, although in some respects she is not as good as a young woman in her early twenties, but she has a bit more mature charm.

Seeing this, Su Chen's eyes couldn't help but brighten a little bit, but on the surface he looked puzzled, "Madam Ao, what do you mean?"

Mrs. Ao didn't stop undressing, and said to Su Chen at the same time: "I have nothing else, I can only use my own body as an exchange, I just want to ask Master Su to help me kill someone!"

When Su Chen heard Madam Ao's words, he immediately understood, but he still looked at Madam Ao and asked, "Who does Madam Ao want me to kill for you?"

Mrs. Ao said: "This person calls himself the Sword Demon, and now he is in our Sword Worship Villa. Back then he..."

Immediately, Madam Ao narrated the matter between Sword Demon and her.

Mrs. Ao's husband, the original owner of Sword Worship Villa, was killed by the sword demon!

Moreover, the sword demon has been pestering Mrs. Ao endlessly, always wanting to get Mrs. Ao.

But Mrs. Ao only has hatred for Sword Demon in her heart, how could she let him get his wish!

However, for the safety of her son Aotian, Mrs. Ao had no choice but to bear the burden of humiliation and make a deal with Sword Demon for the time being.

After Mrs. Ao saw Su Chen and felt Su Chen's powerful strength, she immediately came up with the idea of ​​using Su Chen's hand to get rid of the sword demon.

Su Chen took a step forward, stretched out his hand to lift Madam Ao's chin, and said with a light smile, "It's just that, I'm afraid it's not enough! Apart from you, Madam Ao, I also want to worship the peerless sword that will be born in the Sword Villa soon!"

"Of course, in return, Sword Worship Villa will be protected by the Tianxiahui in the future, and no one or force will dare to do anything to you!"

Mrs. Ao originally wanted Aotian to control the peerless sword, but now she heard Su Chen's words, she knew that she had no choice, so she could only agree to it in the end, "Okay, I agree to the conditions of Chief Su, I hope Lord Su, don't break your promise!"

Madam Ao's hatred and disgust towards the Sword Demon has reached the extreme, and recently, the Sword Demon has gone too far, she has to make up her mind to get rid of the Sword Demon's future troubles!

As for the peerless sword, although Mrs. Ao also values ​​it very much, compared to her and Aotian's life, a sword is only second to none.

Moreover, there is another treasured sword in the Sword Worship Villa, and it will reappear in the world in a few years!

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