Su Chen didn't care about Mrs. Ao's thoughts. Seeing that Mrs. Ao agreed to his terms, she reached out and squeezed Mrs. Ao's ample body, and said with a smile, "Since Mrs. Ao has no objection, then undress me first."

Mrs. Ao heard Su Chen's words, but she didn't make a sound, she let Su Chen's hands move, and at the same time moved closer to Su Chen's side, and began to undress Su Chen.

What followed was naturally a fierce battle that was not humane.

Afterwards, Su Chen explained a few words to Mrs. Ao, then turned around and walked towards the door.

Just when Su Chen walked out of the room, he saw a big man with a strong evil spirit and an unshaven beard rushing towards him quickly.

When he saw Su Chen coming out of Mrs. Ao's room, and vaguely saw the messy clothes in the room, his eyes burst into tears, "Bastard, you dare to defile my woman, I want you to die!"

The big man let out an angry roar, immediately drew out the sword at his waist, and stabbed straight at Su Chen!

Seeing this, Su Chen couldn't help but smiled and shook his head, "I was about to look for you, but I didn't expect you to come here on my own initiative. Since you are anxious to find death, I will send you to the underworld!"

Su Chen has the eyes of luck, so he can easily recognize that this big man is the sword demon who has coveted Mrs. Ao for many years and has been licking dogs for more than ten years!

When the voice fell, Su Chen casually pulled out the Lingshuang Sword from his waist, and slashed at the Sword Demon casually!

"call out!"

In the next moment, a terrifying sword aura emanated from the Lingshuang Sword, and with a piercing murderous intent, it fell between the chest and abdomen of the Sword Demon in an instant!

"`" Chick! "

The sound of a sharp weapon piercing into the flesh sounded.

Immediately afterwards, the sword demon's body was split in half by that terrifying sword energy!


Afterwards, the two halves of the sword demon's body fell heavily to the ground, making a dull sound.

As for the sword demon's attack, Su Chen just waved it casually, and then sent out a burst of true energy, easily knocking it away!

Mrs. Ao in the room also heard the movement outside, quickly wrapped her body briefly, walked to the door, and looked outside.

I happened to see the scene where the sword demon was split in half by Su Chen's sword energy, and my heart was both shocked and delighted.

"Dead, finally dead (is it)!"

After a while, Mrs. Ao murmured in a low voice, and tears flowed slowly from her eyes.

Su Chen glanced at Mrs. Ao, didn't say much, turned around and left.

[Ding, the host surrendered Mrs. Ao, and killed the sword demon, changed the original plot, and got a chance to draw a lottery! 】

At this moment, the familiar notification sound from the system sounded again in Su Chen's mind.

Hey, there is also a lottery here!

Hearing the sound of the system, Su Chen was a little surprised.

But thinking about it carefully, it's not too surprising. After all, the plot of Baijian Villa is not a small turning point in the original book.

Since there is a lottery draw, of course Su Chen will not waste it. While walking, he gave the system a lottery draw command from the bottom of his heart.

Chapter 294: Water-Stop Swordsmanship, Chuangzhuang! 【Seek full order】

Following Su Chen's order, the system's familiar lottery roulette reappeared in front of his eyes immediately, spinning rapidly and endlessly.

When the lottery roulette stopped spinning, the system's winning notification sound followed.

[Ding, the lucky draw is successful!Congratulations to the host for obtaining the "Sword of Stopping Water"! 】

"The Zhishui swordsmanship is actually this swordsmanship?"

Hearing the content of the system's rewards, Su Chen couldn't help being a little surprised, but also quite satisfied.

This set of water-stopping swordsmanship comes from a certain novel world, one of the martial arts of Li Hanyi, the second city lord of Xueyue City, who is known as Xueyue Sword Immortal.

The water-stopping swordsmanship is divided into four realms.

The first level is to see that mountains are mountains, and the water is water; the second level is that mountains are not mountains, and water is not water; the third level is that mountains are still mountains, and water is still water; above the third level, there is still the sword of heaven , into that sword, you can enter the realm of Xuanyou, the power is quite extraordinary!

Su Chen recalled the origin of this set of swordsmanship in his heart, and at the same time his thoughts moved slightly, he took out the secret book of Zhishui swordsmanship from the system space, and looked through it carefully.

While Su Chen was flipping through the cheat book, 440 suddenly presented a realistic picture in his mind. It seemed that there was a figure practicing this set of sword skills over and over again.

When Su Chen finished reading this cheat book, the figure's practice of this set of sword skills also gradually stopped.

At the same time, Su Chen also easily mastered this set of powerful swordsmanship, and can easily display it at any time.

However, at this moment, Su Chen didn't have anything to fight, and he wasn't in a hurry to use his sword skills.

After Su Chen left Madam Ao's room, he returned to the living room of Baijian Villa to sit quietly and wait.

After a while, Mrs. Ao dressed neatly again, covered her veil again, and appeared in front of Su Chen.

Su Chen looked at Mrs. Ao, and asked directly: "Now that I have helped you deal with the threat of the sword demon, I guess Madam won't break her promise and become fat?"

Mrs. Ao hurriedly said after hearing the words: "Don't worry, Master Su, although this concubine is a girl, she is by no means a person who goes back on her word. However, if Master Su (.) wants to get a peerless sword, he still needs to wait for a few days."

"Oh? Why is that?"

Su Chen heard Madam Ao's words and asked casually.

In fact, he roughly understood in his heart that the peerless sword has not yet been born.

Moreover, before the peerless sword is born, there will be a so-called sword sacrifice.

Sure enough, the content of Madam Ao's answer was exactly the same.

After Mrs. Ao finished speaking, Su Chen nodded and said: "In that case, then I will stay in the Sword Worship Villa for a few days, and wait for the sword sacrifice day, when the peerless sword will be born."

Mrs. Ao said: "Thank you, Lord Su, for your understanding. I will let my servants prepare a place for you."

Su Chen smiled and said, "How about you prepare it for me yourself? The room you prepared yourself will not feel strange to you when you get down to business, won't you?"

"Guangzhu Su, you still want me to continue..." Mrs. Ao's face changed slightly when she heard Su Chen's words, as if hesitant to speak.

Su Chen said lightly: "You said just now that you would not go back on your word, why are you going to go back on it now? You proposed this on your own initiative, using your body as a condition."

"But don't worry, after I leave Sword Worship Villa, I won't come to you often. In addition, I will teach your son a set of martial arts so that he can support the foundation of Sword Worship Villa."

When Mrs. Ao heard this, her expression fluctuated for a while, but she had no choice but to nod in agreement in the end.

On the one hand, in Madam Ao's heart, Su Chen's conditions in all aspects are ten thousand times better than Sword Demon's!

On the other hand, Mrs. Ao also knew that Su Chen was not a sword demon, and it was impossible for her to drag Su Chen like a sword demon.

Of course, Su Chen was not her husband-killing enemy, but also avenged her, which was also one of the reasons.

What's more, Su Chen is willing to teach her son advanced martial arts.

In short, in Madam Ao's heart, she kept hypnotizing herself and came up with several reasons for Su Chen, each of which was enough for her to accept the compromise.

Maybe this is also the difference between some women, facing a stalking dog, and facing a high-ranking person?

Su Chen naturally didn't know that Mrs. Ao's psychology had changed, so she was not too surprised to see her nodding her head in agreement.

Afterwards, Mrs. Ao personally took Su Chen and arranged a place for him in the Sword Worship Villa.

As for You Ruo, Bu Jingyun and Duanlang, the servants of Sword Worship Villa naturally arranged corresponding accommodations.

Su Chen did not break his promise, and chose a set of rain-covering swordsmanship to pass on to Mrs. Ao's son Aotian.

This set of swordsmanship is the peerless swordsmanship of Fuyu Jianlangfanyun, one of the two top masters in the world in the world of Fuyufanyun novels.

Even if this set of swordsmanship is placed in the Fengyun world, it is still quite impressive.

Seeing this, Mrs. Ao half-heartedly agreed to some of Su Chen's requests, and went to Su Chen's room every night, and got up early to return to her own room.

Naturally, Aotian didn't know about the relationship between his mother and Su Chen. After receiving Su Chen's instruction of the Rain-Fuying Sword Technique, he was very grateful to Su Chen in his heart.

When Su Chen read the original book, he was quite displeased with Aotian's character. To be on the safe side, he took advantage of the opportunity to teach Aotian's swordsmanship, and directly used the Purdue Heart Sutra on him, which directly made Aotian change. Became his own faithful believer.

Seeing that Aotian and Su Chen got along well, Mrs. Ao gradually felt relieved in her heart, and felt that this seemed to be a good choice.

However, such peaceful days are destined to be impossible to last forever.

One day, Mrs. Ao was watching Su Chen instructing Bu Jingyun, Duanlang and Aotian to practice, when suddenly a servant came in in a panic.

"Ma'am, Young Master, it's not good, someone broke into the village!".

Chapter 295 Try my sword skills! 【Seek full order】

"Let's go see it together!"

Hearing Zhuang Ding's report, Su Chen glanced at Mrs. Ao who frowned, and said softly.

When Mrs. Ao heard this, her brows loosened immediately, and she said gratefully: "Thank you, Chief Su."

Su Chen waved his hands and didn't say much, he took Bu Jingyun, Duanlang, and Aotian directly towards the gate of Baijian Villa.

As for Mrs. Ao, she naturally followed closely behind.

Not long after, a group of people came to the gate of Baijian Villa.

At this moment, at the gate of the Sword Worship Villa, there are quite a few disciples of the Sword Worship Villa lying down.

However, there was no death, but some people were injured to varying degrees.

But the one who injured them was a man wearing a cloth hat, with two long beards at the corners of his mouth, and a slightly wretched face~.

"Who are you? Dare to come to our Sword Worship Villa - make trouble!"

Seeing the situation at the gate of the villa, Aotian suddenly became angry, strode forward, and yelled at the man.

Su Chen had the God of Luck in his body, but he recognized the person at a glance, and he was one of the three people needed for the Sword Festival.

Hearing Aotian's words, Jian Tan smiled disapprovingly and said: "Old man Jian Tan, I just want to test the strength of the disciples of the Sword Worship Villa, who knows they are so unbearable? I don't know that you are blown away by the Sword Worship Villa How real is a peerless sword?"

When Aotian heard Jian Tan's words, he was furious immediately, drew his sword and pointed at Jian Tan obliquely, and said in a cold voice: "I'm not ashamed to speak so loudly, I'll let this young village owner teach you a lesson!"

After the sound fell, Aotian directly held the long sword in his hand, and took the initiative to attack the sword.

The long sword in Aotian's hand stabs out, like a dragon going out to sea, a roc spreads its wings, the long sword suddenly turns into a ball of cold light, the light bursts suddenly, turns into a sky of light rain, forming little flickering spots, which seem to want to spread in all directions Shoot away!

Aotian's figure disappeared into the cold light in the sky, and the rain-covering sword's cold light soared, shooting towards the sword at the speed of thunder and lightning!

This is exactly the rain-covering sword technique that Aotian learned from Su Chen!

Jian Tan didn't take Aotian seriously at first, but when he saw Aotian's swordsmanship, the smile on his face suddenly subsided, and his expression became a lot more dignified.

Immediately, he drew his sword out of its sheath and swung it quickly, forming a defensive shield of sword energy in front of him.

"Ding ding ding ding!"

In the next moment, Aotian used the sword qi from the rain-covering sword technique to hit the sword qi defensive cover of the sword, and there were bursts of metal and iron clashing sounds.


Although Jian Tan tried his best to defend himself, some of the raindrops formed by the sword energy pierced through the sword energy shield and landed on his body.

"Good swordsmanship!"

Jian greedily praised, quickly withdrew his sword and backed up, quickly avoiding Aotian's attack range.

Afterwards, Jian Tan suddenly threw the long sword to the ground, stepped on the long sword, and slid towards Aotian again.

When Jian Tan slid to Aotian's side, he took out a long sword out of nowhere, the tip of the sword trembled, and suddenly stabbed towards Aotian's right shoulder holding the sword!

Aotian is still not proficient in the Fuyu swordsmanship. He has just finished using his ultimate move and has not had time to change his moves. He did not expect that the sword will approach him in such a weird way, and the sword is as fast as lightning. He was unable to deal with it for a while. Just in time, he was directly stabbed in the shoulder by Jian Tan!


With a crisp sound, Aotian couldn't hold back for a while under the stabbing pain in his right shoulder, the long sword in his hand came out directly and fell to the ground.

"My God!"

Seeing this, Mrs. Ao exclaimed in surprise, but because Ao Tian fell into the hands of the sword, she dared not step forward easily under the sway of the mouse.

At this time, Jian Tan smiled again and said: "Although the sword technique is a good sword technique, it's a pity that the people who use this sword technique can't do it, what a pity!"

"Such a good swordsmanship should naturally be practiced by me, a swordsman genius. If you write down this set of swordsmanship to me, how about I let you go?"

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Although Aotian's strength is not good, but he still has some temper. Hearing Jian Tan's words, he immediately poohed: "I want to learn the sword skills of my young village master, you are dreaming!"

Jian Tan grinned and said, "I don't know if the sword technique is more important, or your life is more important?"

"Master Su, please save Tian'er." Madam Ao saw that Aotian was in danger, she had no choice but to ask Su Chen for help.

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