Jian Tan naturally noticed Su Chen, Bu Jingyun and Duanlang long ago.

.... 0

Originally, he did not recognize the identities of the three of them, but after hearing Madam Ao's words, his heart skipped a beat, and he became a little confused.

Su Chen didn't answer Mrs. Ao's words, and directly took a step forward, looked at Jian Tan, and said indifferently: "Do you want to learn my sword skills?"

Jian Tan heard the words, rolled his eyes, and said with a smile: "So, the sword technique that Aotian used just now was taught by you?"

Su Chen nodded and said: "That's right, I taught it indeed. You think Aotian can't use it well, so let's try my rain-covering sword technique again?"

When the voice fell, before the sword could react, the Lingshuang sword on Su Chen's waist was unsheathed instantly!

The Lingshuang sword came out of its sheath, like a dragon going out to sea, a roc spreading its wings, and countless fine rain of swords suddenly appeared in the sky!

When the sword rain started, the whole place was engulfed in light spots, and what was even more frightening was that following the sword rain, the condensed, indestructible sword aura, with lingering murderous intent, instantly enveloped the sword greed!

"Stop it, I admit defeat!"

Sensing the powerful power of the Rain-covering Sword used by Su Chen, Jian Tan's face suddenly changed, and he exclaimed, and at the same time blocked Aotian in front of him as a shield.

Seeing this scene, Mrs. Ao's face immediately turned pale, and she almost fainted.

Chapter 296 The Three Poisons of Greed, Anger and Ignorance

"Chi chi chi!"

In the next moment, the raindrops of sword energy all over the sky fell into the bodies of Aotian and Jiantan, making bursts of sound.

However, the circumstances of the two are quite different.


Jian greedily dropped the long sword in his hand, and let out a scream, his whole body was like a sieve, with fresh blood constantly shooting out, instantly turning into a blood man!

As for Aotian, he was not harmed in any way.

Aotian originally thought that he was about to die under Su Chen's sword energy, but now that he sensed his situation, he couldn't help being surprised.

However, he also understood that this was not the time to think too much, and immediately dodged, "[-]" distanced itself from Jian Tan, and returned to the side of Su Chen and the others.

"Thank you, Lord Su, for your rescue!"

After returning to Su Chen and the others, Aotian immediately bowed to Su Chen, expressing his gratitude.

"Tian'er, are you okay? I scared my mother to death just now!"

Mrs. Ao saw that Aotian was fine, she immediately relaxed a little with a hanging heart, but she was still a little bit worried, she hurried to Aotian's side and carefully checked his physical condition.

Aotian said to Mrs. Ao: "Mother, don't worry, I'm fine. Master Su's control of the sword energy has reached the point of perfection, and it didn't cause any harm to me."

"That's good, that's good." Mrs. Ao patted her beating heart as if she had survived the catastrophe, and then expressed her thanks to Su Chen.

Su Chen said casually: "There is no need to be too polite, it's just a matter of raising your hands. As far as I know, you spread invitations to the Sword Villa and invite people to gather in the Sword Villa for the so-called sword sacrifice, right? Now that all the sword sacrificers have arrived, when can the sword sacrifice begin?"

When Mrs. Ao heard Su Chen's words, her expression couldn't help changing slightly. She didn't expect that Su Chen even knew this.

But the timing of the sword sacrifice was not decided by her.

Mrs. Ao pondered for a while, and then said: "The sword sacrifice needs a specific timing, and I don't know about it myself. I still need to ask the master swordsmith."

Su Chen nodded and said: "Since that's the case, you can ask someone to ask. In addition, find someone to settle Jian Tan first, and don't let him die like this."

"Yes, Master Su!"

After hearing the words, Mrs. Ao respectfully agreed, and then went down to make arrangements.

"Master, what do you mean by sacrificial sword?"

After Mrs. Ao left, Duanlang asked Su Chen curiously.

Su Chen said indifferently: "It is rumored that there are four strange stones left after Nuwa mended the sky, one of which is named Heihan. The peerless sword cast by Baijian Villa this time is based on Heihan. Few weapons can compete with it!"

"However, the casting of this peerless sword requires a final step, which is to use the blood of the three poisons of 'greed, hatred and ignorance' to carry out the sacrifice. This is also the intentional spread of news by the Sword Worship Villa, so that everyone can gather at the reason for this."

When Aotian heard Su Chen's words, he was full of admiration and said: "Guangzhu Su really sees the truth, that's exactly what happened."

Duanlang asked again: "What is the so-called blood of the three poisons?"

Su Chen glanced at Bu Jingyun and Duanlang, and in the puzzled eyes of the two, he smiled and said: "The blood of the three poisons is related to the two of you. The three poisons are greed, hatred and ignorance. Greed refers to sword greed, hatred refers to Bu Jingyun, and ignorance refers to Duanlang."

Hearing Su Chen's words, Bu Jingyun and Duanlang looked at each other with surprise and uncertainty in their expressions.

Bu Jingyun said: "Master, what is meant by this so-called sword sacrifice is to use the sword greed, as well as my blood and Duanlang's to sacrifice the peerless sword?"

While speaking, Bu Jingyun glanced at Aotian who was at the side, and there was a faint murderous intent in his eyes 0  …

Duan Lang's eyes looking at Ao Tian also became extremely fierce.

Feeling the aura coming from the two, Aotian couldn't help feeling a lot of pressure, and subconsciously retreated behind Su Chen.

Su Chen smiled and said: "You two don't have to take it too seriously, you just need to release a few drops of blood into the sword pool at will."

"Is that so?" Duan Lang and Bu Jingyun immediately relaxed a lot when they heard the words.

"Huh? Someone is here again!"

At this moment, Su Chen sensed that not far away, an aura containing sword intent was gradually approaching, and could not help but twitch his brows slightly.

When Aotian heard Su Chen's whisper, his expression suddenly became serious. He didn't want to be abused again like he was abused by a sword greedy blood just now!

When Bu Jingyun and Duanlang heard the words, they also subconsciously looked towards the passage outside the Sword Worship Villa.

I saw a young man with a handsome face, dressed in white, and holding a sword across his hand, walking towards the Sword Villa.

On that man, 2.2 revealed a touch of righteousness, and he didn't look like a person of evil ways.

Bu Jingyun, Duanlang and Aotian didn't know the young man, but Su Chen recognized him at a glance. He was Jian Chen, the unknown disciple of Wulin Mythology!

After a while, under the watchful eyes of Bu Jingyun, Duanlang and Aotian, Jianchen came to the gate of Baijian Mountain Villa, then held the sword body in his hand, clasped fists in both hands, and gave a slight salute to Su Chen and the others, Loudly said:

"In the morning of Xia Jian, I will come to worship Jian Villa to pay respects at the order of my master!"

Aotian saw Jian Chen's attitude was pretty good, but he didn't feel nervous anymore, he stepped forward and asked: "So it's Jian Chen young hero, I don't know what to call Master?".

Chapter 297 Blood Sacrifice to the Sword Pool, Thousands of Swords Cry Together! 【Seek full order】

Jian Chen cupped his hands and said, "The family teacher is nameless."

"Wu Ming, but Wu Ming, who is called Wu Ming by people in Jianghu?" Hearing Jian Chen's words, Duan Lang beside him couldn't help but speak out unexpectedly.

Bu Jingyun and Aotian were also surprised by this.

Although Wumingyi has withdrawn from the arena for many years, Wuming, a martial arts myth, still has a great reputation in the arena.

When Bu Jingyun and Duanlang walked the rivers and lakes these years, they had also heard of the nameless name.

Su Chen knew Jian Chen's identity and his relationship with Wuming, but he was not surprised at all.

Jian Chen heard Duan Lang's words, smiled and said: "Hall Master Duan said well."

Duan Lang's eyes trembled when he heard the words, he looked at Jian Chen and asked, "Do you know me?"

Jian Chen bowed his hands in the direction of Su Chen, Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang, and continued: "The Master Su, Hall Master Bu and Hall Master Duan of the Tianxiahui all have great reputations on Jiang 08 Lake, since Jian Chen Walking in the rivers and lakes, one must pay careful attention to some heroes in the rivers and lakes."

When Duan Lang heard Jian Chen's flattering words, his face softened a lot.

But Bu Jingyun still had a cold look and didn't express anything.

At this time, Su Chen looked at Jian Chen and asked, "You said that you came to worship Sword Villa in the name of Wuming, is it also to compete for a peerless sword?"

Jian Chen clasped his fists and said: "I have no intention of competing for a peerless sword. My master asked me to come here just for the experience of being born and walking. Let me see the heroes of the world, and of course the peerless sword that will be born soon. I have already With the heroic sword in hand, how can they compete for other swords?"

At this moment, Zhuang Ding who thought that Baijian Villa walked towards them quickly.

After walking up to a few people, that Zhuang Ding quickly saluted Su Chen and Aotian, and said respectfully: "Master Su, Master Shaozhuang, and young heroes, Madam asked me to invite you to Jianchi .”

"Oh? Is the sword festival going to be held now?"

Hearing this, Su Chen raised his brows slightly and let out a faint sound.

Zhuang Ding quickly replied respectfully: "Yes, Master Zhongmei said that as long as the blood of the three poisons of greed, hatred and ignorance is gathered, the sword sacrifice can be performed."

"Who is the master Zhongmei you are talking about?"

Hearing Zhuang Ding's words, Duanlang couldn't help asking with frowned eyebrows.

At this time, Aotian explained from the side: "Brother Duan, Master Zhongmei is the swordsmith of our Baijian Villa, and this peerless sword is forged by Master Zhongmei."

Hearing what Aotian said, Duanlang nodded and said nothing.

Su Chen said: "In this case, let's go directly to Jianchi."

"Yes, Master!"

Seeing that Su Chen had made a decision, Bu Jingyun and Duanlang immediately responded respectfully.

Su Chen looked at Jian Chen on the side again, and said calmly: "Since the young man Jian Chen wants to see the peerless sword, let's go there together."

"Then I will bother you!"

Hearing this, Jian Chen clasped his fists at Su Chen and gave a slight salute, with a gentle voice.

Su Chen ignored him, and directly said to Aotian: "Aotian, you should lead the way."

"Yes, Master Su, everyone, please!"

Hearing the words, Aotian agreed, and then stretched out his hand to indicate the direction of Su Chen and the others.

Su Chen nodded slightly, and was the first to walk towards Jianchi.

Bu Jingyun, Duanlang and Jianchen naturally followed closely behind.

Not long after, a group of people came to the location of Jianchi under the guidance of Aotian.

When Madam Ao saw Su Chen coming, she quickly saluted Su Chen, "Master Su, you are here."

Su Chen nodded slightly, "Can we start offering swords now?"

While speaking, Su Chen took a look at the middle of the sword pool, where there was an old man with short hair and only a fireproof leather suit on his upper body, who was concentrating on tempering the long sword in his hand.

Mrs. Ao said: "Yes, but I have to wait for Master Zhongmei for a while."

Su Chen nodded slightly when he heard the words, and didn't say much.

While waiting, Mrs. Ao asked Aotian about Jianchen's identity. When she learned that Jianchen was an unknown apprentice of Wulin Mythology, her attitude towards him was naturally quite polite and considerate.

As for Jian Tan, who was covered in wounds, he was wrapped up like a rice dumpling and lying on the ground, humming non-stop.

Unfortunately, no one paid any attention to him.

"Ma'am, you can start the sacrifice!"

After a quarter of an hour, Zhong Mei stopped the movements of his hands, and respectfully spoke to Mrs. Ao who was beside her.

Mrs. Ao nodded slightly when she heard the words, then looked at Su Chen, and said softly, "Master Su, how do you think we should start?"

Su Chen took a look at 440's long swords standing in the middle of the sword pool, and said to Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang: "You two go forward, each of you drip a few drops of blood in the middle of the sword pool, and help Jian Greed by the way." .”

"Yes, Master!"

When Bu Jingyun and Duanlang heard the words, they looked at each other, and then agreed to speak out.

Next, under the watchful eyes of Madam Ao, Ao Tian, ​​Jian Chen and others, Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang cut a hole in their palms respectively, and continuously dripped a burst of blood towards the middle of the sword pool.

Immediately, Duan Lang stepped forward and raised Jian Tan with one hand, and slapped Jian Tan hard on the back.


In the next instant, Jian Tan spurted out a mouthful of blood, which sprayed into the middle of the sword pool, and was thrown aside by Duan Lang.

Seeing Jian Tan's miserable appearance, Jian Chen couldn't help feeling sorry for him, and stepped forward to treat him.

Su Chen, Bu Jingyun and Duanlang didn't pay attention to their intentions at all, but all focused their attention on the countless long swords in the middle of the sword pool.


Suddenly, in the sword pool, countless identical long swords all trembled violently, making buzzing sounds...

Chapter 298 A peerless sword is born, try the sword! 【Seek full order】

While countless long swords were trembling at the same time, the blood of Jian Tan, Bu Jingyun and Duanlang slowly flowed towards the center of the sword pool as if they had been sucked by some kind of suction.

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