Not long after, the blood of the three people gathered in one place, and was absorbed into the blade by the long sword in the center of the sword pond.

The long sword was placed in the center of the hot furnace, trembling unceasingly, driving countless long swords around, also trembling constantly, and like a pilgrimage, they all tilted towards the center.

"Is that the real peerless sword?"

Seeing this situation, Duanlang couldn't help asking.

No one answered Duanlang's words, because they didn't even know.

Even Su Chen is not sure whether the sword in the center is a peerless sword!

After pondering for a while, Su Chen said to Bu Jingyun: "You are destined to have this sword with Jingyun, Jingyun, go and get the sword back."

"Yes, Master!"

Hearing Su Chen's words, Bu Jingyun stepped forward without any hesitation, reached the big furnace in the center of the sword pool, jumped down without hesitation, held the hilt of the long sword with one hand, and pulled it out forcefully !

In the original book, Duan Lang, Bu Jingyun, and Jian Tan shoot swords at the same time, and there is a sword demon who fights for Mrs. Ao and Ao Tian, ​​so a melee is formed.

Now, the sword demon has been killed by Su Chen, the sword greed has been abolished by Su Chen, and Aotian has been transformed by Su Chen.

As for Duan Lang, he also obeyed Su Chen's words, so naturally there would be no more scenes of several people competing for the peerless sword.

However, Bu Jingyun also lost the unicorn arm.

When Bu Jingyun jumped into the furnace and stretched out his hand to hold the hilt of the long sword, the fire suddenly burst into flames, and the raging fire burned towards Bu Jingyun.

The temperature around the sword body soared so suddenly that Bu Jingyun could hardly bear to let go!



Bu Jingyun yelled loudly, using his whole body's power, converging on his hands, and then with all his strength, he pulled the long sword out of the furnace.

After pulling out the long sword, Bu Jingyun immediately had the sword in both hands, quickly dodged out of the center of the sword pool, and fell to the outer normal temperature zone.

"Bang bang bang!"

At this moment, a series of explosions suddenly occurred in the sword pool. The countless long swords that stood in the sword pool seemed to have lost their vitality in an instant, and they all stood quietly in place, without the sound of trembling and humming.

But when Bu Jingyun fell to the ground holding the peerless sword, his body was already burnt with a scorched smell, and there were many transparent flesh blisters, which made people feel pain.

However, at this time, Bu Jingyun's cultivation base was much stronger than in the original book, but he didn't almost pass out.

The sword greedy on the ground watched Bu Jingyun snatch the peerless sword, and couldn't help staring at Bu Jingyun. To be precise, it was the peerless sword in his hand, with a wolf-like light in his eyes.

Duan Lang looked at the peerless sword in Bu Jingyun's hand, looking eager to try it, as if he planned to use the Fire Lin Sword in his hand to compete with Bu Jingyun's peerless sword!

The Fire Lin sword in Duanlang's hand was naturally passed down to him by his father, Duanshuai.

Not only did Duanshuai pass the Huolin sword to Duanlang, but Nie Feng's father, Nie Renwang, also passed the Xueyin sword to Nie Feng.

Although the current King Nie Ren and Duan Shuai still live in the Tianxiahui, they are not much different from retiring, basically they will not make a move.

Mrs. Ao and Aotian didn't have any special ideas, because Mrs. Ao had already agreed to give Su Chen the peerless sword.

Moreover, Mrs. Ao knew that they had no right to choose in front of Su Chen at Sword Sword Villa.

As for Aotian, it is completely based on Su Chen's will. Since Su Chen said that this sword belongs to Bu Jingyun, he naturally dare not speak.

Su Chen glanced around at the few people in the field, then took a step forward, walked to Bu Jingyun's side, took out a Rejuvenation Pill from the system space, and gave Bu Jingyun to take it.

There are still a lot of rejuvenation pills that Su Chen got in the lottery, so it is easy to treat Bu Jingyun's injury.

As for the blood bodhi, there is rejuvenation pill to replace its healing effect, so Su Chen naturally doesn't need to waste one.

After all, in addition to healing wounds, Blood Bodhi can also improve one's skill for 50 years.

Not long after Bu Jingyun took the Huichun Pill, all the injuries on his body recovered.

Bu Jingyun felt the refreshed state of his body regained, bowed to Su Chen and cupped his fists, gratefully said: "` "Thank you, Master! "

Su Chen smiled and said: "There is no need to be too polite, it's just a trivial matter. You should first try the power of the peerless sword."


When Bu Jingyun heard Su Chen's words, he naturally agreed without hesitation. In fact, he himself had such thoughts.

"Brother Bu, let me use the Fire Lin sword in my hand to try your peerless sword, Chuang!"

Duan Lang took the initiative to stand up at this time, and said to Bu Jingyun.

(Mama's) Bu Jingyun heard the words, his expression remained unchanged, and he said coolly: "Then come!"

Seeing this, Su Chen shook his head slightly, but he still didn't make a sound to stop him, but just reminded him lightly, "Between brothers, let's learn martial arts, as far as we can. And, this time, it's mainly to test the peerless sword."

"Yes, Master!"

Bu Jingyun and Duanlang heard the words, Qiqi respectfully agreed to Su Chen.

Su Chen said to Mrs. Ao: "Take us to the martial arts arena in Baijian Villa."

"Yes, Master Su!"

Mrs. Ao respectfully agreed, and then she led everyone out of the sword pool, and soon arrived at an open square.

After arriving at the destination, Bu Jingyun and Duanlang immediately stood facing each other with long swords in their hands, and the sword intent on their bodies burst out! .

Chapter 299 Zhantian Swordsmanship VS Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect! 【Seek full order】

Sensing the terrifying sword intent emanating from the two of them, Mrs. Ao, Ao Tian, ​​and Jian Chen all looked solemn.

From the two of them, they both felt great pressure!

Especially Jian Chen, who was born under the order of his teacher to experience the world, thought that even if he could not rule the world, at least among the younger generation, he should have no rivals.

But now, seeing the strength of Bu Jingyun and Duanlang, Jianchen was shocked in his heart.

Su Chen looked at the performance of the two, but there was nothing unexpected, and there was no change in expression.

After the two confronted each other for a while, they suddenly raised their swords and rushed towards each other at the same time.


As the two rushed towards each other, the air between them seemed to be pierced by the terrifying sword intent, and there was a roar.

In an instant, the long swords in the hands of the two clashed together.


A clear voice sounded, and the terrifying energy instantly spread in all directions!

Mrs. Ao, Aotian 440 and Jian Chen sensed the spreading sword energy, their expressions changed slightly, and they quickly moved back a little distance.

As for the ordinary disciples of the Sword Worshiping Villa around them, they backed away frantically in fright, for fear of being affected by the aftermath of the battle between the two.

"Ding ding ding ding!"

As the two fought against each other, there were bursts of crisp sounds of metal and iron clashing between the Peerless Sword and the Huolin Sword.

The terrifying sword intent bombarded the entire martial arts arena in a short time!

Both of them used fast breaks, and in the blink of an eye, they had fought hundreds of moves, but they still couldn't tell the winner.

Duanlang gradually became impatient, and suddenly his figure flickered, distanced himself from Bu Jingyun, and put the Huolin Sword back into its sheath.

Seeing this, Jianchen, Mrs. Ao's mother and son thought that the battle between Duanlang and Bu Jingyun would be over.

However, at this moment, Duanlang suddenly stood up from the ground, and the Huolin sword in his hand was unsheathed again in an instant, and he slashed at Bu Jingyun!

"Cut the sky and draw the sword!"

At the same time, Duan Lang let out a light drink!

As Duan Lang drew his sword out of its sheath, a clear sword chant sounded in the air immediately!

When the fire unicorn in Duanlang's hand cut out, the dazzling sword light flashed, as if a shooting star suddenly fell from the sky, or like a thunderbolt piercing the sky!

The sword light is so bright that people dare not look directly at it!

"What kind of sword technique is this? It's terrifying!"

Seeing Duan Lang's sword technique, Jian Chen's expression changed suddenly, and he muttered in his mouth.

At this moment, Jian Chen could no longer feel any resistance in the face of Duan Lang.

In fact, in his opinion, whether it is Duanlang's cultivation base or the terrifying swordsmanship that Duanlang uses, they are far beyond his reach!

As Duanlang's fellow disciple and competitor, Bu Jingyun naturally knew that Duanlang had mastered this terrifying sword technique.

When Duanlang retracted his sword and retreated, Bu Jingyun didn't slack off in the slightest.

Bu Jingyun also had a serious expression when he saw Duanlang perform the Heaven Slashing and Drawing Sword Technique, and quickly swung the peerless sword in front of him, drawing out dazzling sword lights!

At the same time, the whole person is instantly integrated with the peerless sword, and the terrifying sword intent is all around him, and it has changed from invisible to tangible. It seems that there are countless long swords surrounding him in an instant.

"Ten thousand swords return to the sect!"

Bu Jingyun let out a soft drink (.), holding a peerless sword in his hand, and instantly met Duanlang's attack.

"It turned out to be Wan Jian Guizong!"

Jian Chen's expression changed drastically when he saw Bu Jingyun displaying Wan Jian Guizong, and he couldn't help but exclaimed.

Jian Chen had only heard about Wan Jian Guizong occasionally from his master Wu Ming. According to Wu Ming, Wan Jian Gui Zong had long been lost!

Jian Chen never imagined that he would actually see the reappearance of this unique skill of the sword sect on Bu Jingyun's body!

Mrs. Ao, Aotian and other worshipers at the Sword Villa were equally shocked when they saw Bu Jingyun's Wanjian Guizong swordsmanship.

Moreover, Mrs. Ao thought a little more.

Duanlang used the technique of Zhantian and Pulling the Sword, and Bu Jingyun used the Wanjian Guizong technique. These two sword techniques were never seen or even heard of by her.

But the terrifying power of these two sets of swordsmanship, she believes that there are few swordsmanship in the world that can match it!

And Bu Jingyun and Duanlang are both Su Chen's apprentices, how far should Su Chen's swordsmanship attainment be?

Thinking in her heart, Mrs. Ao couldn't help looking at Su Chen who was on the side, with a gleam in her eyes.

At this time, Su Chen, watching the duel between Bu Jingyun and Duanlang, couldn't help but shook his head, "What two worry-free guys."

From Su Chen's point of view, the power of Wan Jian Guizong and Zhan Tian Pulling Sword should be comparable.

And the strength of Bu Jingyun and Duanlang's cultivation is also between brothers.

The two displayed their strongest swordsmanship at the same time at the same time, which was simply risking their lives, if one did not do well, they would die together!

At least it will hurt both sides, and it will be very serious.

Su Chen didn't want to give in to Bu Jingyun and Duanlang's fight, and then waste two Rejuvenation Pills, and he didn't want to make the two who had never dealt with each other turn into enemies because of this battle.

"It seems that I still have to clean up this mess! If I knew it earlier, I shouldn't have let the two of them compete with swords in the first place."

Su Chen shook his head lightly, whispered in his mouth, and then took a step forward, his figure fluttered like a fairy, and he appeared in the center of Bu Jingyun and Duanlang's attack in an instant!


Seeing this, Bu Jingyun and Duanlang's expressions changed drastically, and they quickly controlled the long swords in their hands at the same time, planning to withdraw their attacks.

But at this time, it was obviously too late.

Mrs. Ao and Aotian looked at Su Chen who suddenly broke into the center of Bu Jingyun and Duanlang's attack, and they couldn't help showing worry in their eyes.

Chapter 300 Warning, enter the room late at night! 【Seek full order】

Amidst the suspicious expressions of everyone, Su Chen suddenly released a golden air mask, instantly covering Zhang Yang in the golden air mask.

"Ding ding ding ding!"

The sword energy emitted by Bu Jingyun and Duanlang fell on the golden air shield, and there was a crisp sound of metal and iron clanging in an instant.

But the golden gas mask was not damaged at all, and it didn't even tremble.

"Enough is enough, give it to me - stop!"

At the same time, Su Chen made a faint sound.

At the same time as the voice fell, the golden gas mask on Su Chen's body suddenly seemed to be filled with gas, and instantly expanded wildly in all directions!



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