In the next moment, both Bu Jingyun and Duanlang were hit on the chest by the golden air mask, making a dull impact sound.



Afterwards, the two of them fell heavily to the ground, and the blood in their bodies surged.


Seeing this scene, Jian Chen, Mrs. Ao, and the many disciples of the Sword Worship Villa nearby couldn't help but gasp!

When they saw the terrifying strength of Duanlang and Bu Jingyun just now, they already felt that their eyes were wide open.

I even feel that there are not many people in the world who can reach the level of two people.

However, in the next moment, Su Chen showed a more powerful and terrifying strength!

Seeing the formidable strength displayed by Bu Jingyun and Duanlang, Jianchen felt that even if it was compared to his master Wuming, it might not be much worse.

But Su Chen easily resolved the strong attacks of the two, and instantly sent them flying.

But Su Chen himself was unscathed, and even his breath was as stable as ever!

This Su Chen's strength is too terrifying!

Jian Chen felt that even if his master was Wuming, he might not be an opponent at all against Su Chen!

"Master forgive me!"

As soon as Bu Jingyun and Duanlang landed on the ground, they got up quickly, knelt down on one knee towards Su Chen, and apologized.

Su Chen glanced at the two of them, and said in an indifferent voice: "Didn't I tell you that martial arts competitions between brothers and sisters are endless? Are you trying to kill each other?"

"The disciple knows his mistake, please forgive me, master!"

After hearing the words, Bu Jingyun and Duanlang pleaded guilty to Su Chen again.

Bu Jingyun and Duanlang actually didn't have much idea about the extent of Su Chen's strength.

However, with this experience, they had a new understanding of Su Chen's strength in their hearts, and their awe of Su Chen was even stronger.

Su Chen glanced at the two of them, and said lightly: "Get up! I know that there is some discord between you brothers and sisters, but it is not like life and death, right? If there is another time, who will be the first to strike hard? The seat will kill him directly, so as not to let outsiders see the joke and lose all the face of the seat!"

"Yes, this disciple will keep in mind Master's teachings!"

Upon hearing the words, Bu Jingyun and Duanlang looked at each other, respectfully addressed Su Chen, and then slowly got up.

Especially Duanlang, he secretly reminded himself that he must never do anything similar to what he did today.

Su Chen took a look at the two of them, and then said: "Now that the peerless sword has been obtained, the purpose of our trip can be regarded as accomplished. Let's go back to Tianxiahui after preparing."

"Yes, Master!"

Hearing Su Chen's words, Bu Jingyun and Duanlang responded in unison again.

When Madam Ao heard Su Chen's words, she glanced in Su Chen's direction, and then at her son Aotian, her eyes could not help flickering slightly.

"Guangzhu Su and the three young heroes, why don't we go back to the room for now, and then talk about other things." After a long while, Mrs. Ao took the initiative to propose to Su Chen and the others.

Jian Chen heard the words but shook his head and said: "Thank you Madam Ao for your kindness, but this junior is here to witness the birth of a peerless sword. Now that I have seen a peerless sword, there are still some things, so I will leave first."

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Jian Chen was in a hurry to leave, partly because he was hit by Bu Jingyun, Duan Lang and Su Chen.

In his opinion, the three of them are obviously about the same age as him, so why is there such a huge gap in strength!

This made Jian Chen feel a little unbalanced.

On the other hand, it was because Bu Jingyun's return to the sect of Wanjian just now attracted Jianchen's attention, and Jianchen planned to return to the Zhonghua Pavilion to report the matter to his master.

Mrs. Ao heard the words, she didn't hold back anything, she just said politely, "Since that's the case, then I won't do much to hold on to the concubine. If Young Hero Jianchen has time in the future, he will welcome you at Baijian Villa anytime."

.... 0

"Thank you, farewell!"

Jian Chen cupped his fists to say goodbye to Madam Ao, and then said to Su Chen and the other three: "Guangzhu Su, Brother Bu, Brother Duan, I will take my farewell!"

After finishing speaking, Jian Chen turned around directly and headed out of Baijian Villa.

Su Chen watched Jian Chen leave, his eyes flickered, and he didn't interfere.

After Jianchen left, the three of Su Chen returned to their residence in Baijian Villa under the leadership of Mrs. Ao.

When You Ruo saw Su Chen coming back, she naturally greeted him, served Su Chen tea and water, and served Su Chen.

After Su Chen enjoyed You Ruo's service, he practiced again, and it wasn't long before night came.

"Boom boom boom!"

Su Chen was practicing in the room when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Su Chen slowly recuperated, felt a little, and found that it was Mrs. Ao outside the door, and said casually.

The next moment, Su Chen's door opened from the outside with a "squeak".

Madam Ao walked into Su Chen's room with a plate of wine and vegetables.

After putting away the food and wine, Mrs. Ao took the initiative to close the door and locked it directly from the inside.

"My lady came to see me so late, what's the matter?"

Su Chen looked at Mrs. Ao, who had specially dressed up and looked very charming, and asked about Dao aloud.

Chapter 301 Good life to serve, meet by chance on the way home! 【Seek full order】

Mrs. Ao showed a charming smile to Su Chen, "Can't you come to Chief Su if you have nothing to do? Has Chief Su got tired of him so quickly?"

Su Chen laughed and said, "That's not true."

Mrs. Ao said: "It's fine if you don't have one. I know Chief Su hasn't eaten yet, so I brought some food and wine for Chief Su, and have something to eat with Chief Su, and then..."

When Mrs. Ao said this, her face flushed slightly, she looked shy, and she didn't continue talking.

Su Chen nodded clearly, and said, "Then I would like to thank Madam for your kindness."

Next, the two of them chatted together while drinking and drinking in the room.

After enjoying the food and drink, Mrs. Ao's face was full of tears, and she said to Su Chen: "Master Su, you are going back tomorrow, so I will let my concubine serve you at "[-]" tonight."

After saying that, Mrs. Ao stepped forward and undressed Su Chen.

Facing the beautiful woman who came to his door, Su Chen naturally had no reason to refuse, and let Mrs. Ao act.

Soon, the two faced each other frankly, and then started a journey of life.

Half an hour later, Mrs. Ao lay in Su Chen's arms, and said softly: "Master Su, I have a small matter, and I want to ask for your approval."

Su Chen had expected this a long time ago, and said casually, "Tell me what's going on."

Mrs. Ao said: "I would like to ask you to accept Tian'er as an apprentice too, I wonder if it is possible?"

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Ao looked at Su Chen expectantly.

Hearing this, Su Chen pondered for a moment, then nodded and said: "It's not a big problem for me to accept Aotian as a disciple."

"However, if Aotian worships me as a teacher, then the entire Sword Worshiping Villa will also belong to my Tianxiahui, and it will be renamed as Sword Casting Hall. Aotian will be the hall master, and his status will be the same as that of Bu Jingyun, Duanlang, and Nie Feng. Equivalent."

Mrs. Ao heard Su Chen's arrangement, she pondered for a while, and immediately agreed, "I thank Lord Su."

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Ao took the initiative to get up again and asked Su Chen to put on the automatic transmission.


Time flies by, and in a blink of an eye, it is already dawn the next day.

Su Chen directly sat on the main seat in the reception hall of Baijian Villa, and You Ruo stood behind him and held his shoulders for him.

Duanlang, Bu Jingyun, Aotian and Mrs. Ao and others were standing in the hall.

In the surprised eyes of Bu Jingyun and Duanlang, Su Chen said lightly: "After discussing with Mrs. Ao, I decided to accept Aotian as the fourth apprentice. In addition, from now on, Baijian Villa will be renamed Tianxia Aotian will be the head of the Sword Hall. Aotian, would you like it?"

The last sentence was naturally addressed to Ao Tian, ​​the hall master.

When Bu Jingyun and Duanlang heard that Su Chen was going to take Aotian as his apprentice, they were both surprised.

However, for Su Chen's decision, they naturally dare not interfere at will, but they both look down on Aotian, the junior who is about to start.

"Tian'er, why don't you kneel down to Chief Su and pay homage to Master Su!"

Just after Su Chen finished speaking, before Aotian could react, Mrs. Ao hurriedly urged Aotian.

Mrs. Ao didn't know that Aotian had been converted by Su Chen with the Purdue Heart Sutra. She was worried that with Aotian's previous character, she was unwilling to bow her head to worship a teacher, and let the Sword Worship Villa become the hall of the Tianxiahui, so she made a sound to remind her. Urge.

In fact, Aotian at this time naturally does not need Mrs. Ao's reminder.

Hearing Su Chen's words, Aotian immediately knelt down on the ground without hesitation, kowtowed a few times towards Su Chen, and respectfully said: "Disciple is willing, disciple Aotian, kowtow to master!"

Su Chen nodded slightly when he heard the words, and continued: "Since Zhujiantang is the hall of Tianxiahui, it is natural that we can't stay here. Next, Bu Jingyun and Duanlang will assist your junior brother Aotian to build Zhujiantang. All moved to the Tianxiahui headquarters."

"Disciple obey!"

When Bu Jingyun and Duanlang heard the words, they quickly stepped forward, bowed, and responded respectfully.

Su Chen nodded slightly, and then said: "That's how it is, you complete the relocation of Jianjian Hall as soon as possible, and I will return to the Tianxiahui first. After the Tianxiahui, I will teach Aotian more martial arts. study."

"Yes, Master!"

Several people heard the words and responded respectfully at the same time.

Madam Ao's face changed slightly for a while, but in the end she still didn't say anything.

Because she knows very well that they can only choose to obey Su Chen's decision, and there is no room for refutation.

Next, Su Chen and You Ruo, under the respectful escort of Bu Jingyun, Duanlang, Aotian, and Mrs. Ao, left the Sword Worship Villa, riding a fire unicorn Go back in the direction of Tianxiahui.

After Su Chen's figure disappeared from sight, Duan Lang turned to Ao Tian beside him and said indifferently: "Junior Brother Ao Tian, ​​prepare for the relocation of Jianjian Hall as soon as possible, and don't make Master wait in a hurry."

"Brother, don't worry, the younger brother will urge the disciples in the village to deal with everything as soon as possible." Aotian heard the words, and quickly replied politely to Duan Langke.

After all, Aotian has already seen Duanlang's strength, knowing that he is far from Duanlang's opponent, he still dare not show his original arrogance in front of Duanlang.

Hearing this, Duan Lang nodded in satisfaction, then turned around and left.

"I'm going to practice too. If Mrs. Ao and Junior Brother Aotian have any troubles that can't be solved, you can come to me!"

Bu Jingyun also confessed to Mrs. Ao's mother and son, then turned and left.

"Tian'er, you don't blame your mother for making decisions for you without authorization, do you?"

After Bu Jingyun and Duanlang also left, Mrs. Ao looked at Aotian and asked aloud.

Aotian smiled and said: "Mother, don't worry, after this incident, the child has grown up, and now I have worshiped Master Su as a teacher, no matter for me or for Baijian Villa, it is a great thing 2.2. "

Seeing this, Mrs. Ao nodded in relief, "You can think so, mother can rest assured, let's let the servants in the village handle the relocation as soon as possible."

While the mother and son were talking, they went to the interior of the villa and began to deal with the relocation matters.

On the other side, Su Chen took You Ruo and rode on the back of the fire unicorn. He was not in a hurry, but just rode on the back of the fire unicorn, letting the fire unicorn gallop around, and the two of them enjoyed the scenery along the way. , but not happy.

On this day, Su Chen was holding You Ruo and riding on the fire unicorn, when he suddenly sensed a wave of fighting coming from ahead.

Moreover, there is a familiar breath in it.

Su Chen's thoughts moved slightly, and immediately made Huo Qilin turn around and rush towards the fighting place...

Chapter 302 I really asked for my own death! 【Seek full order】

After a while, Su Chen brought You Ruo to the fighting venue.

I saw the two sides fighting, and one of them was Jian Chen who left from the Sword Blessing Villa not long ago.

Jian Chen's opponent was an old man with a stern face and a sword behind his back.

Su Chen used his luck pupils, and easily recognized the other party's identity, it was the nameless junior brother Po Jun.

After recognizing the two people who were fighting, the corners of Su Chen's mouth couldn't help but slightly raised. He didn't expect Jian Chen and Po Jun to meet at this time.

Compared with the timeline in the original book, it seems to be much earlier.

Jian Chen's strength was far inferior to Po Jun's. When facing Po Jun, he was completely suppressed and beaten.

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