Seeing Su Chen coming, Jian Chen couldn't help showing a bit of joy on his face, and said loudly: "Guangzhu Su, please help me repel the broken army, I and my teacher will definitely be grateful for your kindness, and there will be rewards in the future !"

Jianchen could find out the arrival of 08 Su Chen and You Ruo, so Po Jun would naturally be able to find out too.

However, at the beginning, Po Jun didn't know Su Chen.

After hearing Jian Chen's words, Po Jun directly said to Su Chen arrogantly: "Are you Su Chen, the new leader of the Tianxiahui?"

"When I was in Dongying, I heard your name. After I arrived in the Central Plains, your name was spread everywhere. I just wanted to see how strong you are, but I didn't expect to meet you so soon. The boy came out. Let’s do it, I hope I won’t be easily beaten to death by Lao Tzu later!”

As soon as the sound fell, Po Jun directly pulled out a saber and a sword from his back, and with two swipes, he sent Jian Chen flying, and fell heavily to the ground.

And he himself, holding a knife and a sword, pointed at Su Chen obliquely, full of provocation!

Jian Chen spit out a mouthful of blood with a "poof", endured the pain and shouted to Su Chen: "Guangzhu Su, this person is the master of Jianzong, Pojun, and also my master's younger brother. His strength should not be underestimated. Be careful!"

Po Jun laughed loudly when he heard the words, "Can you increase your strength by being cautious? Let alone the leader of the Tianxiahui, even Wuming, I will trample him under his feet sooner or later! Stop talking nonsense, and accept the move!"

After Po Jun laughed, he directly held the Greedy Wolf Sword and the Heavenly Blade Knife, and flew towards Su Chen on the back of the Huo Qilin!

"It's really self-defeating!"

After Su Chen heard Jian Chen's call for help, he hadn't decided whether to take action, but after seeing Po Jun's action, he immediately made a decision.

At the same time as the voice fell, Su Chen's figure flickered slightly, and suddenly jumped into the air from the back of Huo Qilin. At the same time, the Lingshuang sword in his waist was unsheathed in an instant, and he slashed at Po Jun with his sword!

As Su Chen drew his sword out of its sheath, a clear sword chant sounded in the air immediately!

The dazzling sword light flashed, as if a shooting star suddenly fell from the sky, or like a thunderbolt piercing the sky!

The sword light is so bright that people dare not look directly at it!

The sword light shone, reflecting the entire sky is silvery white!

"call out!"

That illusory silver-white long sword, with an indomitable momentum, fell from the sky in an instant, and slashed fiercely onto Po Jun's chest!


Without waiting for Po Jun to react, the silver-white sword light cut through his chest in an instant, splitting his whole body in half from the middle!

"Bang bang bang!"

Then, Po Jun's body that had been split in half, under the sword energy, was also regarded as being shaken into pieces, and scattered in all directions!


Seeing this scene, Jian Chen couldn't help but gasp, feeling that there seemed to be a burst of cold air rising directly from the tailbone to the back of the head, and the whole person was completely shocked to stay on the spot, not daring to make any movements !

This is the second time Jianchen has seen the sword technique Zhantianpujianshu, but the shock this time is stronger than the one performed by Duanlang, I don't know how many times!

At this moment, in Jian Chen's heart, the awe of Su Chen has reached a whole new level!

Jian Chen even suspected that even if his master Wuming, facing Su Chen's sword just now, he might end up in the same fate as Po Jun!


Suddenly, the sound of a long sword returning to its sheath woke up the stunned Jian Chen.

After waking up, Jian Chen hurriedly took a step forward, bowed to Su Chen and said, "Thank you, Chief Su, for your great kindness. Jian Chen is very grateful. If there is anything I can use in the future, Chief Su just ask .”

Su Chen took a look at Jian Chen, and said lightly: "You don't need to thank me, I just do it conveniently! If the 440 Pojun doesn't come to mess with me, I might not make a move."

Jian Chen said: "No matter what, I must thank Chief Su for saving his life!"

Su Chen shook his head slightly when he heard the words, and said indifferently: "It's up to you."

While speaking, Su Chen made a casual move, and took the Greedy Wolf Sword and Heavenly Blade Knife that were scattered on the ground aside, into his hands.

Although Greedy Wolf Sword and Sky Blade Knife are not ranked among Fengyun's magical weapons, they are still two good weapons. Su Chen can't use them himself, but they can be used as rewards for the helpers of the Tianxiahui , as waste.

Seeing this scene, Jian Chen was even more shocked.

On the other hand, You Ruo, who was at the side, was already accustomed to Su Chen's methods, so she didn't show any special expression changes.

At this moment, the familiar notification sound from the system rang in Su Chen's mind again.

[Ding, the host rescued Jianchen, killed Pojun, changed the plot of the original book, and won a lucky draw chance! 】.

Chapter 303 Five Lightning Turns into Extreme Hands, The World Will Be Attacked! 【Seek full order】

Hearing the system's notification tone, Su Chen didn't hesitate, and directly gave the system a lottery drawing command from the bottom of his heart.

Following Su Chen's order, the system's familiar lottery roulette reappeared in front of his eyes, spinning rapidly and endlessly.

When the lottery wheel stopped spinning, the system's winning notification sound also sounded again.

[Ding, the lucky draw is successful!Congratulations to the host for getting "Five Lightning Transformation Extreme Hands"! 】

It turned out to be the ultimate hand of five thunders!

Hearing the content of the system's reward, Su Chen couldn't help but burst into joy.

The five thunders transforming into extreme hands, in the original book is Nu Fenglei's proud martial arts, relying on the power of the five elements to dissolve everything in the world.

Wulei Huajishou has two major functions, the first is to be able to dispel magical weapons, and the second is to be able to dispel other people's skills.

Theoretically speaking, Wulei Huajishou is one of the most destructive martial arts in the Fengyun series. No matter it is a magic weapon or a strong skill, it is vulnerable to it!

In the original book, because Di Shitian had phoenix blood in his body, after slaying the dragon, the dragon yuan he obtained conflicted with the phoenix blood, making him unable to absorb the dragon yuan. Di Shitian wanted to practice this magical skill, but unfortunately he did not When he used the five thunders to refine the dragon element, Duanlang took his head.

There are countless magical skills in the situation, because of Di Shitian, Su Chen was very impressed with this five-thunder-turning-extreme hand.

"Guangzhu Su, it is said that Pojun has already taken refuge in Dongying Wushenjue Palace. Now that he has appeared in the Central Plains, the power of Wushenjuegong will not be far away. Please pay attention to Su Guizhu, so as not to let the Japanese pirates, Broken my divine luck!"

Su Chen was thinking about Wu Lei Hua Ji Shou in his heart, when Jian Chen's voice sounded in his ear.

Hearing Jian Chen's words, Su Chen temporarily suppressed his thoughts, nodded slightly and said: "Is that so, I understand, if Wushenjue Palace dares to come to the Central Plains to act recklessly, I will definitely let them come and go without turning back¨¨! "

Hearing this, Jian Chen hurriedly said: "It's really a blessing for Master Su to have such a heart. I'm planning to go back and report to Master about Pojun and Wushen Jue Palace, so I'll take my leave. If Master Su has something to say If so, you can send someone to the Zhonghua Pavilion to inform you."

When Su Chen heard Jian Chen's words, his eyes flashed slightly, and he nodded, "Then let's leave now, you go back and tell Wuming that if you have time, you can come to Tianxiahui as a guest, and I welcome him at any time."

"In addition, there is no need to investigate the murderer who killed Wuming's family, because that person is his junior brother Po Jun!"

Hearing the words, Jian Chen's expression changed slightly, his heart was full of thoughts, but he didn't show too much, bowed his hands to Su Chen, and said loudly: "I will definitely pass on Su's words to my teacher, and I will leave!"

After speaking, Jian Chen glanced at Pojun's dismembered corpse on the ground, then turned and left.

After Jianchen left, Su Chen took You Ruo and rode the fire unicorn, and they continued to go to Tianxiahui and return together.

During the journey, Su Chen naturally succeeded in cultivating the five thunders into extreme hands.

When Su Chen returned to Tianxiahui, he saw that inside and outside Tianxiahui, it seemed that he had experienced quite a battle, and there were still traces of battle in many places.

Seeing this, Su Chen frowned slightly.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

At this moment, a white shadow quickly shot towards Su Chen from the Tianxiahui.

After arriving in front of Su Chen, the man stopped immediately, knelt down on one knee, and said respectfully: "Disciple welcomes Master back!"

There is no doubt that this person is naturally Nie Feng who stayed behind at Tianxiahui.

Nie Feng was originally inside the Tianxiahui. He sensed Su Chen's aura just now, and quickly used Fengshen kicks to rush over, so there was the scene just now.

"Don't be too polite, get up!"

Su Chen replied casually, and at the same time sent out a burst of true energy, and helped Nie Feng up from the air.

"Thank you Master!"

Nie Feng stood up, cupped his fists and saluted Su Chen, speaking respectfully.

Su Chen nodded slightly, and then asked: "You have been guarding the Tianxiahui these days, but any enemies have come to your door?"

When Nie Feng heard this, he quickly said: "Master, forgive me. It is because the disciple failed to protect the Tianxiahui, which caused the Tianxiahui to suffer a lot."

Su Chen said lightly: "`" Death and injury are inevitable in Jianghu battles, and you don't have to take it too seriously. Tell me, who dares to attack the Tianxiahui in this seat? "

Nie Fengdao: "At first, the disciple didn't know the identity of the other party. After repelling the invading enemy, the disciple asked people to investigate and found out that the attackers were all from Dongying. The leader was the Palace Master of Wushen Jue Palace." The eldest son of Jue Wushen, Jue Xin."

"Wu Shen Jue Gong, I know." Hearing this, Su Chen frowned slightly, and said lightly.

On the way before, Su Chen met Po Jun and knew that Wushen Jue Palace was coming to the Central Plains.

However, he did not expect that Wushenjue Palace would come to the Central Plains so much earlier than in the original book.

Moreover, Jue Wushen dared to attack the Tianxiahui just by sending his son Juexin. How ignorant and fearless it is!

Nie Feng continued (what?): "I heard that Wushen Jue Palace is the number one force in Japan, and there are so many masters in the palace. The owner of Wushen Jue Palace, Jue Wushen, once fought against Wuming, a martial arts myth, and died all over his body. Back to Dongpu, its strength should not be underestimated."

Su Chen smiled and said: "It's just the defeat of Wuming's subordinates, what is there to care about, as long as he dares to show his head, I can take his dog's head in an instant!"

"Pass down the order to let all the helpers of the Tianxia Association do their best to inquire about the news of Wushenjue Palace, mainly because of the position of the owner of Wushenjue Palace, Jue Wushen. Since he dares to attack Tianxia, ​​I will send him back to the west directly!"

With that said, Su Chen rode directly on the fire unicorn, and headed back to the interior of Tianxiahui.

"Yes, Master!"

When Nie Feng heard the words, he also respectfully agreed, and quickly followed behind Su Chen to create.

Chapter 304 The chaos in China, attacked halfway! 【Seek full order】

After entering the Tianxiahui, Nie Feng reported to Su Chen what happened in the Tianxiahui in the near future, as well as various changes in the rivers and lakes of Shenzhou.

After the report, Nie Feng went down to convey Su Chen's order just now.

Su Chen, on the other hand, stayed in Tianxiahui with peace of mind, enjoying You Ruo's meticulous service while practicing martial arts.

On the other side, after parting with Su Chen, Jian Chen rushed back to the Zhonghua Pavilion non-stop, and told his master Wuming what happened in the Sword Worship Villa, and how he was rescued by Su Chen when he encountered a broken army on the way. thing.

When Wuming learned that Po Jun was killed by Su Chen with one move, he couldn't help being shocked, and had a new understanding of Su Chen's strength.

After all, Wuming, as Po Jun's senior brother, has a good understanding of Po Jun's situation.

From Wuming's point of view, although Po Jun is a little worse than him, he can be called a top player in the arena.

And when Wuming listened to Jian Chen's report that Po Jun was responsible for the killing of his family, his expression changed drastically, and it was difficult to maintain his original calm and composure.

Wuming asked in a deep voice: "Su Chen really said that? Did he say that, how did he know about these 440 things?"

Jian Chen shook his head slightly when he heard the words, "Boss Master Su just asked me to tell Master about this matter, and he didn't say where he got the news from."


After Wuming heard this, his expression paused for a while. After his expression changed for a while, he sighed and regained his calm appearance again.

In his heart, he once again blamed himself for the death of his family members.

Because Wuming knew that ever since he beat Po Jun with a sword, Po Jun regarded him as a thorn in his heart.

Now that he knows the truth of the matter, it is irreversible, and Po Jun was killed by Su Chen, what else can he do?

"Master, Chief Su also said that if you are free, you are welcome to visit Tianxiahui at any time." Jianchen didn't know what Wuming was thinking, but thought of another sentence Su Chen had confessed, and mentioned it to Wuming again.

Wuming heard the words, the hand holding the erhu paused slightly, and then said: (.) ​​"I see."

"If the master has no other explanation, then the disciple will leave first!"

Seeing Wuming, Jian Chen seemed a little distracted, so he bowed and said goodbye.

Wuming casually said: "Go down first."

Jian Chen bowed slightly to Wuming, bowed and retreated without saying anything.

Different from the tranquility of Tianxiahui and Zhonghua Pavilion, chaos once again appeared in the entire Shenzhou rivers and lakes.

Originally, the Tianxiahui controlled by Su Chen had already swept across the entire rivers and lakes of Shenzhou, and the rivers and lakes were temporarily calm because of this.

However, as Wushenjuegong came from Dongpu and continued to conquer all forces, the whole rivers and lakes became chaotic again.

There is chaos and fighting everywhere!

In the past, some forces were quite critical of the management of the Tianxiahui, but after experiencing the wanton killings with absolutely no magical skills, they couldn't help but miss the rule of the Tianxiahui.

Gradually, there was a trend in the Jianghu, and countless people from the Jianghu gathered and rushed towards the Tianxiahui. They wanted to invite the Tianxiahui to send troops.

While rushing to Tianxiahui, these Jianghu people couldn't help cursing Wushen Juegong endlessly.

"Damn Japanese Japanese pirates, they are so hateful, they are simply inferior to animals!"

"Isn't that right, a member of our sect just said something bad about Wushen Juegong, not only was he himself killed by Wushen Juegong, but other brothers in our sect were also implicated. The beasts of Juegong have even defiled the female relatives of many sects, I can't wait to tear their corpses to pieces!"

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