It's a pity that her people obviously didn't keep an eye on her, and she didn't even know that Su Chen left early.

It wasn't until Dugumeng found the team that Bu Jingyun and Duanlang were in with a group of old Dugu family members that he had collected with great difficulty, that he didn't realize that Su Chen was not there.

However, Bu Jingyun also contributed a lot to the destruction of Wushuang City's forces. Many old members of the Dugu family had family members who died under Bu Jingyun's hands.

So, they finally decided to kill Bu Jingyun and Duanlang first, and cut off part of the power of the Tianxiahui.

Unfortunately, the ideal is very full, the reality is very skinny.

They didn't expect that Bu Jingyun and Duanlang's strength would be so powerful. Facing Bu Jingyun and Duanlang, a group of people had almost no power to fight back, and the entire army was wiped out!

"Master, do you know this person?"

Hearing Su Chen's whisper, Duan Lang couldn't help asking.

Su Chen said lightly: "I know a little bit, of course, the main reason is that she has a master who is not weak, known as the first evil emperor."

"The first evil emperor? Who is this? How come this disciple has never heard of it?" Hearing this, Duan Lang couldn't help being surprised.

Although Bu Jingyun, Aotian and Mrs. Ao didn't say anything, they all looked at Su Chen curiously.

Su Chen said indifferently: "The first evil emperor is a person who hides from the world and lives in seclusion, and he is a character from decades ago. It's normal if you don't understand 0...... However, don't take it too seriously , although this person's strength is good, it is easy for a teacher to defeat him."

"Master Shenwei!"

Hearing Su Chen's words, Duan Lang quickly patted the horse.

Su Chen waved his hand, and said casually: "Okay, let's not talk about it, from now on, Aotian, you are the fourth official hall master of the Tianxiahui, you bring the people from the Jianjian Hall, and come to the hall as soon as possible." The headquarters of the Tianxiahui will settle down."

"Yes, Master." Aotian heard the words, and quickly respectfully agreed, and then said, "But Master, we are new here, can I ask Master to send someone to assist in the establishment of the Jianjian Hall?"

Su Chen thought for a while and said: "Well, if you need help during the establishment of Jianjian Hall, you can go to Wen Chouchou, the head of the Tianxiahui. Later, Duanlang, you will take Aotian to find Wen Chouchou , convey the order of this seat."

"Yes, Master!"

When Duan Lang heard the words, he respectfully responded.

"Thank you Master!"

Aotian also quickly thanked Su Chen.

Su Chen casually said: "The Jianjian Hall should be established as soon as possible, and it is mainly responsible for the weapons of the Tianxiahui. Of course, since Aotian, you have worshiped this seat as your teacher, and this seat will not be stingy with you. Here is a blood 2.2 Bodhi, you can increase your skill for 50 years, so I will reward you in advance."

Said, Su Chen flicked casually, and a blood bodhi fell directly into Aotian's hands.

"Thank you Master!"

Aotian took the blood Bodhi with both hands, his heart was filled with excitement, he knelt down on the ground and thanked Su Chen solemnly.

Su Chen waved his hand and said: "Okay, get up, Duanlang, take Aotian with you, go to Wen Chouchou first, let him assist Aotian, and finish the matter of Jianjian Hall as soon as possible."

"Yes, Master!"

Hearing the words, Duanlang and Aotian agreed at the same time, and then planned to leave.

"Master, something is wrong, Master..."

At this moment, a somewhat pretentious voice came from the entrance of the Supreme Hall.

Chapter 307 The Great War Is Coming, The Arrogant Absolutely No God! 【Seek full order】

In the Tianxiahui, the one who can have such a voice is naturally the chief executive, Wen Chouchou.

Everyone in the supreme hall frowned when they heard Wen Chouchou's voice.

"Wen Chou Chou, what are you yelling about?"

After Wen Chouchou entered the hall, Duanlang yelled at Wen Chouchou directly.

When Wen Chouchou saw the people in the Supreme Hall, he first saluted Su Chen, "I've met the leader!"

Then, Wen Chouchou looked at Bu Jingyun and Duanlang again, with a very surprised look, "Oh, Hall Master Bu and Hall Master Duan Lang are also there."

Su Chen looked at Wen Chouchou's exaggerated appearance, waved his hands, and said indifferently: "Okay, Wen Chouchou, you just said that the big thing is not good, what exactly is it?"

Wen Chou said in a hurry: "My subordinates got the news that not long ago the Wushen Jue Palace from Dongying captured many forces in the Jianghu, and even committed rape and robbery, making everyone in the Jianghu cast aside."

"However, Wushenjuegong is very powerful, and those Jianghu forces in 08 lost to Wushenjuegong, so they thought they would come to our world to ask for help."

"On their way to Tianxiahui, most of them were intercepted and killed by Wushenjue Palace. Moreover, the owner of Wushenjue Palace, Jue Wushen, brought countless masters from Japan to Tianxiahui!"

Su Chen couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, "A while ago, didn't everyone in Jianghu reviled Tianxiahui? I didn't expect that one day, they would regard Tianxiahui as their last hope. It's really surprising."

When Wen Chouchou heard Su Chen's words, he flattered immediately, "Naturally, this is the fact that the guild master's Wende and martial arts have been broadcast all over the world. People in the Jianghu of Shenzhou have now repented and realized the greatness of the guild leader and the Tianxiahui!"

In the Supreme Hall, Bu Jingyun and Duanlang looked at Wen Chouchou's flattery, with indifferent expressions, and some looked down on him.

When Mrs. Ao and Aotian saw Wen Chouchou for the first time, they were also a little surprised by the behavior of the chief executive of the Tianxiahui.

Su Chen listened to Wen Chouchou's flattering words, and said with a smile: "I haven't seen you for a few days, but Director Wen's flattering skills have improved!"

Wen Chou said, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, he waved his feather fan, and said with a smile: "Master, this servant is absolutely sincere."

Su Chen knew Wen Chouchou's character very well, so he didn't intend to argue with him, so he said casually: "Okay, don't say good things for those people in the world, why do they scold me behind their backs? Don't you know?"

"However, no matter what, this is an internal matter of our Shenzhou Jianghu. There is no such thing as a pirate from Japan, but he dares to act presumptuously in our Shenzhou, and even wants to attack the Tianxiahui. He really knows his life!"

"If the order is passed on, the world will prepare for the battle with all its strength. After three days, I will take the initiative to attack with this seat and intercept and kill the people who have no gods and absolute palaces!"

"Subordinates obey!"

"Disciple obey!"

Hearing Su Chen's words, Wen Chouchou, Bu Jingyun and Duanlang bowed in unison, and responded respectfully.

Su Chen said indifferently: "The Huolin Hall of Duanlang and the Jianjian Hall of Aotian stayed behind in the Tianxiahui, Wen Chouchou assisted them to deal with the affairs of the gang, Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun led the Shenfeng Hall and Feiyun Hall Disciple, join me and kill the Japanese Japanese pirates who have absolutely no magic power!"

"I want the people in the world to know that no matter who dares to offend the Tianxiahui, they are doomed to die without a place to bury their lives!"

"Subordinates (disciples) obey!"

Wen Chouchou, Bu Jingyun and Duanlang heard the words and once again responded in unison respectfully.

Although Duanlang was reluctant to stay behind, he also knew that once Su Chen gave the order, there was absolutely no possibility of changing it.

Moreover, Su Chen had already been angered by the matter of worshiping the sword last time, but this time he didn't dare to jump around anymore.

Su Chen waved his hand and said: "Okay, you all go down, just about the Jianjian Hall, Aotian, you and Wen Chouchou will repeat it."


Everyone agreed in unison, bowed to Su Chen, and then slowly exited the Supreme Hall.

Soon, Su Chen, the guild leader of the Tianxiahui, ordered to summon the gang, and prepared to go out in three days. The news of killing Wushen Jue Palace spread like a hurricane, with the Tianxiahui as the center, spreading rapidly in all directions!

People in the rivers and lakes of Shenzhou, when they got this news, their spirits were immediately lifted and they were filled with joy.

"Great, the Tianxiahui is finally going to make a move!"

"Yeah, Wushenjue Palace has caused troubles in the Jianghu during this period, and I don't know how many heroes of Shenzhou have been killed. I have long wanted to kill them all. Unfortunately, the strength is not enough, but now there is Tianxia who will come forward, Wushenjuegong It's the end!"

"Would you like to watch together, the battle between Tianxiahui and Wushenjue Palace!"

"Of course I'm going, and I also want to help the Tianxiahui kill all the inhuman Japanese devils in Wushenjuegong!"

"Go together, go together!"


At the same time as the ordinary people in the Shenzhou rivers and lakes got the news, the people in Wushenjue Palace also got the news.

A city five hundred miles away from Tianxiahui has already been occupied by Wushen Jue Palace for 457 times.

Jue Wushen sat on the main seat of the city lord's mansion, and after listening to his subordinates' report about the news about the Tianxiahui, he immediately burst out laughing,

"Hahaha, these people from the Jianghu in the Central Plains are really ridiculous! Now they actually pin their hopes on the so-called leader of the Tianxiahui."

"Since they regard the Tianxiahui as their last hope, this old man will take down the Tianxiahui himself, and completely wipe out the hopes of the people in the Central Plains, and let them all prostrate at the old man's feet!"

"The power of the palace master is invincible in the world!"

When everyone in Wushen Jue Palace heard Jue Wushen's declaration, they immediately bowed and saluted, flattering loudly.

"Hahaha", Jue Wushen laughed triumphantly for a while, and then ordered, "Order, let everyone speed up the pace, the old man will lead them to conquer the Tianxiahui as soon as possible, and then unify the Central Plains martial arts!"

"Subordinates obey!"

When everyone in Wushen Jue Palace heard the words, they all responded to the order, and then went down to convey the order of Jue Wushen.

Immediately, under the leadership of Jue Wushen, many Yasha masters from Wushen Jue Palace headed towards the world to kill in a mighty way...

Chapter 308 Encounter in the middle, the expectations of the heroes! 【Seek full order】

Three days passed in a flash.

On the morning of the third day, Su Chen made the previous deployment in secret, and asked Duanlang to lead the Huolin Hall and Aotian's Sword Casting Hall to temporarily stay in the Tianxiahui.

In addition, the Ten Thousand Snow Dragon Riders, under the leadership of the main general Bai Xiong, also stayed in Tianxia as a precaution.

After deploying the defense of the Tianxiahui, Su Chen rode on the back of the fire unicorn, leading Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun, and thousands of helpers from the Shenfengtang and Feiyuntang under their respective command. Swing towards the team of Wushenjue Palace and kill!

Although Su Chen didn't take Jue Wushen seriously, he could easily destroy the other party by himself.

But there is bound to be a fierce battle between Yashaluo in Wushenjue Palace and the gang members of Tianxiahui.

The destructive power of this scuffle would not be too small.

Su Chen was thinking about this, so he planned to get rid of the people in Wushen Jue Palace on the way, so as to avoid possible damage to the world!

Under Su Chen's series of actions, today's Tianxiahui helps people, and the belonging to Tianxiahui is extremely high.

And because of Su Chen's generosity in spreading martial arts, the strength of the Tianxiahui's gang members has also been greatly improved.

When everyone learned that Su Chen was going to personally lead them to face Wushen Jue Palace, their moods were stirred and their morale was high.

On the other hand, Jue Wushen of Wushenjuegong also got action from Tianxiahui very quickly.

Jue Wushen laughed presumptuously and said: "Very well, this Su Chen also knows that he will fight the old man when he leads people out of the world. In this case, the old man doesn't have to worry about destroying the facilities of the headquarters of the Tianxia Association, after all, it will soon be the old man's. The residence of Wushen Jue Palace in the Central Plains."

Confidently commenting on Tianxiahui's initiative, Jue Wushen shouted at the Wushenjue Palace members under his command: "Follow me with all my strength, sweep Tianxiahui down, and unify Central Plains martial arts¨¨!"

Among Wushen Absolute Palace, Jue Wushen is undoubtedly the most respected person, and no one dares to refute his words.

Immediately, all the people in Wushenjue Palace also became murderous and quickened their pace.

A day later, in an open area about a hundred miles away from Tianxiahui, the two sides finally officially met!

Su Chen and Jue Wushen gave the order to stay in place almost at the same time.

When the large army stopped, Jue Wushen clamped his horse's belly, galloped to the open space between the two teams, and shouted at the Tianxiahui team: "Old man, Jue Wushen, where is the leader of the Tianxiahui, Su Chen? Dare to come out and fight this old man?"

"This old man, Jue Wushen, really overestimated his abilities, and dared to challenge Master! Master, why don't you let me meet this old fellow!"

As soon as Jue Wu Shen Shen's voice fell, Bu Jingyun's eyes flashed coldly in the team of Tianxiahui, and he took the initiative to ask Su Chen to fight.

Nie Feng smiled and said: "Brother Yun often fights in all directions, why not give me this opportunity, I will not make a move for some days in the world."

Su Chen listened to the words of the two, waved his hands and said: "No need, it is I who challenged Absolute God. If I refuse to fight, wouldn't it make people think that I am afraid of Absolute Absolute? Give it to me!"

"In addition, when I am fighting against Jue Wushen, you can directly bring the elite disciples of Feiyun Hall and Shenfeng Hall to attack the people of Wushen Jue Palace. None of these Japanese pirates will be left behind!"

"Disciple obey!"

When Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng heard the words, they looked at each other, and then they all responded respectfully to Su Chen.

"I'm going to deal with Absolute God, you guys prepare for the battle too!"

Su Chen confessed to the two of them again, that is, he used the beast-monitoring formula to give orders to Huo Qilin.


With the existence of the Beast Control Art, Huo Qilin could easily understand Su Chen's meaning, and let out a roar in his mouth. The originally restrained fire light on his body was released all at once, and his whole body was braving raging fire, carrying Su Chen fiercely towards him. Flying away from the absolutely godless position!

Seeing this scene, the disciples of Wushen Jue Palace, as well as some people from the world who joined in the fun, all showed surprise on their faces.

Some people in the world who had heard of Su Chen's reputation couldn't help shouting loudly.

"Look, it's the Fire Qilin! It is said that Chief Su tamed the Fire Qilin in Lingyun Cave back then, and directly used the Fire Qilin as his mount. Since the Fire Qilin has appeared, Chief Su must have appeared as well!"

"`" Chief Su's strength is astonishing, even the Huo Qilin can subdue such fierce beasts, this time he will definitely be able to destroy that damn Jue Wushen, and vent his evil spirit for the Central Plains martial arts! "

"Looking forward to Master Su's action!"

"Hiss, I saw Chief Su, he was sitting on the back of the fire unicorn, and the terrible flames on the fire unicorn didn't hurt him at all!"

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