"Sure enough, he is indeed the Lord Su who unified the entire rivers and lakes of Shenzhou. He is really too powerful!"

"Juewushen, you villain, just wait to die!"


After seeing the fire unicorn, a group of warriors from the Shenzhou rivers and lakes were in high spirits and were full of expectations for Su Chen. At the same time, everyone in Wushen Jue Palace couldn't help showing a little fear after seeing the fire unicorn.

Although the vast majority of the Wushen Jue Palace are Dongying people, they have also heard the legends of the gods and beasts on the land of Shenzhou. (Li Zhao)

Naturally, they have long admired the mighty Huo Qilin.

It's just that what they didn't expect was that the leader of the Tianxiahui could subdue such a fierce beast as the fire unicorn.

So how strong is Su Chen's strength?

Not only the ordinary disciples of Wushen Jue Palace, but even Jue Wushen's expression became a little dignified.

Originally, he thought that among the rumors in the world, Su Chen subdued Huo Qilin, but it was just false news, but now he realized that it was all true!

"Juewushen, since you are determined to seek death, I will come to fulfill you!"

Just when Jue Wushen's mind was changing, Su Chen's clear voice came to his ears.

At the same time, Su Chen rode the fire unicorn, and also celebrated one meter away from Ju Wushen.

Chapter 309 The battle begins, stepping on it with one foot! 【Seek full order】

"Hahaha, what a big tone, this old man has ruled the world for decades, and no one who can kill me has yet been born!"

Jue Wushen heard Su Chen's words, restrained his thoughts, and laughed out loud.

"In my life, I was defeated by Wuming only once in my life. Now I am confident that even Wuming is no match for me, let alone you, a younger generation? I am not a beast like Fire Qilin, who can let you use tricks to win , if you want to kill this old man, it depends on whether you have that ability!"


The Huo Qilin seemed to understand Jue Wushen's words, and immediately let out an angry roar, and even spewed out a flame in the direction of Jue Wushen!


Seeing this, Jue Wushen let out a cold snort, flew up from the horse in an instant, and flew towards Su Chen as fast as lightning.

At the same time, his right hand clenched his fist tightly, and with a burst of fist intent, the fierce and domineering fist slammed down towards Su Chen's chest!

This is exactly the Killing Fist that Jue Wushen created from the fragmentary formulas that Jue Wushen has found out from Quan Chi's mouth for many years!

The first move is to kill the heart!

And his mount was pitiful, 457 was directly burned to coke by the flames sprayed out by the fire unicorn.

Before Jue Wushen's attack landed on Su Chen, the terrifying punch directly broke through the air, leaving behind many pits and holes around him.

The aftermath of the punching intention made the surrounding disciples of Tianxiahui and Wushenjue Palace look terrified, and frantically backed away!

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The ground was directly hit by the terrifying fist, and boulders flew out one after another, all of which fell towards Su Chen's position!

In the eyes of everyone around, the powerful boxing technique is nothing more than that in Su Chen's eyes.

At this time, Su Chen was still in the mood to tease Absolutely Wushen, "As expected of you, it's a boxing technique you've studied for many years, and it looks pretty good for tearing down floors!"

The sound fell, but with Jue Wushen's extremely ugly face, Su Chen flew up from the back of the fire unicorn in an instant, and at the same time concentrated his right foot, and stomped down on Jue Wushen's fist!

In an instant, Su Chen's right leg seemed to swell countless times in an instant, and a black footprint appeared in the sky, covering the sky and covering the sun. With the aura of destroying everything, it instantly landed on the fist of Ju Wushen !

This is exactly the magical skill of Tiancanjiao that Su Chen has not used for a long time. Once Tiancanjiao is used, the power is earth-shattering, and the terrifying footprints make Juewushen have no resistance at all, even dodging. arrive!


Only a dull voice sounded.

In the next instant, Jue Wushen was kicked and flew out by Su Chen.


With a crisp sound, Jue Wushen's right wrist was directly kicked and broke on the spot, temporarily losing his ability to move.

And his body fell heavily to the ground with a "plop".


After landing on the ground, Jue Wushen tried his best to gather his strength and stood up reluctantly, but staggered again and could only kneel down on one knee, stabilizing his figure, but he couldn't help a mouthful of blood spurting out!


Seeing this scene, the surrounding heroes from all corners of the country who came to help them couldn't help but gasped, and let out a voice of exclamation.

"Guangzhu Su's strength is too strong!"

"Some time ago, Jue Wushen took Wushen Jue Palace to wreak havoc in the rivers and lakes of China to (.). His boxing method called Killing Fist has killed many heroes of the Central Plains. It is extremely powerful. In front of the guild master, it is completely vulnerable!"

"Yeah, I used to think that Killing Fist is an invincible boxing technique, but today I saw the Kickboxing of Master Su against Absolute Wushen, and I realized that my vision is narrow!"

"What kind of kick do you think Chief Su used to be so powerful?"

"What kind of kick? I was lucky enough to see Duanlang, the master of the Huolin Hall of the Tianxiahui, perform it. It is said that it is called Tiancan foot, and its power is terrifying!"

"It turned out to be called Tiancanjiao. The name really fits well. Just now, Chief Su kicked Jue Wushen down. It was really refreshing!"


The heroes of the Shenzhou Jianghu, seeing Jue Wushen end up like this, are naturally full of joy and feel refreshed.


"Palace Master!"

But the people of Wushen Jue Palace changed their expressions drastically at this moment, they shouted loudly, and immediately wanted to step forward to help Jue Wushen.

"Follow me to wipe out Japanese pirates!"

Seeing this, Bu Jingyun coldly issued an order to the disciples of Tianxiahui, holding a peerless sword, and killed Juexin and others in Wushen Juegong first.

Nie Feng did not neglect at all, followed Bu Jingyun and killed Wushenjue Palace disciples.


The disciples of Feiyuntang and Shenfengtang saw that their hall master took the lead in attacking, so of course they didn't hesitate, shouted, and killed Wushenjuegong disciples.

Immediately, under the leadership of Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng, the disciples of Tianxiahui fought hard with the disciples of Wushenjue Palace.

"How could you have such strength, I don't believe it!"

Jue Wushen didn't seem to notice the battle between the disciples of Wushen Juegong and Tianxiahui, he staggered to his feet, looked in Su Chen's direction, and roared unwillingly.

Su Chen lightly landed on Huo Qilin's back, took a look at Jue Wushen, and said lightly: "I don't need you to judge or believe me about the strength of this seat. If you only have this trick, Then you can die!"

After the sound fell, Su Chen sat on the back of the fire unicorn, raised his palm slightly, and slapped Jue Wushen with a move of Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong...

Chapter 310 Killing Jue Wushen, Beating the Dog in the Water! 【Seek full order】

Following Su Chen's attack, there seemed to be countless Buddha shadows appearing in the sky and the earth in an instant. Each Buddha shadow was silently reciting Buddhist scriptures with palms together, and bowed in the same direction at the same time.

Then, the picture changed suddenly, and in the sky, countless Buddha shadows gathered into one body, condensing into a huge golden Buddha. The palm of the golden Buddha was slowly raised, and then suddenly pressed down.

In an instant, an incomparably huge Buddha's palm descended from the sky, directly covering Jue Wushen in the Buddha's palm.

When the heroes in the rivers and lakes of Shenzhou saw Su Chen's palm technique, their expressions could not help but change, and they exhaled in surprise.

"Is that the rumored Tathagata, the Supreme Martial Arts Tathagata-Shen Palm?"

"As the leader of the Tianxiahui, Chief Su should not be a disciple of Buddhism. How can he know Buddhist martial arts?"

"Even if the Buddhist martial arts is so what, can the Buddhist sect still come out to trouble Master Su?"


Behind the crowd, a middle-aged man with hair loose behind his head and wearing a blue gown, saw Su Chen's Tathagata palm, his expression changed slightly, and he couldn't help whispering,

"I don't know what the origin of this Chief Su is. Not only is he powerful, but also the martial arts he has mastered are endless, and each of them is the best in the world. It's really unbelievable."

"Master, can't you see the origin of this Su gang leader?"

Beside the middle-aged man, a young man in a white gown, with a strand of curly hair in front of his forehead and a magical sword hanging from his waist, couldn't help asking in a low voice.

On the hilt of the sword, the word "Hero" is engraved.

It turned out that these two people were none other than Wu Ming and his disciple Jian Chen.

Wuming learned that Wushen Jue Palace was making waves in the Jianghu of Shenzhou, so he also planned to come out to stop Jue Wushen.

Later, he learned that Su Chen, the guild leader of the Tianxiahui, planned to deal with Wushenjuegong, so he took Jian Chen to hide among the ordinary heroes of the rivers and lakes, wanting to see the battle between Tianxiahui and Wushenjuegong.

If the world will win, he will continue to go back and live in seclusion.

If Jue Wushen Wushen Juegong wins, Wuming will choose to fight back Jue Wushen.

Although Wuming has retired from the Jianghu for many years, he still has deep feelings for the Jianghu of Shenzhou. Naturally, he doesn't want the Jianghu of Shenzhou to be troubled by Jue Wushen, the Japanese Japanese pirate!

But at this moment, Jue Wushen, who was the target of the attack, sensed the power of the Tathagata's palm, and his face suddenly changed. He wanted to use body skills to escape the attack range of the Buddha's palm, but found that he had already been locked and could not move at all. get away.

"The Immortal Golden Body!"

Aware of this situation, Jue Wushen immediately fixed his feet firmly on the ground, bent his body slightly, clenched his hands into fists, and yelled loudly.

In the next instant, a golden transparent air shield formed around Jue Wushen's body, completely covering him in the golden air shield!


At the same time that Jue Wushen had just displayed his indestructible golden body, the huge Buddha's palm fell from the sky, bombarded down fiercely, and landed directly on the golden air shield.

Jue Wushen urged the true energy in his body with all his strength, and circulated the immortal golden body to the extreme. After the golden air mask was hit by the Buddha's palm, it trembled for a while, and finally managed to stabilize it, and was not crushed on the spot.

However, at this moment, the golden Buddha's palm suddenly burst into golden light, and the palm print became tens of times more solid, pressing down on Jue Wushen again!

Even if Jue Wushen resisted desperately, he still couldn't block the oppression of the palm force.


Just hearing the sound of an explosion, the golden air shield formed around Jue Wushen's body was shattered on the spot!


Immediately afterwards, the huge golden Buddha's palm continued to press down, directly smashing Jue Wushen into the soil on the ground!

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At this moment, Huo Qilin suddenly called out to Su Chen.

Su Chen and Huo Qilin were in the same mind. After hearing Huo Qilin's cry, he immediately understood its meaning, couldn't help but shook his head and smiled, and then said: "Go."

It turned out that Huo Qilin was asking Su Chen to swallow Jue Wushen's body.

Obviously, Jue Wushen called Huo Qilin a beast before, which made it remember this hatred.


With Su Chen's permission, Huo Qilin uttered another cry of joy, and then carried Su Chen, leaped to the side of Jue Wushen, poked its front paws into the ground, picked up Jue Wushen, and then He opened his bloody mouth wide and swallowed him directly!



"Palace Master!"

Everyone in Wushen Jue Palace, seeing that Jue Wushen was so easily killed by Su Chen, and also became the ration of Huo Qilin, couldn't help but let out a sound of exclamation.

Among the voices, a small part was sad because of the lack of expression, and most of the rest were because they didn't know what to do next.

Even Jue Wushen died in the hands of Su Chen, how could they be the opponents of Su Chen and Tianxiahui?

"Everyone split up and escape, and come back for revenge in the future!"

Suddenly, among the crowd of Wushenjue Palace, someone called out loudly.

Immediately, many disciples of Wushen Jue Palace began to flee in all directions.

"Follow me to kill, leave no one behind!"

Seeing this, Bu Jingyun yelled loudly, and chased after him with a peerless sword.

Nie Feng and the other Tianxiahui disciples were naturally also chasing and killing Wushenjuegong disciples.

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