Seeing this, all the heroes of the Chinese rivers and lakes who were watching around excitedly joined the team of beating the dog in the water!knife.

Chapter 311 Returning triumphantly, followed by people

The elite disciples of the Tianxiahui, headed by Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng, already have an overwhelming advantage over those who have no gods and palaces.

Coupled with the help of some Chinese heroes around.

The Wushenjue Palace, which used to be presumptuous and presumptuous in the world, has now become a lamb with no power to fight back.

Absolutely Wushen's death had an enormous impact on everyone.

They never dreamed that Su Chen, the leader of the Tianxiahui, was so powerful.

Killing the enemy is like picking something out of a bag.

Countless Chinese heroes who were originally onlookers killed the Quartet!

this time.

They have suffered and been wronged.

All are given by God.

Today, I can finally get rid of my shame.

Soon, there were corpses all over the place.

The disciples of Wushen Jue Palace "Four Five Seven" tried to escape, but the heroes of China would not give them any chance at all.

You have to pay it back sooner or later!

The end of the people who have no gods and palaces today well shows the true meaning of this sentence.

Su Chen stood on a high place, looking indifferently at the fierce battle below.

Fire Qilin enjoyed the delicious meal wantonly.

Since being surrendered by Su Chen.

It no longer dared to eat people indiscriminately.

Now I can eat happily without any worries, and I really feel very happy.

"Report to master, all the enemies fleeing from the southeast have been killed!"

Bu Jingyun came to report.

Immediately, Nie Feng and other disciples also reported back.

Su Chen nodded.

Extinguishing Jue Wushen can be regarded as eliminating one evil in the world.

More importantly, it is to consolidate the position of the Tianxiahui.

This point, he is very clear.

Although Absolutely Wushen is indeed extraordinary in strength, it is still far from himself.

This guy could have lived for many more days.

But because of his arrogance, he finally paid a heavy price.

"Notify all the disciples of the Tianxiahui that there is no need to stay here, and return immediately to the Tianxiahui for rectification!"

As the order came out.

Nearly [-] disciples of the Tianxiahui assembled in just a moment.

This terrifying action power once again shocked the surrounding Shenzhou Jianghu.

What kind of cohesion is there to have such a thorough execution!

Simply incredible.

Su Chen is really a monster.

But just when everyone was about to leave, Su Chen was stopped by the heroes of China.

"Are you still planning to find trouble with my Tianxiahui?"

"No way!"

"We just want to thank Lord Su once again. If you and Tianxia would not be here, I'm afraid that all of us would be tortured to death by Jue Wushen!"

"It's okay, these pirates from Japan are our common enemy in the Jianghu of Shenzhou. What's more, these guys covet the Tianxiahui, and they will definitely pay a heavy price."

Su Chen's expression didn't change, and he didn't get angry!

The aura made everyone present shocked and bowed their heads.

Is this the real powerhouse?

Sure enough.

Looking at the back of the people in the Tianxiahui going away.

There was a lot of discussion among the heroes.

"Today's world will be too terrifying, far stronger than when Xiong Ba ruled it!"

"That's right, fortunately, Su Chen and Xiong Ba are two completely different people today, otherwise we might not be able to fight back at all."

"Did you see it just now? The tricks he used to exterminate Wushen are all top-level magic skills in the legend. I don't know what kind of talent this guy has to be able to practice such a strange power!"

"It seems that we also have to find an opportunity to win over the relationship with Tianxiahui, so who will dare to provoke us in the Jianghu in the future?"


Everyone nodded in agreement.

On the other side, Su Chen brought Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun and others back to Tianxiahui just now.

When Aotian and Duanlang learned that Su Cheng returned in triumph, they had already led people to greet them at the mountain gate.

Duanlang even took the opportunity to flatter him.

"Master is invincible in martial arts! He is unparalleled in the world! He is truly unique in the world, and he is as old as ever!"

Su Chen's face does not change color 0........

How could he not see Duanlang's small thoughts.

This guy is honest and sensible now, but he thinks he is powerless to compete with him. Su Chen turns a blind eye to this kind of person.

It's fine if you don't do anything wrong.

Once it touches his bottom line, it is absolutely impossible to let it go!

"Okay, you all go back to rest. During this period of time, step up your time to exercise. Today, Tianxiahui has an irreplaceable position in the martial arts. You must also remember not to take it lightly."

There are many reds.

Although Jue Wushen is dead, Su Chen, who is quite familiar with the plot of Fengyun, knows it well.

In this mysterious world of wind and clouds, there are still many masters hidden, and there are even people like Di Shitian who like to play with all living beings, and sooner or later they will jump out and disturb the world.

Before this.

It is especially important to increase the strength of the Tianxiahui!

Go back to your room.

Su Chen unloaded his weapon.

Said meaningfully in the empty room.

"Aren't you tired after following all the way?"

outside the window.

A figure flashed by.

It was Wuming who was wearing a blue gown.

"So you already knew?"

There was surprise in Wuming's eyes.

Since the battle between Tianxiahui and Wushenjuegong, he and his apprentice Jianchen have been following him all the way.

I just want to see Su Chen's road number of 2.2.

As a result, I followed the Tianxiahui and found nothing.

Wuming, as the former owner of the Hero Sword, has a heart for the world, and is even more curious about Su Chen's origin.

Unexpectedly, even with his own cultivation, he would be noticed by the other party.

Su Chen also saw the word "hero" engraved on the sword in Jian Chen's hand for the first time.

Can't help chuckling.

"Wu Ming, who is so famous, would actually do things like those quacks?"

"Don't you have the courage to pass through the gate of my world society without a name?"

Wuming Wenyan's eyes showed approval again.

young and promising!

Really better than myself back then! .

Chapter 312 Nameless Purpose! 【Seek full order】

"Guangzhu Su thinks highly of me. I'm just a wandering wild crane. If I have no choice, I'd rather live in seclusion forever and don't ask about Jianghu affairs."

Wuming didn't feel uncomfortable at all because of Su Chen's words. He spoke calmly and slowly, and sat on the seat opposite Su Chen.

"Senior Unnamed, isn't it just to catch up with me this time?"

Su Chen was noncommittal about this, glanced at Wuming, and said slowly.

His eyes drifted away from Wuming.

This was the first time he had seen this martial arts myth up close.

It was very similar to my own impression, and there was another point, Wuming carried a calmness that many heroes of the rivers and lakes did not have.

From complex to simple, this is the state.

In Su Chen's impression, Wuming can be regarded as a magnificent existence, reaching the supreme state of swordsmanship with his physical body.

Looking around, there was only one person in the entire world who could equal him.

It was Mu Yingxiong.

08 land fairy.

Su Chen could feel that Wuming had reached this level.

Between the strong and the strong, there is always a kind of echo that others cannot understand.

"This time you destroyed Wushenjue Palace, it really exceeded my expectations."

Nameless said meaningfully.

He saw the whole scene with his own eyes.

Su Chen is definitely worthy of being a contemporary hero.

In Wuming's view, a real hero has the ability to turn the tide, and Su Chen is just such a person.

Under the leadership of Xiongba, Tianxiahui only wanted to dominate one side.

But now, it has an unshakable strength.


Wuming hadn't seen someone with such a skill for a long time.

"This seat is just a normal counterattack. Since you and I are both land gods, I don't have to go around in circles with you. Absolutely Wushen has already coveted the Tianxiahui. I can't let him have any chance."

Su Chen spoke the most domineering words with the calmest words.

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