The disciple raised his head and asked.

"I heard that they have developed extremely rapidly recently, won't it affect our plan?"

"Su Chen..."

Di Shitian suddenly crushed the ice puck in his hand.

"Isn't he very powerful? Anyway, the dragon hasn't really appeared in the world yet, and the seven dragon-slaying weapons are in the hands of their own people. We can take this opportunity to collect these weapons and play with him at the same time."

He wants to take a look.

Just how powerful are the so-called superpowers.

Nameless is nothing more than a land fairy realm.

Perhaps this is already the highest state for ordinary heroes of the rivers and lakes.

But Di Shitian didn't care at all.

The land god is nothing more than a plaything in his hands!knife.

Chapter 316 Rumors in the rivers and lakes, the shameless world will meet? 【Seek full order】

Following Di Shitian's actions.

Quietly, changes have taken place in the rivers and lakes.

Many sects have suffered unprecedented blows.

Including Wudang faction, Emei faction these well-known decent sects, as well as other major gangs and organizations have also done the same.

The villa and the family suffered even more.

At this moment.

The heroes of the rivers and lakes suddenly realized that there is another extremely terrifying force hidden behind Absolute Wushen.

The key is that before this, they didn't even notice anything!


Martial arts conference.

Everyone from all sects attended.

Not only that, but also many heroes of the rivers and lakes.

 "Four Five Seven" "Everyone, Tianmen has been extremely active in the Jianghu recently! The key is that this organization has never been heard of before."

"That's right, the strength of this heavenly sect that was born out of nowhere is too terrifying. It is said that Master Xuan Bei and Master Ci Yuan of Shaolin Temple were all murdered!"

"They are all first-class masters! It is said that Master Xuan Bei has reached the realm of heaven and man. Under such circumstances, they are all plotted against by others. What kind of terrifying people are Tianmen?"

"Isn't it? Why did I hear rumors that the world will send people to do it!"

"The world will meet?"

"That's right, I've never heard of this Tianmen. How could it be so powerful? It even made all our sects helpless, but Tianxiahui is different!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Everyone present was thinking secretly.

If one is really capable of dealing with the entire Jianghu nowadays, I am afraid that only the world will.

Daxue Longqi, tens of thousands of Tianxiahui disciples, the most terrifying are those hall masters and the high-ranking sect master Su Chen.

Each of these guys can stand alone.

Su Chen was even able to evenly compete with the Wuming Tianjian, a legend in Jianghu.

Just ask who in today's martial arts world can compare with him.

"Isn't it possible? Isn't the last incident of Absolute God the best explanation? If it weren't for the fact that the world would be willing to stand up to help us, I'm afraid that by now, we would have been annexed by Absolute God!"

Master Emei stood up and said.

Obviously can't believe it.

"Master, you are still too easy to be deceived by others. You are greedy for profit, and you don't want to destroy the world for yourself. Back then, Chief Su really did his part for our martial arts comrades and wiped out Jue Wushen."

"But now there is no one in the Jianghu who can compete with the world. If they want to dominate the whole of China, then of course they must find a way to incorporate all our sects, not to mention is there really someone stronger than Su Chen?"

"I don't believe it!"

With these remarks came out.

Immediately, everyone's suspicion became stronger.

"If it really is the Tianxiahui! We must find a way to unite, otherwise we can only be eaten by them bit by bit!"

"But the problem is that we can't find anyone who can come out and take charge of the overall situation! This is the most troublesome place!"

"I can't stand this tone! I have to go to Tianxiahui to ask for an explanation! How can this Su Chen be so shameless!"

The martial arts conference ended in such a noisy atmosphere.

Some sects don't want to cause more trouble.

Some people want to go to the world and ask for an explanation.

Some other people also felt very strange, what is the origin of this Tianmen?

And started a secret investigation.

But these heroes of the rivers and lakes, the more they investigate, the more frightened they become.

Tianmen seems to be rooted in every sect, and in the long river of history, there have been traces of Tianmen.



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This makes many heroes unbelievable 0  …

What kind of terrifying force is it? !


The world will meet.

Tens of thousands of disciples are practicing.

Shouts resounded through the entire mountain gate.

The momentum is magnificent.

The four hall masters each lead their own disciples, because Su Chen has learned too many martial arts.

There is no way for these disciples to master all of them.

So he simply taught Nie Feng and others selectively based on their strength and what they were good at.

In this way, the strength of all the disciples of the Tianxiahui can be improved as soon as possible.

Seeing that the disciple's practice is decent.

Nie Feng couldn't help but said.

"Master, if you were not willing to teach us everything, how could we have acquired such advanced martial arts? How could we have improved our strength!"

Bu Jingyun also nodded.

For Su Chen, he was convinced.

Possess both ability and political integrity, martial arts dominate the world.

It is a rare thing that the world will be led by him.

"But Master, recently I heard rumors in the Jianghu that our people from the world will send people to attack the various sects, and now many people plan to come to us to ask for an explanation!"

Duanlang said worriedly on the side 2.2.

Although Tianxiahui has indeed reached a new height.

But now being an enemy of the entire Jianghu will definitely bring them a lot of pressure.

the most important is.

People like Wuming will definitely uphold justice for the world.

How many hidden masters are still unknown.

"Hehe, these guys, do they still want to fight against us?"

Aotian dismisses those so-called heroes of the rivers and lakes.

"What's more, can their martial arts be as exquisite as ours? What's the point of attacking them!".

Chapter 317 The rain is about to come, the nameless surprise! 【Seek full order】

Listening to several people discussing beside them.

Su Chen was thoughtful.

"Don't worry, just let them say, as long as we have a clear conscience."

Jianghu is like that.

Gossip arose from time to time.

Many pretentious things will be said by them to be true.


Even if these people really go to the world, they will come to ask for an explanation.

How can it be?

What has not been done is not done.

Su Chen has always been so stubborn.

Really want to fight?

Then look at how capable and courageous these people are!

If you dare to fight against the world, you have to be called a hero.

"However, I heard that there seems to be something called Tianmen recently. These people think Tianmen is another branch of our Tianxiahui."


Su Chen frowned slightly.

My heart skipped a beat.



Nie Feng nodded.

"I also received a message when I went out before, so I sent someone to investigate. The people who attacked the various sects came from Tianmen, but because this sect had never been heard of before, many people mistakenly thought it was Tianmen. Will's pseudonym."

Su Chen was thoughtful.

It turned out to be the case.

No wonder he has the ability to sneak attack the various sects.

It turned out that Di Shitian did it. After waiting for so long, this old guy finally made a move?

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