"The mountain and rain are about to come and the wind will fill the building."

Su Chen said slowly.

"From today onwards, everyone should step up their practice. Anyone who enters Tianxiahui must be strictly investigated, and we must beware of sneak attacks from Tianmen!"

"Master, do you know Tianmen?"

A look of surprise appeared in the eyes of several people.

"It's not time yet, so you don't need to ask too much. Anyway, this matter should not be underestimated."

After Su Chen finished speaking, he turned around.

Not long after, he took a boat to the small island in the middle of the lake.

This was originally where You Ruo lived.

Later, after he took over Tianxiahui, he took You Ruo into the mountain gate, which would be much more convenient.

And here.

It is the secret living place he arranged for Wuming.

It is also to prevent the exercise from being disturbed by others.

"Master Su? Why are you free to come to the small island in the middle of the lake today?"

Jian Chen stood on the pier practicing sword.

"Where's your master?"

"He should be in the Sword Hut."

Su Chen nodded, and then went immediately.

Came to Jianlu.

I saw that Wuming was practicing his Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect, countless sword lights flickered, and there was a strong wind around him.

Both of them are masters in the realm of land gods.

When an outsider comes, he will naturally notice it immediately.

Several sword lights rushed towards Su Chen in an instant.

But finally stopped an inch in front of his face.

If you go further.

Must be seriously injured.

"Oh it's you."

Wuming immediately withdrew his sword.

Wan Jian Guizong and even Gao Jianzhen not only have extremely high requirements for the user's cultivation level, but it is extremely difficult to retract and release freely like Wuming.

"Why do you still want to come to me for a discussion today?"

Nameless took a sip of water.

Come to the nearby stone table and sit down.

I was also secretly sighing in my heart.

Taishan collapsed in front of him without changing his expression, even though countless sword lights were so close, he didn't even feel a wave of waves from him.

After all, this is a great confidence in one's own strength.

Or does Su Chen believe that he can handle it?

Either guess.

It is enough to show that this guy is bold and careful, with high martial arts skills!

Look around.

There are very few people in the entire arena who can reach his level.

You can have such a mind at such a young age.

It is unimaginable.

"Of course not, I'm here to tell you today that Tianmen has made a move."

Su Chen said slowly.

He felt the need to tell Wuming about this.

As for how the other party wants to choose, that is his own business.

"So fast?"

Nameless was surprised.

"It must be because the divine beast dragon is about to be born. Di Shitian doesn't want other accidents to happen at that time, so he chooses to do it at this time. Many sects in the Jianghu have already been plotted by him."

"Sure enough, what are we waiting for, act now!"

Said namelessly.

He had the honor to fight Di Shitian once, and the opponent's strength was extremely terrifying.

Although I don't understand why this guy would let himself go.

But also 457 because of this.

Let Wuming spy into the hidden corner of this world.

To deal with Di Shitian, he alone is not enough.

At least Su Chen's help is needed!

"You want to kill this guy that much?"

Su Chen couldn't help asking curiously.

"Is there anything wrong? This person is extremely vicious and vicious, and he is cruel by nature. In time, he will definitely become a scourge in the world, and what he has done now proves my previous guess!"

Nameless said categorically.

Absolutely Wushen has turned the entire rivers and lakes upside down.

Once Di Shitian has the upper hand.

It will be even more terrifying then.

"But have you ever thought that he let you go because of some kind of relationship between you?"

Su Chen said meaningfully.

"Relationship? I never knew this person."

Wuming heard the words, with a puzzled expression on his face, not understanding what Su Chen's words meant.

In his impression, there was no one around him who could possess such terrifying strength as Di Shitian.

"You don't know him, but he knows you, and he even knows your original name Wei Yingxiong.".

Chapter 318 The Crashing Truth 【Full Order】

Wuming sat there blankly.

His eyes were full of shock and disbelief.

The name Wei Yingxiong is not well-known in the Jianghu, not only that, almost no one knows.

But he was the real name before Wuming.

As for why he changed to Wuming, it was actually due to his later experiences.

about this point.

Nameless has never shied away from it.

But he never told anyone, including his apprentice Jian Chen.

Although I don't understand how Di Shitian knew.

But what really made him unbelievable was why Su Chen, the leader of the Tianxiahui, also knew it well?

It is absolutely impossible for Jian Chen to tell him.

"Where did you find out?"

Nameless asked meaningfully.

His eyes are full of complexity.

For the first time, he felt that he couldn't see through a person.

However, the other party is still such a young and promising person, who has become the leader of the Tianxiahui, leading tens of thousands of gang members.

Even people like Bu Jingyun, Nie Feng and Duanlang are willing to call him master.

If it's just martial arts attainments.

Anonymous also admitted.

After all, there are amazing bones in this world, and people with extraordinary talents emerge in endlessly.

It is not difficult to find it.

But such a long-standing secret of oneself can be easily revealed by the other party.

It's incredible.

"It doesn't matter. Don't worry Senior Unnamed. Even if I know, I won't tell others easily. But Di Shitian is different."

Su Chen said meaningfully.

The sound is very calm.

Di Shitian is a person who has cultivated for a thousand years, no matter his vitality or the Sacred Heart Art he practiced is far above him.

He had to admit that although he was a land god, Di Shitian had already surpassed it.

If you want to deal with such a powerful enemy, you must win by surprise.

Di Shitian is very likely to use his relationship with Wuming to disturb his Dao Heart, thus greatly reducing his strength.

By then.

The whole thing will go out of control.

This guy is a lunatic!

Su Chen is absolutely sure.

"What's the meaning?"

Nameless frowned slightly.

"I know a little more about Di Shitian than you, and what I'm going to say next, please be mentally prepared, because it may break all your cognition about the whole world."

Su Chen paused.

"Senior, have you ever heard of the four auspicious beasts?"

Nameless nodded.

It is rumored that a phoenix appeared thousands of years ago, but this matter is so far away that there is no way to prove it.

"Di Shitian was exactly a thousand years ago. Not only that, he is also your ancestor."


Nameless is like a bolt from the blue.

Even if he has been practicing swords for decades, he has already cultivated his heart to be as tough as this sword energy.

But at this moment, he still couldn't help the look of shock and disbelief in his eyes.

Ancestors? !

Lived for a thousand years?

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