How can this be?

It is absolutely impossible for such an incredible thing to happen in the world!

"Are you kidding me?"

"How can someone live for such a long time, is he immortal?"

Nameless can't understand.

No matter how powerful the elders are in the arena, even if it is Taishan Beidou like the founder of Bodhidharma, they have only lived for a mere hundred years.

Millennium, what kind of terrifying concept is that?

No one can imagine the situation after a thousand years.

Even more, no one can guess how many vicissitudes the entire rivers and lakes will go through in these thousand years.

I'm afraid that the heroic masters have changed one crop after another.

"Yes, it is precisely because of this reason that Di Shitian is so arrogant, and Tianmen dares to attack all sects in Jianghu."

Su Chen gave an overview of Di Shitian's origin.

Nameless fell into a long silence.

It was completely unacceptable for a while.

It's been a long time.

He opened his mouth slowly.

"` "You mean that today's Di Shitian is the same as Xu Fu back then?Also my ancestors!But in these thousand years, he has long been able to dominate the world, unrivaled! "

"Why do you want to attack the various sects now?"

"Because of immortality."

Su Chen paused every word.

"But he..."

"If it were you, would you like to see someone with the same ability to live forever?"

"That also means that there will be a fatal threat to you in this world from now on."

Wuming suddenly realized.

Only at this moment did he understand how terrifying the enemy they were going to face (Li Zhao) was.

It is simply impossible to infer with common sense.

"From this point of view, the two of us are not enough to deal with Di Shitian."

Nameless sucked in a breath of cold air.

As a martial arts myth.

No matter how difficult the situation is, he is able to remain calm and calm.

But now.

With the emergence of unprecedented powerful enemies.

Wuming felt powerless for the first time.

In front of Di Shitian, I am afraid that I am like a child learning to speak.

Although he considers himself a leader among his peers.

But in the other party's eyes, there was no threat at all.

Wuming never thought that one day he would be so helpless! .

Chapter 319 Put it to death and live again! 【Seek full order】

"No, there are only a handful of people in the Jianghu who are worthy of the realm of land gods, and many of them are seniors who have retired to the Jianghu."

Su Chen stood up with his hands behind his back.

Looking at the calm lake, a powerful aura came out quietly.

The rain is coming and the wind is all over the building.

The rivers and lakes are now causing a bloodbath like this.

I don't know how many people will be played by Di Shitian between applause and applause. If they want to break the situation, they can only use their swords.

Give it a go!

But this is also based on having enough confidence.

When the emperor was angry, he laid down millions of corpses, and when everyone was angry, blood spattered five steps.

The same is angry.

The difference between people is so huge.

In other words.

Even if Su Chen and Wuming have a clear understanding of Di Shitian now, there is absolutely no chance of defeating them just by joining forces.

"According to what you said, don't we have no chance of winning?"

Nameless frowned slightly.

Although it is their own ancestors.

But he has no feelings at all.

What's more, Di Shitian is going to attack the entire Jianghu this time.

The world thousands of years ago has nothing to do with namelessness.

He is called Wei Yingxiong, and he only belongs to today's martial arts.

No matter who wants to set off a huge wave here, he must pay a painful price!

"You are wrong again. Although Di Shitian has reached the realm of omniscience and omnipotence, and his strength is unattainable, there is one thing he can't count, that is, we know him very well!"

Su Chen turned around abruptly.

There is brightness in his eyes.

Wuming was shocked when he saw this.

Under such a situation that is equivalent to a desperate situation, why does this person still show such a confident look?

Does he already have a countermeasure?

"Both of you and I are not enough to be his opponent. Could it be that you want to join forces with the tens of thousands of people in Tianxiahui to attack him?"

"Senior, I kindly invite you to fight against a strong enemy. Why do you want to lose all of my family?"

Hearing this, Su Chen asked with a half-smile.

Wuming was a little embarrassed for a while.

He really didn't think about it.

But if all the methods are useless, how can they turn the tide now?

This is simply wishful thinking!

"I have thought about it carefully. If you and I can reach the highest level of swordsmanship together, that is, the sword world, we will have the opportunity to fight together."

"Sword World?!"

Wuming's face was full of disbelief.

He was completely amazed.

Su Chen knew everything that happened in the entire rivers and lakes.

Including all kinds of extremely hidden secrets.

Among them, there are even many unknowns that have never been heard of or seen.

As for the sword world, it only exists in legends.

Nowadays, in the Jianghu, no one has ever reached it.

Although that is another realm above Xiangjian.

But it is an existence that almost all sword practitioners can't meet.

under such circumstances.

Why would Su Chen use it as a way to deal with Di Shitian?

"Are you kidding me?"

"Whether the sword world really exists or not, no one knows at all. Even if you and I practice together, how can we reach such a realm in such a short period of time?"

Nameless is puzzled.

This is simply a paradox.

"I have seen."

The corners of Su Chen's mouth rose slightly.

Wuming and Mu Yingxiong are the only two masters who have reached the realm of the sword world in the Jianghu!

In fact, it is not difficult to really reach the sword world.

In his cognition, this is nothing more than a spiritual world.

But it is even more difficult to get out of it.

The reason why Wuming could not be surpassed in later generations was because he was the only one who entered the sword world and was able to come out successfully.

Although it was indeed accomplished by Mu Yingxiong.

But this also shows that it will become their most powerful means to deal with Di Shitian.

"have you seen?"

Wuming no longer knew how to describe the shock in his heart.

Today's talk.

Seems unremarkable.

But every word Su Chen said hit his soul and brain.

It seems that what I have experienced is just the tip of the iceberg.

And he was the one who really saw what Jianghu looked like.

"Who are you?"

Nameless sucked in a breath of cold air.

"Senior, you don't have to worry about this. You just need to know that I am on the same path as you. Whether it's the Tianxiahui or Di Shitian, what I pursue is peace in the world and a cultivation level that can reach the peak."

The two seem to run counter to each other.

But in fact they complement each other.

When there is an absolutely strong man with power unmatched by anyone in the world, then no one will dare to violate the order he created!

Indra is a living example.

In this vast China.

He does whatever he wants.

No one can stop it!

"But how can we reach the sword world?"

Wuming couldn't help asking curiously.

This is a temptation that no one who practices swords can resist.

Even if you only peek into a corner of it, you will have no regrets in this life!

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