Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun, Duanlang, Aotian, and Jianchen stood on the pier and watched.

far away.

The wind is surging.

Like the end of the world.

Countless air waves erupted one after another.

It was really frightening to watch, and I didn't dare to act rashly.

This is already the third day.

Su Chen and Wuming are like two tireless gods of war, they have to decide the winner before giving up.

But the strength among them is top-notch!

When you meet your opponent in chess, it's hard to part with each other.

The fight was extremely anxious.

"How long are they going to fight?"

Nie Feng couldn't help asking.

When he saw it for the first time, he was extremely shocked.

But it never occurred to them that for three consecutive days, after using all the tricks, the two were still tied.

I am afraid that it is true that only when the oil is exhausted can the life and death be decided.

"Who knows?"

Aotian sighed.

"It's just that these two are too strong! Whether it's the master or the nameless senior, they dance on the tip of the knife, but their dancing steps can last forever."

A competition between top players.

It's not the same thing as an ordinary sparring between heroes of the rivers and lakes.

To put it bluntly.

Ordinary masters, either seize their weaknesses and use their absolute strength.

Either by surprise.

And the fights tend not to drag on for too long.

But these two people, land gods, have extraordinary strength.

Ordinary people can only stay away.

The fighting moves between them are just a kind of assistance, and it is impossible to cause any substantial damage.

At the end of the competition, it is the cultivation base, realm, and the purity of internal strength.

The so-called simplicity.

Often the higher the realm of the strong.

Their methods are also becoming simpler and simpler.

Ordinary martial arts practitioners can't handle it at all.

Those of the same realm will naturally be evenly divided.

"If the fight continues like this, I'm afraid the two of them will really lose! This is not a good thing for us at all!"

Bu Jingyun frowned.

With a worried look on his face.

Since the last time the heroes came to Tianxiahui to ask for an explanation, he tried to deal with it.

And I hope that people from all parties can give Tianxiahui some time to investigate the truth, which can be regarded as perfunctory.

But if these two continue to fight like this, the situation in the entire arena may get worse.

“` ”I heard that more and more worlds and heroes have been murdered recently. If we don't immediately launch an investigation and attack on Tianmen, I'm afraid that more and more innocent people will be implicated and hurt. "

Duan Langyu said earnestly.

At the same time, I felt a little reconciled.

Tianmen is so powerful, if they can defeat them, it must be a great achievement.

Maybe at that time, I can still feel proud in front of my master Su Chen, but the current order (is it Zhao Hao) is that no one in the Tianxiahui is allowed to act without authorization.

Just when several people were discussing.

Suddenly there was an explosion in the distance.

The air wave directly shook the entire bamboo forest to the point of collapse.

at the same time.

The bodies of Su Chen and Wuming fell from mid-air.

Seeing this, the anxious person immediately changed color.

They all ran towards the sword hut at the same time.


When they came to the two of them.

Just as Bu Jingyun wanted to check on Su Chen's condition, he was stopped by Jian Chen.

"what are you doing!"

"Senior Unnamed seriously injured my master! Do you want me to ignore it!"

Bu Jingyun's voice was cold.

With a fierce face.

That aggressive look is inexplicably frightening.

Chapter 324 The sword world is in danger, escape is nirvana! 【Seek full order】

Although Wuming has long established a reputation in the arena, countless people have praised him.

But Su Chen is his master.

He is famous for protecting his weaknesses.

Whoever you are, if you want to hurt someone important to me!

You must pay the price in blood for this.

Even Wulin Myth Wuming is no exception.

"That's not what I mean. I'm also worried about my master's safety, but if you touch Lord Su now, it is very likely that he will go mad and be seriously injured!"

"Going crazy?"

As soon as this word comes out.

All four of them showed surprise in their eyes.

Even more incredible.

Now what's the difference between that and being dead?

How to get mad!

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Bu Jingyun replied dissatisfied.

"I think the two of them are not in danger at the moment, they just entered another realm, the sword realm."

Jian Chen said meaningfully.

Everyone raised their heads in doubt again.

"The so-called sword world is the highest level of a swordsman. It is hard to come by. It must be the Master and Su Gangzhu who fought 473 with all their strength. In the end, because of their own strength and understanding of swordsmanship, they were too extraordinary. , so I have the opportunity to enter that powerful sword world!"

"But now that they are unconscious, how can they be sure that what you said is true?"

Nie Feng was very anxious.

"You don't have to worry about this. Look at their ruddy complexions. How can they look like they are seriously injured?"

"Not only that, but he also looked peaceful, as if he had fallen asleep."

"May I ask which one will be injured like this face."

Jian Chen was actually not sure either.

But the fierce competition just now is obviously impossible to make the two of them look like nothing happened.

Just like falling asleep.

"According to you, all we can do now is wait here?"

Aotian asked doubtfully.

"Don't be impatient, everyone. Let's take a look at the situation here. Maybe it's not as serious as imagined(.)?"

Jian Chen said uncertainly.

Regarding the sword world, he had no chance to see it with his own eyes.

Everything is told orally by nameless.

Nowadays, in the arena, no one can reach such a height.

But no matter how they look at it, they don't look like people who have something to do.

at the same time.

In the sword world.

Su Chen slowly woke up.

The surroundings were in chaos, but countless sword qi were flying wildly.

For an instant.

He realized where he was.

This is a world completely composed of sword intent, which is extremely pure and extremely dangerous.

Sword energy can't be divided into good and bad.

In their view, everything that is not sword energy is enough to be destroyed.

No wonder it is impossible for people with insufficient strength to enter here.

Because the moment they came into contact with indirection, their consciousness might have been destroyed by the sword energy here.

"Senior Unnamed! Are you there?"

Su Chen looked around, but he didn't see the nameless figure, so he used his skills and shouted.

He had to make sure Wuming had come in.

An empty voice echoed in my ears.

"I'm here!"

in an instant.

Nameless appeared behind him.

"This is the sword world in the rumors? Is it really extraordinary?"

"That's right, time, space, and even everything that exists in reality are just illusions here."

Su Chen couldn't help but sigh.

Although he has obtained countless martial arts collections.

But it has never reached this level.

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