The shock brought about is far beyond words.

"It's no wonder that those who can go out from here will become the supreme power. If even such a pure world can't defeat them, what is the mere rivers and lakes?"

Nameless said meaningfully.

There was also shock in the voice.

"Since you and I have successfully entered, it means that if we go out, our own strength will increase rapidly!"

Wuming nodded upon hearing this.

There was also joy in his eyes.

It seems that the peak duels these days have not been in vain.

But now the most important point.

Is there something worth getting here, and what does it have to do with dealing with Di Shitian?

"Master Su, this is a place completely different from the Jianghu world. We have spent so much effort to enter, how can we leave easily?"


Su Chen said slowly.

Although a strong will seems to be nothing, it can crush stubborn stones.

The same is true.

Since he was pulled into the sword world, he could no longer use any martial arts, not even any of his own.

Apart from will.

That was their only weapon, and the only way to get out from here.

"Senior, you don't need to care about the sword energy around you. You just need to sit down now. The two of us are calm and calm, relying on the control of the sword energy! Maybe we can break this situation!"

Nameless nodded.

Immediately, the two sat down cross-legged.

But at the moment when they used their sword energy.

There was a sudden earth-shaking change in the surroundings.

The sword world became extremely fierce.

Countless sword qi attacked them even more.

The speed is so fast and the quantity is so large that it is simply dazzling and unbelievable.

Chapter 325 Great achievement, extraordinary and holy! 【Seek full order】

As the sword energy struck one after another, the pressure on the two of them gradually increased.

Everything around became ferocious and hideous.

As if to devour the two of them.

It was the first time Wuming encountered such a terrifying scene.

It is inevitable that the Dao heart is a little unstable.

"Do not think too much!"

Su Chen closed his eyes tightly and lowered his voice.

"Once you compromise with those sword qi, you will gradually become sword qi, and be trapped in this sword world forever."

Although this place is completely illusory, there is nothing substantive~.

But he could feel that each sword qi carried a different aura.

They must all be sword practitioners who once fell into the sword world.

They couldn't escape this chaotic world, and in the end they could only choose to merge into sword energy.

Thus waiting for the next predestined person to enter.

I don't know how long it took.

The two struggled to contend with the surrounding sword energy.

at the same time.

They can also clearly feel that the strength in their bodies is growing rapidly.

To defeat a sword energy.

The other party seems to be integrated with them.

Strength also grows with it.

As the strength between the two became stronger and stronger.

They are also more and more able to deal with the influence of the sword energy around them with ease.

After absorbing countless sword qi.

Both of them opened their eyes suddenly at the same time.

At the same time, a strong golden light erupted from his body.

The powerful golden sword energy is launched towards the surroundings like ten thousand swords returning to the clan.


The void realm suddenly collapsed.

Their consciousness returned instantly.

Su Chen and Wuming opened their eyes at the same time, and sat up abruptly.

The surrounding scene returned to the appearance of the Sword Hut.


"Are you really awake? How do you feel? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere!"

Bu Jingyun and the others immediately rushed forward.

His eyes were full of concern.

Jian Chen also came to Wuming's side.

"Master, what happened, why did you two enter the sword world?"

Su Chen and Wuming did not answer.

The two looked at each other and smiled, the corners of their mouths slightly raised.

As land gods, they can naturally perceive the changes in their bodies.

At the moment of leaving the sword world.

Countless sword energy has been used by them.

Now the strength of the two has already surpassed the land gods, and they have become true saints!

Reborn, flesh sanctified!

That is the realm that countless cultivators long for.

It will only appear in legends.

At this moment.

The strength possessed by the two has truly transcended mortals.

Although land gods are indeed extremely rare.

But after all, it is achievable by mortals.

And entering the holy state means that they are no longer mortals, and their strength is enough to surpass any martial arts practitioner.

"Guangzhu Su, I never expected that this trip to the Tianxiahui would allow me to understand the essence of swordsmanship!"

Wuming's eyes were full of admiration.

He never imagined it.

One day, I will also be able to reach the pinnacle of kendo.

If Su Chen wasn't in charge of everything, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to escape from the sword world at all.

"This is serious."

Su Chen waved his hand.

"You and I are perfect for each other, if there is no senior unknown, how can I have the opportunity to enter?"

The two smiled at each other.

The rest of the people looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Master, why haven't you seen the slightest change in you since you came out of the sword world?"

Nie Feng asked curiously.

His eyes were full of suspicion.

"That's because your realm is not enough."

"The so-called supreme state of swordsmanship is to use the heaven and earth as the sword and the body as the way."

"I am the sword, and the Tao is me!"

"Between heaven and earth, there is only one path that can prove the divine sword!"

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The voice did not fall.

Su Chen raised his right hand and squeezed out the sword formula.

A sword energy appeared out of nowhere in the distance.

Not only that.

The surface of the lake was even more turbulent.

A sword qi burst out directly through the water.

This scene left everyone present stunned!

They never dreamed of it.

Reaching the strongest state of swordsmanship will be so powerful, even far beyond their imagination.

"Congratulations, master! Great achievement!"

Su Chen heard that the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he was quite satisfied with this experience in the sword world.

Becoming a saint is an extremely rare realm.

I don't know how big the gap is compared with that Di Shitian, but it is enough to boost his confidence.


The land gods are incomparable.

But this sanctification is different.

The most important thing is that I and Wuming have reached this realm at the same time!

Just thinking about it gives me confidence.

What's more, the two of them had a very profound understanding of the way of the sword after their trip to the sword world.

With one stroke of the sword, the power of attacking and killing is extremely powerful,

This gave Su Chen greater confidence to face the threat from Di Shitian!

"Senior Unnamed, it seems that we are getting closer to our plan."

Su Chen said slowly.

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