Wouldn't the heroes of the rivers and lakes wait for the entire army to be wiped out?

at this time.

Wu Tianxia suddenly shouted loudly.

"All martial arts disciples and people from affiliated forces come down immediately, there must be no mistakes!"

Those who belonged to the Wu family did not hesitate at all when they heard this.

They slid down the hillside one after another.

Seeing this, the rest of the heroes also responded one after another.


Everyone came to Su Chen.

However, all of his "Four Nine Zero" put their weapons on their chests, as if they were worried that the world would break out and annihilate them in one fell swoop.

Seeing this, Su Chen couldn't help chuckling.

"Everyone, if I really want to kill you, let alone take out weapons to defend, even if you really invite all the masters from your own sects, I'm afraid you may not be my opponent!"

"You are really crazy!"

Someone couldn't help but say.

"If you have the feeling, just wait. After this matter is over, we will definitely ask you for an explanation!"

"my pleasure."

Su Chen didn't bother to explain too much.

He repeated all the previous words.

Perhaps it is because Wu Tianxia and Wu Family do have certain influence.

In addition, the monks of Shaolin Temple also believed his rhetoric.

They stayed behind.

The disciples of the two major forces are all staying here, no matter how good the others are, I'm afraid they can't bear it.

Su Chen didn't care.

Anyway, the rumors and gossips in the arena let them go. Time can always give the best proof.


at the same time.

Not far behind.

Seeing this scene, Xu Fu had a playful look in his eyes.

The reason why he let his disciples go to the various sects to deliberately provoke and make trouble is to make the world stand against all the people in the rivers and lakes.

No matter how powerful the character is.

He couldn't resist being an enemy of the entire rivers and lakes.

But never expected.

Su Chen would resolve it in such a way.

The so-called murder.

If Di Shitian wanted to win the dragon-slaying weapon, it would be an easy task to destroy the world.

But he wanted to make Su Chen unable to accept everything that happened, and finally committed suicide.

Watch him rise from a tall building, and watch his building collapse.

I wonder what could be more interesting than this.

"Senior Xu Fu, does the name of Chief Su live up to his reputation?"

Wuming asked meaningfully beside him.

At the same time, he looked at Xu Fu carefully.

If not.

He really would not have thought that this person had lived for thousands of years!

What is the difference between a middle-aged man in his early forties?

The key is to look kind.

The speech is more gentle and kind.

But Wuming, who already knew everything, was extremely vigilant at this moment.

It is even more intentional to anger Di Shitian.

Actually want to pretend to be a righteous person in the world and sneak into the world society?

Don't you really think that your strategy is perfect!

Thinking of Su Chen's plan.

The nameless hand couldn't help but put it on the hilt of the sword.

But he finally calmed down.

After becoming a saint, Wuming has improved in all aspects.

It is also very clear that many things in the world cannot be solved by reckless behavior.

For example, Xu Fu right now.

So what if his true identity is revealed?

No one can do anything about it.

Even with the addition of all the heroes in the world, it is very likely that the other party will get away.  …

Once Di Shitian has an early warning.

Then it will be even more difficult for them to find another opportunity to do it.

The reason why many people in the world fail.

Not because of their abilities.

It's just that they can't judge which one is the so-called real opportunity.

Seizing opportunities is also a kind of ability, and what is more important is vision and realm.

Why are the top masters often able to dominate the rivers and lakes.

Strength is certainly one aspect.

The importance of realm and vision cannot be ignored.

"Indeed, Master Su is the most talented young man I have ever seen! Maybe this time, he can really eradicate Tianmen!"

What Xu Fu said was true.

There was even excitement on his face.

Thousands of years of time have already trained him to have an indistinct face, and he can have whatever expression he wants.

No matter how turbulent the heart is, it is absolutely impossible to show the slightest bit on the surface.

"Speaking of which, how much does senior Xu Fu know about Tianmen?"

Nameless continued to ask.

"Don't call me senior. I'm only ten years older than you. It doesn't matter if you call me big brother in 2.2."

Xu Fu waved his hand politely.

"As for this Tianmen, I really don't know much about it. It is said that it has existed for a very long time, but before that, I have never heard any rumors about them in Jianghu."

"I'm afraid this is also an extremely mysterious sect."

Nameless narrowed his eyes.

Although there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, the vigilance and sharpness in his eyes were faintly visible.

He didn't dare to be too obvious.

If Xu Fu saw the clues, the consequences would be disastrous.

"What about Indra?"

Nameless continued to ask.

"This person's strength is unfathomable! I only fought against him once, and I almost died on the spot!".

Chapter 337 Return home after first arriving at Tianmen? 【Seek full order】

As Xu Fu spoke, he still showed a look of fear.

As if everything was real.

But in the eyes of Wuming and Su Chen who knew the truth, no matter how superb their acting skills are, it is impossible to easily deceive them.

At this time.

Su Chen also came over.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm just asking about the situation of Tianmen."

Anonymous said lightly.

"Knowing ourselves and the enemy is the only way to be invincible. The more you know about Di Shitian, the more help you will have for us!"

Su Chen frowned, and nodded approvingly.

"It makes sense, I wonder what pertinent opinions Senior Xu Fu gave?"

"How would I know? I'm afraid I don't know Di Shitian as well as you do."

Xu Fu smiled modestly.

But the heart is dismissive.

Know yourself and your enemy?

Can you find out the origin of this deity?

It is simply wishful thinking 08 delusion!

For thousands of years, he has appeared in the arena with various identities, ranging from ten years to decades, although he disappeared in the end.

But Xu Fu never died!

So he has seen everything in the world.

As for the details revealed by the two of them, Xu Fu didn't pay attention at all.

Don't say it's a quack.

Even Tianmen, no one knows his details.

Su Chen and Wuming have no reason to know.

So their vigilance is nothing more than worrying about the people from Tianmen lurking around.

The more so.

Xu Fuyue wanted to gain the trust of these two people.

When the time comes, there will be a knife in the back.

Just thinking about it makes people feel a little excited.

"It doesn't matter, no matter what that guy is, this time we gather the strength of the Central Plains martial arts heroes, we will definitely be able to wipe him out!"

Su Chen moved slightly, and sat on Huo Qilin's back again.

Then everyone went to Tianmen mightily.

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