About another ten days or so.

The group finally came to the valley where the Tianmen is located.

From a distance, it was peaceful.

It's like a paradise.

"Master, I'm going to investigate the situation!"

As Nie Feng said, he led several people towards the intersection of the valley.

But these people seem to have evaporated from the world, and they haven't been seen for a long time after entering.

No movement could be heard around.

"what happened?"

Someone couldn't help but asked worriedly.

Most of the people here have fought against people from Tianmen.

They know very well how terrifying the strength of Tianmen is.

Nie Fengcai is just a few people.

Not worth mentioning at all.

It may be resolved by the other party at any time.

"Master, how about I go in and see Junior Brother Feng?"

Bu Jingyun also took people there.

As a result, the scene just now happened again.

Bu Jingyun and his party also disappeared into the valley.

For a moment, all the heroes in the world looked at each other in blank dismay.

No one wants to take the initiative to die.

"Master, Chief Su, why don't I go check it out again!"

Jian Chen held the Hero Sword.


Nameless just wanted to nod.

Su Chen waved his hand.

"Forget it, the fact that the two of them went and never returned doesn't explain the problem? It seems that this valley is extremely dangerous."

"In this way, some people stay outside and set up camp, ready to respond at any time, and the other people follow me to the valley. I want to see what kind of Longtan and Tiger's Den this Tianmen Gate is, and it can make Fengyun and Fengyun disappear without a trace."

When everyone heard this, they nodded their heads in agreement.

It must be much more useful for Tianxiahui's gang leader and Wulin Myth Wuming to appear in person.

The point is that you don't have to take any more risks.

Not to mention death!


A group of people walked into the valley mightily.

From the outside, this place should look like a big mountain, but when we entered the valley, we found something strange.

This place seems to be hollowing out a mountain directly, but there is a way in and a way out.

But judging by the scale, it should even be at the same level as the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang.

"Really powerful, is this Di Shitian so capable?"

"It's actually possible to open mountains and split rocks to create a fairyland here?"

Su Chen looked around.

Can't help but sigh.

Xu Fu nodded.

"Indeed, this place is a treasure land with outstanding people."

"Outstanding person?"

The corner of Su Chen's mouth rose.

"It seems that senior Xu Fu also agrees with Di Shitian?"

"Of course, think about how terrifying this person is. How many people in the world can compete with him at 490?"

"Being able to cultivate to this level in his lifetime, regardless of his actions, in terms of martial arts cultivation alone, he is already unrivaled in the world."

Xu Fu boasted.


Those who didn't know really thought how much he knew about Di Shitian.

"Even Senior Xu Fu praised him so much, it seems that our chances of winning are really not high."

Su Chen pouted.

"Why don't we just go home, I don't want to die here."

what? !

Xu Fu's face changed slightly when he heard this.

He managed to trick everyone from the Tianxiahui to come here.

It's almost home now.

The other party actually said that he wanted to go back?

How could Xu Fu agree!

"No way, Lord Su, you can claim to be the leader of the younger generation in Jianghu, both in martial arts and in mind, are far superior to everyone, do you really want to go back so aggrieved?"

Su Chen shrugged.

"According to what Senior Xu Fu said, I'm afraid I can't beat Di Shitian at all, what can I do?".

Chapter 338 I Can't Give Di Shitian a Response 【Please order】

When Xu Fu heard Su Chen's words, he stood in place.

Face full of disbelief.

He has lived for so many years, and he thinks that he has seen all the weird and weird people in this world.

Reckless, wimpy, brainy, brainless.

But people like Su Chen even made him feel that he couldn't see through it once.

He came all the way from Tianxiahui to mobilize people to come to Tianmen, but now he just had a face-to-face meeting, and he actually said he wanted to go back?


In a sense, it seems that Su Chen didn't even see Di Shitian's face.

What number of ways is this?

up until now.

Xu Fu has only seen it in one kind of person, and that is the idiot with abnormal brain.

But Su Chen was able to command tens of thousands of people in the world, and even all the heroes in the world were impressed.

Is it possible to say that he is a psychopath?

Isn't it true that everyone in the arena is all idiots.

Although in Xu Fu's view, the vast majority of people are indeed like this.

Su Chen is definitely the smarter one.

What kind of tricks is this kid playing!

"Master Su, are you really willing? And even if you want to leave, I'm afraid those other people won't want to leave either!"

Although Xu Fu was angry in his heart, he still had a bitter look on his face.

The moment hadn't really arrived at the moment he had planned.

There is no reason to expose.

"so what?"

Su Chen seemed to be putting on a bad show.

"Whether the heroes of the rivers and lakes die or not is none of my business, I just need to take care of the people in my world, so that they don't all die here!"

Wuming couldn't help laughing secretly when he heard this.

Since the two of them entered the sword world together, although their comprehension of swordsmanship is different, the two of them can communicate with each other.

At this moment, I can better guess Su Chen's intentions.

He even fanned the flames beside him.

"Guangzhu Su, do you really ignore your two disciples? After all, Fengyun and Yun can be regarded as masters in the arena, so you really let them get stuck in this place, whereabouts are unknown, and life and death are unknown?"

Su Chen turned his head and glanced at Wuming.

Said meaningfully.

"Are they your apprentices or my apprentices?"

"Of course it's yours."

"Since this is the case, why bother you to care, not to mention that if these two people are really folded in this Tianmen, it can only show that they are not capable enough."

"I don't need such incompetent people under my command."

Xu Fu quietly listened to the conversation between the two.

I feel more and more strange about Su Chen's cognition in my heart.

This kid's style of doing things has a bit of his own appearance.

The shot is fierce and ruthless.

Of course, Di Shitian had a special method of torture for those kind of affectionate people.

But for this kind of person.

more interested.

It is absolutely impossible to let Su Chen bring the people from the Tianxiahui back.

Not only will my own plans be affected, but even great fun will be lost.

"Having said that, but the scourge of the world like Tianmen should be eliminated as soon as possible! If you ignore it today, Chief Su, maybe these guys behind will make a comeback."

"Didn't you hear that Tianmen has gone to the world to make trouble? Can you swallow this breath?"

"how do you know?"

Su Chen suddenly asked back.

Xu Fu was slightly taken aback.

"This matter has long been known in the world, so what's so strange about it?"

"I see."

Su Chen nodded.

"That's different. They traveled thousands of miles to Tianxiahui, and I was playing at home."

"This is an away game, and I don't know the surrounding terrain at all. It must be more beneficial for me to fight against each other in the world!"

Xu Fu heard these remarks.

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