Then let go of hands and feet.

Everyone was extremely anxious!

Seeing that Su Chen and Wuming next to him didn't move, Xu Fu wanted to lure them to the depths of the valley.

Chapter 340 True and false Emperor Shitian, a trick to deceive children 【Full Order】

Followed by a white dress.

Xu Fu directly jumped over everyone and attacked "Di Shitian".

Seeing this scene, Wuming frowned slightly.

At this moment, everyone around them has joined the battle.

No one can overhear their conversation.

"What does this old guy want?"

"To do a full set of plays, he either wants to kill the fake ones, or he just wants to show us."

Su Chen said meaningfully.

But it didn't take any action.

The two were right behind, silently watching everything.

"Are you really not worried about the safety of Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun?"

Wuming finally couldn't hold back his inner curiosity.

Before entering the valley before.

Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng lost the news, so he was a little worried.

But Su Chen didn't change his face.

Now Xu Fu has left.

He finally had a chance to ask the question in his heart.

"Are you looking down on the apprentices I have taught?"

The corners of Su Chen's mouth rose slightly.

"Your disciple holds a heroic sword and is your future successor. Fengyun and Fengyun are also the successors of my Tianxiahui."

"I believe that the apprentices I have taught are no worse than you."

Wuming couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"When is it, and you still have time to talk to me about this?"

"Actually, I did it on purpose."

Su Chen said slowly.

"on purpose?"

"Yes, although Xu Fu led us to Tianmen, but because we are completely unfamiliar with this place, we no longer have an advantage in terms of terrain."

Since ancient times, leading troops to fight must pay attention to the right time, place and people.

This time, the entire rivers and lakes were mobilized because of Tianmen, and it was no different from leading troops to fight.

Su Chen even knew that the enemies they faced were more powerful than any they had seen before.

Just be careful.

Xu Fu was raising doubts along the way, and tried to confuse the two of them.

If it wasn't for Su Chen's knowledge of Xu Fu's tricks and real identity, he might have fallen into the trap.

But that's where their greatest strength lies.

When the weather is in place, the geographical advantage and the harmony of people must be striven for.

Don't think that knowing the other party's details will make you invincible.

People often lose, and the main reason is because of their own arrogance.

"You are really ruthless. You even don't hesitate to send your two disciples to take risks to help you find the way."

Complicated eyes flashed in Wuming's eyes.

have to say.

There is actually a difference between Su Chen and the martial arts decent in the absolute sense.

His style of doing things is more biased towards results.

You can do whatever it takes to achieve results.

If it is a necessary sacrifice, there will be absolutely no hesitation.

But think carefully.

Wuming felt that this realm was higher than his own.

If it were him.

It is impossible to watch Fengyun and Fengyun take risks with their own eyes.

But if only these two people can exchange for the chance to kill Di Shitian, and bring the entire Central Plains martial arts to peace.

Isn't it a good deal?

Use two people to exchange the whole rivers and lakes.

Surely no one will refuse.

While the two were discussing.

Xu Fu has repeatedly fallen in front of the fake Di Shitian.

It's even a bit overwhelming.

Seeing this, Wuming couldn't help frowning slightly.

The eyes are even more puzzled.

"What the hell is this old guy trying to do?"

"Could it be that he can't even beat his own disciples?"

"This guy seems to be deliberately trying to trick us into helping."

0 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Su Chen said slowly.

"Then shall we go or not?"

Anonymous asked back.

"Since they have sung such a good show for us, wouldn't it be a disappointment to them if we just sit here and stay still?"

The corners of Su Chen's mouth rose slightly.

I and Wuming have reached the state of holiness.

He even realized the supreme meaning of the sword.

This greatly enhanced Su Chen's confidence.

In addition to this journey, in fact, he is also constantly testing Xu Fu.

Although this person hides quite deeply.

...... 0

But there are still some traces.

You can vaguely perceive the strength level of the opponent.

Xu Fu tried to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

I don't know.

Everything has already been calculated by Su Chen.

He patted his mount, Fire Qilin.

"You can eat all the disciples of Tianmen here, and you are not allowed to touch anyone except them."

The fire unicorn raised its head and roared.

Seems to understand Su Chen's meaning.

Then Su Chen jumped up.

Huo Qilin also rushed into the crowd suddenly.

This thing is worthy of being a mythical beast in the legend.

Extremely human.

It can even distinguish between friend and foe.

Almost none of the Tianmen disciples bitten by it survived.

at the same time.

Su Chen and Wuming also performed lightness kung fu, passing over the crowd to the gate of Tianmen's palace.

They just landed.

Then I saw Xu Fu being grabbed by "Di Shitian" and then violently pushed into the palace gate!

"Master Su, save me!"

Xu Fu couldn't help shouting loudly.

Seeing this, the two couldn't help but looked at each other and smiled.

This old boy's acting skills are really superb.

At this time, he is still so dedicated. In order to deceive them, he even put down his dignity knife as the master of Tianmen.

Chapter 341 Revealing the truth, the bewildered Di Shitian! 【Seek full order】

Seeing this, Su Chen and Wuming didn't say anything more, each holding a weapon.

They also entered the palace one after another.

The palace is so huge that you can't see the end at a glance.

It seems to be from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

The surrounding area is extremely empty.

All the pillars soared up to the sky, and it was frightening to watch.

far away.

"Di Shitian" and Xu Fu are still fighting, but the latter has already begun to retreat steadily.

Even kept falling to the ground.

It seems that life may be lost at any time.

The two immediately stepped forward and separated "Di Shitian" and Xu Fu in a very tacit cooperation.

And they came to Xu Fu's side by coincidence.

I saw that he had already vomited blood at "[-]".

Paled face.

"Senior Xu Fu, are you alright?"

Su Chen asked with concern.

Xu Fu shook his head.

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