"I'm fine, but this guy is so powerful! I feel that his strength is stronger than when I fought against him last time!"

"So powerful? What kind of kung fu did Di Shitian cultivate that can improve his strength in such a short period of time?"

Wuming also asked curiously beside him.

His eyes were full of surprise.

But he couldn't help sneering in his heart.

To actually want to play these tricks with them is simply beyond self-control.

"Di Shitian" laughed loudly.

"Just because you three dared to come to Tianmen, you are simply overconfident! It's really ridiculous!"

"Fight with me, even if you have twice as many people, you can only die here!"

"is it?"

The corners of Su Chen's mouth rose slightly.

Wuming has a tacit understanding.

The two held long swords at the same time, just when Di Shitian and Xu Fu thought they were going to attack forward.

But they found that the two pointed their swords at Xu Fu's chest at the same time.

Simultaneously stab hard.

For a moment, the two people present were stunned.

They never dreamed that this would be the case.

Xu Fu's eyes widened even more.

Face full of disbelief.

"Master Su, are you bewitched! Why did you kill me? The enemy is him!"

He raised his hand tremblingly and pointed at "Di Shitian".

It seems to have encountered a huge betrayal.

Su Chen smiled lightly.

"The matter has come to this, do you still want to act here? You don't really think that your acting skills can deceive everyone in the world, do you?"


Nameless nodded.

The eyes are cold.

"Di Shitian, there is no impenetrable wall in the world. You think you have all the tricks, but you probably never dreamed that we have already seen through your identity!"

"You still want to find a fake Emperor Shitian to deceive us?"

"Do you really think that the two of us are as stupid as those people outside?"

Although unknown as a martial arts myth in the arena.

He is the spiritual leader in the hearts of countless people.

But in fact, in his opinion.

Not everyone can adore themselves.

Because many people believe blindly and are even more self-righteous.

for these people.

Nameless usually doesn't choose to ask questions.

Regardless of whether they are dead or alive, what Wuming has to do is to maintain justice in the martial arts world.

Xu Fu's expression gradually changed from shock to disbelief, and finally revealed a weird smile.


"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, it seems that I still underestimated the two of you after all, and you were able to see through my identity?"

Saying it's late is fast.

He suddenly flashed.

She actually escaped directly from Su Chen and Wuming's sword.

At that speed, there was only a phantom left.

The fast two are even a little unpredictable 0......

Seeing this, Wuming was shocked.

He originally thought that the two swords had seriously injured each other.

I didn't expect it to have no effect.

Is this guy's strength so terrifying? !

Simply incredible and unbelievable!

"how is this possible!"

"The two swords just now stabbed clearly, why did he remain unscathed!"

"After all, he is a monster that has lived for thousands of years. If his body is the same as others, how can no one kill him?"

Su Chen said meaningfully.

Xu Fu's face showed surprise again.

"You know I've lived for thousands of years?"

"Of course, I also know that your name Xu Fu is not a pseudonym, but your real name. You are the most famous alchemist in Qin Shihuang's time!"

Su Chen said firmly.

His face was as calm and calm as water.

It has been a long time since Xu Fu didn't know what surprise and surprise are.

He didn't expect to see something beyond his own from a young man hundreds of years later.

Because Xu Fu lived longer than anyone else.

No one knows his true identity.

This is the case for all 2.2 disciples including Tianmen.

As long as he doesn't say anything, no one will believe that this thing will actually happen.

But Su Chen, the leader of the Tianxiahui, knows himself well.

A look of surprise appeared on Xu Fu's face, and he asked in a deep voice, "Where did you get this information?"

"Does it matter?"

Su Chen asked back.

"So from the very beginning when I came to Tianxiahui, you have already recognized me?"


Su Chen nodded, smiled lightly and said:

"It's just a play with you. After all, if it wasn't like this, how could we reach the gate of heaven smoothly?".

Chapter 342 Strength Beyond Realms? 【Seek full order】

Xu Fu had a complicated expression.

After a long silence, he suddenly burst out laughing.

"Interesting, really interesting!"

"I didn't expect me to think that I could play tricks on you everywhere, but in the end I capsized in the gutter?"

"It doesn't count."

Su Chen replied calmly.

"If I were a sewer, I'm afraid there would be no big rivers in the world."

"But how do you know that you're not seeking your own death by doing so?"

Xu Fu tilted his head.

Finally showing his true self.

There was an arrogant and ferocious smile on the corner of his mouth.

The whole face looked extremely cruel.

There was no longer a trace of fireworks on him.

It's like walking dead, but that aura carries a huge oppressive force.

Be it anyone.

Faced with such a thousand-year-old monster, you will definitely feel a lot of pressure.

This is also impossible.

After all, no matter from 08 cultivation level, in terms of intelligence, including experience, the opponent has the capital to completely crush.

"Where did Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng get caught by your people?"

Su Chen asked coldly.

Now that he has turned his face, there is no need to cover up too much.

Everyone is a thousand-year-old fox, why are you playing Liao Zhai?

"I thought you really didn't care about the life and death of these two?"

Xu Fu said triumphantly.

"Since you can see through my identity and my plan, don't you know where the two of them were caught?"

"What do you mean?"

Su Chen frowned slightly.

"I'm not interested in these two people, only guys like Xiong Ba will treat them as enemies."

"However, I have a lot of ideas about the peerless sword in Bu Jingyun's hands."

"Don't you just want to slay the dragon?"

Su Chen said calmly.

"Even if you get a peerless sword from him, that's not enough."

Only by collecting all the dragon-slaying weapons.

In order to truly slay the dragon and obtain the dragon yuan.

One of them is indispensable.

"You know more than I imagined. In the whole rivers and lakes, I have never seen anyone who knows these things as well as you do."

Xu Fu said meaningfully.

That alone.

Su Chen can indeed be called an opponent who can truly make him an enemy.

"How on earth did you know this?"

Xu Fu has thousands of years of insight, so he is able to understand these things like the palm of his hand.

But even if the young man in front of him is very knowledgeable, it is absolutely impossible for him to know all these secrets clearly.

He even knows his own identity well.

"So there are things you don't understand? Don't you claim that you are not old for a thousand years and can see through everything in the world?"

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