Su Chen said sarcastically.

In the current situation, there is actually no way out for him and Wuming.

There is only one way to defeat Indra.

It is to use five thunders to transform extreme hands.

Su Chen has already learned this skill, and has mastered it with his own kung fu, and now he has improved to a higher level.

But if you want to take this opportunity to hit Di Shitian severely, you have to make him take it lightly.

Only by infusing the energy of the Five Thunders into Di Shitian's body can he have a chance to dissolve his thousand-year cultivation!

"I don't care, you don't use these little tricks here, it's useless to me at all!"

Xu Fu has long been a genius.

How can you not see what Su Chen is thinking?

After the showdown between the two sides, Xu Fu also gradually got to know Su Chen. No wonder he couldn't see through it before.

It turned out that the other party was also acting.

The main reason why Di Shitian was deceived by the other party was that he never thought that this kid would be able to know his identity.

But now it's different.

Su Chen's every move, every thought, has become clear before his eyes.

It's nothing more than to deal with yourself.

But Di Shitian has the biggest trump card, that is his tyrannical cultivation base and the extremely domineering Sacred Heart Art!

"However, since you have been deceived to Tianmen this time, there is no need for me to search for them one by one."

Di Shitian clapped his hands while talking.

The disciple who pretended to be him nodded.

"What is the master's order?"

"Block all the way out of the valley, without my order, no one is allowed to enter or exit at will!"


490 here.

Di Shitian is going to make Tianmen the burial place of the heroes of the Jianghu.

"Su Chen, even if you came here with all your heart and soul, so what? Could it be that you and Wuming's cultivation are just trying to defeat me in a vain attempt?"

"There is nothing difficult in the world, as long as there is a heart, there is absolutely no absolute in the world."

It's too late to say.

Su Chen held a sharp blade and attacked with lightning speed.

Nameless acted almost at the same time as him.

The speed of the two is as fast as lightning.

The people watching are dazzled.

If the heroes of the rivers and lakes were here at this moment, they would have been so shocked by their strength that it was unbelievable.

Di Shitian didn't take it to heart at all.

Stimulate the Sacred Heart Art and fight without hesitation.

But only a moment after the fight, disbelief appeared on his face again.

"how is this possible!"

"Can the land gods reach such a state?"

He has seen many masters of the rivers and lakes.

From the lowest, to the terrestrial immortals, they know almost everything.

Even a land god, in his opinion, is nothing more than that! .

Chapter 343 Di Shitian's Wrath! 【Seek full order】

Di Shitian has fought against masters of all realms and strengths.

The land gods have already reached the pinnacle level in the arena.

Very few people can achieve it.

Looking around, in the past thousand years, only a few dozen people can achieve this kind of strength.

People who can often reach the realm of land gods will become top masters in this world.

Enemies are hardly even encountered.

But it is absolutely impossible for Su Chen and Wuming to be just land gods.

Because he has never seen any land god who can move freely like these two, and the sense of oppression and changes in the aura are even more rapid.

"Di Shitian, we already knew your plan, and we also knew what you did. Do you think we will come to your lair without preparation?"

Su Chen smiled meaningfully.

"To tell you the truth, in order to be able to deal with you, Senior Unnamed and I have worked hard in seclusion for a long time!"

"Just to wait for today and today, and also to be able to eradicate you in one fell swoop!"

Di Shitian couldn't help being extremely shocked when he heard this.

There was a look of surprise in his eyes.

He really didn't expect these two people to be so proactive.

It seems that it has been prepared for a long time.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to be so calm and calm now.

"Di Shitian, there is no need for a person like you to continue living in this world! He should have died long ago after living for thousands of years!"

"The mistake is that you still want to continue to cause harm to the world!"

Said namelessly.

Before the words fell, he took the initiative to attack.

At the same time, he used the Holy Spirit sword technique.

Seeing this, Di Shitian stepped forward to fight without hesitation.

Not only is his body technique weird, but his strength is astonishing.

Even in a short period of time, it can also play a suppressive role.

Wuming even found out that his Holy Spirit swordsmanship had no effect on the opponent.

Immediately take out the real strength and set up the sword array!

In an instant, countless sword lights flickered.

Look dazzling.

The sword qi is [-] miles across, and the sword light is cold in the nineteen states!

Although Wuming is still unable to control the divine sword with his own strength, the sword array he has now is already extremely powerful!

As the battle between the two sides gradually became anxious.

Di Shitian did not suffer any disadvantage.

Just when he was fully familiar with Wuming's strength and was about to fight back, he suddenly felt a strange aura floating around him.

I don't know when.

Su Chen actually drifted behind him.

"Five thunders into extreme hands¨¨!"

Just for a moment.

Di Shitian could feel a strange force coming into his body.

At the same time, his cultivation has also undergone major changes.

"how is this possible?!"

Di Shitian retreated again and again.

There was a look of shock and disbelief in his eyes.

The breath of the whole person also suddenly became choppy.

"What? Don't you think that no one in this world can do anything to you?"

Su Chen smiled meaningfully.

have to say.

Di Shitian was indeed tyrannical and terrifying to the extreme.

At least if you want to deal with him, few people can do it.

Even for Su Chen and Wuming, if they want to defeat each other with hard power, it may not be an easy task.

At least they are both losers.

It may even be the same death.

Of course, the worst result was that they paid the price with their lives, but Di Shitian was still alive.

Because of the protection of the body with the blood of the phoenix, plus a thousand years of cultivation.

Di Shitian's defense was indestructible.

So no matter what kind of attack he uses, he can easily resolve it.

Just from the stabbing of Xu Fu by the two of them before, we can get a glimpse of it.

It would have been fatal for an ordinary person, but it didn't affect him at all.

Isn't this an extraordinary strength?

But in Su Chen's impression.

Those who really defeated Di Shitian were these five thunders.

Although in the end, the others paid an extremely painful price, and they didn't even kill Di Shitian.

However, it was precisely because of this skill that this person was severely injured to a certain extent.

And find opportunities for others.

Since Su Chen knows how to deal with it.

Then there is no need to waste other efforts.

Is it a fool not to take shortcuts?

There are no such stupid people in this world.

Di Shitian kept retreating.

He finally leaned back against his tall chair.

The expression on his face was unpredictable.

The whole person fell into a kind of great pain.

The most frightening thing about Wulei (Li's Hao) Huajishou is that although this kung fu seems ordinary, it can disturb the inner strength of the injured.

As long as this power does not dissipate.

It will always be haunted in the body!

The main reason why Di Shitian couldn't do anything about it, and even caused him to be seriously injured, was that he couldn't dispel the strength of the Wulei Huaji Hand, so he could only let it rampage in his body and destroy it everywhere.

This is also the most domineering aspect of Wulei Huajishou.

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