"` "How do you know that my weakness lies in this grandson! "

Xu Fu panted heavily.

Angry is gnashing of teeth.

He never thought that he would fall to such a step.

It was even more unexpected that the other party would be so insidious and cunning! .

Chapter 344 All the tricks are exhausted! 【Seek full order】

A game has already been set up, just waiting for Di himself to drill into it.

The point is that Di Shitian never dreamed that he would be forced to such a point by Su Chen and Wuming.

Di Shitian knew the two of them from the very beginning, and regarded them as his greatest playthings.

But who can think of it.

Those who play will end up being toyed with by playthings.

"You actually know my only weakness? You are really unfathomable!"

Di Shitian said with a pale face.

At the same time try to calm down your inner breath.

"Stop talking nonsense! Di Shitian, today is your death day!"

"Are you really going to kill me?"

Di Shitian suddenly raised his head.

There was a sharpness in his eyes.

"Wu Ming, everyone in the world can kill me, but you can't kill me! You are still here to justify yourself?"

"What do you mean? Why can't I kill you?"

Nameless frowned slightly.

It seemed that he already had an answer in his heart.

"Because you are my descendant! I am your ancestor!"

Ti Shi Tianmian 503 stood up straight.

There was arrogance on his face.

"Your original name was Hero Wei!"

"It is the offspring produced by me and Webster!"

"Otherwise, why do you think you are qualified to become a martial arts legend? Is it really just because of talent?"

"The talent in you is all given to you by me!"

The more Di Shitian talked, the more excited he seemed to be.

"Now that your ancestor is in front of you, don't you still kneel down? Now that your ancestor is going to be killed, don't you just watch?"

Nameless watched all this silently.

There was not even a trace of waves on his face.

It seems that he doesn't care about the news.

"Are you finished?"

"Finish? Why are you not shocked? Could it be that you already knew it?!"

Di Shitian's eyes widened.

His eyes were filled with disbelief.

It is precisely because (.) I have been driven to a dead end that I want to ease my situation by bewitching Wuming.

Didn't expect this trick to be resolved by the opponent?

Always one step ahead of yourself?

It's impossible!

"Of course, since I can know that you have lived for a thousand years, of course I also know your true origin!"

Nameless narrowed his eyes.

"To tell you the truth, Lord Su has already told me everything, and I know the relationship between you and me very clearly, but even so, I must stop you from causing trouble!"

Ti Shi was furious.

It's Su Chen again.

Son of a bitch!

Could it be that this guy is also a thousand-year-old monster.

Otherwise, why would you know everything about yourself?

He even knew the most secret relationship between him and Wuming.

Even Wuming himself didn't know about this.

Where did Su Chen know about it?

But now.

Di Shitian had no chance to get to the bottom of it.

After Wuleihuajishou enters the body, once one's luck is greatly affected.

In this case.

He has absolutely no way to deal with Su Chen and Wuming.

But for now, the best policy is to go.

"It's amazing, it's amazing. I don't know how many years it has been since no one pushed me to this point. Su Chen, you are the first one. No wonder you can become the leader of the Tianxiahui."

"I'm convinced."

Suddenly he changed the subject.

"But don't think that you can defeat me like this, the contest between you and me has just begun!"

It's too late to say.

A strong aura erupted from Di Shitian's body.

The entire palace suddenly flew away.

Su Chen and the two quickly retreated.


Immediately afterwards, I saw Di Shitian's attack attack like the sky falling apart.

Su Chen frowned slightly.

I was secretly surprised.

It doesn't make sense.

How could the opponent choose such an attack method?

in his calculations.

After Di Shitian's body was transformed into five thunders, he would definitely protect his aura, and it was absolutely impossible to act rashly.

Because the consequences are extremely serious.

But now this guy would fight them desperately?

Is Di Shitian really not afraid of death?

If say other people.

Su Chen might still believe it.

After all, some people are young and reckless, and they don't take their lives seriously.

These are also understandable.

But Di Shitian is different.

He couldn't even tolerate that someone could live a hundred years like himself, let alone face death suddenly.

It is said that long years can smooth out all desires and ideas.


When a person who has lived for thousands of years suddenly dies one day.

I'm afraid he understands better than anyone else what the meaning of life is.

They want to die but dare not die.

Want to live but feel that life is boring.

These guys are a contradiction in themselves.

"He's going to run!"

Su Chen suddenly reacted.

But it was too late now.

All of Di Shitian's menacing attacks were just false moves.

The purpose was to delay the two of them, so as to buy themselves time to escape.

When the two chased after him, Di Shitian's figure had already disappeared outside the palace.

Chapter 345 Everyone cheers and destroys Tianmen! 【Seek full order】

"Damn it, let this guy run away!"

Nameless said indignantly.

This is their once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

If you miss it, you don't know when you will have to wait for the next time.

"Don't worry. Today, the power of my Five Thunder Transformation Hand has entered Xu Fu's body. It is not an easy task for him to dispel it."

Su Chen said meaningfully.

The so-called winning by surprise.

The reason why he was able to drive the power of Wuleihuajishou into Di Shitian's body extremely smoothly was because the opponent would never have thought that he would know this kind of kung fu.

Not even guarded.

"Forget it, don't chase after poor gangsters. Even though Di Shitian was affected by the extreme hand of Wu Leihua, his strength should not be underestimated. If you and I rush forward to chase forward, it is very likely that we will fall into it instead. crisis."

Su Chen pondered for a moment, then said to Wuming.

Few escaped from him.

Di Shitian is also worthy of his thousand-year cultivation base.

But Su Chen didn't feel sorry.

It is very rare to be able to seriously injure the other party now, and it is not an easy task to kill Di Shitian.

"Are you going to let him go like this? Don't you think this matter will have a huge impact on us?"

There was an unbelievable look in Wuming's eyes.

I feel that Su Chen is too magnanimous.

Forget it if it's for others.

The current enemy is Di Shitian, as long as this guy has the slightest chance, he will definitely make a comeback.

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