At that time, maybe they will fall into an unprecedented crisis!

"Don't worry, this guy will definitely come back, and he will definitely try his best to deal with us."

Su Chen said meaningfully.

at the same time.

The disciple who had previously pretended to be Di Shitian ran in again.

Seeing that Xu Fu was not there.

There was a look of surprise in his eyes.

Su Chen followed the trend.

Grab it directly, and use the Heavenly Demon Conjuring Soul Dafa to ask,

"Where are Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng locked up!"

"They were locked in a dungeon."

The Tianmen disciple replied with a trembling voice.

Originally, he thought that when he returned to the palace, he would see the bodies of Su Chen and Wuming.

But he never thought that these two guys would actually stand in front of him.

However, Di Shitian, the head of the Tianmen Gate, has never heard from him, and there is no trace at all.

It's just unbelievable and unbelievable!

"Go and tell everyone that Di Shitian has been killed by me, and anyone who resists will be killed without mercy!"

Su Chen said with a blank face.

The Tianmen disciple was taken aback for a moment.

Obviously didn't quite believe what he said.

"Why do you still think I'm lying to you? Open your eyes and take a good look at what this is!"

Su Chen threw over a waist card.

It was worn by Xu Fu.

It was just when the two were fighting each other that he touched the opponent.

It is to be used at critical moments to drive Tianmen disciples.

When the other party saw this, his complexion suddenly changed, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

"How is it possible? Master will be killed by you, this is absolutely impossible!"

"Do I need to say more, just now you saw the three of us walk into this palace with your own eyes, now only me and Senior Unnamed are left, if you don't believe me, then go find your master yourself."

Su Chen said indifferently.

Go directly to the high position and sit on the chair confidently.

After seeing this scene, the disciples of Tianmen fell into a huge shock.

0 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

He never dreamed that he would see such a situation one day.

There is only one person in the entire Tianmen who is qualified to sit on that chair, and that is Di Shitian.

He thinks that he has transcended the mortal world and become a saint, that's why he is so domineering and arrogant.

And no one can take his place, and it is even more impossible to sit there like him.

Now Su Chen's actions have already explained the problem.

Di Shitian is either not in Tianmen.

Either really is dead.

But no matter what the result is, it is enough to show that the two people in front of them have the upper hand in this fight.

..... 0...

"My God! There is really someone who can deal with Master? This simply makes me unable to accept!"

The disciples of Tianmen felt that the whole world had collapsed.

In their view, their master is an invulnerable existence.

No matter who it is, no matter what, it is impossible to stop it.

But the more you think about it, the more cruel it will be when the reality comes.

Su Chen is sitting there at this moment.

Just like the former Emperor Shitian, it makes people feel unattainable and even terrified.


Everyone outside has already heard the news that Di Shitian was destroyed.

Everyone is very excited about this.

The Tianmen who have been harming the martial arts in the Central Plains for many days have finally been wiped out!

From now on, you don't have to worry about similar things happening again.

The whole valley resounded with the cries and cheers of the heroes of the rivers and lakes.

Before the comparison, Tianmen's arrogant appearance is completely different, which is very gratifying!

Su Chen sat on a high seat, watching all this silently.

Only he himself knows what kind of environment he is in now.

Di Shitian is not dead yet.

At the same time, he also made a bold decision!knife.

Chapter 346 The words are astonishing, the heroes are shocking! 【Seek full order】

"Guangzhu Su, without you this time, I'm afraid our entire Jianghu will fall into an unprecedented crisis!"

"That's right, you have really helped us a lot! We misunderstood you before, and you are really treating the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain!"

"It's all about the magnanimity of Su Gangzhu, regardless of past suspicions, and even fighting the enemy together with us! This kind of high moral integrity is really commendable!"

At this time, many heroes of the world gathered in Tianmen Palace.

He continued to praise Su Chen.

All kinds of praise words are endless.

The disciples of the Tianxiahui heard that they had a good face.

The face is even more arrogant.

May I ask what could be more exciting than this "520" people?

It is precisely because of Tianxiahui's unique status in the arena that they can see the faces of the heroes of the arena with their own eyes.

Although many disciples dismissed it.

But being able to defeat Tianmen now is still something that makes them feel proud!

But Su Chen who was sitting above did not show any pride or arrogance.

Still as calm as water.

The whole person seems to be like a big mountain, calm and atmospheric.

"Guangzhu Su is really the one who pushes forward the waves of the Yangtze River. I haven't seen a young man as calm as him for many years!"

"Yeah, he has such a state at a young age. Although he doesn't know how he defeated Di Shitian, but he can understand the opponent's strategy and do the opposite. With such ingenuity, it is really impressive. We old people have no place to be ashamed!"

"Perhaps he can really become a new generation of martial arts myth, and may even surpass the unknown predecessor!"


Some seniors in the rivers and lakes were also whispering aside.

There is even more expectation and praise in his eyes.

It is also a happy thing for them to see such a rising star in the world.

"Master Su, after this time, the Tianxiahui will definitely become famous!"

"I wonder what your plans are next?"

Someone couldn't help asking curiously.

The strength of this gang is too strong.

It is indeed because they are not interested in the major sects in the Jianghu, otherwise they may really be unable to compete.

Even Tianmen would fall short in front of them, let alone other people?

"Slay the dragon."

Su Chen spat out two words lightly.


The people present were stunned upon hearing this.

His eyes were full of disbelief.

Even more incredible.


"Is the dragon mentioned by Lord Su the same thing as what we know?"

Wu Tianxia asked curiously.

This trip to Tianmen allowed him to truly see what kind of strength is at the peak of martial arts.

Although Wu Tianxia is Wu Wudi's nephew and has been influenced by his uncle since he was a child, his strength is far inferior to Wu Wudi who has ten top martial arts.

Not only that.

This person also wants to carry forward the martial arts.

If you can take advantage of this opportunity, rely on Tianxiahui and Su Chen, and want to revive the lintel, you will surely have an unshakable position in the Jianghu!


"The dragon I'm talking about is the mythical dragon among the four auspicious signs. Do you know why Di Shitian led the Tianmen disciples back out of the rivers and lakes this time, and even killed all the sects?"

Everyone shook their heads.

There was doubt in his eyes.

to be frank.

The Heavenly Gate is approaching menacingly, but before that, no one knew what their purpose was.

I just subconsciously think that Tianmen may want to dominate China.

But the further they go, the more these people find that the strength of Tianmen and Di Shitian is unfathomable, and it may be a piece of cake to lead the Jianghu.  …

If there is no world will be with Su Chen.

I'm afraid they have already become lambs slaughtered by the other side at will.

Not even fighting back.

"Because Di Shitian's goal is the dragon."

Su Chen stood up slowly.

The robe behind him is automatic without wind.

The majesty is like a mountain without anger and majesty.

"The legendary dragon will soon reappear in the world."

"Long Yuan can help people live forever, this is his purpose."

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