Yue Buqun's face was also pale, and he thought that my life was over.

It so happened at this time.

A teacup flew over with a sharp sound of breaking through the air.

Feng Buping was startled, and hurriedly avoided the teacup.

The teacup hit the ground and shattered.

Yue Buqun also took the opportunity to retreat.

The shock had just settled on his face, and he was sweating coldly.

But finally saved a life.

"Good boy, do you dare to meddle in my business?"

Feng Buping glanced at the smashed teacup on the ground, then turned to look at Su Li, and said coldly.

Su Li sat on the chair in a stable manner and drank tea, and said lightly:

"Forgive others and forgive others, why do you want to kill them all!"

"If you dare to meddle in Lao Tzu's business, I will kill you together!"


Murderous intent flashed in Feng Buping's eyes.

Yue Buqun is sure to kill him!

Firstly, it was to win the position of head of Huashan Mountain.

Secondly, it was Zuo Lengchan's order.

At the beginning, there was a dispute between Huashan Qizong and Jianzong.

The remnants of Jianzong escaped from Huashan Mountain, and Feng Buping was exiled in the rivers and lakes, and was later taken under Zuo Lengchan's command.

The people behind him are all members of the Songshan sect except for a few fellow sword sects.

A brat is certainly not worth his shot.

So after the order was given, a dozen or so burly men behind him immediately drew their weapons and swarmed towards Su Li.

"Go all the way." Lao Bai shook his head.

There was a hint of command in his eyes.

When Feng Buping heard this, he sneered and said, "This kid offended me, and he still wants to go all the way?!"

Lao Bai shook his head and said, "I mean, you guys have a good journey."

"What do you mean?!"

Feng Buping was furious.

There are so many of them, how can they not do anything to a brat?

at this time.

The remnants of the Sword Sect and the disciples of the Songshan School had already bullied them.

All kinds of weapons greeted Su Li.

Su Li sat calmly on the chair without any movement.


There was a humming sound in the void.

A thick stellar energy erupted from Su Li's body like a flood breaking a dike.

The remnants of the Ten Sword Sect and the disciples of the Songshan School, a total of twelve people, didn't even have time to scream, and exploded into a cloud of blood mist on the spot.

The entire Tongfu Inn fell into death-like silence in an instant.

"how is this possible......"

Feng Buping's pupils contracted and he froze in place.

His face was full of fear.

There was a burst of ice cold all over, as if being soaked in ice water in a dog's day, from head to toe.

These twelve people are all good players.

But in an instant, he was shocked alive!

Feng Buping didn't even see what Su Li did.

Su Li sat on the chair calmly, without any emotion on his face.

Gently blowing the hot air in the tea cup.

What happened just now seemed to have nothing to do with him.

But it brought great coercion to Feng Buping.


Feng Buping's forehead was covered with cold sweat, which kept slipping down, and he swallowed hard.

"who are you?!"

Feng Buping's voice was trembling.

"For a dying person, what's the point of knowing my name?" Su Li said flatly.

"Don't, don't kill me, I was wrong, I admit my mistake, I will kowtow to you!"

Feng Buping wept bitterly, knelt down in front of Su Li and kept begging for mercy, and even slapped himself several times.

Su Li took a sip of tea, not looking at Feng Buping at all.

Feng Buping knelt on the ground, a stern look flashed in his eyes, he suddenly took out something from his hand, and roared ferociously:

"Go to hell with me!"

"Storm Pear Blossom Needle!!!"

Lao Bai was shocked and blurted out.

He just opened his mouth to drink.

The Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle has already been activated.

Stepping forward, he shot a cold light as thin as a cow's hair, shooting towards Su Li and the others in an instant.

It's in the middle of the flash.

An incomparably majestic Gang Qi swept out.

All the fine needles of the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle were blocked in the void, as if imprisoned, unable to penetrate an inch.


Feng Buping was horrified.

The Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle is one of the most terrifying hidden weapons of the Tang Sect.

This was Zuo Lengchan, who gave it to Feng Buping in order to ensure that he could kill Yue Buqun.

Even if it is Happy Heaven.

Without any awareness, it will also be killed by the rainstorm pear blossom needle.

But Feng Buping never dreamed that it would end like this.

He didn't even have the chance to figure it out.


next moment.

The stellar energy was shaken slightly, and the sky was full of fine needles like rain, all shot at Feng Buping.


Feng Buping let out a shrill scream, and his whole body was shot through by the pear blossom needle from the rainstorm.


Bai Zhantang and the others all took a breath.

I felt a tingling pain all over my body.

Feng Bupinghun's eyes were still wide open, his body was full of steel needles, and he fell down slowly like a hedgehog.

He died.

Huashan disciple finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Yue Buqun also jumped out, and said with a melancholy expression:

"Oh, originally I wanted to persuade him to return to Mount Hua to be an elder."

"It's a pity that his obsession is too deep, and he didn't expect to end up like this."

"Chong'er, De Nuo, you first restrain the sparks from the bones of Senior Brother Feng, and we will bury them in Huashan later."

Seeing Yue Buqun like this.

Everyone couldn't help but praise that Yue Buqun deserved to be called "Gentleman's Sword".

Feng Buping wanted to kill them, and Yue Buqun wanted to collect his bones and bury him respectfully.

It really is the style of a gentleman.

Su Li smiled without saying a word.

In his life, Lao Yue has figured out how to play with the characters.

If he hadn't met one, he would be an apprentice who specifically cheated the master.

Maybe Yue Buqun really has a chance to take the position of leader of the Five Sacred Mountains.

Occupy a place in the rivers and lakes and win fame both before and after.

Instead of having to practice evil swordsmanship like the original book.

He was also slapped in the face by Linghu Chong, humiliated in front of the heroes, and finally died tragically by Yilin's sword.

After pretending to be a modest gentleman, Yue Buqun was also respectful, and saluted Su Li:

"Thank you senior for your help."

"Thank you, senior." Yue Lingshan also said gratefully.

Su Li smiled lightly, "It's a trivial matter, nothing to worry about."

"You have been hunted down by this person for many days, you must have been exhausted long ago, it is inconvenient to live in an inn, why not stay at my house for a while."

"Senior, what a shame."

Yue Buqun was overjoyed, but on the surface he pretended to be polite.

He wished he could get acquainted with a master like Su Li.

If he hugged Su Li's thigh, other sects would not dare to underestimate the Huashan sect.

Zuo Lengchan also had to fear him three points.

"Really, senior?!" Yue Lingshan was overjoyed and asked in disbelief.

"Of course it's true." Su Li smiled.

"Thank you, senior!" Yue Lingshan said happily.

Seeing Yue Lingshan so excited.

Yue Buqun and Ning Zhong both smiled.

Only Linghu Chong couldn't stop eating, and felt even sadder.

But on second thought.

The ancestors of the Su family are a hundred million points older than they are.

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