There are no other 037 problems.

He is handsome and extraordinary, and his martial arts are even more unfathomable.

In terms of family background... the ancestor of the Su family has a family and is very dignified.

Even the juniors can't compare with the ancestors of the Su family.

What's more about him?

Linghu Chong was unwilling to be reconciled at any time, and even a little angry, but he had no choice but to choose to be bad.


After returning to Su's house.

Su Li ordered his servants to arrange accommodation for Yue Buqun and the others.

Then he ordered someone to exchange for Yue Buqun.

"Senior, what are your orders for calling me here?" Yue Buqun asked doubtfully.

Su Li stood with his hands behind his back, and smiled slightly, "I came here to make a deal with Master Yue."

"I would like to hear more about it." Yue Buqun also became interested.

Although his Huashan faction did flourish for a while in the past.

But it is not considered a first-class sect in Jianghu.

Compared with the Su family, it is even more different.

How could Su Li want to make a deal with him.

With deep eyes, Su Li said with a playful smile:

"Master Yue, I can see that you are full of ambitions. Not only do you want to revitalize Huashan Mountain, but you also want to become the leader of the Five Sacred Mountains, and even the best master in the world, and rule the world!"

"However, because of his lack of martial arts skills, he wanted to use the Lin family's evil sword technique, so he did not hesitate to accept Lin Pingzhi as his disciple."

Yue Buqun was shocked when he heard the words, and a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

His eyes flickered even more.

Obviously, he didn't expect that Su Li would know these things.

He obviously did this very secretly.

Even taking Lin Pingzhi as his apprentice, he didn't show any trace.

Let people in the Jianghu think that he is just helping each other out of righteousness.

"Senior, I misunderstood, I..."

Yue Buqun regained his composure, and was about to speak up to defend himself.

Su Li interrupted directly:

"You don't need to explain to me. Not only do I know what you did, but I also know where the evil sword technique is!"

There was a hint of surprise in Yue Buqun's eyes, and he muttered:

"Senior, is this the deal you're talking about?"

Yue Buqun is a smart person, Su Li's words have already reached this point, how could he not understand.

The corners of Su Li's mouth raised slightly:

"That's right, I'll tell you the whereabouts of the evil sword master, and you give me Madam Ling and Qianjin.".

075: Mrs. Yue!You don't want anything to happen to your daughter, do you? (seeking subscription)

Su Li looked at Yue Buqun with a smile.

He stated his conditions.

"Senior, you!" Yue Buqun stood up suddenly, staring at Su Li sullenly.

to this moment.

Yue Buqun finally understood why Su Li would kindly help them and let them live in Su's house.

It turned out that he had been playing with Ning Zhongze and Yue Lingshan's idea.

Yue Buqun is not from the palace yet, he is still a normal man.

The humiliation was there.

Anger intertwined in my heart, full of anger.

But dare not attack.

He could only clenched his fists and dared not speak out.

Su Li was not surprised either, Yue Buqun's reaction jokingly said:

"Master Yue doesn't need to get angry, I'm doing this for your own good."

"For my own good?!" Yue Buqun smiled coldly.

You blatantly want to put a hat on me, and you still call it for my own good.

If it wasn't that he couldn't beat Su Li.

Yue Buqun couldn't wait to stab Su Li to death with his sword.

"Don't head Yue know that now the Huashan faction is on the verge of life and death, and the family will be destroyed at any time?" Su Li asked rhetorically.

Yue Buqun was startled when he heard this, and said coldly: "Although my Huashan faction is small in number and weak in strength, I still have some prestige in the Jianghu. How could I end up like this?"

Su Li smiled, "Zuo Lengchan is very ambitious and wants to annex the Five Great Sword Schools."

"The other four sects have all obeyed Zuo Lengchan's orders now, only the head of Yue doesn't respect his orders."

"Zuo Lengchan has long regarded Sect Master Yue as a thorn in his side and a thorn in his flesh."

"Feng Buping came here this time, and he also obeyed his orders."

"Feng Buping dies at will, but Zuo Lengchan will not give up."

"In the end, either Sect Leader Yue bowed his knees and became Zuo Lengchan's running dog, or Huashan Sect wiped out the sect. There are only two possibilities."

"Could it be that Head Yue wants to be Zuo Lengchan's running dog?"

In the original book, Yue Buqun's ambition is no worse than Zuo Lengchan's.

It is precisely for this reason that he chose to practice evil swordsmanship from the palace.

How could such a person be Zuo Lengchan's lackey.

Yue Buqun fell into silence after hearing these words.

What Su Li said was indeed true of the current situation facing the Huashan faction.

Other sects still have the support of masters of the older generation.

But there are only so few people in the Huashan faction.

Once Zuo Lengchan made a move, the Huashan faction would indeed have a hard time ending well.

Su Li continued: "Everyone in the world wants to get the evil sword technique, because this sword technique is terrifying and powerful, and it is also of the same origin as the Sunflower Book of Dongfang Bubai's cultivation."

"If Sect Master Yue acquires the Evil Resisting Sword Technique, it won't take long for him to become a real top-notch master."

"Not only can it revitalize Mount Hua, but it can also kill Zuo Lengchan and become the leader of the Five Sacred Mountains."

"When that day comes, Sect Master Yue will be able to spread out his branches and establish his own huge family, even a thousand-year-old family. What's the point of ceding his wife and daughter now?!"

When Su Li said these words, he also used the Heavenly Demon Yin.

The voice is full of bewitching power.

What's more, Yue Buqun was keen on power and wanted to win the evil sword technique.

After hearing these words, Yue Buqun's heart was moved.

And it's an unstoppable heartbeat.

There is strong ambition and excitement in the eyes.

His eyes flickered for a long time, obviously struggling in his heart.

In the end, choose the evil sword technique, become the leader of the Five Sacred Mountains in the future, and establish a family.

He still refused Su Li, left angrily, and was ready to fight Zuo Lengchan to the death.

Su Li didn't rush, but waited patiently.

In fact, he also thought about killing Yue Buqun directly.

Then he took Ning Zhongze and Yue Lingshan as his own.

However, Su Li is a person with moral standards after all.

Although it is not high, it is still there.

Can't do this kind of thing.


Ningzhong is very chaste and staunch.

In the original book, he committed suicide in shame and indignation after knowing what Yue Buqun had done.

If it was directly against Ning Zhong, then he would fight with Yue Lingshan.

I am afraid that Ning Zhongze will go down this road.

In addition, Su Li also had great confidence.

It is impossible for Yue Buqun, an old boy, to refuse his trade request.

as predicted.

After a while.

Yue Buqun said, "Senior, do you really know the whereabouts of the evil sword technique?"

"Of course, you think I have to lie to you?" Su Li said lightly.

Yue Buqun nodded and finally made a decision.

"I agree to this deal!"

He thought about it for a long time.

He is not too old, and he has pretty good internal strength.

The body is well maintained.

Some boys in their 30s and [-]s may not be as good as him.

I can completely have children in the future, become a clan and become an ancestor, and establish a family.

"Very good, Master Yue, you made a wise choice." Su Li smiled knowingly.

Then he asked Yue Buqun to write a letter.

Confess clearly that in order to ward off evil swordsmanship, he mortgaged his wife and daughter to him.

Since then, grace and righteousness have been cut off.

In order to ward off evil swordsmanship, Yue Buqun had no choice but to follow the truth.

It was only then that Su Li hid the evil sword technique in Xiangyang Lane, under the roof tiles of the Buddhist Hall of the Lin family's old house, and told Yue Buqun.

After Yue Buqun got the whereabouts of the evil sword technique, he was instantly excited.

Breathing became rapid.

In order to ward off evil swordsmanship, he spent a lot of thought.

Now it's finally here.

"Thank you, senior!" Yue Buqun cupped his hands, then left excitedly.

The corners of Su Li's mouth raised slightly.

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