85. In the early days, the eyes of the sea are filled with divine embryos, and the hibiscus falls on the sun star!

"The Su family actually hid their surname and became a wild fox monster... Who would have imagined that the strongest in the group is no more than an earth immortal?"

Xu Linyuan sighed in his heart that there was the decisiveness of the fox demons of the Su clan in the past.

This almost completely cut off all the foundations of the three major clans in Qingqiu in the past.

At the same time, it is natural to understand the guilt of Empress Nuwa.

After all, the cause and effect of the Battle of the Conferred Gods is so great that Daji has not even preserved her true spirit.

Because of this, the Su family was directly reduced to a sinful family and was removed from Qingqiu.

Her guilt should come from this.

After all, she was the one who recruited Daji with the demon banner in the past, and asked her to harm the luck of the great merchant.

Daji obeyed her orders and left, but fell in love with King Zhou and eventually fell.

The 'Yousu Clan' fox monsters have been implicated, and they have fallen to this point.

For Empress Nuwa, the Yaozu are all her subjects.

When she sent Daji to Dashang, she definitely didn't think about letting Daji fall.

In the end, the other party ended up with the end of all spirits, although it was Daji's own choice.

But Empress Nuwa's demon banner is also the reason for everything.

That's why Empress Nuwa bestowed colorful stones and asked Xu Linyuan to take this little fox as his apprentice.

What he did was naturally to settle karma with the 'Yousu' fox demon.

"...You said earlier that you are willing to be my disciple."

After knowing the identity of this layer of colored glaze, Xu Linyuan also said softly.

"Now I want to take you as an apprentice, can you agree to "[-]"?"

After hearing his question, Liuli was taken aback.


She tilted her head: "But didn't the Lord of the Mountain say that my cultivation base and aptitude should catch up with Sister Taixi and the others..."


Xu Linyuan smiled, and then raised his hand lightly.

A Five-Colored Divine Stone has already fallen into his hands: "Your opportunity has come, and today is the day when you will be reborn—that's why I asked you in advance."

"Oh...then, that disciple is willing!"

Liuli blinked her eyes, but she didn't quite understand.

But the little fox has nothing else, but his cleverness is real.

So it is natural to nod.

Then, she wagged her big fluffy tail.

It is to take off the phoenix crown on the tail.


Xu Linyuan was a little puzzled.

But afterward, he saw Liuli lightly tapped on a piece of jade on the phoenix crown.

Afterwards, a black imperial crown with gold in it fell from the phoenix crown with a clang under Xu Linyuan's astonished eyes.

Being rolled by the little fox with its big tail, it was sent to Xu Linyuan like a treasure offering.

"The old ancestor said - if you are willing to accept me as a disciple, you can give this to the mountain master."

Liuli said seriously.

Naturally, there is no need to say much.

The emperor's crown with the engraved black bird is naturally the symbol of the former Yin and Shang emperors - the "black bird emperor's crown".

"You little fox... There is no such thing as Shuxiu nowadays, how can there be any reason for a disciple to give a gift to the teacher?"

When Xu Linyuan saw this, he also laughed and opened his mouth.

Seeing that the little fox looked very serious, he just took over the crown.

I have to say - he really needs this thing.

It's not just a matter of the huge amount of luck contained in it.

It is also because of the meaning of the emperor's crown itself as the righteousness of the human race, which is destined to have a great effect on the future of Jiejiao!

"Since that's the case, I will accept it as a teacher."

So, he also nodded slightly.

"But being a teacher is not for nothing... just close your eyes and don't resist."

he said softly.


Liuli let out a soft oh.

Then his fox eyes closed tightly.

When I opened it again, I found that the place I was in had changed a whole world!

The location she was in seemed to be in the depths of a boundless ocean.

In front of her was a huge blue sea eye.


The little fox demon exclaimed, looking very panicked.

Naturally, needless to say, she was of course brought to the Linyuan Realm by Xu Linyuan.

"This place is the 'Heavenly Desolate Sea' in Linyuan Realm, you can tentatively consider it the real dojo for a teacher."

Since he accepted a disciple, Xu Linyuan chose to repay him with a trusting attitude as always.

After entrusting Liuli Mo to tell other people about Linyuan Realm.

He also stretched out his hand and pointed at the blue sea eye: "If you enter the sea eye, your bloodline will be improved, and your talent will be greatly improved!"

That's right, he brought Liuli here naturally to take advantage of the ability of Taichu Haiyan to 'promote the bloodline and create the immortal foundation'.

Speaking of which, he still sighed a little.

Fortunately, Liuli's realm is only at the peak of Transcending Tribulation, and has not yet broken through to the Earth Immortal.

Otherwise, this thing is really useless.

"Great talent!? Mountain Lord... the teacher is really amazing!"

And the little fox's eyes glistened when he saw such a magnificent scene.

"Let's go!"

But Xu Linyuan pushed her lightly, and the colored glaze slowly floated into the eyes of Taichu Sea.


And sure enough, as Wang Shu said before,

The moment the little fox fell into the Eye of Absolute Beginning, the surrounding azure sea water immediately wrapped him up.

The little fox bent down, then instinctively closed his eyes.

And then its original scarlet fur began to undergo a huge change at this time.

The fur became like gold and jade, dazzling and at the same time exuding a soft brilliance.

"In the country of Qingqiu, there is a sky fox in the world, with gold and jade as its skin, which can give birth to nine tails."

The 'nine-tailed celestial fox', one of the ancient demon gods in the past, has the fur like gold and jade.

There is no doubt - the little fox is gradually activating the blood of the distant ancestor's nine-tailed sky fox.


"not enough!"

However, Xu Linyuan's actions have not stopped.

He raised his hand and threw the five-colored stone given by Empress Nuwa directly into the eyes of Taichu Sea without hesitation.

Afterwards, he gently moved his hand again.

So the three precious strands of 'Xiantian Yiqi' fell into his hands impressively.

"go with!"

He also did not hesitate, and then threw the three strands of innate qi into the eyes of the sea in the beginning.

Just like what he said.

Now that I have agreed to Nuwa, I accept this little fox as my disciple.

This little fox gave him such an important treasure as the 'Black Bird Crown'!

Then he naturally has to do his duty as a master to the little fox!

As far as the little fox's talent is concerned, he, Xu Linyuan, must give him a little bit more!




And as the five-colored stone and the innate qi once again merged into the eyes of the sea in the beginning.

The azure sea water enveloping the little fox emitted rays of brilliant light of creation.

It's like a divine fetus of heaven and earth, being conceived in it!

"Next, we will just wait for her to conceive."

Seeing this scene, Xu Linyuan nodded slightly.

In the eyes, there is also expectation.

Naturally, there is no need to say more about the preciousness of one inborn qi.

Most of the people born in Linyuan Realm are almost used to evolve the world.

Only one or two strands can be left behind every time the world advances or changes.

He has already accumulated a part of the reserves on hand, and there are only about 20 strands.

Except for using a little bit when refining the 'Qiaodao Pavilion', he was reluctant to use it at other times.

At this time, it took as much as three wisps for this little fox!

Plus the multicolored stones given by the Nuwa Empress, and the effect of the Taichu Sea Eye itself.

To what extent will the little fox's qualifications be improved?

He was naturally looking forward to it.

As for the safety of the little fox, Xu Linyuan was naturally not worried at all.

In Linyuan Realm, nothing can happen!

And after confirming that the little fox has started to transform... .

Xu Linyuan did not continue to stay in Taichu Haiyan any longer.

With just a flash of his figure, he came to the sun star.

"Hmm... Fairy Wang Shu seems to be practicing in seclusion, so I won't bother her!"

After sensing the situation of the lunar star, Xu Linyuan decided not to disturb Wang Shu.

He just looked down at the sun star that was burning with flames.

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