Then, gently took out a tree seed.

It was a tree species that was red all over, like a ruby!

Naturally, needless to say, that is the original tree species of the Hibiscus sacred tree.

But it was not long ago, after discussing the "details of the transaction" with Empress Nuwa.

Empress Nuwa also took him back to the Sun Star of the Three Realms again, and took the original tree seed of the sacred hibiscus tree for him!

And now, he naturally wants to plant this tree species!


Xu Linyuan also gently threw the original tree species of the hibiscus tree in his hand downward.

at the same time...

Handfuls of Nine Heavens Breathing Soil also came out at the same time and landed on Sun Star.

And the original tree species of the hibiscus tree also fell directly on the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil.



Visible to the naked eye, the flames of the entire sun star seemed to come alive at this moment!

They all rushed forward, enveloping the original tree species of the sacred hibiscus tree!

The surging fires turned into branches, and the boundless burning flames melted into the trunk.

Just a moment later.

Just like the previous laurel tree.

An innate spiritual root that is slightly smaller than those in the Three Realms, but has the same essence...has already appeared on the sun star.

And at the same time...

"Sure enough..."

Xu Linyuan, who sensed the world of Linyuan, could also feel it clearly.

Just like the previous lunar star.

The whole sun star seems to be 'complete' at this time.

No, to be more precise...

"It's not just Sunstar, but the entire Abyss Realm reacted."

"The last time I planted the Sacred Laurel Tree, my cultivation base was too low, and the Linyuan Realm hadn't turned into a complete little thousand world—so my induction was incomplete, and I could only detect the changes of the Lunar Star."

Xu Linyuan's eyes were surprisingly bright.

He could feel it at the moment when the Fusang sacred tree was planted on the sun star.

It's not just the sun star that has become complete, but the entire Abyss Realm seems to have a 4.2 'complete' response.

It seems that there are several holes on the ground, and one of them has finally been filled at this time.

Even at this time, as both the Luna and Sun are completed.

Xu Linyuan even felt that the entire starry sky in the Linyuan Realm - from the mid-heaven to the surrounding four stars, had all become 'complete'!

And this kind of consummation far exceeds the state of Xiaoqian World Time before.

Hard to say...

"Linyuan Realm only talks about the starry sky, and it even feels a little like 'Wahuang Realm' at this time!"

"That's right... this is it!"

Xu Linyuan was extremely certain in his heart.

What he had sensed before was the perfection of the Wahuang Realm that was 'far beyond the Little Thousand World'.

It feels very similar to the starry sky at Linyuan Boundary at this time.

"Innate spiritual roots, Wahuang Realm, the way the small world turns into the middle world..."

Xu Linyuan murmured, faintly capturing that inspiration.

But there is no doubt that he still lacks the most critical key.

As for the key, he might not be able to figure it out by himself.

"After this matter is over, it is indeed necessary to go to Biyou Palace to pay homage to Teacher Tongtian."

Thinking of this, Xu Linyuan also kept this matter in his heart.

Then, the next step begins.

After planting the hibiscus tree, the next thing he has to do is naturally...

"It's time for me to go one step further, my Taiyin Dharma Body!".

86. Cultivate yin and yang good luck, and sense the golden fight in the palace!

Linyuanjie, three months later.

The sun star, above the hibiscus tree.

Xu Linyuan sat cross-legged on the top of the tree.

Around the Hibiscus Sacred Tree, the infinite power of the sun kept pouring into Xu Linyuan's body as if being swallowed by a whale.

Around Xu Linyuan's body, streaks of golden suns and golden flames continued to burn and refine his body together with the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil.

The moonlight emanating from his body constantly conflicts and merges with the integration of the power of the sun.

And his already cultivated Taiyin good fortune Dharma body, almost comparable to the powerful physical body of a great witch.

At this time, with this continuous tempering, a strange feeling faintly emanates.

It was an indescribable, indescribable feeling.

It was as if just his breathing was the change of the world.

His blood is the essence of all things.

His physical body is the creation of yin and yang.

until the next moment


Xu Linyuan opened his eyes.

Then from his eyes, a golden light seemed to be the first ray of light in the dark night.

Dazzling, can not look directly at.


He exhales.

A huge gust of wind swept across the entire sun star in an instant!

The fire takes advantage of the wind - the fire on the sun star burns instantly, and the burning becomes more and more terrifying!

The sun created the dharma body, and it was done!

No, to be more precise.

"According to the original inference of the Yaozu, my Dharma Body should be directly called the 'Dharma Body of Creation' right now?"

Xu Linyuan said softly.

He could feel the surging and unpredictable power in his body.

The Dharma Body of Taiyin Creation and the Dharma Body of Sun Creation are each comparable to the body of a great witch.

But when the two are combined, the effect produced is far more than 31. One plus one equals two!

"Yin and Yang circulate, and good fortune is endless."

"The two complement each other, and the yin and yang are almost perfect... The ancient monster race is really powerful!"

Xu Linyuan had to sigh, the background of the ancient monster race.

This is close to the scientific development of later generations.

The ancient monster race without the Nine Heavens Breathing Land could develop such a dharma body with pure theory.

Its background is indeed extremely terrifying!

Xu Linyuan could sense it.

At this moment, relying solely on this powerful 'Dharma Body of Good Fortune', he might be able to fight against the quasi-sage who cut off the two corpses!

This is undoubtedly an extremely exaggerated matter.

You must know that Guang Chengzi himself is the quasi-sage who beheaded the two corpses.

Even if he tried his best before, Xu Linyuan could barely take the first blow in front of him.

But now, his physical body alone is enough to fight Guang Chengzi!

It can be seen how much the combination of the two natures of the sun and the sun has improved!


"This dharma body is terrifyingly strong, and the method of cultivation is almost perfect...but it still can't reach the level of 'ancestral witch'!"

Xu Linyuan whispered to himself.

If it was before, he might still have doubts.

But in Donghuang Taiyi's static 'world of obsession'.

Xu Linyuan, who has seen the ancestral witches with his own eyes and felt the power of the ancestral witches, can be sure.

This 'dharma body' is indeed ridiculously strong, even perfect.

But compared to the body of the ancestral witch, it is still far worse!

After all, you have to know—each of the ancestor witches is a peak quasi-sage who can kill the three corpses with a physical confrontation alone!

As for the quasi-sage who beheaded two corpses and three corpses, it seemed that there was only one number missing.

But in fact, the gap between the two is huge!

That is the difference between 'full' and 'not perfect'.

It's like taking a one-hundred-point test because the upper limit of the score is only [-] points.

And the other person got 99 points because he could only get 99 points.

In the realm of the quasi-sage, if it is a little higher, it is boundless!

"Whether this Dharma Body of Creation has a mysterious intention, or the Dharma Gate of Creation... there should be no mistakes or omissions in all of them."

"The body of the ancestral witch is really mysterious!"

It was hard for Xu Linyuan to imagine.

What is so special about the ancestral witch's physical body that it can be stronger than the almost perfect body refining method like the Good Fortune Dharma Body.

But as soon as he thought of this, Xu Linyuan naturally subconsciously recalled the ancestral witches he had seen before.

Although it is only a virtual image, it does not exist in reality.


"At that time, every ancestor witch had a special blood drop-like witch pattern on his chest."

"If there is no accident... the special feature of Zuwu's physical body is likely to be related to the witch pattern?"

Xu Linyuan thought to himself.

But there is no doubt that...

Although this good fortune Dharma body is actually incomparable to the physical body of the ancestor witch.

But its strength was already a great surprise to Xu Linyuan!

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