He murmured in a low voice.

With the complete refinement of the Chaos Clock.

He is naturally familiar with all the supernatural powers of this innate treasure.

It was precisely because of this that he would make such an exclamation.

In his opinion, the effect of the Chaos Clock can only be described as incredible.

The first is the most basic offensive and defensive power.

Xu Linyuan had already seen this before.

Whenever the Chaos Bell rang, its most basic power was enough to seriously injure Da Luo Jinxian instantly.

Moreover, this attack method completely ignores the defense of most spirit treasures, as long as they hear the sound of the bell, they will be attacked - even if Xu Linyuan was protected by the heavenly robe before, he will suffer a lot when he encounters it.

As for the defense ability, it is even more top-notch.

The Chaos Clock hangs above the head, so whether it is a soul attack or a curse spell, everything can be blocked!

Its defense ability is so strong that it is estimated that even the quasi-sages of the two corpses are strong enough to break the defense.

Cooperating with Xu Linyuan's own heaven-cutting Taoist robe, Xu Linyuan's defense is even more full.

And the Chaos Clock itself has the ability to suppress luck, and it is the top one.

It can be said that these are only the most basic effects.

The Chaos Clock is already the top spiritual treasure in the Three Realms.

However, these effects... are not even critical to the Chaos Clock.

The scariest thing about the Chaos Clock is what I said before - every innate treasure symbolizes the 'extreme' in a certain aspect!

And the Chaos Clock is the 'extreme control'!

"In addition to the most basic offense and defense and power, if the Chaos Clock is fully activated, it can shake the 'Three Rings of Chaos'~¨."

"The first sound can control time and space and freeze all things."

"The second ring, cause and effect can be reversed, destroying all laws."

"The third sound can repeat the world and reshape the ten thousand ways."

This is the most terrifying magical power of the Chaos Clock.

Time and space, cause and effect, and even the universe.

Once the Chaos Clock is driven to the extreme, everything in the world will be under its control.

Especially the third sound, its effect is even similar to the sage's method of "replaying the earth, water, fire and wind, and recreating a world".

Of course, there is a huge threshold to perform these three magical powers.

"According to Donghuang Taiyi's previous memory...even he, he could only master the first ring proficiently in the past."

Xu Linyuan whispered.

He who had received part of Donghuang Taiyi's memories before naturally knew this.

Even the Supreme Monster Race mastered the Chaos Clock from the beginning of his birth.

But throughout his life, in fact, there is only the first ring that is perfectly mastered and can be used as a conventional fighting method.

In fact - the stillness of the "obsession world" itself is the effect of the first ringing of the Chaos Clock!

But even just one sound is enough to make him invincible under a saint!

Waiting for the quasi-sage, he couldn't move under the first sound.

And the pinnacle quasi-sage who beheaded the three corpses could barely resist the effect of this noise.

It doesn't mean that you can't move and let others slaughter you.

But it will inevitably be subject to huge restrictions because of this.

Just like in the Lich War in the past, Donghuang Taiyi used this move every time.

Even the bodies of the ancestral witches will be affected by this move.

This is also the biggest reason why Dong Huangtai still has the upper hand with one against five!

As for the second sound, even Donghuang Taiyi couldn't fully grasp it.

With his cultivation base, only by sacrificing his true spirit can he ring the second ring.

In fact - the end of the Lich War.

Donghuang Taiyi also sacrificed everything about himself and rang the second ring of the chaotic clock.

At the cost of his own complete fall, he directly shattered all methods and took away all the remaining ancestral witches!

As for the third ringing of the Chaos Bell, it was an unknown territory even for Donghuang Taiyi.

"This third ring, I'm afraid only a saint in charge of the Chaos Bell can ring."

Xu Linyuan naturally knew it in his heart.

Things like innate treasures should be in the hands of saints to exert their strongest power.

But even so, the terrifying power of the Chaos Clock can be seen!

Even stronger than he had expected, I do not know how many times stronger!

"With my current strength, even if I count the physical mana provided by the Dharma Body... at most, I can ring the first sound of the 'Three Rings of Chaos'."

"々. But even so... Among the quasi-sages, I'm afraid I have few enemies!"

Thinking of this, even Xu Linyuan himself felt that he was a bit perverted.

How long has it been?

He has changed from the original strength that he had to take down with one or two tricks with the quasi-sage.

Straight across to this point.

"As expected of me..."

But just when Xu Linyuan was muttering in such a low voice.


He felt it suddenly, and then stood up.

"The little fox... the bloodline advancement is about to be completed!"

The words full of expectation fell, and Xu Linyuan's figure disappeared in an instant.

The next moment, it appeared before the Sea Eye of Absolute Beginning!

I saw this time


The dazzling light of creation almost illuminated the entire bottom of the barren sea!

And in the Good Fortune Sea Eye, the "God of Light" transformed by Liuli has already begun to be born!


A clear fox cry came.

It was like the first cry of a child (Zhao Li's) who fell to the ground.

Then, from that divine womb... a beautiful and mysterious spirit fox also emerged from it.

Unexpectedly, its fur is not the color of gold and jade that Xu Linyuan originally thought.

Instead, it takes on a strange silver color.

If you insist on it, it's like a saying that Xu Linyuan knew in later generations, 'colorful silver' consciousness.

Taos of immortal light fell on the silver fur, showing flowing five-color luster.

And the fox's big ears and moist fox eyes seem to contain indescribable charm and illusion.

Of course, what astonished Xu Linyuan the most was the tail on the back of the silver fox.

That was not Liuli's only tail at the beginning, nor was it the nine tails that Xu Linyuan had predicted.


"Ten fox tails?"

Looking at the fluffy and silvery white, it is clearly a fox tail with ten tails.

For a while, Xu Linyuan was naturally stunned on the spot.

88. Ten Illusory Supernatural Powers, The Illusory Sky Fox!

Since the creation of the world, the fox demon with nine tails has been its acme.

But at this time, the glass in front of Xu Linyuan clearly had ten fox tails.

And judging from its appearance, it is clearly not a nine-tailed sky fox.

However, Xu Linyuan can be sure.

The divine fox that Liuli turned into at this time may have a bloodline stronger than that of the nine-tailed sky fox, which is the demon god of the ancient demon race.


"True Immortal Taiyi..."

Xu Linyuan could sense Liuli's cultivation level at this time.

After experiencing the top three great opportunities in the three worlds of 'Absolute Beginning Sea Eye', 'Five-Colored God Stone' and 'Congenital Qi'!

Liuli's cultivation level has already leapfrogged directly from the original Transcendence Tribulation to the level of Taiyi True Immortal.

This is not the improvement of the cultivation base itself, but the improvement of its footsteps.

It's like the ancestor dragon Xuanchi - he was still a true immortal Taiyi when he was just born, and ordinary dragons didn't even achieve Void Return when they were first born.

The situation of Liuli is also similar.

In the early days, the sea eye, the five-color god stone and the innate qi are all the creations of the heaven and the earth.

After Haiyan promoted her bloodline in the early days, she is not actually improving her cultivation, but her heels!

In other words...

"The current 'race' of this little fox...at least when it was born, it won't lose too much to Taixi or Xuanzhi."

Of course, it may be a little strange to say that it is race.

Because Xu Linyuan can basically be sure that in the entire Three Realms, Liuli is definitely the unique ten-tailed fox since the creation of heaven and earth.

"The nine-tailed celestial fox is a class of 750 that is not bad among the demon gods of the Zhoutian demon clan."

"Especially his innate supernatural powers are extremely weird..."

As a disciple of Jiejiao, Xu Linyuan, the demon god of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox, was naturally done with it.

Although there is a gap between the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox and a true innate god like Wang Shu.

After all, every congenital god is conceived by innate laws and is unique.

As for the nine-tailed celestial fox, there are at least three recorded in the Three Realms alone.

But among the normal demon gods of the demon race, the nine-tailed sky fox is extremely powerful and special.

Not only because every nine-tailed sky fox is gorgeous.

It is also because the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox itself, as a demon clan, has extremely special innate supernatural powers.

Their supernatural powers, and even the innate supernatural powers of the entire fox clan—the key lies in the word 'magic'.

That is to say, illusion, the "blurring method" among the heaven and earth methods.

Logically speaking, blindfolding is not a powerful supernatural power.

On the contrary, it is closer to a small technique, which is a small method that even monks in the world dismiss.

But the nine-tailed sky fox is different.

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