He was born with nine tails, each of which symbolizes 'one illusion'.

The nine-tailed celestial fox, on the other hand, can control the nine illusions - joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, evil, desire, goodness, and god. '

Among them, the first eight illusions, when fighting skills, make the opponent's mind trembling, and the demons are hard to stop.

If you want to be angry, you will be angry.

If you want to be evil, you will have evil thoughts.

As the innate supernatural power of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox, the Nine Illusory Supernatural Powers are hard to defend against.

Even the idle innate spirit treasure may not be able to prevent its illusion.

And you have to know, even Da Luo Jinxian.

Once the mind is full of distracting thoughts, foreign demons are born.

Then it is also karma that should be on the spot, and ten thousand years of hard work will be empty.

Especially during the Lich Wars in the past, those witch clans who were already full of violent and distracting thoughts in their hearts fell under the illusion of the three nine-tailed sky foxes.

And the most important thing is that the ninth tail of the nine-tailed sky fox has the ability of "phantom god".

The gods, the primordial spirit and the true spirit!

That's right - the ninth-tail supernatural power of the nine-tailed sky fox can directly affect the monk's soul.

As long as his mind is moved, the monk whose soul is deceived can't say that he is fighting normally.

It is common to fight indiscriminately between enemies and friends, and even inexplicable self-destruction.

It is precisely because of this treacherous Nine Illusions.

Therefore, the reputation of the nine-tailed celestial fox in the Three Realms is also great.

Even if you look at the Zhou Tian demon god in the past, it can be regarded as extremely powerful.

However, Liuli in front of him has a tenth tail.

"If the first nine tails are similar to the Nine Illusions of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox, then the tenth tail...isn't it the Tenth Illusion?"

Xu Linyuan was somewhat puzzled.

The tenth illusion, what could it be?

But it is also at this time...


As if just waking up, the dazed Ruri made a lovely voice.

Afterwards, she also quickly noticed Xu Linyuan.

"Teacher Shanzhu!"

She cheered excitedly, then stepped on all fours and came towards Xu Linyuan.

Then Xu Linyuan was shocked by the scene.

Originally, Liuli was still some distance away from him—after all, Liuli was conceived from a divine womb, and he didn't want to disturb the other party.

But at this time, Liuli stepped on all fours.

Then, she came to Xu Linyuan in one step.


And as the person in charge of the way of heaven in Linyuan Realm.

Xu Linyuan's pupils also shrank suddenly.

He felt it most clearly.

Liuli didn't use any escape method at that moment just now, nor was it a means of moving the three realms.


"Space... shortened!?"

Xu Linyuan could sense the change just now.

Just as Liuli stepped out on all fours, the space in front of her and Xu Linyuan instantly shortened like a spring.

But after she walked in front of Xu Linyuan, she immediately recovered.

As if everything that happened before was false.

"Yes, fake!"

So Xu Linyuan felt a burst of emotion in an instant.

The sense of heaven surged into his heart, and he realized the truth almost instantly!

"Illusion... Liuli's tenth tail is the supernatural power of 'Illusion Realm'!?"

It is no longer the five senses and six senses of the enemy who deceive oneself, the primordial spirit and the true spirit.

What this little fox deceived just now was the world itself!

She even made the world's most basic space law change in an instant according to her will.

Xu Linyuan naturally understood the meaning of it.

This is definitely a perverted talent!

It will not even be inferior to Xuan Chi's ancestral dragon body, and will not be inferior to the sympathy with the earth bestowed by Taixi!

Once it really grows to the extreme, this is definitely a supernatural power that can be called invincible under a saint!

Of course, all of this makes sense when you think about it carefully.

after all...

"The Sea Eye of Absolute Beginning, the heritage of the ancient dragon clan in the past has already collapsed in today's Three Realms."

"There is one qi innate, only I have it."

"Other than the monkey, there is basically only one copy of the five-colored stone."

"In addition to the luck in the Tianfeng Crown..."

These four kinds of beings, which can be called the supreme good fortune of the Three Realms, were conceived and taken care of by Empress Nuwa and Xu Linyuan at the same time.

This unprecedented treatment gave birth to Liuli, an unprecedented ten-tailed sky fox.

"The power of the fantasy world... let's call it the sky fox of the fantasy world."

"My disciples are all monsters!"

Xu Linyuan muttered to himself.

"Teacher Shanzhu?"

But at this time, Liuli who came in front of him tilted her head, subconsciously wagging her ten tails.

Then, she seemed to have finally noticed the change in herself: "Wow, I have a lot of tails!"

Then she counted them carefully, and she even exclaimed: "Ten tails! One more than what the ancestors said about the Su family's ancestor!"


Seeing her surprised face, Xu Linyuan was speechless.

"Little girl, why don't you quickly transform into form!?"

He said helplessly.

"Transfiguration? But my cultivation is still...Huh?"

Liuli exclaimed again: "My cultivation...wow!"

Seeing the little fox playing tricks in front of him, Xu Linyuan had no choice but to stretch out his hand directly.

Just a little lightly between Liuli's eyebrows.



Accompanied by the soft brilliance, the ten-tailed fox in front of him slowly turned into a young girl.

It looks like it is between the age of a girl and a girl, and it has a kind of innocent, pure and unstained beauty.

But at the same time, his face has an extremely special aura that seems to charm all living beings.

Especially the fox pattern on the center of his eyebrows, and the snow-colored fur coat on his body added a touch of indescribable dignity.

It doesn't even need to be opened long - the colored glaze at this time can already be said to be "extremely gorgeous, the most beautiful purple".

Even monks like Da Luo Jinxian should not be moved by the appearance of skin and bones.

When seeing such a face, I'm afraid I have to be stunned for a moment.

"As expected of a fox demon, it is really a disaster for the country and the people... It's not surprising what King Zhou did!"

But seeing his disciples so pretty, Xu Linyuan couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

But at this moment, Liu Li in front of him was still clearly in a daze.

"Unfortunately, he doesn't look very smart."

Xu Linyuan sighed inwardly, feeling that his little fox didn't seem very smart.

Immediately, just now said: "You still don't want to be a teacher!?"

"Huh? Oh!"

And until this moment, Liuli seemed to have finally realized the current situation.

So a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes.

Afterwards, he greeted Xu Linyuan with a blessing.

"There is Su Liuli...meet the teacher!".

89. Paying homage to Biyou Palace, disciples and grandchildren shocked the sky!

After officially accepting his third disciple.

Xu Linyuan checked it carefully again.

After finding out that Wang Shu was still in retreat, he naturally didn't bother.

After all, he had already been in Wa Palace before~ He heard Nuwa mention it.

Wang Shu is very close to beheading the third corpse, so this retreat may not be able to gain anything.

Especially for Wang Shu to kill the third corpse, he still needed an innate-Lingbao.

Originally, Xu Linyuan planned to prepare it for Wang Shu himself - after all, Wang Shu is now a creature of the Linyuan Realm, so he should naturally be responsible.

But this time when I went to Nuwa, I happened to retrieve the 'lunar moon flower wheel'.

In this way, he will naturally not bother Wang Shu.

Instead, he returned directly to Yuanquan Mountain with Liuli.

First, Tai Xi and Xuan Chi were called to explain the situation about Liu Li.

The two were originally urging Yuan Ling to practice, when they heard that Xu Linyuan had actually accepted Liuli as his junior sister.

For a while, he was naturally quite happy.

Of course, if you have to say it—there is only one person who is not happy.


Xuan Chi, who was still just a child, looked at Liu Li who was clearly older than him.

On the cool little face, there was a slight trace of envy.

"Ben Long is a senior brother."

"But Benlong practiced so diligently, but why didn't he grow tall?"

Due to the long growth cycle, the little ancestor dragon who looked even younger than Yuan Ling sighed after being transformed.

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