While talking, he also secretly speculated in his heart which great sage was the grandfather the girl was talking about.

But the next moment, he heard the young man laughing.

"Liu Li, what you said is the same, but it's also far from it."

"I'm going to talk about it today, and it's exactly this—because the etiquette prescribed by the Duke of Zhou seems to fit perfectly."

"But in fact, it's bullshit!"

As soon as he said this, Kong Qiu naturally burst into anger in an instant!

How could this person slander Zhou Li so much?

But right after, he heard the young man continue.

"The method followed by Zhou Li sounds naturally the same."

His voice is flat, but powerful.

"The emperor, the princes, the ministers, the officials, and the common people are all in their positions."

"Everyone abides by the etiquette, and the world will naturally be in harmony."

What Xu Linyuan said was right.

But Kong Qiu couldn't bear it any longer, and stood up: "Sir, since you know the rituals of Zhou, why did you say insulting words before?"

He reprimanded loudly, apparently extremely dissatisfied with Xu Linyuan's previous statement of 'shit doesn't make sense'.

After hearing his words, Xu Linyuan was not angry at all.

He naturally knew about Kong Qiu's arrival.

He had already guessed that Kong Qiu felt uneasy at this moment.

He wasn't even surprised. (dbec)

Because he knew very well that without the arrival of him, the traverser.

Then Confucius in the original historical track was indeed abiding by the rituals—or in other words, he should have devoted himself to the sect of Chanjiao.

He has been obsessed with perfecting the rituals of Zhou all his life, and the knowledge he created brought Bangzhou into another new era.

This is also the reason why Xu Linyuan specially set up this thatched cottage.

He needed to really let Confucius see clearly Zhou Li's huge flaw.

Only in this way can Kong Qiu become the sage he wants to see.

"Confucius, let me ask you—what is the basis of Bang Zhou's etiquette?"

He spoke directly and said Kong Qiu's name.

But even so he asked.

But he didn't wait for Kong Qiu's answer, he just said it on his own.

"Naturally it is patriarchal blood."

"The emperor is respectful, and the subjects are humble."

"Brother respects, father humbles."

"Scholar-officials are respected, common people are humbled."

"The son of heaven and the immortal descendants of the princes are in charge of everything and manage everything."

"You and the scholar-bureaucrats plan for the descendants of the immortals."

"The common people only need to farm and work to provide taxes and food."

"It is impolite for a humble person to speak to a venerable, or even look at him head-on."

"For those who are rude, the venerable has the power of life and death."

That's right, this is the basis of Zhou Li.

Based on blood relationship, there are countless classes.

Every class has its own dignity and inferiority, and its relatives are distant and distant.

Every class has extremely strict restrictions.

From etiquette, living room, clothing, utensils and other aspects.

Once it goes beyond the slightest, it is rude.

Those who are rude can be killed.

After hearing this, Confucius did not refute.

This is exactly the reason why he admired Zhou Li - there is a clear rule for everything.

But then, he heard Xu Linyuan's soft but deafening inquiry.

"Kong Qiu, let me ask you."

"Common people, are they all pigs and sheep?"

"Kong Qiu, let me ask you again."

"Immortal descendants, are they all sages?"

As soon as he said this.

Kong Qiu was stunned for an instant.

How clever he is.

At this moment, he could instantly realize the meaning of Xu Linyuan's question.

So this question sounded almost deafening to him!

Isn't it?

The first question is that ordinary people only need to produce and provide food for payment.

Do not offend the ministers, scholar-officials, or descendants of the immortal gods in the slightest.

Otherwise, it is rude.

but since then

Isn't it really like that pig and sheep?

It was kept in the pen, and once it provoked the dissatisfaction of the master, it was killed.

And the grain that these 'pigs and sheep' pay each year, isn't it their flesh and blood?

As for the second question, it pointed out the biggest problem in a more bloody way.

Immortal descendants, are they all sages?

of course not!

Leaving aside, wouldn't the father Qing from decades ago be an example?

Of course, not all immortal descendants are saints.


"The people are rude, and the descendants of the immortal gods can punish and kill them at will."

"If the descendants of the immortals are rude, what about the common people?"

When Xu Linyuan asked this question, Kong Qiu naturally knew the answer.

Immortal descendant is the most noble and noble body.

Therefore, no one can punish their rudeness.


"The country will be devastated, and the people will be in dire straits...until the immortal descendant dies."

Kong Qiu muttered to himself.

This reason is not difficult to understand.

But then, he struggled again.

"No...no, it's not right if it's a fairy descendant."

"Then naturally there will be great sages to persuade him and let him return to the right path."

He looked tangled, talking to himself like this.

If the way of the king is not right, then persuade the king to be right.


"A word of persuasion can really make the monarchy return to justice and the world return to peace?"

Xu Linyuan raised his eyebrows.


Confucius did not answer.

Even though Kong Qiu was only eight years old, he naturally understood the unrealism.

Seeing this scene, Xu Linyuan also nodded secretly.

Then, he said again.

"Let me ask you again—if there is an immortal descendant who gave birth to an heir, but due to some accident, he was exiled among the people."

"Then, is this descendant a descendant of the Immortal God?"

Hearing this question, Confucius answered without hesitation.

"Of course it is!"

Immortal descendants are determined by blood.

Even if they live among the people, their blood relationship remains the same.

Naturally, they are descendants of immortals.

"Then if this descendant of the immortal descendant doesn't know his identity, he married a peasant woman and had children among the people."

"Then in the future, when his identity is known... so what?"

As soon as these words came out, Kong Qiu also shrank his pupils.

His little brows were furrowed.

A descendant of a fairy god, who doesn't know his identity...have a child with a peasant woman?

What should we do next?

Confucius, who was familiar with the etiquette, naturally thought of the result in an instant.

Leave the mother and keep the child.

"Peasant women are people, and they are incompatible with the descendants of immortals...should be killed!"

"In terms of blood relationship, his son is a descendant of the immortal god... this..."

Kong Qiu realized it instantly.

This is obviously unreasonable - at least Confucius' conscience cannot accept it!

"The so-called Zhou rituals are just a set of fallacies of 'explaining ethics, preserving the principles of heaven, and eliminating human desires'."

Xu Linyuan, on the other hand, made the final conclusion.

Zhou Li was born out of the doctrine of explaining religion.

And Yuanshi Tianzun's sage's way of "interpreting the geography of heaven and planning the radius of all things" is definitely not wrong.

The way of every saint is perfect—that is why they can be holy.

And Yuanshi Tianzun competed with the Taoism of the leader of Tongtian.

The key is not 'who is wrong', but 'who is more correct'.

It is also because there is no result in arguing with words alone.

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