The struggle for great teaching itself is to use the human world as a pawn to fight for the front.

The winner is the one who is more correct.

However, there is nothing wrong with the way of the sage.

But it doesn't mean that Zhou Li is not wrong.

Because saints can practice their own principles, but ordinary people may not.

The so-called Zhou Li, although it was born out of elucidating teachings.

But in the human world, it has become nothing more than fallacies that set up countless rules and regulations to restrict people's desires and thoughts.

It can indeed maintain the stability of Bangzhou.

In fact, without Xu Linyuan—Bang Zhou's existence would have lasted for 800 years.

It is the longest among many dynasties.

As a result, Chanjiao can enjoy a longer life and luck.

But correspondingly...

But once the backlog of conflicts between Bang and Zhou reached the extreme, it was time for the ceremony to collapse.

Everything will be even more irreversible than when he was conferred the gods to measure the calamity.

After all, it was only King Zhou who was oppressing the people in conferring gods and measuring calamities.

But Bang Zhou, the so-called immortal descendants of every vassal state are using the name of Zhou Li to oppress the people.

Of course, these are not what Xu Linyuan needs to consider now.

He just silently looked at Kong Qiu in front of him.

And his three disciples, including Yuan Ling who was taking a nap before, also looked at Kong Qiu.

They all knew that this mortal was the one their teacher had set up such a big battle for.

Until a long time later, Kong Qiu's heart was still full of struggles.

With his temperament, he will not hide his doubts for the sake of face.

After hearing Xu Linyuan's words.

Although he still agrees with the world described by Zhou Li that 'everyone is polite and everything is orderly'.

But he also vaguely recognized it—just as his grandfather Bo Xia said, there seemed to be...a problem with Zhou Li.


"Please teach me, sir, what is the correct path?"

He bowed to Xu Linyuan.

"The right way, how can I teach you?"

Xu Linyuan smiled.

While speaking, he waved his hand lightly.

The next moment, Kong Qiu found an illusory door in front of him.

On the other side of the door is a huge attic.

In the attic, there are countless and countless vast collections of books.

Afterwards, he heard Xu Linyuan whisper: "If you want, you can come here to listen to lectures every day from now on."

"After listening to the lecture, go to the attic to find a few books and read them."

While speaking, he also handed over a carving knife.

"After reading a book, I will record it with the present knife."

When Confucius heard this, he asked again: "After reading all the books, can I find the answer?"

But Xu Linyuan smiled when he heard the words: "I can't answer you—you have to see for yourself."

After finishing speaking, Xu Linyuan smiled as if thinking of something.

"By the way, my common name is Xu."

He pointed to himself first, and then pointed to the three disciples beside him.

"These three are my disciples, called Tai Xi, Xuan Chi, and Liu Li—since you want to study with me, you should call them Senior Brother and Senior Sister."

"Yes, Master Xu!"

So Kong Qiu nodded slightly.

94. Traveling thousands of miles alone to seek destiny, Jinling Yunxiao worships Yaochi!

Ordinary people would probably not agree to Xu Linyuan's words.

A place that doesn't look right at first glance, where many mountain monsters gather.

Go to class and read books every day?

Isn't this putting your own life at risk?

But obviously, Kong Qiu is not an ordinary person.

After he returned to the mansion, he did not tell anyone what happened in the mountains today.

Because he knew that once he said it, he would not be able to go to that barren mountain.

So after he returned to the mansion, he just read a book silently.

Then from the second day on, every evening, I would go out of the city to the barren hills.

Of course he said it to the outside world.It is '- go out to study'.

Bo Xia didn't care about this either - in this era, it is very normal for a child like Confucius to seek advice from sages around the city.

So no matter the cold or heat, regardless of the rain or shine.

Confucius would go to that barren mountain to attend lectures every day, and every time he would come to that fairyland-like thatched cottage.

He gradually became acquainted with the three senior brothers and sisters, and even the little girl 'Yuan Ling' who accompanied him also became acquainted with him.

The ghosts in the thatched cottage often share some delicious fruits in the mountains with him.

Even those little foxes like to drag him to play in the spring water that exudes yin and yang.

It's just that every time, Xuan Chi will be chased away with a cool face.

have to say.

These are actually actions that violate the etiquette.

The grandson of a scholar-bureaucrat should naturally follow the rules.

Follow the etiquette of the nobility, and go out on a chariot.

Where can I play with wild foxes in the mountains?

But when Confucius played with them, he only felt joy in his heart.

He was naturally more puzzled.

Why is it such a pleasure, but it is an intolerable rudeness in the Zhou rituals?

Why is he so happy?Is he also rude?

Of course, the most incomprehensible to Confucius.

It's still Mr. Xu.

Confucius found that what Mr. Xu said was different every day.

And what he said every day was something he had never heard of.

From astronomy and geography, anecdotes and strange events, yin and yang spells, ancient secrets, and then to the change of dynasties.

Almost everything.

Even some of the dynasties he talked about, Confucius had never even heard of.

He once heard Xu Linyuan talk about a school called 'physics', which expounds the principles of all things.

He also heard Xu Linyuan talk about the path called 'chemistry', but it seems to be in the same line as the alchemists who made alchemy.

"Unfortunately, in the Three Realms... these things may not work."

After Xu Linyuan finished speaking, he sighed.

But Kong Qiu couldn't understand why Xu Linyuan sighed - he just felt that all these principles were seamless and there were no mistakes or omissions to follow.

And Kong Qiu himself was just like what Xu Linyuan said.

After each lecture, he would go into that bookstore to read.

And at a glance, it is from morning to night.

He won't leave until some little foxes 'jiujiu' make noise, or Taixi calls him.

And after being crowned, Kong Qiu simply moved out of the mansion.

He lived directly around this barren mountain, so he had disputes with his father and uncle Liang He.

In the end, it was Bo Xia who came forward and granted his request.

Such years are the past year after year.

In the blink of an eye, another full 12 years have passed.

This year, Kong Qiu was 20 years old.

He has grown into a young man.

Its face is not handsome and handsome, but it has its own temperament.

This is the reason why there is poetry and calligraphy in the abdomen.

On this day, he still came to the barren mountain.

An Xin finished listening to the class, and then came to Xu Linyuan.

"Mr. Xu."

He spoke softly.


Xu Linyuan, who was sitting on a chair peeling a spiritual fruit, looked at him after hearing the words: "Is there anything you want to ask?"


Kong Qiu nodded.

He only raised his hand and took out a wooden comb that he usually used to press bamboo slips.

I saw that the wooden comb was densely covered with marks of carving knives.

"There are a total of 64 and [-] books in the library, and the students have read all of them."

"However, the students' doubts about etiquette are still unresolved."

he said softly.

"You still think etiquette is the right way in the world?"

Xu Linyuan smiled.

"Students don't know."

Kong Qiu shook his head, but he was not as determined as before: "The student already knows that there are indeed mistakes and omissions in the etiquette."

"But if you look at it from the perspective of the students, if you make it easier, it might become the right way in the world."

"But the gentleman clearly said that the etiquette is useless."

"The students don't understand, so they come to ask Mr. for advice."

But after he finished speaking, Xu Linyuan unexpectedly said: "The reason why you don't understand is because you haven't seen enough."

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