"Not enough?"

Kong Qiu was taken aback.

He is born intelligent, and he is a person who can read and review books with one eye and ten lines.

The collection of books in the pavilion that I have seen in these years is even more comprehensive.

He thought he had seen enough.

To put it bluntly—even the former sage Lao Dan, Confucius felt that he had read as much as the other.

Therefore, he naturally didn't know why Xu Linyuan still spoke like this.

But Xu Linyuan smiled and said: "I have said it in the past - you have to read it yourself to know your truth."

These words are exactly the same as when Confucius was eight years old.

But this time, Kong Qiu heard a completely different meaning.

"Mr. Xu means... want me..."

He stood up, but already vaguely understood what Xu Linyuan meant.

"It is better to travel thousands of miles to read thousands of books."

Xu Linyuan spoke softly, then closed his eyes and went to rest.


Confucius didn't say a word either, he just bowed silently to Xu Linyuan.

Afterwards, he turned and left the barren mountain without hesitation.

And after Kong Qiu left.

Tai Xi, Xuan Chi and Liu Li just appeared beside Xu Linyuan.

"Teacher, junior brother is leaving now?"

Liuli, who is the most energetic, is the first to speak at this time.

After getting along for more than ten years, she was naturally reluctant to part with Kong Qiu.

"It's not like I won't come back after I left."

Xu Linyuan gave Liuli a white look.

"Can the teacher guarantee the safety of the younger brother? Does Benlong need to take action?"

And Xuan Chi said very cool words in a cool way.

He really likes Kong Qiu.

Because although Kong Qiu was born tall and burly, he was still very respectful to his senior brother who was as young as a child.

It's not like Liuli, although he is called 'Brother Xuan Chi' verbally.

But in fact, they often join forces with Taixi to provoke him.

"He is the man of destiny, so what's the problem with safety?"

Xu Linyuan is like Xuan Chi again.

"What's more, as a teacher, I told your ancestors a long time ago - your ancestors also arranged for suitable people to accompany them."

After hearing these words, Tai Xi became curious instead.

"The right candidate? Who?"

"Well... I can barely be regarded as your elders."

Xu Linyuan responded casually.

Afterwards, he directly moved his hand: "Okay, you all come here as teachers."

As he waved his hand like this, he could see that the thatched cottage he was originally in turned into a magnificent attic in an instant.

But it is the former Linyuan Pavilion.

And Xu Linyuan brought three disciples into the pavilion and sat on the futon.

After that, he looked at the three of them with extremely serious expressions.

"You wait for Junior Brother Kongqiu to go here, and when he returns, he should fulfill his destiny."

"When it's time, even your ancestors can't continue to deceive the heavenly secrets."

"The key, you and the others should also be aware of it."

He said so.

And San Xiao nodded with the same serious expression.

But there was a little excitement in their eyes.

They naturally knew what was going to happen.

When Confucius returned, it was the time for him to fulfill his destiny.

At that time, Yuanshi Tianzun and Chanjiao will naturally sense the existence of Confucius.

A big battle is doomed to be inevitable.

"I know that you are not afraid of those who teach...and most of you even look forward to it."

Seeing this, Xu Linyuan smiled helplessly.

His three disciples have been practicing in the mountains since they became apprentices.

As the saying goes, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers - they are naturally not afraid of such a big event.

・・・ Flowers・・・

It's even looking forward to it.

And when the three disciples showed embarrassing expressions, he just said: "To tell the truth, even as a teacher!"

After the words fell, the four masters and apprentices also looked at each other and smiled.

Afterwards, Xu Linyuan continued to clear his throat.

"However, your master still considers your safety."

"So... this time, I have a few good things for you!"

After the words fell, Xu Linyuan stretched out his hand lightly.

Afterwards, several spirit treasures floating in the air suddenly appeared beside him.

And if there are people of insight in the Three Realms at this time.

It will definitely be exclaimed.

Because what Xu Linyuan took out at this time, without exception... were all innate spiritual treasures!

Xu Linyuan is obviously not the only one who is preparing for the inevitable battle that will come next.

At the same time, Heavenly Court and Yaochi.

"What did you say!?"

The Jade Emperor, who was quietly observing the magnificent scenery of the heaven with the Queen Mother under the peach tree, suddenly heard the news from Taibai Jinxing in front of him that he had never thought of.

"Is this true!?"

He even confirmed a sentence in disbelief.

"How dare the old minister talk nonsense."

And Taibai Jinxing also showed a positive color.

As one of the only confidantes of the Jade Emperor in the Heavenly Court.

...... 0

He naturally knew the importance of this matter.

After the Jade Emperor heard the words, his complexion changed a lot.

The queen mother on the side also looked dignified.

After paying half the salary, he said: "...go invite them to come in - after you have finished inviting them, you will leave... Pay attention to your surroundings and don't ask anyone to come in again."


And Taibai Jinxing naturally took orders to leave.

After he left, the Jade Emperor nodded slightly to the Queen Mother.

And the Queen Mother, who had already connected with him, naturally understood what he meant.

So she waved her hand lightly.

Behind him, the Divine Peach Tree shone with boundless radiance.

And as the radiance of the Pantao Divine Tree fell, the effect of the innate spiritual root to conceal the secrets of the heavens was also exerted to the extreme.

"Your Majesty...you said they are..."

The queen mother could hardly conceal the fluctuation in her heart.

Of course she knew what the significance of those people coming to see the Jade Emperor at this time was.

You know—since he was on the list of gods.

Those people have never obeyed the Jade Emperor's edict for so many years.

Although it would not be difficult for the Jade Emperor, it has always been an attitude of 'ignoring'.

It is the first time that I have come to seek a meeting like this today!


The Jade Emperor did not answer.

He just had a glint in his eyes, as if he could vaguely guess.

Next, something big will happen in the Three Realms!

but after a while

"I haven't seen the Great Tianzun for many years, but the practice of the Great Tianzun has improved a bit."

Accompanied by a light but majestic voice.

I saw Zhao Gongming, the Holy Mother of Jinling and Yunxiao, who also came hand in hand at this time.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, who was talking, looked at the Jade Emperor at this time.

"Fellow Daoist Jin Ling is joking, I shoulder the responsibility of the Three Realms, so I don't have much time to practice."

But the Jade Emperor smiled and said: "It's the three fellow Taoists, but why do you think of coming to see me?"

Between his words, he was naturally extremely polite.

For saint disciples, there are still three quasi-sages.

Naturally, he had to make his attitude clear.

But the Jade Emperor didn't expect it.

After he said this, Yun Xiao said directly: "The three of my senior brothers and sisters came here, but they were also notified by our junior brother..."

"Lord Linyuan Mountain?"

When the Jade Emperor heard this, he also frowned.

But he didn't have time to ask.

Because next, Yun Xiao's words almost made Jade Emperor, the former Taoist boy, unable to help his heart beat faster.

Even the Queen Mother beside her was so surprised that her starry eyes widened!

"We are here to give Great Heavenly Venerable a chance."

"An opportunity to get rid of the shackles of Buddhism and Buddhism."

"A...opportunity to completely control the Heavenly Court and truly manage the Three Realms!" Qian.

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