95. Linyuan Fenbao Third Primary School, Yanhui Kongqiu Qingniu!

But on Xu Linyuan's side, the things he took out were naturally not other things.

It was the 'batch' of congenital spirit treasures that the Lord Tongtian had been asked to refine before.

At this time, he is also planning to follow the example of Hongjun Daozu's distribution of Baoyan in the past.

Distribute all these spiritual treasures to his disciples.

It's the same sentence - since he has accepted his disciples.

Xu Linyuan naturally wanted to fulfill his responsibility as a teacher to them.

"Tai Xi."

So Xu Linyuan gently moved his hand towards those spirit treasures at this time.

Immediately, two spirit treasures had already landed in front of Tai Xi.

"You are my eldest disciple, and you have the earth mother silk to protect you—in terms of defense, there are almost no flaws."

"That's why I give you two treasures today, both of which are treasures for attacking."

"The first one is a top-grade congenital spiritual treasure called 'Five Jue Mountains'."

Xu Linyuan first raised his hand to take it out, but he took out a hill like a sculpture.

But with the aptitude and talent of his three disciples, their current cultivation is not comparable.

Naturally, everyone can see the powerful aura contained in this hill!

"This mountain was refined by your master with the help of part of the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil."

"Although it is based on the earth's qi, it is mixed with the aura of the five elements."

"Once it falls, the five elements will be born together, and the cycle will never end."

"In addition, you are originally conceived by the ancestral spirit of the Xuanji Earth Mother, and you are born to have a sympathy with the earth-if you drive this treasure, this treasure is almost equivalent to the power of the top-grade innate spirit treasure... that is, the Daluo Immortal is captured by other spirit treasures. Stay calm, and it will be difficult to escape!"

Xu Linyuan said softly.

In fact, the inspiration for Wujue Mountain was provided by him to Master Tongtian.

As for the source of inspiration, it is naturally the 'Five Elements Mountain' that will suppress that monkey in the future.

And after this first spirit treasure, the second spirit treasure that Xu Linyuan took out was an old acquaintance "Seven Six Zero".

It was a scarlet treasure cover.

"This treasure is the Nine Dragons Divine Flame Cover, but I seized it from the Daoist Taiyi a few years ago!"

What Xu Linyuan said was actually not sincere - mainly because it was not pleasant to say that he snatched this thing from a child named Nezha in front of his disciples.

"This treasure book is just a low-grade innate spirit treasure, but it has been re-refined with the sun's golden flames as a master over the years."

"This makes the nine flame dragons in this treasure pregnant with the power of the sun, greatly increasing their power."

"Its power is also a top-grade innate spirit treasure."

These two spiritual treasures can be regarded as carefully prepared by him.

Not to mention the Wujue Mountain, it is specially adapted to Taixi's supernatural powers.

In her hands, its suppressive power would not be inferior to Guang Chengzi's top-grade innate spirit treasure 'Fan Tian Yin'.

It can be called the top baby in the Three Realms.

And the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover after refining is used in conjunction with Wujue Mountain.

Use Wujue Mountain to suppress the enemy, and then directly cover them with the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover.

That is the way to close the door and set fire to turn people into dust.

"Thank you teacher!"

And after hearing Yuan's introduction from Xu Lin, Tai Xi smiled like a flower.

Of course, she could feel her teacher's care for her.

So she naturally raised her hand to take the two spirit treasures, and began to play with them carefully.

Especially the Wujue Mountain, which is similar to her origin, she couldn't put it down.

Then, Xu Linyuan turned his attention to the second disciple.

I saw that Xuan Chi still had a cool face at this time.

But from the look in his expectant eyes, it is not difficult to see his true thoughts.

'Benlong is looking forward to it! '

So Xu Linyuan was also happy.

After a while, he said: "Xuan Chi, you were transformed by the ancestral dragon - the real body is unparalleled in the Three Realms no matter the offense or defense, but the idle spirit treasure is useless to you."

While speaking, he also took out two spirit treasures.

The first one was a dark black halberd with an extremely domineering appearance.

"This treasure is called 'Covered Sea Halberd', and it is a top-grade innate spiritual treasure."

"Take the laurel branch as the handle, use the jade from other mountains as the blade, and refine it with one yuan of heavy water."

"It has no other supernatural powers, but its weight is extremely astonishing—it weighs 11 catties... In the Three Realms, except for the witch clan and teachers, Taiyi can use this treasure. You're all alone."

Xu Linyuan said this, but his expression was a little weird.

This sea-covered halberd is indeed a very special spiritual treasure. He asked Master Tongtian to refine it only for its pure weight.

Its weight is nearly ten times that of the future monkey's golden cudgel!

It is conceivable that in the Three Realms, besides Xuan Chi, the ancestral dragon, there are also the Wu clan, and Xu Linyuan, the owner of the 'dharma body of good fortune'.

Others, I'm afraid they won't be able to use it.

His purpose is to use it to fight against the enemy when Xuan Chi has not shown his true colors - after all, once Xuan Chi manifests the ancestral dragon body to fight the enemy with all his strength, there is almost no need for any Lingbao.

Zulong's body itself is the top spiritual treasure as his cultivation level improves.

But at this moment he just remembered that this sea-covering halberd seemed a bit too big compared to Xuan Chi's transformed body.

Xuan Chi held it as if a child was holding a halberd that was taller than him.

It's not useless, but it's obviously embarrassing.

But obviously


Xuan Chi looked at the mighty dark black halberd, but his eyes were shining.

Obviously, he is very satisfied with this domineering design!

"Okay, as long as you like it."

So Xu Linyuan naturally gave up his plan to remake the halberd.

Then, he pointed to another Lingbao that was given to Xuan Chi.

It was a blue jade bottle.

"This treasure is called 'Nahai Bottle', a mid-grade congenital spirit treasure."

"This treasure can hold thousands of waters and turn them into spirit waves—at most, it can directly put a piece of sea into it."

"I have filled this treasure with the sea water of Tianhuanghai, and it is just for you to use it when you manifest your true form."

This spirit treasure was naturally tailor-made for Xuan Chi.

Zulong is the king of Haizhen and the lord of the four seas.

Although its ability to swallow clouds and fog is unparalleled, but the strongest time is obviously when it is in the sea.

This nahai bottle was naturally prepared for this purpose.

And Xuan Chi was even more delighted to hear about this treasure's supernatural powers.

His cool face was rarely tense, showing surprise.

He grabbed the eucalyptus and took the bottle.

"As expected of Benlong's teacher... Well, Benlong is very satisfied."

With his temperament, these words are actually equivalent to 'thank you teacher'!

After seeing this, Xu Linyuan naturally turned his gaze back to Liuli.

"Liuli, you are the illusory sky fox unique to the Three Realms."

"Although the magical powers of the illusion world are strong, they lack defense methods."

While speaking, he also pointed to the last two spirit treasures.

It was a gauze dress that looked like flowing clouds, and a colorful hosta.

Countless array patterns were engraved on the gauze.

And when it was put together with the jade hairpin, the color and shape on the gauze seemed to be constantly changing, which was extremely miraculous.

"This gauze is called 'Xuanyun Gauze', a top-grade congenital spiritual treasure."

"This jade hairpin is called 'Dark Fantasy Hairpin', a middle-grade congenital spiritual treasure."

Xu Linyuan introduced.

"Among them, 'Xuanyun Shayi' is only capable of defense, but in terms of defense ability alone, it is comparable to ordinary top-grade innate spirit treasures."

"And this Dusk Illusion Hairpin is used in conjunction with Xuanyun Shayi—with the help of this treasure, Xuanyun Shayi can be used to create a 'Dark Illusion Cloud Array' out of thin air."

"This formation itself is a phantom killing formation, combined with your 'Ten Illusionary Abilities'...the power can be called infinite."

Needless to say, this is also specially prepared for Liuli.

Her ten magical powers, especially the "illusion world" can have almost infinite changes.

So the only thing lacking is defensive ability.

And this Xuanyun Shayi itself is an innate spiritual treasure specializing in defensive ability.

It has no offensive ability at all, but its pure defense power is comparable to the best innate spirit treasure.

But there are formations engraved on it.

Cooperating with the dark magic hairpin, one of the proud formations created by the leader of Tongtian himself, the 'Dark Magic Cloud Array' can be displayed.

This formation is both a phantom formation and a killing formation, which is most suitable for Liuli.

"Thank you teacher!"

After Liuli heard the words, she looked at the two treasures with a happy face.

It’s not anything else—the main thing is that both the Xuanyun Shayi and the Minghuan Hairpin are indeed extremely beautiful.

With just one glance, she fell in love with these two treasures.

Seeing this scene, Xu Linyuan naturally sighed.

Although everything was arranged by himself, he felt that it was a bit exaggerated when he saw it.

Each of the three disciples has at least two innate spirit treasures.

And they are all aimed at their own supernatural powers, the kind of spiritual treasure that best suits them.

This kind of extravagance is something that no one in the Three Realms dares to imagine.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is armed to the teeth.

"By the way, teacher... have you never prepared a spirit treasure for Yuan Ling?"

But at this time, Liuli, who was best friends with Yuan Ling, suddenly thought of her.

Immediately, he looked at his teacher curiously.

When Tai Xi and Xuan Chi heard the words, their gazes were naturally similar.

They all knew very well that Xu Linyuan loved Yuan Ling very much.

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