he asked softly.


But the child named 'ci' is still a child after all.

At this time, although he was still afraid of Confucius, his awe of etiquette did not really enter his heart after all.

Therefore, he dared to answer instead.

"They want you to sacrifice to the mountain god, but the imperial edict?"

Kong Qiu's voice was still gentle.

"...Yes, the 'Mountain God of Xiaocang Mountain' has a rightful life."

And the child named 'ci' also nodded naturally.

The imperial seal of righteous life is just like the mountain god of Fuxu Mountain in the past.

It is an orthodox deity recognized by the descendants of the immortals of the Wei Kingdom and granted the title after reporting to the monarch.

There must be temples in the mountains, which are in charge of divine power.

And the sacrificial objects every year will naturally be sent to the temple.

"Where is the temple of the mountain god?"

Kong Qiu asked again.

"...My lord, can you save my two younger sisters?"

But the child named 'ci' asked like this.

Kong Qiu looked at the two ignorant little girls beside him.

Look at the 'ci' in front of you again.

"I will definitely save."

His voice was extremely firm.

"it is good!"

So, that'ci' also gritted his teeth suddenly.

"You two noblemen, I will take you there!"

After all, he also jumped directly from the altar.

But at this moment, Kong Qiu glanced at Yan Hui: "Ziyuan, you..."

"Master Kong, I will go with you!"

But before Confucius finished speaking, Yan Hui spoke firmly.

"Whoever sees injustice and retreats is not a real man."


Seeing Yan Hui's firm eyes, Kong Qiu also nodded.

Afterwards, the two rode the bullock cart.

Waiting for the child named 'Ci', head towards the deep mountain in the east of the village.

97. Etiquette is right and wrong, and the heart is self-divided, and the theory of the cow's hoof treading on the mountain!

After entering the mountain, it took only more than an hour to drive and walk.

Yan Hui and the others can see it, the hidden place deep in the mountains.

A crude mountain temple is being repaired here.

The temple is so short and small that people can hardly walk in it.

Yan Hui had no choice but to park the ox cart outside the temple.

However, despite its crudeness, there are extremely complicated runes engraved on both sides of the mountain temple.

But how knowledgeable Confucius was, he could tell at a glance.

That is the writing written by the gods, and the imperial edict.

"Weiguo enshrines the righteousness and decrees the gods."

"Sort out the land veins and take care of the mountains."

"Small Cangshan Mountain God."

Seeing the imperial edict, Yan Hui also had a look of disbelief in his eyes.

"It's really a royal imperial seal..."

He naturally understood that this man-eating Xiaocang Mountain God was actually an orthodox deity conferred by the Kingdom of Wei.

And it is at this time

"Who came to worship the temple of the god? But the offerings have arrived?"

A thin voice came.

Afterwards, the three of them saw a yellow-skinned god with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks appear in front of them.

The deity was born extremely ugly, but with its sharp teeth and long nose, people could see its heel and feet at a glance—it was probably a yellow leather child.

But at this time, he was looking at Kong Qiu and Yan Hui in front of him.

The eyes, especially the boy 'ci' beside the two of them, were full of greed.

The saliva in the mouth couldn't stop dripping down.

"Zengsheng has only one offering..."

In the middle of speaking, it saw the big green bull pulling the cart again: "Oh, there is another one."

But it is still dissatisfied: "Even so, there are only two—wait, what do you mean? Three animals are not enough, do you want to be rude to this god?"

It asked sharply, and a gust of evil wind followed.

The blowing made the surrounding trees sway endlessly, making Yan Hui and the little boy 'Ci' unable to open their eyes.

But only Kong Qiu did not dodge or evade.

He looked at the Xiaocang Mountain God, and asked: "You said that the sacrifices were not enough—you ate a person in the barren mountain in the north before, but it didn't count?"

Xiaocang Mountain God heard the words, but sneered and said: "You mean the farmer? He dared to go into the mountain to cut down trees without getting the oracle."

"That barren mountain is the realm of the gods, and the gods will eat him."

It didn't seem to be afraid at all.

"You ate people, but you still want people to sacrifice you to appease your anger?"

At this time, Yan Hui couldn't help it, and angrily scolded.

"How can there be such a reason in the world?"

The mountain god of Xiaocang Mountain laughed out loud when he heard the words.

"This is how the world works!"

"This god was granted by the royal court in the past, and he protected the surrounding area of ​​this mountain to have a good harvest."

he said coldly.

"Nowadays someone is rude to this god, and this god just asks for an extra sacrifice. What's the problem?"

"As far as etiquette is concerned, is there any mistake or omission in this god?"

As soon as he said this, his face turned red with anger.

But Confucius sighed when he heard the words.

He naturally knew that what the mountain god said was true.

The mountain god protects the people and makes the grain plentiful, which is to fulfill his divine duties.

The common people offer sacrifices to the mountain god to make the mountain god happy, which is a ritual for the whole person.

The farmer went into the mountain to cut wood, and the mountain god got angry and asked for sacrifices.

The people had nothing to sacrifice, so they had to sacrifice children.

In terms of etiquette alone, there is really nothing wrong with this mountain god.


"Wrong is wrong!"

Kong Qiu looked at the mountain god, his voice was flat but heavy like the five mountains.

In this matter, the mountain god is not wrong in terms of etiquette.

But is the mountain god really right?

The answer goes without saying.

"If etiquette thinks you are right, then there is something wrong with etiquette."

Confucius had never been so sure that what his teacher Xu Linyuan said was correct.

He read countless books and learned countless truths.

But it is not as good as seeing it in person today, seeing it clearly.

There must be problems in Zhou Ritual, big problems!

So far, he still had a little fanciful admiration for etiquette.

It is also impressive at this time.The smoke cleared.

But the mountain god of Xiaocang Mountain was furious when he heard what Confucius said, "Bold! Small mortal, how dare you disrespect this god!"

His fangs bared, and his anger rose.

But it wanted to show the true nature of the yellow skin and devour Confucius directly.

But at this moment, he heard Kong Qiu say in a cold voice.

"My name is Kongqiu, the son of Shu Lianghe, the official of Lu State."

"Grandson of Bo Xia, the great sage of Lu State."

"You are a mountain god, how dare you hurt me?"

As soon as he said this, the Xiaocang Mountain God was also stunned.

"Lu State? Grandson of Bo Xia~¨?"

It let out a low cry, as if a little startled.

He had already noticed that Kong Qiu was not dressed like a villager at the bottom of the mountain, but he didn't think much about it.

After all, no matter how you say it, you are just a mortal.

After all, they will not be descendants of immortals, princes and nobles.

He is a majestic god, why would he be afraid?

But at this time, hearing the names of Lu Guo and Bo Xia, it was different.

The mountain god of Xiaocang Mountain knows it very well—even though it is called a mountain god.

But in fact, in the past, it was just a yellow-skinned monster in the mountains.

Because of his extraordinary practice, he has the Taoism of the Earth Immortal.

He also offered a spiritual plant in the mountains to a descendant of the immortal seed in Weiguo.

Only then did he get the imperial seal from the mountain god, and he was able to fish and meat the villagers.

But what if it is placed in Lu State?

He was very sure - based on the reputation of the owner of Yuanquan mountain in Lu country in the Three Realms over the years.

When his name appeared in the other party's eyes, the other party would erase him without hesitation.

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