In fact, monsters in the world have actually had an unspoken rule in recent years.

That is, even evil cannibals generally would not provoke businessmen or visitors from Lu.

Because they all know very well—mortals with two legs eat a lot of blood.

But once they provoke Yuanquan Mountain Master, they will die faster than ordinary people.

Not to mention the name of Na Bo Xia, even the god of defending the country has heard of it.

That is the teacher of Lao Dan, the teacher of the sage seat.


Therefore, the expression of the Xiaocang Mountain God also changed.

In the end, he still didn't dare to make a move.


With a flash of his figure, he was about to disappear and leave.

But at this time, Kong Qiu stopped him: "Wait a minute."

But the Xiaocang Mountain God turned his head with a ferocious face, only to see that Kong Qiu took out a bottle from his cuff.

He opened the bottle.



The strong yin and yang qi soared into the sky in an instant!

"This is..."

At the same time, the mountain god of Xiaocang Mountain can be seen even more.

The bottle seemed to contain some divine water that radiated gold and silver brilliance.

"Treasures of heaven and earth are rare treasures of heaven and earth!?"

So the greed in Xiaocangshan Mountain God's eyes almost overflowed.

It is just a small mountain god with little knowledge.

But it can also be seen that the divine water contained in this bottle is undoubtedly a real treasure of heaven and earth.

It is something that a loose demon on earth who belongs to the realm of the fairyland like it is not entitled to!

"I will use this water to exchange the people at the bottom of the mountain for a hundred years of stability."

"For a hundred years, you are not allowed to ask for sacrifices by any means."

"In a hundred years, you have to ensure that the villagers at the bottom of the mountain live well."

Kong Qiu said softly.

"it is good!"

But the Xiaocang Mountain God didn't hesitate at all, and agreed directly.

He is an imperial god, and his promises will naturally be witnessed by people.

In fact, it did not intend to go back on its word.

Although it is a bit uncomfortable for it not to eat blood food for a hundred years.

But it would not hesitate at all in exchange for such natural treasures.

So Kong Qiu also threw the bottle directly.

After the Xiaocang Mountain God hurriedly took over.

He just turned around and called Yan Hui and the boy to 'ci', and left directly in the bullock cart.

And back to the village below, after Deci told the villagers about this matter.

I heard that the village is about to usher in a century of stability and no need for sacrifices.

The villagers, the villager, and Ci's mother were naturally overjoyed.

But without exception, they all still dare not talk to Kong Qiu and Yan Hui.

Don't even dare to look at them.

But Confucius didn't force it.

Just continue to get on the bullock cart, and leave with Yan Hui.


But when he was about to leave, he and Yan Hui heard the same voice together.

When the two turned their heads, they saw that Na Ci was walking towards them.

"My lord, can I... can I go with you?"

Ci said cautiously.

"Huh? Don't you want to support your mother?"

After hearing Deci's words, Yan Hui asked instead.

But as soon as he asked this question, Yan Hui himself understood.

Ci led them to the mountain temple, and finally calmed down the anger.

But in the eyes of the people in the village, it was obvious that this would not be a heroic act.

Just like what I said before - immortals, gods, demons and ghosts are far away from scholars and bureaucrats.

Although the people in the village are not scholar-bureaucrats, they are faced with giving such a sacrifice who entered the mountain temple but came back.

There must be taboos in my heart.

"If I leave, Muramasa and the others will definitely support my mother and my younger siblings."

"But if I will make the village taboo."

Ci smiled wryly.

At this time, Kong Qiu naturally spoke.

"Since that's the case, then you follow me like Ziyuan."

He naturally did not refuse to give.

In fact, it is not difficult to see from Shi's reaction and behavior - this child is extremely intelligent.

His moral character can also be seen from before.


And Ci Wenyan also bowed down directly with joy.

"You have heard of my name and origin just now."

"Since you follow me, you can't just have a name without a surname."

But Confucius said: "Your father was killed by logging, so I will give you the surname 'Duanmu', how about it?"

"Thank you for your name!"

Therefore, Duanmu Ci immediately bowed down to Kong Qiu again.

However, he didn't get into the bullock cart, he just led the bullock ahead as a servant.

And Yan Hui, who had gradually left the small village of Weiguo and saw the end of the matter, asked a little angrily.

"Master Kong, you gave that day's material and earth treasure to the mountain god of Xiaocang Mountain, but did you encourage him?"

He actually wanted to say it a long time ago, but he never had the chance before.

Although he didn't know what kind of heaven and earth treasures Kong Qiu took out.

But just from the yin and yang omens that appeared when the bottle was taken out before, plus the reaction of the Xiaocangshan Mountain God.

He could also judge that the natural materials and earthly treasures in that bottle must be extremely precious.

This kind of thing was actually given to such evil gods as the mountain gods of Xiaocang Mountain.

Although he knew that Kong Qiu was doing this in exchange for a hundred years of stability for the people down the mountain.

But he was still extremely upset.

But Confucius shook his head when he heard the words: "That thing is not very precious to me."

When he said this, his expression was also a little inexplicable.

That's right - that bottle of water is really not very precious to him.

Because of what's in that bottle.

In fact, it was just the water in the lake in the barren mountains when he was studying with Xu Linyuan in the past.

For Kong Qiu, that thing can even be said to be bath water - many little foxes like to play in the lake water on weekdays.

On the contrary, it was the reaction of the mountain god of Xiaocang Mountain that made him a bit more certain about Xu Linyuan's identity.


"々. I don't think it's inappropriate to exchange this water for a hundred years of stability for the common people."

Kong Qiu continued.

"However, what happened today made me understand what my teacher said in the past."

"... what words?"

But Yan Hui became curious when he heard the words.

"My teacher once said that two things need to be big enough to be reasonable."

"One, it is reasonable enough."

"Secondly, the fist is big enough."

"Only when your fist is big enough can you make people sit down and listen to your reasoning."

Confucius laughed when he recalled what Xu Linyuan said.

"In the past, I only thought that my teacher was joking, but now it seems... there is some truth in it."

While talking, Kong Qiu took out a carving knife and a wooden comb from his pocket.

A trace was silently carved on it.

"Master Kong, you are..."

Seeing this, Yan Hui asked curiously.

"I used to read thousands of volumes, and every time I read a volume, I carved a stroke with this carving knife."

Kong Qiu smiled and raised the carving knife in his hand.

"Since I started to travel around the world today, I have to open a new record."

While talking, he carved a few words next to the trace of the wooden comb.

【Mountain God of Xiaocang Mountain-Life Sacrifice and Evil Sacrifice-Must Kill】

The engravings on it are enough to reveal the heart of Confucius.

Although he didn't think the divine water in that bottle was precious, could he really let the Xiaocang Mountain God refine it safely?

After refining, wait for a hundred years before going to harm the people?

Of course not!

So Kong Qiu made up his mind from the very beginning.

After returning to the State of Lu, he will definitely visit Xu Linyuan as soon as possible.

Seek the help of the teacher, or the help of several other brothers and sisters of the teacher.

After all, he must come to get rid of the Xiaocang Mountain God directly.

The carved knife is exactly what he saw when he traveled the world.

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