If the situation really got to that point, then no amount of background information would be of any use.

"...well, so it seems."

"But I have to argue with the two fellow Taoists in the west."

Therefore, Yuanshi Tianzun also murmured in a low voice.

It seems that some kind of determination has been made in his heart.

The next moment, a spiritual light flew out of his body.

The spiritual light turned into invisible energy, but it was heading towards the western Mount Sumeru! .

101. Confucius returned to Lu, Jixia Academy!

If people are changing like heaven and earth, the people who can be sensed will naturally not only be the saints and disciples of the Four Religions.

In fact, right after Confucius realized the Mandate of Heaven.

In the entire Three Realms, there are all those above quasi-sages who have a sense of the secrets of heaven.

Even Qiqi has already noticed the mysterious change.

And the generation of Daluo Jinxian can easily calculate the changes in the world if they calculate it.

Therefore, all the people in the Three Realms have understood the current situation.

For example, at this time, Xiniu Hezhou, Longevity Mountain Wuzhuang Temple.

An old Taoist priest wearing a green robe and white beard is sitting under a spiritual root.

There are one fruit after another on the spiritual root, but one or two are just like the newborn baby.

All five senses are complete, and all four limbs are present.

Cao Huan Dan, also known as ginseng fruit.

And the one sitting under the ginseng fruit tree is naturally the master of this Wutu spirit root——'the ancestor of the earth immortal' Zhen Yuanzi.

Based on the earth, the great supernatural being who was born at the beginning of the world is also lamenting the method of cutting off teaching.

"In this way, although it may not be possible to repeat the past feats of enshrining the gods - but the interpretation of teachings has to be done in one blow."

"Otherwise, it only needs to be one step late, and Confucius' certification... the teaching luck will be greatly damaged."

This Fude Immortal was also a person of the same generation as the saints in the past, so he can see at a glance the imminent situation of the two sects of explaining and cutting.

So he couldn't help but sigh naturally.

"Jiejiao's luck has declined so much, yet he can still drive Chanjiao to such an extent."

"Sage Tongtian has been trapped in Biyou Palace for 500 years, but his methods have become more and more terrifying!"

While whispering, a gleam flashed in Zhen Yuanzi's eyes.

But he also knows.

If the elaboration of teaching is comprehensive and dynamic, even if the teaching is cut off, it will take the lead.

But to say that he can win...is still too difficult.

The difference in basic strength is too great, and Zhen Yuanzi is not optimistic about Jiejiao.


What if?

"When it comes to virtue, the Tongtian sage is much more trustworthy than the one who explained the teachings."

He whispered.

"If you can really win by cutting 31 here, maybe my calculation..."

Exactly what I said before.

These are the great supernatural beings who were born when the world first opened and have survived to this day.

But there has never been a person who is incompetent.

Be it Jade Emperor, Kunpeng, or Zhenyuanzi.

Each has its own calculations.

And without a doubt, they all knew it too.

Now the upcoming battle between elucidating teaching and cutting teaching is destined to be a battle that will change the situation of the next Three Realms!

So inside and outside the Three Realms, everyone with insight.

All of them turned their gazes once again to the human city that had become the focus of the Three Realms decades ago.

State of Lu, Zouyi.

Inside the palace.

"Have you ever really thought it through?"

Xu Linyuan's figure was in the palace right now.

Beside him was an old man wearing a monarch's gown.

It was Ji Qi, the 'Duke of Lu Min' who once went to Yuanquan Mountain to worship the mountain and worshiped Xu Linyuan as a totem.

This monarch should have died at the hands of Qingfu at the age of ten in history.

Because of Xu Linyuan's relationship, he has lived to this age.

It was also because he changed the country according to some of the later generations' methods handed down by Xu Linyuan, that made the state of Lu strong and prosperous.

Of course, the ten-year-old little monarch in the past.

Now, he is already an old man in his twilight.

"The owner of the mountain was joking."

But at this time, Ji Qi grinned after hearing Xu Linyuan's question.

"After so many years, why have I ever been afraid?"

"That's true."

When Xu Linyuan heard the words, he nodded in approval.

In fact, he never thought of it.

This Duke Lu Min, who died unexpectedly in history, was actually a very capable monarch.

Because of the reason why Bang Zhou ignored Qingfu's seizure of the throne when he was young, he hated ethics most.

These years, Xu Linyuan was able to almost abolish the Zhou rituals in the Lu Kingdom, and the cooperation of this monarch is also an extremely important reason.

Otherwise, even if Xu Linyuan can still complete the previous calculations, it will take a lot of extra effort.

And this time it was the same.

Xu Linyuan never concealed from Ji Qi about what might happen next.

"This time to attack the teachings, we will definitely not hold back anything - the safety of the Lu country is at stake, are you really not afraid?"

So he asked again.

"The owner of the mountain has already made arrangements, so why should I be afraid?"

Ji Qi said with a smile.

"That's the Saint Sect."

Xu Linyuan laughed and said: "I have an arrangement, but how dare I say that I will win?"

"What's more, even if you win this battle, your country of Lu will definitely be a thorn in the flesh in the future...When the ceremony collapses in the future, it will probably not be able to survive."

He was very candid.


But Ji Qi laughed loudly and said: "That's it - the Lord of the Mountain has such an extraordinary body, yet he dares to risk himself."

"I am the king of Lu, how can I surrender without a fight?"

"As for the continuation of the Lu Kingdom..."

He shook his head: "The Lord of the Mountain promised me in the past, but it still counts?"

What he asked was obviously the condition he raised when he first met Xu Linyuan in the past.

Bless his descendants so that they will not be extinct.

Protect the people of the Lu Kingdom so that they will not perish.

"Nature counts."

Xu Linyuan naturally nodded slightly.

"That's it."

Ji Qi nodded.

"Where the people are, there is the state of Lu."

After speaking so far, Xu Linyuan didn't say anything more.

He just looked away from the Zouyi.

"came back."

he said softly.

Then his figure flashed, and he disappeared without a trace.

at the same time...

In the city of Zouyi, Confucius and Yan Hui returned to their hometown in a bullock cart without even returning home first.

He just bid farewell to Yan Hui directly, telling him to return to Zouyi first.

He himself came directly to the familiar barren mountain.

Stepping into the barren mountain, the changes in the surrounding scene made Kong Qiu feel very cordial.

And after a while, he saw the same fairyland-like scene that seemed to be eternal.

The 'fortune lake' where yin and yang are intertwined.

The mountain trees where countless red foxes play.

But to say the only change.

That is, the thatched cottage has disappeared.

Instead, there is a simple and magnificent attic.

Linyuan Pavilion.

And look at the word "Linyuan Pavilion" that has almost become a legend in Lu State, which symbolizes the owner of Yuanquan Mountain.

Kong Qiu was not surprised at all.

After traveling for so many years, he naturally had guessed about Xu Linyuan's identity.

And this time...

"Ah! The little bookkeeper is back!"

Accompanied by Yuan Ling's excited cry.

Kong Qiu saw those familiar brothers and sisters from the Shimen and walked out of the pavilion.

"Junior brother Kongqiu."

At this time, Tai Xi was looking at him with a smile.

"The teacher is waiting for you in the cabinet."

Liuli pointed to the attic behind her.

As for Xuan Chi, he still had a cool and cold face, but his eyes swept over Kong Qiu with concern from time to time.

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