So, Kong Qiu could only feel a sudden warmth in his heart.

"Senior Sister Taixi, Senior Brother Xuan Chi, Senior Sister Liuli..."

He bowed to the three of them, and said with a smile, "It's been a long time."

After finishing speaking, he walked directly into the Linyuan Pavilion.

Looking up, he saw Xu Linyuan sitting in the pavilion with a faint smile.

But when Kong Qiu saw Xu Linyuan, his expression was serious.

He stepped forward respectfully, and then... bowed three times and kowtowed nine times!

"Disciple Kong Qiu, meet the teacher!"

It's not in the thatched cottage in the old days, and it was called Mister.

At this time, what Confucius was doing was exactly the ritual of his own disciples!


But Xu Linyuan laughed loudly: "Since the apprentice has returned, can I get something?"

"I have gained something, but I still need the help of my teacher!"

Confucius did not hesitate at all - a teacher is like a father, and it is natural for a son to ask his father.


Xu Linyuan's smile didn't diminish, and he only said good.

Then he raised his hand, and Kong Qiu found himself in an attic.

It was an attic that he was very familiar with - when he was young, he studied and learned in this attic.

But it is worth mentioning that although he had noticed that there was an exit door in this attic.

But never opened the door.

But this time...


Without hesitation, Kong Qiu stepped forward and opened the door, and walked out!

And on the top of his head, the name of this attic - "Qiaodao Pavilion" is also very clear!

"Who is that!?"

"Someone came out of the Qiudao Pavilion?"

"How is it possible? Didn't it mean that the mountain lord closed the pavilion himself, even the gods couldn't get in?"

"That's the place where sages become enlightened!"

"He is... I seem to recognize him. He is the grandson of Naboxia, Kong Qiu—he traveled to various countries ten years ago!"

At the same time, the crowd outside the Qiudao Pavilion almost all the time also found Kong Qiu.

Over the years, Qiudao Pavilion has never been open to outsiders.

However, as the place where the old sages and old men enlightened to Taoism, countless people still come to watch it every day.

Even if you can't enter the cabinet, it's good to just have some sage air.

Naturally, they did not expect that someone would come out of the Qiudao Pavilion at this time!

At this time, Kong Qiu looked at the crowd below.

His expression was extremely firm.

"My name is Kong Qiu."

"A disciple of Yuanquan Mountain Master."

"I'm here today to announce something."

After his words fell, the discussions at the scene also stagnated.

Disciple of Master Yuanquan Mountain—this title is enough to frighten anyone in the country of Lu.

And no one suspected that Kong Qiu was lying.

As the totem of Yuanquan Mountain Lord, it is not possible to tear off his tiger skin at will in Lu State.

In the past, it was not that there were no wicked people who wanted to use the name of the mountain master to do evil things.

But in the end, it can only be said that it is not very good.

A purple thunder 763 fell from the sky, and it immediately turned gray.

Not to mention, Confucius still came out of the 'Qiaodao Pavilion'.

This is enough to show that his identity is not false.

So at this time, everyone also looked up at Kong Qiu.

But Kong Qiu did not hesitate.

"After today, the Qiudao Pavilion will reopen."

"I will be in it, teaching the knowledge of the books in the Taoist Pavilion."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of countless sages also lit up.

The Court of Seeking Dao is reopened!Master Shan's disciples teach knowledge in person!

This is undoubtedly a huge matter, enough to attract all the great sages from all over the world to come together!

However, what Confucius said next.

But it caused countless sages to suddenly change their expressions.

"After one month, I shall give my first lecture."

"In all countries, no matter how high or low, no matter your status or can come and listen to the lecture!"

"Everyone can enter the cabinet to copy books, and they can spread them all over the world at will."

As soon as these words came out, the countless crowd below were almost in an uproar!

Undoubtedly, this is the most direct impact on ethics.

What kind of place is Qiudao Pavilion?

It is the place where sages and sages enlightened, and it is a place of incomparable dignity.

But what did Confucius say?

Regardless of high or low, everyone can come to the Taoist Pavilion to attend lectures?

Anyone can copy the book in Qiudao Pavilion and pass it on?

What a violation of etiquette! ?

"The Qiudao Pavilion is a place where sages and sages seek the way, and you are the disciple of Master Yuanquan, but how dare you do that!"

The person below couldn't help but angrily scolded at this moment.

He is not from Lu, but a sage from another country.

There is still a lot of respect for etiquette.

But after hearing his words, Kong Qiu actually nodded his head.

"You are right."

"Since the Qiudao Pavilion is called Qiudao, it is naturally a place for sages to seek the way."

He whispered to himself, as if he felt something.

"Now, this place should not be called this name."

The words fall.

Xu Linyuan in Yuanquan Mountain also flicked his sleeves lightly.

As a result, everyone present saw the plaque on the Qiudao Pavilion.

The words "Qudao Pavilion" slowly changed.

The entire Qiudao Pavilion itself also began to change.

Only a moment later, the Qiudao Pavilion, which had stood in Lu State for decades, turned into a grand and simple palace.

And on the plaque, there are four brand new characters.

【Jixia Academy】! .

102. The Eight Great Golden Immortals are attacking together, and the three worlds are shocked by the wild words before the battle!

Among the countries of Bangzhou, what happened in Lu State undoubtedly spread throughout Bangzhou in a very short period of time.

Bo Xia's grandson 'Kongqiu' worshiped Yuanquan Mountain Lord as his teacher, and reopened the Qiudao Pavilion after returning from traveling around the world.

Qiudao Pavilion was turned into a school palace by the mountain master with great power, and it was called "Jixia School Palace".

After one month, no matter what status, high or low, everyone in the various countries can attend the lecture!

This is undoubtedly something that is enough to shock the nations.

You know, even merchants with money in their hands

There are very few classic books in their hands.

In this era, those precious classics are in the hands of those scholar-bureaucrats and descendants of immortals.

Not to mention those low-level people, farmers.

They don't say that they want to study, but they are trying to find it, which is "rude"-the words of the sages of the past, the rites of the Duke of Zhou, how can you and other mud legs be able to read them?

But now, Confucius has broken this rule.

No matter high or low, everyone can attend lectures and learn from books.

This is too much a violation of etiquette.

However, the people at the bottom of the world are all rejoicing.

Among other things, at least even the parents of farmers.

But he also inevitably hopes that his children will be nobles in the future.

They can't read, but they definitely want their children to read.


It is almost visible to the naked eye that there are countless people flowing towards Lu State from all the countries.

Of course, if only so.

That's actually fine.

After all, the countries are far and near from the Lu State.

How many people can really go to Lu State to attend lectures?

Not to mention those common people and farmers, the news is not smooth.

After getting the news from Jixia Academy, even if they really want to go.

But it is impossible to have the financial resources and ability.

But what surprised people the most was...

It was only a few days after Confucius established the Jixia Academy.

Within the various countries, there are also their own "Jixia Academy" established one after another.

These Jixia Schools in various countries were naturally not built by Confucius, but by the 72 disciples who followed him in the past.

"We pass on the way of Master Confucius and practice the method of Master Confucius."

"Educate the people and build a school!"

"The books among them are only collected by us now - soon we will send people to the country of Lu to copy the books from the Jixia Academy!"

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