After the preparations are complete, use this supernatural power to directly induce the earth's veins to form a formation to trap the enemy.

In the end, Wujue Mountain is pressed down, and Kowloon Divine Fire is covered with a cover.

At that time, everything will stop.

You know, under the control of Taixi, Wujue Mountain connects to the earth.

Its power is by no means inferior to the best innate spirit treasure.

If he was a quasi-sage, he might be able to barely fight against one or two with great mana.

But Great Master Lingbao and Qingxu Daodezhenjun have absolutely no possibility of escape.

So at this time, Xu Linyuan also only took a brief look at the Qingxu Moral True Monarch who was under Wujue Mountain and forced Lingbao to resist refining.

After that, it stopped paying attention.

It is also at this time...

"Brother Taiyi!"

From another battlefield, Master Yuding's unbelievably horrified voice has already been heard!resistance.

108. What is illusion and what is truth, Yuding cuts Taiyi?

Two flowers bloom, and one for each.

But not long ago, when Taixi showed her amazing magic power.

On the battlefield of Liuli, Master Yuding, and Master Taiyi.

Relatively speaking, the situation is very confusing.

Many people who eat melons in the Three Realms actually don't know what happened on the battlefield.

As for its reason, it is also very simple.

Because at this time, the entire battlefield is already surrounded by patches of pure white clouds.

That cloud is not an ordinary cloud, and it is difficult for spiritual consciousness to penetrate.

In the clouds, there are clear rays of clear light diffused, and the color of pitch black can be faintly seen.

And in the center surrounded by boundless clouds



Dao Dao Xian Guang Mana swept past.

Immortal Taiyi and Immortal Yuding have sacrificed their spiritual treasures 'Golden File of Taiyi' and 'Sword of Immortal Slayer' at this time.

At this time, they are fighting against the incoming enemy in this boundless cloud!

But what kept attacking them was not something else, it was the surrounding clouds.

These strange clouds continue to turn into tigers, leopards, bears and eagles and other strange beasts, attacking them!

"Brother Taiyi!"

But at this time, Master Yuding, who had killed another group of cloud beasts, looked very ugly.

"This place is treacherous, and this cloud beast is killing endlessly--do you know what kind of method this is?"

It is not difficult to speak from the beginning.

Since the appearance of Liuli, Master Taiyi and Master Yuding are naturally the same as their brothers.

He chose to fight Liuli.

The two sacrificed the Lingbao, and they used their mana to attack and kill Liuli.

But it has not had time to start.

The two of them could see the white clouds flowing on the palace gauze dress on Liuli's body.

Then, the surroundings became such a strange scene.

Master Yuding naturally knew that the surrounding scene should be some kind of formation.

But with his knowledge, he couldn't recognize this formation.

So he just asked this question at this time.

And Master Taiyi also looked serious at this time: "This formation... I seem to have heard Teacher Sage mention it."

"It is rumored that the sage of that sect is the best at formations, and he once created a great formation of dark clouds and clouds."

"This formation can collect the aura of heaven and earth, and use the formation method to turn it into a dark cloud beast."

"The cloud beasts are endless, and the surrounding clouds are even more difficult to distinguish between reality and reality—so this formation is both an illusion formation and a killing formation, and it is extremely difficult to deal with."

Right at the moment when he spoke, the two of them heard the sound of a beast roaring in their ears.


I saw that from the nothingness, another cloud beast jumped out of thin air at this time.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he was biting towards Daoist Taiyi!

"Senior brother be careful!"

At this time, Master Yuding also slashed out with a sword, cutting the 770 cloud beast into two.

"here we go again!"

At this time, Daoist Taiyi also sacrificed the golden file on the top of his head, and his expression was very ugly: "Spiritual consciousness is completely unable to perceive the trace of this cloud beast - you and I can only perceive it if it jumps in front of us... .”

"Is this also the method of the Mirage Yunxia Formation?"

Master Yuding also naturally knows the difficulties.

Spiritual consciousness is the key to the fighting skills of Daluo Jinxian like them.

At this level of cultivation, fighting each other is just a matter of a moment.

If you don't check for a moment, it is likely to kill you.

But if you are a mortal with the naked eye, how can you see clearly.

You have to use your spiritual sense to perceive in order to fight.

But in this formation, their spiritual consciousness is unknown.

Unable to perceive the surrounding situation at all.

So much so that even though the respective strengths of these cloud beasts are no more than the strength of Taiyi Zhenxian in the early stage, they still have several dangers.

"Do not..."

But Daoist Taiyi shook his head.

"As far as I know, there shouldn't be any means to influence the consciousness in the Great Cloud Formation."

"But... Junior Brother, do you remember the tail on that woman's back just now?"

Master Taiyi said this, Master Yuding also frowned.

When Master Taiyi said this, he naturally came to his senses—there were indeed several fox tails behind Liuli.

"Brother, you mean..."

So he immediately widened his eyes.

"Hmm... Then Liuli should be a fox demon."

"And with Xu Linyuan's vision of recruiting disciples, it is likely to be a nine-tailed sky fox!"

Daoist Taiyi guessed.

"Nine-tailed celestial fox... the art of phantom god?"

So Master Yuding reacted instantly.

He hadn't thought about the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox before.

The main one is the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox, which also disappeared from the Three Realms long after the Lich Calamity.

But now that I think about it carefully—since the ancestral dragon has reappeared, what's so strange about the appearance of a nine-tailed sky fox?

As for why the tail of the nine-tailed celestial fox is silver-white instead of the gold and jade color as rumored, he is not surprised either.

For a monster of the level of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox, wouldn't changing the color of its fur be like eating soup?

So he naturally had some guesses in his mind.

At this time, the strangeness of their spiritual sense induction should be the iconic "Phantom God Art" of the nine-tailed sky fox!

"Junior brother, please remember...that illusion technique is extremely strange."

Master Taiyi said with a serious expression: "If it is really a nine-tailed sky fox, then everything in the formation here is unbelievable."

"Even the things sensed by the divine sense are untrustworthy—only the laws of heaven and earth, the aura, time and space are credible!"

After Master Taiyi said this, Master Yuding also nodded solemnly.

Exactly the truth.

This is also one of the only methods summed up by monks in ancient times to deal with the nine-tailed sky fox.

The art of phantom gods is indeed too strange, even the induction of the primordial spirit's consciousness is likely to be false.

But there are only some things that cannot be deceived even by the magic trick.

That is the law of heaven and earth, time and space, and the aura of heaven and earth, which is self-conceived by heaven and earth.

Because they are the world itself in a sense, monks can sense their existence without the soul and only with the true spirit.

It was also at this time that Master Yuding heard Master Taiyi say again: "As for the method of breaking the formation..."

"The longer you are trapped in the formation, the lower your chances of winning will be."

Daoist Taiyi hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth.

A trace of determination flashed in his eyes!

"Since that's the case...Junior Brother Yuding, protect the law for me!"

"I forcibly activated the source of the Taiyi Gold File, and burned my own morality——forcibly broke this formation!"

As soon as these words came out, Master Yuding's expression changed drastically!

"Brother, no!"

He naturally knew the weight of Taiyi's words.

Mobilize the origin of Lingbao and burn your own way.

That's a real death-defying means.

Once it is used, the spirituality of the Taiyi Golden File, an innate treasure, will be greatly damaged immediately.

It will take at least thousands of years of sacrificial refining before it can be restored.

Even, there is a possibility that it cannot be recovered at all.

Not to mention burning one's own morality, that is an even more debilitating move.

Once the Taoism is burned, it is impossible to fully recover without ten thousand years of penance.

"Brother Taiyi, even if you want to fight hard, I have to come..."

Daoist Yuding said the same thing at this time.

But Daoist Taiyi was very decisive: "Junior Brother, this matter is related to my teaching and teaching luck!"

"What's more, my Nine Dragons Divine Fire Shield was taken away, and your spiritual treasures and magical powers are all higher than mine... Junior brother, you must have some tricks that you haven't used yet?"

As soon as this question came out, Master Yuding naturally understood the meaning.

Daoist Taiyi's previous favorite spiritual treasure 'Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover' was taken by Xu Linyuan, leaving only the Taiyi Gold File, which is not a strong low-grade congenital spiritual treasure.

But Daoist Yuding is different.

He was able to teach Yang Jian as a disciple, although Yang Jian's own talent accounted for a large part of it.

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