But real Yuding really has the means to suppress the bottom of the box.

The word "Zhanxian" in his Immortal Sword is not for nothing!

"Brother Taiyi, I understand!"

So Master Yuding also nodded, with a serious look on his face: "Once you get rid of this formation, senior brother, I will immediately use the hidden means of the Immortal Slaying Sword...to kill that Liuli."

"Okay - I knew it, junior brother, you really have hidden tricks!"

Master Taiyi nodded in relief upon hearing this.


"go with!"

He tapped lightly on the golden file on top of his head.

Afterwards, it was seen that the Taiyi gold file exploded with unprecedented power at this time!



The surrounding clouds began to be blown away in an instant!



Countless cloud beasts hiding in the cloud wailed, and were then annihilated by the golden light of the Taiyi gold file!

The complexion of Taiyi Daoist quickly turned pale.

"Brother Taiyi..."

Seeing this, Master Yuding was moved.

He could feel that his true spirit's perception of the laws of heaven and earth was gradually becoming clearer!

The array is indeed being gradually cracked!

But right now...

"Junior Brother Yuding!"

A shout came, and Master Yuding turned his head quickly.

"Brother Chi Jingzi!"

But it can be seen that (dbec) is actually the Chi Jingzi, and the mana is surging all over his body.

It seemed to come in directly from outside the cloud!

"Junior Brother Yuding, you and Junior Brother Taiyi have been trapped in this formation for a long time—I am here to rescue you from the formation!"

Chi Jingzi's quasi-sage mana surged, easily blowing away the cloud.

Master Yu Ding is indeed very familiar with that breath—it is indeed the breath of Chi Jingzi.

"Senior Chi Jingzi, senior Taiyi..."

But just when Daoist Yuding was overjoyed and wanted to meet Chi Jingzi.

"Jade Ding!"

Daoist Taiyi's roar of suppressing the pain really directly interrupted the surprise in his heart!


The art of phantom gods!

Immortal Yuding realized the situation instantly, and then mercilessly raised the Immortal Severing Sword in his hand towards Chi Jingzi.

"Junior Brother Yuding, you..."

And that Chi Jingzi had a horrified look on his face, which made Master Yuding hesitate for a moment.

But just a moment later, he was determined.

Cut out with a sword, directly cut the 'Chi Jingzi'.

It is to see that the 'red sperm' really split into two, and directly turned into a cloud and dissipated!


At this time, Master Yuding secretly thought that he was lucky.

'This technique of phantom gods is really terrifying, even the mana breath is the same... I knew it a long time ago, but I was almost stunned! '

Thinking of this, he also looked at Daoist Taiyi: "Brother Taiyi, thanks to you!"

If it wasn't for Taiyi Daoist who was mature and prudent, reminded him.

I'm afraid that at this time, he has already been successfully attacked by that red sperm.


But Master Taiyi was obviously at a time of extreme difficulty at this time, so he nodded reluctantly with a pale face.

"Junior brother, don't trust any other people who appear here... to protect me."

"Since the woman named Liuli is showing an illusion at this time, it means that she is really in a hurry."

As soon as Master Taiyi said this, Master Yuding naturally nodded in approval.

Isn't that so?

At this time, Liuli hurriedly showed the phantom of red sperm, isn't it just a manifestation of her anxiety?

"Brother, don't worry, I will protect the law for you!"

Hearing these words, Immortal Yuding stood next to Immortal Taiyi to protect him.

And as expected...

Next, I saw various illusions appearing in the dissipating clouds and mist.

At the beginning, it was Guangchengzi, Chijingzi, the true king of Qingxu and morality.

But after Master Yuding killed them all without hesitation.

The illusion that appeared turned into more cloud beasts and various monsters.

While constantly beheading these monsters, Master Yuding also discovered it.

His true spirit's perception of the laws of heaven and earth is almost completely clear.

So, he also looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Junior Jiejiao, your illusion is nothing more than a trick - I am not deceived by the illusion, but what can you do to me?"

But it was suppressed for too long, and he couldn't help mocking.

And when his words fell...


Daoist Taiyi behind him also yelled angrily!

So, accompanied by the Taiyi gold file, there was a real roar!

The surrounding clouds finally dissipated completely!

As a result, Daoist Yuding was finally able to see the light of day again.

The breath of the earth's veins, the power of the sun sprinkled by the sun stars in the sky, as well as the laws of heaven and earth and the clear aura around him all made Master Yuding feel extremely comfortable!

Then, his gaze instantly looked not far away.

There, Liuli in fox fur was looking at him with a little horror!

And on his body, the palace gauze that looks like a white cloud is also emitting bursts of divine light!

"Junior brother! Hurry up - she's going to use that formation again!"

At this time, Master Yuding could hear the extremely weak voice of Master Taiyi who was burning with Taoism behind him.

So Master Yuding naturally did not hesitate at all.

Of course he understands - if he is trapped in that formation again, there will be no next Senior Brother Taiyi to burn Dao Xing and break the formation for him!

"Junior Jiejiao, die!"

So Master Yuding didn't hesitate, just pulled out the Sword of Immortal Severing.

Then with a lift of his left hand, a hole was cut in his finger.

Gurgling blood flowed out from it, and every drop of blood carried powerful mana.

That is the essence and blood of Daoist Yuding!

And Master Yuding directly wiped the blood essence on the Immortal Sword in his hand!




As a result, the blood-drinking Immortal Slashing Sword made the sound of a real sword cry as if it had come to life!

Slashing Immortal Sword——As the name suggests, it flourishes only when it sees blood!

This sword was forged from an ancient congenital iron found in a remnant of the Longhan period by Master Yuding when he traveled to the Western Lands in the past.

The ancient iron was later calculated by Yuanshi Tianzun, and it was determined that it was left by the Dazizai Tiantian demons led by the demon ancestor Luohu during the early robbery of the Long Han Dynasty.

And if there is no accident, the Heavenly Demon to which this ancient iron belongs should be the head of the four great Demon Generals under the Demon Ancestor - Killing the Heavenly Demon 'Ji Du'.

So after this sword was refined, it was called the Immortal Slashing Sword.

It has the power to kill.

The greatest supernatural power is what Daoist Yuding used at this time.

Inject the essence and blood of the original source, and you can make a sword that is comparable to a top-grade or even a top-grade innate spirit treasure!

In fact - when Master Yuding was fighting with Xu Linyuan before.

If it wasn't for Xu Linyuan's use of Zhou Tian Xing Chen Dharma Body, he would almost instantly kill Daoist Yuding.

Maybe, Xu Linyuan himself had already tried the power of this sword himself!


So I saw Master Yuding raised his hand and directly sacrificed the Immortal Severing Sword!

And the Immortal Slaying Sword instantly turned into a dazzling sword light and flew towards the colored glaze.

Just wrap around her neck and cut it!


The surging sword energy tore apart the clouds and clouds in the sky, and the murderous aura soared to the sky!

But at this time, Master Yuding heard the last words of that 'Liu Li' before he was beheaded.

"Junior Brother Yuding, don't..."

It was a voice that definitely did not belong to Liuli, and was extremely familiar to Daoist Yuding.

next moment...


I saw the sword light turning, and blood spilled.

That 'Liuli' head landed directly on the ground!

Only the soul and primordial spirit flew out of that head.

But if you take a closer look at the appearance of the soul.

Wearing a Taoist robe, holding a dust whisk, with a gray beard and white hair.

But if it's not the real Taiyi, who is it?

Seeing this scene, Master Yuding naturally widened his eyes.

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