But compared to Nine Heavens Demon Patriarch and Yun Zhongzi.

Guang Chengzi and Chi Jingzi, who had been suppressed by Xu Linyuan before, couldn't bear it now.

"Xu Linyuan...I admit that you are amazing."

"But what about the future of the Barefoot Immortal?"

"You alone, do you still want to fight against the four of us!?"

This kind of bullying the few with the more should actually be very embarrassing, but Chi Jingzi insisted on speaking out with a sense of pride.

And Guang Chengzi also had a ferocious expression on his face, he only urged his mana to hang Fan Tianyin in front of his body: "Today's humiliation... will never end with you!"

With one against two, he was suppressed by a big Luo Jinxian.

For him who is proud and arrogant, it is even more uncomfortable than killing him.

Now he naturally wanted to kill Xu Linyuan with all his strength, in order to wash away the grievance in his heart.

While speaking, the four quasi-sages also stood in the same direction and approached Xu Linyuan

But what they didn't expect was...


Xu Linyuan, who was surrounded by four people, nodded at this moment.

"With one against four, the new additions are fellow Daoist Yun Zhongzi and Daoist Zhenwu... Even I have some difficulty."

Xu Linyuan could roughly understand his current strength.

To deal with a quasi-sage of two corpses, chop melons and vegetables.

To deal with the two quasi-sages of the two corpses, he has the upper hand.

Dealing with the three quasi-sages of the two corpses is probably already very difficult.

Against the four quasi-sages of the two corpses, there is almost no chance of winning.


"But I made some preparations early, just in time to entertain fellow Taoists."

Xu Linyuan suddenly smiled and looked at Guang Chengzi and Chi Jingzi: "Actually, I've wanted to ask for a long time—don't the two fellow Taoists wonder why I came here to punch each of you?"

As soon as these words came out, Guang Chengzi and Chi Jingzi were also taken aback.

Obviously, they really didn't think about this problem.

After all, Xu Linyuan did similar things when he fought Nezha and Yang Jian before.

So they originally thought that changing the battlefield was just Xu Linyuan's habit, or it was out of consideration to protect his disciples.

777 But the next moment...their expressions changed drastically!

Not only them, but Yun Zhongzi and the Nine Heavens Demon Slayer Patriarch.

At this time, they all sensed the changes in the surrounding world at the same time.


The sound of the wind, the sound of the wind!


The sound of water, the sound of gurgling water!

But it happened here, after Xu Linyuan and Guang Chengzi had been fighting for so long.

Everything around has been beaten beyond recognition, where did the wind and water come from?

But the next moment, Guang Chengzi knew the answer.

Because he saw impressively, from all directions of the battlefield where they were.

Strange rays of light burst out from the veins of the earth, and a formation of flags appeared according to the appearance of the three talents and the virtue of the nine palaces.

The next moment, the surrounding world has changed.

Xu Linyuan's figure disappeared in place, replaced by a scene that seemed to be the end of the world.

The boundless black mist filled the air, and a vast and winding river could be faintly seen in the black mist.

The wind is howling, and the evil spirit invades people.

The black mist filled the air, and the sun and the moon obscured it.

It's the lingering, miserable atmosphere.

It can be seen that the haze is penetrating, and the Yellow River has nine turns!

There is no straightness in the nine songs, and it is the wonder of good fortune.



The faces of Guang Chengzi and Chi Jingzi became even paler at this moment.

It was as if they had returned to the nightmare of the Battle of Conferred Gods 500 years ago.

"Nine Twist Yellow River Array!".

117. The nine bends of the Yellow River are immeasurably majestic, Guangcheng please show the Pangu banner!

Recognize;, quasi, "Qian: Xun;'First.! Send!! Capital": Source. Middle:. Turn:; Skirt;2:"0!!6,8"5.'6;0'.5: 3 While recognizing the fierce array of the three realms, Guang Chengzi and Chi Jingzi recovered their three corpses almost instantly.

Afterwards, all the spirit treasures were directly sacrificed and hung above the head.

Then Chi Jingzi seemed to realize something, and hurriedly shouted: "Senior brother Yun Zhongzi, fellow true martial artist—quickly remove the five qi, cover up the three flowers, and cut off the consciousness!"

As soon as he said those words, he made Yun Zhongzi and Nine Heavens Dangmo Patriarch completely incapable.

Block the five qi, cover up the three flowers, and cut off the consciousness?

Wouldn't it mean that the five qi are blocked, the three talents are not manifested, and the spiritual consciousness is not effective?

After this set of operations, wouldn't the combat power drop by [-]%?

But just after a moment of hesitation, Yun Zhongzi took a mouthful of air in the formation.

Then, the True Immortal of Ford's eyes widened in an instant.

Because with the inhalation of this breath, he suddenly felt that his consciousness was tainted in an instant.

His whole body's mana is even more sluggish in an instant.

With the power of the whole body, he went for a hundred years on the spot!

So Yun Zhongzi didn't care about other things, and immediately sacrificed his own spiritual treasure "Water Spark Basket" and hung it above his head.

Seeing this, the Nine Heavens Slaughtering Demon Patriarch followed suit, and immediately sacrificed the true martial arts sword.

At the same time, according to what Chi Jingzi said, cover up your own energy and consciousness.

"What a fierce formation!"

Then, Yun Zhongzi and the Nine Heavens Swinging Demon Patriarch Fang Cai sighed in unison.

Both of them were also a little pale, obviously stunned by the terrifying effect.

Take a breath, and you will drop a hundred years of mana directly! ?

"Two fellow daoists, please explain the situation in detail!?"

So the Nine Heavens Slaughtering Demon Patriarch said directly to Guang Chengzi and the two of them.

After all, these two were both victims of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation in the past, so they should be able to explain the effect of this formation.

Although Chi Jingzi still clearly has some shadows, but at this time he insisted and said.

"There are three great features in this Nine-Twisting Yellow River Formation."

"One, is the atmosphere around here."

He first pointed to the gusts of wind.

"This wind is not an ordinary wind, but a wind that erodes immortals—this wind can transform three talents, and if one inhales it, it will lose a hundred years of mana."

"Secondly, it's the mist."

He pointed to the boundless black mist again.

"This wind is the bad fairy mist - this thing can destroy the primordial spirit, and if the primordial spirit is slightly contaminated, it will be destroyed for a hundred years."

"The third is this formation."

Finally, he pointed to the Jiuqu Yellow River again.

"The formation of the Jiuqu Yellow River is difficult to understand. According to the Jiugong gossip, the entry and exit gates are constantly changing."

"To break through this formation, um... I have no means."

Hearing these words, the expressions of Yun Zhongzi and Nine Heavens Dangmo Patriarch were naturally extremely ugly.

Isn't this bullshit?

If you, Chi Jingzi, have the means to break through this formation, the reputation of the Jiuqu Yellow River formation will not be so great.

Not to mention the red sperm - in the past, the combination of the Twelve Golden Immortals and the Lantern Taoist couldn't break through this formation.

In the end, it still forced the sages Yuanshi and Laozi to end in person.

In the end, the formation was broken and Yunxiao was taken.


Yun Zhongzi sighed even more at this time.

"If I knew the karma of the past, I would have to repay it today."

He didn't participate in the battle of Jiuqu Yellow River Formation when he became a god in the past, but he was secretly thankful.

But cause and effect reincarnated helplessly, but today he couldn't escape this catastrophe after all.

"No, the situation here is not as bad as before!"

But at this time, Guang Chengzi, who had been showing hesitation beside Chi Jingzi, walked over with Fan Tianyin on his head.

At this time, there is also a little firmness in his expression!

"The scariest thing about this formation in the past was that Yunxiao's Hunyuan Jindou—to be captured by that Jindou is to directly lock the soul and true spirit, and there is no way to use it."

"Combined with the evil wind and bad fog, this is extremely terrifying!"

What he said here also showed fear.

In fact, the nightmare of the past was just as he said.

Yunxiao's Hunyuan Jindou is really too powerful.

You must know that the Hunyuan Jindou is now in the Songzi Gong, but it is used as a reincarnation artifact.

Its own effect can be imagined - it directly affects the true soul.

Once caught by it, it directly locks the true soul.

Then put it into the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation.

In this way, everyone naturally didn't even have the slightest ability to resist.

Next, there is the real nightmare - Hunyuan Jindou directly cuts the soul realm, destroys the immortal mist and destroys the primordial spirit, and the eclipse of the fairy wind cuts mana and supernatural powers.

Cooperating with this formation that can't escape at all, it is really the supreme fierce formation of "losing the god of the immortal, eliminating the soul of the immortal, trapping the shape of the immortal, damaging the spirit of the immortal, losing the original essence of the immortal, and damaging the limbs of the immortal" .

"But this time, at most, Xu Linyuan begged Yunxiao for the map of the Nine-Twisting Yellow River."

"The Hunyuan Jindou is now a heavenly artifact, but it is impossible to use it."

Hearing Guang Chengzi's analysis, the three of them felt reasonable.

Indeed—there is no such thing as the most terrifying Hunyuan Jindou to lock the true soul.

The Nine-Twisting Yellow River Formation, which is also aimed at the 'spiritual spirit', 'dao' and 'mana', lacks the most terrifying point.

It is not difficult for them to drive the Lingbao to resist the wind and mist.

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