It is completely possible to look for opportunities safely and break this formation.

"What's more, I also..."

At this time, Guang Chengzi was about to speak.

But the next moment, his words suddenly stopped.

Not only him, but the remaining three quasi-sages were also taken aback at this time.

Because at this time, they all saw

Hidden in the black mist and gloomy wind, the vast river can only be vaguely seen in shape.

At this time, it looked like an extremely huge black dragon.

From the boundless black mist, rage surged.


The river flows backwards, piercing through the black mist, but it is showing the true face of the river.

The river was as black as ink, like the source of all waters.

As a result, the eyes of the four quasi-sages all stared wide.

Even if they can't sense it with their spiritual sense, they can guess what it is just by looking at the dark water flow!

"One yuan heavy water!"

The rivers in the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation are all transformed by one-yuan heavy water!

Then, the four of them realized Qiqi—this was the most terrifying thing.


Just like what I said before, the unary heavy water itself has its special features.

Its weight is not only in the mana of the physical body, but also falls directly on the soul!

In other words, it has a role similar to that of Hunyuan Jindou in the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation.

And the most important thing is that although Hunyuan Jindou is powerful - but it is a spirit treasure after all, and only one person can be taken at a time.

The boundless Yellow River composed of one-element heavy water is different...

"々. Hurry up!"

Yun Zhongzi shouted angrily, and the four quasi-sages naturally moved together.

But where can they go, who are already trapped in the formation?


The four of them could only see the sound of violent running water coming from anywhere around them accompanied by huge waves.

There are bursts of eclipse winds, and the mist of evil spirits rises.

Heavy water hits the sky and creates waves, how can Da Luo Jinxian escape?

In an instant, the boundless mysterious water and the dark wind and black mist submerged the four of them together.

And the four quasi-sages have already sacrificed the magic weapon of the spirit treasure, but how can they really resist this terrifying wave.




One yuan of heavy water is constantly covered and pressed, and every drop is as heavy as a mountain.

As a result, the spiritual treasures sacrificed by the four began to lose their aura almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And the black mist and wind directly penetrated through the protection of the spirit treasure and fell on them.

As a result, the cultivation bases of several people began to plummet at a speed that was almost visible to the naked eye!

100 years, 200 years, 300 years...

In just an instant, the cultivation bases of the few people dropped by more than 3000 years.

As the torrential and huge waves continued to sweep, it was as if a pitch-black giant snake was about to entangle everyone in the formation to death.

This is the power of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation.

What is the ancestor of the Nine Heavens Slaughtering Demons, what is the true fortune of the immortal cloud neutron—even if he has just arrived, his state (Zhao Qian's) is in full bloom.

As long as you enter this formation, there is nothing you can do!

"My life is over!"

And that Yun neutron sighed even more at this time.

But it is also at this critical moment of survival.

Naturally, Guang Chengzi didn't have any hesitation.

"Please Saint Lingbao!"

He roared angrily, then gritted his teeth and took out a spirit treasure from his bosom.

That is a short flag, its length is no more than half a person's height.

Dusty, nothing special about it.

That is the air of chaos.

And it was at the same time when the banner was taken out...


Xu Linyuan, who was sitting cross-legged in the void and driving the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, was also taken aback.

"I never thought that this treasure is actually in the hands of Guang Chengzi."

He stood up slowly, with a slightly serious expression.

He knew... the original plan to win these four people by relying on the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation to settle this dispute might not work.

And Chi Jingzi, Yun Zhongzi and Nine Heavens Dangmo Patriarch all stared at the short banner in Guang Chengzi's hand with wide eyes.

Wuhe—it is really the name of this treasure, which is too resounding in the Three Realms!

Among the five innate treasures, the one held by Yuanshi Tianzun is pure.

That's... Pangu Banner! .

118. Pangu Shakes the Void and Breaks the Void, and the Chaos Bell Rings Time and Space Congeal

Under the terrifying power of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, Guangchengzi has already taken out the final hole card given to him by Yuanshi Tianzun.

I saw that at this moment, he no longer cared about the Nine-Twisting Yellow River Formation.

Just facing the short banner in front of him, he bowed down.

"And please help my baby, break this formation!"

He bowed three times to the short flag.

Then, on the short banner... Taos of immortal light appeared out of thin air.

The nine banners fell down, sending out waves of gray air.

That is the air of chaos!

Hunyuan Yiqi takes this as the first, and practiced Taixuan for thousands of kalpas.

Don't know that there are many changes in it, and the momentum of Pangu's banner is boundless.


So the next moment, an indescribable power began to spread.

Everything in front of the swaying short flag seems to have become fragile glass products.

That power began to spread.

So everything was 'broken open' without a sound.

The black mist and the wind disappeared silently.

One yuan of heavy water disappears in an instant.

Even the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation was torn open a huge gap in silence.

And the spreading of that power continues.

It was as if the Great God Pan Gu who used to hold a huge ax and break through chaos waved the sky-opening ax in his hand!

He laughed loudly, and his voice spread throughout Chaos: "Open up! Open up!"

As a result, the space is also broken.

Thus, time is also cut off by it.

In just a moment, all the laws of heaven and earth where the entire Jiuqu Yellow River Formation is located have been completely torn apart.

It was as if a 'hole' had been torn open abruptly in the middle of the entire Three Realms world.

And in that void.


The boundless water, fire and wind are constantly evolving.

Time and space are chaotic, and thousands of paths are intertwined.

Xu Linyuan knew the scene.

He had witnessed it with his own eyes in Linyuan Realm.

That is Hongmeng has not been judged, all the original 780 scenes.

That was the scene before the world opened up.

That is

"Break through the void."

Xu Linyuan, who had experienced the power of piercing the void once in Linyuan Realm, looked at the huge 'hole' between the sky and the ground.

And this power is also the symbol of Pangu Banner itself!

"The pinnacle of development, Pan Gu Banner."

Each of the five innate treasures symbolizes the ultimate in a certain aspect.

As for the Pangu Banner, it obviously inherited part of the power of the former Great God Pangu who created the world.

It is undoubtedly the 'extreme development'.

Whether it's all restrictions or all spirit treasures.

Even the world itself is something that can be 'broken' in front of Pangu Banner!

At this time, with the Pangu banner breaking through the nine-curved Yellow River formation.

The four quasi-sages who finally saw the light of day also had different expressions.

Chi Jingzi looked at Pangu Banner with surprise and jealousy.

He didn't expect that Yuanshi Tianzun would let Guang Chengzi take charge of the Pangu Banner.

You know, this is the strongest treasure of a saint in the true sense.

It is something close to the body, rarely the kind that is away from the body.

Yuanshi Tianzun handed it over to Guang Chengzi as his trump card in this battle.

It can be seen that he values ​​Guang Chengzi far more than Chi Jingzi.

As for Yun Zhongzi, at this time, he looked fortunate that he survived a catastrophe.

At the same time, his complexion is also extremely ugly.

Because it was only for a moment that the Jiuqu Yellow River Array was manipulated.

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