Confucius has been crowned, and the Three Emperors have been born.

The overall situation has been decided, even a saint cannot change it.

"Everyone is like a dragon... Junior Brother Kong Qiu's vision is really amazing!"

At this time, Tai Xi, who was also relieved, also said with emotion.

"Yes, yes! How majestic!"

And Liuli nodded again and again.

They were all watching Kong Qiu grow up.

At this time, seeing Kong Qiu's certification, it is the fate of heaven.

Naturally, she was really happy for him.

"Hmm... as expected of Benlong's junior."

Even Xuan Chi nodded slowly with a cold face.

But in his eyes, there was a little envy flashing.

The three emperors greeted each other, and all the people worshiped each other——Confucius was indeed very majestic.

Envy but don't say.JPG.

When Xu Linyuan heard this, he also chuckled.

"Do not worry."

"In the future, there will be times when you will be majestic."

He also looked in the direction of Zouyi from a distance, and murmured in a low voice.

But in the eyes, it is also full of relief and satisfaction.

The matter of Kong Qiu was the method of obtaining luck that he immediately thought of after traveling to the Three Realms.

Especially since then, with the increasing number of cards in hand.

Xu Linyuan also kept increasing the stakes in the matter of Kong Qiu.

It can be said that it is in Xu Linyuan's plan to revive the teaching.

Confucius is undoubtedly an existence that occupies a very large weight.

For this reason, Xu Linyuan had already begun to make arrangements even when Lao Dan was certified.

He first persuaded the sages of the Taiqing to let Lao Dan be born in Lu State, and worship Confucius' grandfather Bo Xia as his teacher.

Then build the Qiudao Pavilion, and keep a third of the spirit in this spiritual treasure.

In the end, he transferred the humane spirit brought by Lao Dan to Confucius through Qiu Dao Pavilion.

Let him bear part of the luck of the old Dan and part of the luck of the people of Lu State.

Not to mention more than ten years of teaching Confucius every day.

Teach him some thoughts and thoughts of future generations.

It can be said—compared to Confucius who admired ethics and dreamed of Duke Zhou in the original history.

Today's Confucius is a more perfect Confucius sage who said "Confucius was not born in the sky, eternity is like a long night".

The law he established to educate the people is far more perfect than his original history.

All these plans will usher in the final harvest at this time.

And at the same time...

"Meet the Three Emperors."

It was seen that on the curtain of that day, the Three Emperors descended.

Confucius also bowed his hands to the Three Emperors from afar.

At this time, the Three Emperors also bowed their hands to Confucius in return: "I have seen the sages."

Then, the 'emperor' Fuxi, the head of the three emperors, was also the first to speak: "Today's sage's certification is the great joy of the human race."

Afterwards, the 'Emperor of Earth' Shennong also laughed and said: "It is the right principle in the world to educate the people."

Finally, the 'Human Emperor' Xuanyuan finally said: "The sages established this law, but they don't know the name of this law?"

Each of the three of them said a sentence, and each of them was very dignified.

When Confucius heard the words, he also thought for a moment.

Then, he smiled.

"I would like to see everyone like a dragon, and what I teach is what people need."

"Even so, it's better to call it the word 'Confucianism'!"

When the word Confucianism fell, the three emperors clapped their hands together and smiled.


As soon as the words fell, a dark golden seal appeared from the top of the head of the Three Emperors.

In fact, it is the treasure of humanity that helped the Three Emperors return to the throne in the past-Kongtong Seal!


But at this time, I saw the Kongtong seal sprinkled with boundless brilliance between the sky and the earth.

Afterwards, countless great supernatural beings in the three realms could sense it together.

Between the heaven and the earth, the human race is located.

A new law, a new way...has been recognized by heaven and earth, and it has come into being independently!

Its name is 'Confucianism'!

It does not belong to the category of immortals and Buddhas, nor is it among demons.

It is the law of the human race's enlightenment, and it is also the law of the human race's own survival!

From this moment on...humans don't need to adjust lead and practice mercury, but to practice golden elixir.

As long as you are familiar with the book, you can warm up a ray of righteousness in your heart.

Then you can practice Confucianism and Taoism, and it is difficult for all monsters to invade, and it is difficult for all evil to enter.

Since then...

The human race has the ability to educate and educate, and it will last for thousands of years!


The countless human races below, Qi Qixin felt something at this moment.

Just like paying homage to the Three Emperors before, he bowed down to Kongqiu Qiqi.

"Human race, meet Kong Sheng!"

It's not Confucius - the virtue has reached this point, and the son is no longer respected.

The only holy word is the only name the human race calls Kong Qiu today!



 793 From between heaven and earth, luck and merit appear in the boundless dark place.

That merit and luck almost covered the sky and the sun, covering the Three Realms.

The unprecedentedly huge weight was even so huge that it made countless great supernatural beings of the Three Realms dumbfounded!

Even in the impressions of some extremely ancient great supernatural powers.

This level of luck and merit has only been achieved three times since the creation of heaven and earth.

The first time was when the Taoist ancestor became enlightened in the past and started to practice.

The second time was when Nüwa became enlightened in the past and twisted earth to create human beings.

The third time was when the Three Emperors became enlightened and the human race prospered forever.

And this time... is the fourth time!

Seeing this scene, even the Master Tongtian in the chaos couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

"Good boy...he really didn't lie to me!"

Xu Linyuan mentioned it to him a long time ago.

Kong Qiuhui is a great sage far surpassing Lao Dan to the human race.

He still couldn't believe it.

But now it seems... that disciple of mine really wasn't bragging!

But at this time, the boundless luck and merits began to disperse just like when Lao Dan was certified before.

I saw that among them, one of the virtues and luck directly turned into little golden light and sprinkled.

It fell on Taixi, Xuanzhi, Liuli and others, and even scattered in the distant Yuanquan Mountain.

As brothers of Confucius' sect, they can naturally share in the merits of Qi Luck.

And don't look at just [-]%, it sounds very little.

But because the luck and merit that Confucius gained this time are too great.

So even if it is this success of merit and luck, it can be said to be huge to the extreme.

So I saw Xu Linyuan's three disciples entering the body with a huge amount of luck and merit.

The cultivation of the three of them changed qualitatively in an instant!

In just an instant, the three of them had all broken through to Daluo Jinxian with their original cultivation bases at the peak of Taiyi True Immortal!

And on the faces of the three little guys, Qi Qi also showed surprise at this time!

But obviously, this is not the end.

At this time, I can only see the remaining [-]% of the luck and merit in the sky.

Count them all at this moment, drop them all!

And their targets are none other than Kong Qiu and...Xu Linyuan! .

127. The Treasure of Humanity, Jixia Academy!

Above the sky, the remaining [-]% of luck merits fell.

And in the envy of countless people.

Thirty percent of them fell directly towards Xu Linyuan.

That's right - Xu Linyuan's merits and virtues are as much as [-]%!

But this is also justified.

After all, he is the teacher of Confucius, and at the same time, he helped him a lot in the process of attaining the throne.

More than ten years of teaching, providing books, and instructing him to travel to various countries.

It can even be said that Confucius can prove the throne.

Xu Linyuan's contribution is probably only inferior to that of Kong Qiu.

Therefore, he received a full [-]% of the merit.

Not too surprising.

That huge luck merit, just looking at it, makes countless top supernatural beings in the three realms drool.

"The three disciples of Master Yuanquan only shared half of their luck merits, and broke through from Taiyi True Immortal to Daluo Golden Immortal!"

"This Yuanquan mountain master has as much as [-]% of the merits of luck... After refining and absorbing, he will become a quasi-sage immediately!?"

"It's more than that? The amount of merit and luck is too terrifying—I don't think it's impossible to cut off the two corpses directly!"

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