But in the sigh of countless great supernatural powers.

To their surprise, Xu Linyuan never absorbed that exaggerated luck.

Instead, he just raised his hand and stretched out his sleeves, that is to put away this huge amount of luck.

"Not absorbed?"

So everyone in the three realms was naturally taken aback.

Naturally, they didn't know that Xu Linyuan needed to put his luck into Linyuan's affairs.

So they were naturally extremely astonished at the fact that Xu Linyuan hadn't directly absorbed these luck.

But only the next moment.

They also turned their attention back to the remaining [-]% luck.

And of the remaining [-]% luck, [-]% fell directly on Kong Qiu himself!



Silently, the aura around Kong Qiu began to undergo extremely terrifying changes in an instant.

Boundless righteousness emerges from his ancestral orifice, and is born from the dantian.

All laws of heaven and earth move with his body!

His breath keeps growing.

Almost in an instant, a mortal has reached the height of a quasi-sage in the immortal way.

Of course, Confucianism and Taoism do not have the theory of immortals and Buddhas.

Confucianism and Taoism do not cut corpses, do not practice the law, and have no concept of quasi-sage.

So maybe the realm of Confucius can be called a 'quasi-sage of Confucianism and Taoism'?

At the same time, the carving knife in Kong Qiu's left hand.

And the two wooden combs in his right hand.

It was also transformed by huge luck and merit in an instant, showing endless miracles.

Obviously - these two ordinary things.

During this time, the essence was also changed by luck and merit.

It has become two spiritual treasures containing the power of Confucianism and Taoism.

People in the Three Realms only need a rough induction to judge it.

Just talk about the breath of power.

The breath of each of the two wooden combs is comparable to a top-grade innate spirit treasure.

And that carved knife is even more comparable to the best innate spirit treasure.

"did you see?"

But at this time, Xu Linyuan smiled and said to the third little brother beside him: "You wait, Junior Brother Kongqiu, this leap has become stronger than all of you~¨."

"If you don't work hard, the position of this senior sister and senior brother will be difficult to protect!"

As soon as these words came out, the three disciples stared in unison.

But unfortunately, I really can't find any reason to refute.

Now that they have broken through the Da Luo Jinxian, they think that they are absolutely invincible among the Da Luo Jinxians.

But for his younger brother, an unprecedented pioneer of Confucianism and Taoism, plus a quasi-sage in the realm of Confucianism and Taoism.

But they naturally know that most of them are still a little bit worse.

After all, if you really want to talk about it—compared with Zulong, the number one creature in the world, there may not be much difference between the most holy and the most sage in the world.

After teasing the three disciples, Xu Linyuan naturally turned his attention to the last [-]% luck.

As for the ownership of the two percent luck.

He naturally had some guesses in his heart.

And as expected...


The last [-]% of the luck that was spilled came after a short stay.

It just falls directly below.

But the bottom is not something else, it is where Confucius is...Jixia Academy!


That boundless luck directly merged into the entire academy.

Therefore, the golden light rushing into the night pierced the sky at this time.

And from that school, the original "Tao Te Ching" cast by Lao Dan in the past is also constantly swaying.

It seems to be echoing with the entire Jixia Academy.



The spirit of Jixia Academy revealed itself, and suddenly there was an indescribable and mysterious change.

It is as if its existence itself is something eternal.

It is compatible with the luck of the human race, and corresponds to the dharma of the heaven and the earth.

And this kind of mysterious and mysterious strange breath.

"Jixia Academy is actually an innate spiritual treasure?"

All insightful people in the Three Realms, at this time, naturally finally saw the truth.

This former Qiudao Pavilion is now the Jixia Academy.

In itself, it is actually an innate spiritual treasure!

And what's even more unbelievable is here...

"The treasure of humanity..."

A secluded true cultivator who had already become enlightened during the period of the Three Emperors murmured unbelievably.

He almost doubted whether what his soul sensed was real.

That's right - the eternal presence, the breath corresponding to the luck of the human race.

It is just like the 'Kongtong Seal' of the Three Emperors, it is the aura of the most precious treasure of humanity!

"Yes, yes!"

He whispered, his eyes flickering.

"First, Lao Dan certified the sage, then the Qiudao Pavilion is already the place where the sages of the human race became enlightened, and there is also the "Tao Te Ching" written by Lao Dan."

"Afterwards, Confucius established Confucianism and Taoism again, opening a new lineage for the human race—the Qiudao Pavilion was transformed into the Jixia Academy...but it is also the place where the sages of the human race became enlightened!"

"In addition, Lu people's vitality is nourished day and night."

"This Jixia Academy is in line with the destiny of educating the human race."

"The two sages, the boundless luck of the human race, and the destiny of the sages—this Jixia Academy can be turned into a treasure of humanity."

"Jiejiao calculates...too powerful, too powerful!"

He was speechless for a while.

Not to mention him.

At this time, even the Yuanshi Tianzun in the chaos, and even Amitabha who is fighting with Laozi, and Zhunti Buddha's mother who is fighting with Nuwa.

At this time, everyone's expressions were shocked.

What is the Supreme Treasure of Humanity, how do they not know?

As the name suggests, it is something that is truly related to the human race's lineage!

Since the creation of the world and the birth of the human race.

Like the Supreme Treasure of Humanity and the Supreme Treasure of Merit, 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda', there is only one in the entire Three Realms.

That is the treasure of humanity 'Kongtong India'.

Even the saints all covet it.

The reason for coveting is not because of its power and supernatural power.

In fact——Although Kongtong Yin's supernatural powers are very powerful, they are comparable to the highest-grade innate spirit treasures.

But the most important thing is the status of 'humanity treasure'!

This seal was born from the Kongtong fairy mountain, which is the place where the human race was first born.

It was this supreme treasure of humanity that allowed the three emperors to return to their thrones and the five emperors to establish their relationships.

Whenever there is a major change in the human race, the supreme treasure of humanity is needed to determine the fate.

After the return of the Three Emperors, it has been under the control of the Three Emperors.

Holding this treasure, one is innately connected with the fate of the human race.

It can be said that it is the fundamental magic weapon of the human race.

If the saints hold this thing, then in the game of saints every time the dynasties change.

Guaranteeing the bottom line can increase the chance of winning by more than [-]%.

Even if the calculation failed.

With the help of Kongtong Seal, a treasure of humanity, one can also share the luck of the human race, so that the great religion will not perish.

Even if he is determined to forcibly force Kongtong Yin to replace the luck of the human race with all his strength, it is not impossible to change his fate against the sky.

Just like the time when the gods were conferred in the past.

If Jiejiao holds Kongtong Seal in his hand.

Then even if a saint makes a move, it will be very difficult to shake Cheng Tang's luck.

The foundation of the entire calamity may change because of this.

And this time...

However, the Jixia Academy is clearly connected with the fate of humanity, and has become a treasure of humanity!

Although it has a humane aura and merits, it cannot be compared with the Kongtong seal for the time being.

But its essence is the real treasure of humanity!

And with the spread of Confucianism and Taoism in the world, the connection between Jixia Academy and the fate of humanity will inevitably become closer and closer!

"々. Tongtian... How is this possible..."

Rao Yuanshi Tianzun didn't even have any anger in his heart at this moment.

It was an unprecedented panic.

He looked at Master Tongtian, but he didn't look like the Sanqing brothers he had known since the opening of heaven and earth.

Instead, it was like looking at a stranger.

Even he felt that this calculation was too terrifying!

Because judging from the current situation, this treasure of humanity has clearly been perfectly calculated by the interception teacher since the matter of Lao Dan.

And the most important thing is the particularity of Kong Qiu's own destiny.

His destiny is to educate the human race, and he is not like the Three Emperors who will fully fulfill his destiny once he is certified.

It is a continuous process that constantly affects the human race.

He needs a carrier, the carrier of enlightenment itself!

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