Of course, in fact, there is nothing to do if you don't vote and admit defeat-Confucius has already certified.

The three emperors personally congratulated the birth of the world, and the treasure of humanity has also been set.

Now unless Yuanshi Tianzun is like the master of Tongtian, just flip the table and everyone don't play.

Otherwise, you have to swallow the fruit.


It's pointless to continue to entangle and struggle—instead, it's just losing the last bit of saintly dignity.

With Yuanshi Tianzun's temper, naturally this would not be the case.

After all, he is different from Master Tongtian.

The leader of Tongtian religion values ​​love and righteousness, and was really in a state of "barefoot and not afraid to wear shoes" before.

So he dared to lift the table.

But what about Yuanshi Tianzun?

His temperament is cold and thin.

Just talk about the current teaching.

Although he did suffer a huge loss, even the foundation of his youthful luck was dug up.

But the thin dead camel is bigger than the horse.

With so many years of accumulation of good fortune, plus Bangzhou, there are still 130 or [-] years before the ceremony will collapse.

But it is far from the time when ammunition and food are exhausted and the table needs to be turned over.

So Yuanshi Tianzun will naturally not make any ugly moves.

But at this time, after hearing Yuanshi Tianzun's words.

But Xu Linyuan shook his head without hesitation: "The sage's words are wrong—just like the Nine Dragons Divine Flame Shield before, the Mi Lingdou is my disciple Xuan Chi's spoils of war."

"Since the saint wants to get it back, he must let the Daoxing Tianzun get it back himself."

"What's more, my disciple Xuan Chi is only a disciple of three generations of my interception teaching, and the Dao Xingtian is a noble man who is personally passed down by a saint, but he bullies the younger with the big... If this spirit treasure is returned to him, wouldn't it be shameful to explain the teaching out of thin air?"

As soon as this remark came out, don't say it was Yuanshi Tianzun.

Even the Master Tongtian really felt that his disciple's mouth was a bit poisonous.

Get it back in person?

Your disciple is Zulong!

Daoxing Tianzun and Huanglong Daoist were all beaten up by him before, not to mention that now Xuanzhi is even part of the luck that got the certificate of Confucius and broke through Daluo.

Daoxing Tianzun wants to take back the Lingbao from him, is it possible?

There is also bullying the small by the big - although this is indeed true, it is too slapstick to say it like this.


As expected, at this time Yuanshi Tianzun was also so angry that the saint's Dharma body was trembling.

"As for the real Huanglong..."

Seeing that Xu Linyuan wanted to speak, Yuanshi Tianzun also snorted coldly.

Then his figure flashed, and the saint's mana disappeared directly in place.

Only a cold but angry voice was left behind: "You have to keep Lingbao, and I will let Daoxing go to your disciple to get it back in the future."

"As for Huanglong...huh! Let him go or not, just wait and see for yourself!"

"Also--junior, don't think that you have won by cutting off the teaching here."

"In the future, there will always be a time for reckoning!"

But he didn't want to listen to Xu Linyuan's words at all, so he put down his harsh words and left directly.

Its meaning is also very simple.

Lingbao is indeed a spoil of war - after all, in fact, when the disciples of Chanjiao were enshrining the gods in the past, they also snatched many Lingbao from the disciples of Jiejiao.

The most direct one is Zhao Gongming's Dinghai Shenzhu, which is still in the hands of the ancient Buddha Dieng Deng.

But Daoist Huanglong and Yuanshi Tianzun's words have a very clear meaning.

Baby, you can stay - he will let Daoxing Tianzun save his face later.

But man, you have to let it go...or you will suffer the consequences!

As for the saint's threat, no one would take it seriously.

In the meantime, even the leader of Tongtian shook his head and came to Xu Linyuan's side.

"Teacher, you are so angry with Yuan Shi."

"But if it's just for the yellow dragon, it's not worth it..."

He is very clear.

Yuanshi Tianzun's anger value is basically full at this time.

When he put down these words, if Xu Linyuan forcibly wanted to keep Huang Long or kill Huang Long.

Then the interpretation of teachings may not wait for any sages to play chess, and it will directly start a full-scale war.

At that time, even if Jiejiao has regained momentum now.

But it is also likely to be a lose-lose situation with Chanjiao, and in the end, it is likely to be benefited by Buddhism out of thin air.

But in the view of Master Tongtian—for a mere Daoist Huanglong, it is natural that this step would not be necessary.

"Teacher, it's not like you said it."

And Xu Linyuan glanced at Master Tongtian with a half-smile.

"You bastard, what are you talking about!"

Master Tongtian also laughed and cursed when he heard the words.


If Jiejiao is still the previous Jiejiao, then he must not listen to Yuanshi Tianzun's words at all.

If both sides are hurt, both sides will be hurt, who is afraid of it?

But now, the situation in the Three Realms has changed drastically.

Jiejiao has new disciples, and all of them are monster-like characters.

At the same time, there is more repression of the fate of people and the treasure of humanity.

Naturally, the leader of Tongtian will not explode like a gunpowder keg as before.

On the contrary, he will calmly consider for his own disciples and for the rejuvenation of the great teaching.

"Okay, Master, don't worry."

But Xu Linyuan saw that the leader of Tongtian seemed to want to speak, but he also shook his head with a light smile: "The disciple will naturally let Huanglong go."


He stopped speaking, and only whispered the sound.


After hearing Xu Linyuan's words, the leader of Tongtian raised his eyebrows.

129. The heavens are amazed, the Buddha is injured!

"it is good!"

After hearing what Xu Linyuan said through voice transmission.

Master Tongtian frowned, but then he also smiled and said: "Since you have already made arrangements, as a teacher, you don't need to ask more questions."

"After all the work here, it's inconvenient for me to stay in the human world as a teacher—but I also returned~ I went back to Biyou Palace!"

After all, he pointed at Xu Linyuan again.

"It's you, who has to deal with the matter here...but you also have to come to Biyou Palace."

After his words fell, Xu Linyuan nodded immediately.


He already had a lot of questions he wanted to ask the Master Tongtian, so he would naturally go to Biyou Palace in a while.

But soon after, he suddenly remembered a question.

"By the way, teacher—but I don't know that Empress Nuwa and Grand Master..."

When he was busy with the certification of Confucius, he really forgot about the situation of these two saints.

"Junior Sister Nuwa and Senior Brother Laozi dismissed the two Buddhist sages, so naturally they also returned to their ashram."

But Tongtian Cult Master spoke at will.

Hearing this, Xu Linyuan suddenly realized.

But that's what it should be.

In the final analysis, the two Buddhist sages probably participated in the battle only after being invited by Yuanshi Tianzun.

Here, the elucidation of teachings failed, and Confucius was certified.

Naturally, these two would not fight Lao Tzu and Nu Wa to the death, so it was only natural to withdraw.

As for Nuwa and Laozi—these two sages also helped Xu Linyuan because they owed Xu Linyuan karma.

The two Buddhist sages were dismissed here, so it was impossible for them to bid farewell to Xu Linyuan in their sage status.

Naturally, they went back to the dojo.

"Teacher—you... how are you doing?"

But at this point, Xu Linyuan asked curiously.

Naturally, one must be curious - the six saints all came out to fight each other, even when it was the time of conferring gods, it never happened.

This kind of unprecedented, it is also a rare opportunity to know the means of each other's saints.

Xu Linyuan naturally wanted to ask clearly.

"Then Yuanshi is naturally invincible as a teacher."

The Master Tongtian spoke calmly, but there was undisguised confidence and arrogance in his words.

Don't talk about calculations and deduction, just talk about supernatural powers.

He really didn't take Yuanshi Tianzun seriously.

Even if he didn't retrieve the strongest spirit treasure 'Four Swords of Zhuxian', he could still fight Yuanshi Tianzun holding the Pangu banner.

"As for Nuwa's junior sister and Nazhunti Buddha's mother...the two are fighting in the map of the mountains and rivers."

"Junior Sister Nuwa has been cultivating in the Wahuang Realm for many years, so her magical powers are naturally superior."

"But although Na Zhunti's practice is common and common, but only his Buddha body can conceive all appearances, and the means of saving his life are perfect."

"Although Junior Sister Nuwa has an advantage, she has never been able to do anything against him."

Master Tongtian said this, but he clearly disdained Zhunti Buddha's mother.

But after hearing this, Xu Linyuan could understand.

From this point of view, Zhunti Buddha's mother should be the best among the six saints.

But that's what it should be.

After all, Zhunti Buddha's mother is responsible for the dirty work of Buddhism, and even if she is purely practicing on weekdays, most of them don't really know how to practice.

It is reasonable to have the worst cultivation.

But then, even the words of Master Tongtian seemed a bit unique.

"As for Senior Brother Lao Tzu and that Amitabha Buddha... the situation of the battle is far beyond my expectations."

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