Speaking of this, Master Tongtian also sighed a little.


Xu Linyuan also frowned.

He is naturally very clear - in the original evaluation of Master Tongtian.

For Laozi and Amitabha, the evaluation can be said to be the highest among all saints.

One of these two is the first sage of Taoism, and the other is the first sage of Buddhism.

Each is calculating and profound, making people completely unpredictable.

But this time, the situation of the battle was obviously beyond the expectations of the leader of Tongtian!

Immediately after, Xu Linyuan heard the slightly emotional voice of Master Tongtian.

"Although Amitabha Buddha wanted to cover it up, how could it be better than being a teacher?"

"Disciple, what I have gained from Lao Dan's certification...maybe much more than you and I originally expected!"

at the same time

The Western Pure Land, Mount Sumeru.

In the infinite heights of the Buddhist world, two Buddhist saints returned to their pure lands.

Then I saw the boundless dharma temple, and all the ten thousand Buddhist niches appeared.

Zhunti Buddha's mother sat back on the lotus platform, but her complexion was not good-looking.

"It's a pity, but this place is blocked by that Nuwa."

He sighed, his words full of pity.

"Otherwise, if we can bring that Xu Linyuan to my Western Land, and seize his Chaos Bell and the spiritual treasures around him—by the way, it is impossible to say that the sage's luck and the supreme treasure of humanity can all share a piece of the pie!"

He complained to Amitabha beside him, but there was no intention to hide his thoughts between the words.

As a saint, it is very rare for him to express his thoughts directly.

But it is normal for the second sage of Buddhism.

Because in fact, even the Three Realms condemn Zhunti Buddha's actions.

There is also a lot of contempt for what Buddhism did in the past.

But I have to admit - the two saints of Buddhism are in the true sense of the same spirit.

The two have been together since the beginning of the heaven and earth's transformation.

Zixiao Palace listened to the Tao, the Lich measured the calamity, and then went to the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, the battle of the Conferred Gods.

The two have never had any conflicts, and the strength of their friendship is absolutely beyond doubt.

Zhunti Buddha Mother is even willing to give up the practice of saints and do those despicable things.

Just to let my brother Amitabha, can practice Zen and enlightenment with peace of mind.

This kind of friendship, to put it bluntly—compared with the Sanqing who share the same origin but made a fight between life and death, in fact, the two Buddhist sages are more like brothers.

So naturally, Mother Zhunti has always spoken directly to Amitabha.

And the more she talked, the more pity Zhunti Buddha felt.

For the barren West, even in these years he has worked hard to plunder resources, talents and spiritual treasures from the East.

But things like the Chaos Clock, the Purple Thunder Hammer, the Fishing Drum, and even the Supreme Treasure of Humanity, the Luck of the Sages.

For Buddhism, it is still a precious thing that is beyond reach.

Not to mention anything else—even the two Buddhist saints obviously lacked more than a bit of spiritual treasure background compared to other saints.

And what about Xu Linyuan?

The spiritual treasure and opportunity on his body at this time are really comparable to a saint!

At least none of the two Buddhist sages can compare to him!

Therefore, Zhunti Buddha's mother naturally coveted Xu Linyuan very much.

But after his words fell, Amitabha Buddha suddenly coughed lightly: "Ahem..."

"Senior brother!?"

So Zhunti Buddha's mother instantly widened her eyes and looked at Amitabha Buddha in disbelief.

At this time, I saw a drop of Buddha's blood dripping from the corner of the Buddha's mouth.

Even the Buddha nature that seems to be eternal and untouchable in his body seems to be slightly shaken!

"Originally injured?"

So Zhunti Buddha's mother almost lost her voice.

"Brother, how could this be!?"

he asked anxiously.

However, he never expected that Amitabha, who was far stronger than him, would be injured by the original source in this short fight.

・・・ Flowers・・・

Although it is said that the saint is immortal, the Dharma body is neither damaged nor damaged.

But when saints fought against each other, there were naturally winners and losers.

If you hurt the source, you will be hurt by the Dao.

Then even for saints, it will take a long time to recover.

"Fellow Daoist...cough cough...the Dao Xing has gone a step further!"

But Amitabha sighed at this time: "In the past, although my spiritual treasure was not enough, I thought that I could fight against it invincibly."

"But here...ahem..."

The Buddha shook his head and sighed, with more grief on his face.

"Senior brother, why did you say that?"

Zhunti Buddha's mother also said angrily when she heard the words: "Brother just didn't play his hole card, if he did..."

As soon as he finished his words, Amitabha raised his hand to stop his words.

"Junior brother, speak carefully."

Although his body was injured by the Dao, Amitabha's voice was still calm: "My Buddhist background is weak, and until I have a great plan...don't play the trump card lightly."

"not the right time yet."

Does Fomen have a hole card?

Of course there are—and more than one.

But Amitabha and Zhunti Buddha knew that now is not the time.

If they played those hole cards, they would definitely be feared by countless powerful people in the Three Realms.


There are even one or two saints, I am afraid that they will directly oppose them.

But if it is used at this time, does it make sense?


The two sages of Buddhism have always been good at forbearance, especially Amitabha.

So even if Lao Tzu used his means to hit Dao Injury, he still didn't use his hole cards.

"The Dao injury here is hard to heal, I need to use that supernatural power to retreat and cultivate."

Amitabha said softly.

"In the next few days, the younger brother will need to take care of the Buddhist gate."

"Junior brother, please remember—if that Yuanshi Taoist friend comes to you to ask for water from the pool of merits and virtues of the Eight Treasures."

"There is no need to be embarrassed, and it is with him."

After his words fell, Zhunti Buddha's mother naturally knew what her senior brother meant.

Yuanshi Tianzun had several disciples under his seat this time, especially two quasi-sages who died in flesh.

Although it is not difficult to reshape the physical body, it is very difficult to shape a physical body with a good enough foundation.

However, the Eight Treasures Merit Pool of Buddhism has the wonderful function of reshaping the physical body and purifying the spiritual platform.

"Fellow Daoist Yuanshi begging us here is already a big promise."

Amitabha Buddha continued: "Because it has been planted, there will be retribution in the future."

The meaning is very simple.

Yuanshi Tianzun wants more now.

There will be more things to pay in the future.

Buddhism never lacks patience.

"Brother, don't worry."

Zhunti Buddha Mother nodded naturally when she heard the words.

Although he was reluctant to let go of the pool of merits of the Eight Treasures, he never doubted his senior brother's judgment!


The two of them are brothers and sisters, so there is no need to speak clearly.

So accompanied by Amitabha Buddha's singing of 'Infinite Life Buddha'.

At the highest place in the Buddhist world, the figure of Amitabha Buddha disappeared directly.

In situ, there are only bodhi leaves that repeat the cycle of withered yellow and emerald green.

But Zhunti Buddha's mother saw the disappearance of Amitabha, and her complexion kept changing.

He still coveted Xu Linyuan's countless opportunities in his heart.


"He is in the human dojo, but I have no chance."

Zhunti Buddha Mother sighed unwillingly, but slowly closed her eyes.

"All kinds of ghosts are destroyed, pull out the mud of life and death of all living beings, pay homage to such a wise teacher, and I will say to Dharma Zanglun..."

He just sits upright on the lotus platform, with a solemn treasure, reciting Buddhist scriptures and participating in Zen for thousands of years.

130. The Jade Emperor was shocked when the war ended, Huanglong wanted to betray Biyou Palace?

Accompanied by all the saints, they left and returned to their dojos.

Everyone in the Three Realms naturally knows that the winner has already been decided.

"Hahaha! Lei Zhenzi, your master was completely destroyed by my little uncle—but you still haven't escaped?"

But at this time in the world, Li Xingba and Wang Mo, who were fighting Lei Zhenzi, were also laughing.

The cultivation bases of the two of them were above Lei Zhenzi's in the past, but after being on the list of gods these years, their cultivation bases cannot be saved.

Here, the fight with Lei Zhenzi is evenly matched.

Seeing that the overall situation has been decided now, he naturally laughed out loud!

On the other hand, Lei Zhenzi's already ugly face became even uglier.

Obviously, the development of the situation here has completely exceeded Lei Zhenzi's expectations.

The teaching plan was defeated, and even his master Yun Zhongzi was destroyed by the chaotic clock.

In addition to the surrounding area, those casual cultivators of the Three Realms have basically been captured by the heavenly soldiers.

Naturally, Lei Zhenzi's eyes were tearing apart, he wished he could eat Li Xingba and Wang Mo in front of him!

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