For a long time, he has claimed to the Three Realms that the Dinghai Divine Orb was given to him by the Lord Tongtian! (This detail is mentioned in Chapter 25)

So from the perspective of the Dragon Clan, the situation is obvious.

Zulong fell in the early robbery of Longhan.

After his fall, Daozu Hongjun took away his spirit treasure and only sent back his corpse.

Afterwards, Dinghai Shenzhu was given to Master Tongtian by Hongjun.

Then, it was given to Zhao Gongming by the leader of Tongtian.

The logic is very smooth, there is no problem at all!

But only Xu Linyuan knew it well.

That Ding Sea God Orb was not bestowed by the Master Tongtian at all, but discovered by Zhao Gongming himself!

But Huang Long's words at this time continued.

"In addition, His Majesty Zulong left behind a legacy before his fall~¨."

"This inheritance can only be sensed by the blood of the ancient dragon."

"To this day, most of the Three Realms are only known to me."

Having said this, Master Huanglong also showed a decisive look.

Dang even waved his hand and pulled it from the top of his head.

Afterwards, a memory appeared with the magical power of the 'Mysterious Light Technique' commonly used in the Three Realms.

And there is no doubt - that is obviously what he said, the inheritance memory of the ancient dragon clan.

As for Xu Linyuan, he could also see that the figure of a majestic man appeared in his memory.

Wearing a dragon robe and a dragon crown on his head, he looks mighty and extraordinary.

Even if it's just a piece of inherited memory, it seems that one can feel the powerful coercion of his expression.

It is worth mentioning that its appearance is [-]% similar to that of Xuan Chi.

Its identity is naturally needless to say.

In the early robbery of the Dragon Han Dynasty, the eldest son of heaven and earth - Zulong.

"The descendant of Fanwu Dragon Clan."

At this time, the Zulong's words were obviously a little weak.

Xu Linyuan could even hear some sense of relief, joy and relief from it.

"When I see this inheritance, I must have fallen."

"There are three orders in my will, and you must not violate them!"

There was an undeniable domineering in his words.

"First, our Dragon Clan will inevitably decline after this catastrophe. This is the general trend of the can't go against the sky."

"I have asked Fellow Daoist Hongjun to keep my body away—with my body here, you should be able to protect yourself."

And his first will made Xu Linyuan somewhat astonished.

According to Xu Linyuan's knowledge, the Xiantian clan was very domineering when the Dragon Han Dynasty was first robbed in the past.

Hongjun, the ancestor of Taoism, had a bad relationship with the three Xiantian clans at that time.

But between Zu Long's words, it was clear that he trusted Hong Jun very much.

"Secondly, you must never go looking for the Sea Eye of Absolute Beginning. If there are dragons trying to find it——kill them all!"

And Zulong's second will made Xu Linyuan frown even more.

Don't look for the location of the sea eye in the beginning, if there is a dragon looking for it, kill it... What's the situation?

Even if the sea eye in the beginning had been destroyed, Zulong didn't have to be so strict, right?

But if the first two decrees only made Xu Linyuan a little stunned.

Then the third will that followed made Xu Linyuan instantly stunned.

"Thirdly, the dragon heritage and many spiritual treasures I brought back have all been sealed in the 'Conquering Demon Palace'... If one day, there will be another ancestor dragon in the world."

"Wait, let's take out these foundations and spiritual treasures, and do everything... to kill that ancestral dragon!"

As soon as these words came out, even Xu Linyuan had a cool face beside Xuan Chi.

At this time, he was also dumbfounded.

"Zulong, want to kill Benlong?"

He blinked suspiciously, apparently not expecting such an outburst.

But at this time, Xu Linyuan was thinking crazily in his heart.

He knew that Master Huang Long probably didn't lie to him.

Because the other party had absolutely no reason to lie to him.

Then, at this time, the problem is very big.

Because what Master Huanglong said fundamentally contradicted Xu Linyuan's knowledge in too many places.

For example, the fall of the ancestor dragon.

According to Huanglong real person, the ancestor dragon fell after the early robbery of the Dragon Han Dynasty, and it was Taoist ancestor Hongjun who sent his body back to the dragon clan.

However, the two treasures, Dinghaishenzhu and Xuanyuankongshuiqi, disappeared mysteriously.

The Dragon Clan naturally thought it was Dao Ancestor who had taken away the Lingbao, so they didn't dare to say anything.

But obviously, this cognition is fundamentally wrong.

"Dinghai Shenzhu was discovered by senior brother Zhao Gongming himself, which means that the Taoist ancestor did not take away Zulong's treasure in the past."

"It should be the one left in the abandoned Sea Eye of Absolute Beginning before the fall of the ancestral dragon!"

Before the Zulong fell, he went to the Sea Eye of Absolute Beginning.

But what was he doing there?

According to Master Huanglong, Zulong has clearly moved all the spirit treasures in Taichu Haiyan in advance and placed them in the 'Conquering Demon Palace'.

Then before it falls, it is necessary to go all the way to Taichu Haiyan to put the Dinghai Shenzhu there...

It can't be for the wanderers to return home, right?

In addition, there are many doubts.

For example, Zulong clearly took out the inner treasure of the ancient dragon clan.

But it happened to be sealed to prevent the Dragon Clan from using it.

So much so that the Dragon Clan has been bullied by others for so many years, but they have no way to fight back.

It even made the leader of Tongtian believe that the dragon clan did not inherit the heritage of the ancient dragon clan.

Of course, the biggest contradiction lies in Xuan Chi!

"Ancestor Dragon left an egg in that sea eye, which was obtained by Senior Brother Zhao Gongming."

"The ancestral dragon egg must be transformed by the ancestral dragon himself with his own life source."

"However, in the last order he left behind, it said that if an ancestor dragon is born, all dragon clans are required to kill it."

"Even the many spiritual treasures in the Demon Subduing Palace seem to be reserved for this matter - the Demon Subduing Palace will not open until a new ancestor dragon is born."

There is no such reason in this world.

He kept the ancestral dragon eggs, but hoped that his people could kill the new ancestral dragons.

This is where the biggest contradiction lies!

Also, order all dragons not to look for the location of the Sea Eye in the Beginning...

It was as if there was an existence that the ancestor dragon hated and feared was sealed in the abandoned Sea Eye of Absolute Beginning.

"々. There must be a huge secret about the eventual fall of the ancestral dragon!"

"Even his behavior, there is a big contradiction."

"Also...if what Master Huanglong said is true, then what exactly is the thing in Beiju Luzhou Sea Eye!?"

Xu Linyuan frowned.

Even he, at this moment, already felt that he couldn't turn his head around.

The only thing he can be sure of is that there must be a great opportunity in Beiju Luzhou Sea Eye.

After all, this is calculated by Master Tongtian himself.

As for the mana of a saint, even at the peak of Zulong, there is no comparison.

So even if there were any secrets about the fall of the ancestor dragon in the past, there is nothing wrong with it - there is indeed a treasure in the sea eye in the beginning.

But the only problem is that the opportunity in the sea eye is definitely not the treasure house of the ancient dragon clan.

But other treasures.

It is related to the truth about the fall of the ancestor dragon in the past.

And have to say...

Xu Linyuan is actually not interested in the truth about the fall of Zulong.

But he is more interested in the things stored in the sea eye at this time!

"After a while, I will ask Xuan Chi for some ancestral dragon blood...then go check it out myself!"

He made up his mind secretly.

As for the possible danger in it, he is not afraid at all.

After all, nothing else to say.

It's just the Taoist Robe of Cutting Heaven, the Chaos Clock and the Dharma Body of Creation.

Xu Linyuan can basically say that there are only saints in the Three Realms.

Even if other people can defeat him, it is impossible to kill him!

Even if the ancestor dragon is resurrected, it is the same.

And the thing sealed in the abandoned sea eye obviously couldn't be a saint.

Therefore, Xu Linyuan naturally had no fear at all.

But after thinking about it, he looked at Master Huanglong again.

Now, he naturally understands the reason for Huang Long's actions here.

But at the same time, he also asked: "The order left by Zulong in the past is to kill Xuan Chi."

"But why do you..."

He didn't finish the question, but Master Huang Long naturally knew what he meant.

So Master Huanglong also smiled wryly: "We don't know the reason of Zulong's legacy in the past."

"But now, our Dragon Clan...doesn't care about any legacy anymore."

When his words fell, Xu Linyuan naturally understood.

Isn't it?

With the status of the Dragon Clan in the Three Realms today.

Even if Xuan Chi was born, most of them would not be able to take care of carrying out the somewhat crazy last order of Zulong in the past.

What's more, even if they really want to carry out the will... can they do it?

Naturally impossible.

Xuan Chi is Xu Linyuan's disciple, who has been passed down for three generations!

If the Dragon Clan dares to attack Xuan Chi, Jiejiao will destroy the Dragon Clan immediately!

Quite the opposite.

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