In the eyes of the Dragon Clan...

The appearance of Xuan Chi, the ancestor dragon, is actually an opportunity for the rise of the dragon clan.

Therefore, Xu Linyuan did not ask Master Huanglong any other questions.

He just nodded and said: "Since that's the case, then Fellow Daoist Huanglong... Happy cooperation!"

He said so, but there was a little smile in his words.

He is very clear.

After the battle of Kong Qiu's throne.

Three years later in 130, the collapse of Bangzhou and Liyue began.

When it is time, there will be great changes in the world.

All saints, there must be another battle of chess.

And that game is likely to be a battle between Jiejiao and Explainjiao that really determines the outcome.

At this time, Huang Long's real card came unexpectedly.

It is likely to play a vital role at that time! .

133. Confucianism, Daoism and supernatural powers follow the words, and the Jade Emperor wants to order the Great Emperor Chen!

In the world, after three months, Yuanquan Mountain.

It is late autumn in the world.

But in Yuanquan Mountain, hundreds of flowers are still in full bloom.

At this moment, there was only a flash of a figure.

The figure of Confucius has already appeared in Yuanquan Mountain.

"Brother Kong Qiu!"

And as soon as he arrived, Yuan Ling yelled happily.

"Senior Brother Kong Qiu is here again - did you bring me something delicious this time?"

Yuan Ling moved with small steps, and soon came to Kong Qiu's side.

"Junior Sister Yuan Ling asked repeatedly, so naturally she brought it."

Kong Qiu smiled, and took out an oiled paper bag from his bosom.

There are some common snacks in Lu State.


So Yuan Ling cheered, took the snack and picked up a piece to eat.

She gave all the rest of the snacks to the little foxes who came with her.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

At this time, a little fox was still calling to Kong Qiu.

"It is you."

Kong Qiu was familiar with this little fox—when he was a child studying in Yuanquan Mountain, this little fox was the one he played with the most.

It's just that the little fox is a fairy, and he is a human being.

So many years later, the little fox is still a little fox.

And Kong Qiu naturally knew the reason why the little fox barked at him.

Immediately, he stretched out his hand and gave the little fox a little lightly: "You are not a fox, you are actually a crane!"

As soon as the words fell, the little fox's figure changed.

The next moment, it turned into 820 red cranes.

It screamed excitedly, and then flew towards the sky.

"Squeak! Squeak!" "Squeak!"

Seeing this, the other little foxes were also envious, and immediately circled around Kong Qiu and squealed.

And Kong Qiu was not annoyed, he just clicked over one by one.

"A son is not a fox, but a fish."

"Zi is not a fox, but a frog!"

Soon, a group of scarlet cranes were seen flying across the sky.

There is also a group of small red fish wandering in the Creation Lake.

"Junior Brother Kongqiu, you spoil them so much...but you want to spoil them!"

But right at this moment, Kong Qiu could hear a voice not far away.

Turning his head to look, he saw his three senior brothers and sisters coming out of Linyuan Pavilion.

"Junior brother, your Confucianism and Taoism supernatural power... I really envy you the more you look at it!"

But at this time, Liuli lamented Kong Qiu's methods.

Of course she could see it.

The changes in those little foxes who have changed into other appearances are not just illusions.

Rather, even their life essence has changed.

This point is really difficult to achieve even with her magical powers in the fantasy world - she can deceive the Three Realms for a short time and make the little foxes turn into other creatures.

But once (dbec) the magical power of the fantasy world is gone, everything will return to the original state.

"Such supernatural powers are nothing more than Confucianism and Taoism. Only reading and understanding is the right way."

"What's more, compared to me, the teacher is the real powerful person-this supernatural power of 'Zi Fei' was created by me using the story of 'Zi Fei Yu' told by the teacher."

But Kong Qiu smiled.

Since the end of the previous battle of interpretation and interception.

Naturally, he officially opened the Jixia Academy and gave lectures in it.

Widely spreading Confucianism and Taoism should be educated.

With the teaching of Jixia Academy and the spread of Confucianism and Taoism, it is on the right track.

Naturally, he also came to Yuanquan Mountain to visit.

Afterwards, Xu Linyuan personally tested the supernatural power of "Confucianism and Taoism" created by Kong Qiu.

But I have to say that Confucianism and Taoism really open another door besides the immortal way.

To put it simply, Confucianism and Taoism themselves are not the way of immortals like immortality, which aims at immortality from the very beginning.

According to Xu Linyuan's test, the awe-inspiring righteousness cultivated by Confucianism and Taoism can only make the body strong, and it will never lead to immortality.

Unless it is a sage in the world like Confucius.

Or those sage apprentices under him.

You can enjoy the luck of humanity, and you can live forever.

Of course, due to the law of heaven and earth, they can only stay in the world for a hundred years.

After the spread of Confucianism and Taoism, you have to follow the example of the Three Emperors and return to Yuanquan Mountain.

However, Confucianism and Taoism normally do not have the ability to live forever.

But as a price, its power and supernatural powers are extremely terrifying.

Its magic uses a simpler term, but it is somewhat close to the sage's "words follow the law".

Although there is no magic power, the physical body is no more than a mortal body.

But every Confucian scholar who cultivates his own righteousness can use his humanity and literary spirit for his own use.

The more you read, the wider you travel, the deeper your understanding of Confucianism and Taoism.

The stronger the awe-inspiring righteousness in the heart, the stronger the humane culture will be!

Wen has a great righteousness, following the right way in one's heart.

But one word can make the villain retreat a hundred miles, and one word can make the evil spirits and spirits disappear.

Make a poem to praise wine, and there will be good wine ahead.

Make a song and sing a sword, and a sharp sword hangs in the air.

Just as Confucius showed at this time - a sentence that is not a fox can turn a fox into a bird.

Of course, Confucianism and Taoism in the world today are only beginning to sprout.

Only Yan Hui and Duan Muci who have truly stepped into the gate of Confucianism and Taoism have been disciples of Confucius for many years.

But it is conceivable-it doesn't take long for Confucianism and Taoism to spread in the world.

Those little monsters in the world, I'm afraid it will be difficult to kill people.

Of course, from Kong Qiu's point of view, all of this is due to his own teacher 'Xu Linyuan'.

Because the Confucianism and Taoism supernatural powers he has created so far are basically created with the help of some stories that Xu Linyuan told him in the past.

From Kong Qiu's point of view, his talent is naturally inferior to that of his mentor!

"Okay, Junior Brother Kongqiu, don't say a few words—you come here every few days to ask for some stories and create Confucianism."

But Liuli said at this time: "Now, the teacher is forced to go to the heaven to relax."

"Huh? Isn't your mentor at Yuanquan Mountain?"

Confucius Wen Yang was also taken aback.

Afterwards, he felt a little ashamed: "It was I who bothered my teacher."

"...Don't listen to Third Junior Sister's nonsense."

But Tai Xi shook her head helplessly when she heard the words: "Today is just a coincidence—the Taibai Jinxing came here according to the order of the Jade Emperor, and invited the teacher away."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Kong Qiu: "Since Junior Brother is here today, why don't you play around in Yuanquan Mountain for a while."

"We and the brothers and sisters, it's better to drink and talk."

"it is good!"

Hearing this, Xuan Chi's eyes also brightened - drinking, he likes it!


When Confucius heard the words, there was nothing he could do.

So the four brothers walked into the Linyuan Pavilion.

But they drink and sit and talk, and they talk about their own ways.

But on the other side, Xu Linyuan was indeed in the heaven.

Of course, what Liuli said was actually true.

Avoiding Kong Qiu's inquiry is also one of Xu Linyuan's goals in coming to Heaven today.

After all, the ink in his stomach is limited.

Really hollowed out by Confucius, how can he be a teacher in the future?

But on the other hand.

He is currently in the Lingxiao Palace in the Heavenly Court.

After hearing the words of the Jade Emperor in front of him, he really didn't expect it.

"What did the Great Tianzun just say... Xu did not hear clearly?"

So much so that he even asked the question like this and confirmed it repeatedly.

But in front of him, the majestic Jade Emperor looked very serious at this moment.

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