"I'm just asking, is Fellow Daoist Xu willing to accept the position of the Four Emperors of the Heavenly Court?"

But what he said was undoubtedly enough to shock the Three Realms.

"Fellow Daoist, would you be willing to serve as... the Antarctic Heavenly Emperor, Gouchen Shanggong Great Emperor?".

134. Received the title of Gou Chen to gain authority, talk to Zhenwu and sigh his heart!

Exactly what I said before.

The Heavenly Court is appointed by the Taoist Patriarch, and the Three Realms are Zhengshuo.

All the divine positions in the heavenly court are the right positions of heaven and earth.

It is the destiny of the sky, and it is the bell of luck.

And among these countless gods.

The Four Yutian Emperors are undoubtedly the true top-level supremacy.

Emperor Ziwei in the middle of the North Pole.

The Great Emperor Gouchen in the Upper Palace of Antarctica.

The Immortal Emperor of All Souls in the Western Pole.

The Great Eastern Pole True Martial Demon Slayer.

Theoretically, the four Yutian emperors are even on the same level as the Jade Emperor, the 'Miluo Haotian Jade Emperor ~ Great Emperor'!

Even the Lord of the Heavenly Court can't really mobilize them.

For each of the Four Heavenly Emperors, the power of the gods and the luck of the heavens they share are astronomical figures.

As a matter of fact - in the battle of the gods in the past, if the Jade Emperor asked the immortals to be on the list of gods as the four emperors.

Then there is no need for any more Conferred God Wars.

All the disciples of the three teachings of Interpreting Buddhism are absolutely eager to be on the list.

Because the position of the Four Emperors is fundamentally different from all other positions - only huge benefits, and almost no responsibilities!

And in fact, over the years.

All the sages actually begged the Jade Emperor for the position of the Four Royals more or less for their own disciples.

Most of the countless casual cultivators in the Three Realms also hope to obtain the position of the Four Royals.

But the Jade Emperor kept clenching his teeth.

At present, only two of the four royal positions have been given.

Among them, the first statue was from the time when the gods were enshrined in the past.

As a deal with Chanjiao, the Jade Emperor gave the title of 'Ziwei Emperor' to Zhou Wuwang's elder brother 'Bo Yi Kao'.

The second one is after the conferment of the gods, the Jade Emperor, under the pressure of Yuanshi Tianzun, gave out the title of 'Zhenwu Great Emperor'.

But now, the Jade Emperor took the initiative.

I hope that Xu Linyuan will serve as the Antarctic Heavenly Emperor—Gouchen Shanggong Great Emperor.

But when Xu Linyuan thought about it, he roughly understood what the Jade Emperor was thinking.

First, strength and reputation.

Xu Linyuan was the Great Emperor Gouchen, so naturally there was no problem at all.

After all, after the two battles between Lao Dan and Kong Qiu.

The strength displayed by Xu Linyuan is basically except for those quasi-sages who have been passed down from ancient times.

In the Three Realms, it is already at the top level.

And the potential is endless, and there is a great saint behind him.

He served as the Great Emperor Gouchen, so naturally no one would think there was a problem.

Secondly, it is the request of the Jade Emperor.

He is now cooperating with Jiejiao, which can be said to be a honeymoon period.

Many disciples of Jiejiao will seriously serve as priests in the Heavenly Court.

And at this time, if Xu Linyuan served as Emperor Gouchen.

Then the relationship between Jujiao and Heaven will naturally become closer.

And to be honest - Xu Linyuan is also happy to see this.

At present, Tianting is indeed an important arm of Jiejiao.

For example, the matter of Confucius this time, if the Jade Emperor did not take action to suppress the whipping of the gods.

Winning or losing is really unknown!


"Da Tianzun, Xu wants to explain clearly here."

Xu Linyuan said seriously,

"The owner of the mountain just said it's okay."

And the Jade Emperor also opened his mouth freely.

"Xu is naturally happy to be the god of the Great Emperor Gouchen."

"But Xu has to reiterate - I will teach those senior brothers and sisters, as well as those disciples."

Xu Linyuan spoke like this.

"As long as they are on the list of gods for one day, they will earnestly perform their duties in the heavenly court—this has nothing to do with whether I am the Great Emperor Gouchen or not."

"If one day, they are able to escape from the catastrophe... Then the Great Heavenly Venerable will not feel that I owe you today by cutting off the teaching."

He was sincerely persuading the Jade Emperor.

Because he really felt that sooner or later he would save the Jiejiao immortals from the list of gods.

And with the gradual improvement of Linyuan Boundary.

Xu Linyuan also had a vague premonition - that time may not be too far away.

So he naturally had to make it clear to the Jade Emperor first.

Emperor Gouchen's god position is naturally very good, and the huge amount of luck and divine power that he provides is also what Xu Linyuan urgently needs.

And if he had the Godhead of the Great Emperor Gouchen, he would be more than just a "Lu Kingdom Totem Mountain God" in the world.

It's the real four heavenly emperors, the kind that everyone in the world wants to build temples and worship each other!

The spread of Confucianism and Taoism by Confucius, and even the interception of teaching and preaching will be many times more convenient.

But he hoped that the Jade Emperor could recognize the situation clearly.

That is, if he could help the Jiejiao disciples get out of the list of gods, then he would never hesitate in the slightest because of the position of Emperor Gochen.

"Naturally, naturally!"

But after the Jade Emperor heard Xu Linyuan's words, he didn't take it to heart at all.

He just nodded and agreed.

Naturally, there is no need to say much about the reason - in the eyes of the Jade Emperor, the matter of leaving the list of gods is itself a fantasy.

That is the most calamity treasure held by the Taoist ancestor.

Even the sage, the Lord of Tongtian, couldn't let his disciples escape after so many years.

So the Jade Emperor naturally didn't care about Xu Linyuan's words, but felt that Xu Linyuan's words were just for show.


Seeing this scene, even Xu Linyuan could feel that the Jade Emperor didn't care.

But it was impossible for him to say anything more.

The matter of Linyuanjie is his secret, so it is naturally impossible to tell the Jade Emperor.

So he nodded.

"Since that's the case, then let the Great Heavenly Venerable know——I am willing to accept the position of the Great Emperor of the Gochen Palace."

Hearing this, the Jade Emperor also smiled heartily.


So later, Xu Linyuan saw the Jade Emperor carefully take out something from his arms.

That was a talisman.

On it, a rich purple air and boundless chaotic air emanated.

There are words engraved on the Tao, but it seems to be a collection of ten thousand Taos.

【Decree of Zixiao, the way of heaven has its limits】

【Decree of the Heavenly Court, Unifying the Three Realms of Law】

"The Heavenly Court is fundamental, Zixiao's edict."

So Xu Linyuan naturally understood what it was.

It is said that in the past, when the Taoist ancestor sent his boy Haotian to establish the Heavenly Court.

It is to manipulate the power of heaven and give edicts.

So Haotian became the Jade Emperor and established the Heavenly Court.

And that imperial edict is naturally the symbol of the foundation of heaven—it is called the imperial edict of Zixiao, or the imperial edict of Taoism.

And here, the moment the Jade Emperor took out this edict.

The whole Three Realms is also naturally induced by it!


In 33 days, the boundless clouds and rays of light scattered together.

From between the heaven and the earth, one can faintly sense the location of the dark way of heaven.

And the Jade Emperor bowed respectfully to the imperial edict of Zixiao.

"Today there is a fairy, you can worship the four princes."

"Adhering to the Dharma and cultivating without lack of morality."

"The Taoist patriarch's edict, the heavenly decree—'Yuanquan Mountain Master' Xu Linyuan, is the emperor of the Antarctic Gouchen Shanggong!"

After the words fell, the Zixiao Fazhao also radiated infinite divine light instantly.

So the next moment, Xu Linyuan found that some mysterious changes began to take place in his whole body.

He was originally wearing a blue Taoist robe, but at this moment, there was an immeasurable divine aura appearing out of thin air.

The breath kept changing, and slowly turned into a dark red gown to wrap around him.

On top of Xu Linyuan's head, there was an imperial crown slowly forming.

And in the 33 days of the Heavenly Court, a magnificent shrine was slowly formed.

That was the 'Gouchen Palace', the residence where Xu Linyuan, the great Emperor Gochen, was born in the Heavenly Court.

A huge amount of Shinto luck kept pouring into Xu Linyuan's body.

That kind of luck was so huge that even Xu Linyuan, who was used to seeing huge amounts of luck, couldn't help but be a little speechless.

The heavenly fortune that the four imperial emperors have shared is indeed too much.

At the same time, he could faintly feel...

"So that's how it is... Is the authority of the divine way actually feeling like this?"

At this time, Xu Linyuan felt it clearly.

The dark red robe and crown of the Emperor of Heaven are nothing else, they are the gods bestowed on him by the heaven and earth, the 'Emperor Gochen'.

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